test_features = vectorizer.transform([r for r in test[0]])

# Fit a naive bayes model to the training data.
# This will train the model using the word counts we computer, 
#       and the existing classifications in the training set.
nb = MultinomialNB()
nb.fit(train_features, [int(r) for r in reviews[1]])

# Now we can use the model to predict classifications for our test features.
predictions = nb.predict(test_features)

# Compute the error.  
print(metrics.classification_report(test[1], predictions))
print("accuracy: {0}".format(metrics.accuracy_score(test[1], predictions)))

while True:
    sentences = []
    sentence = raw_input("\n\033[93mPlease enter a sentence to get sentiment evaluated. Enter \"exit\" to quit.\033[0m\n")
    if sentence == "exit":
        print("\033[93mexit program ...\033[0m\n")
        input_features = vectorizer.transform(extract_words(sentences))
        prediction = nb.predict(input_features)
        if prediction[0] == 1 :
            print("---- \033[92mpositive\033[0m\n")
            print("---- \033[91mneagtive\033[0m\n")

test_features = vectorizer.transform([r for r in test[0]])

# Fit a naive bayes model to the training data.
# This will train the model using the word counts we computer, 
#       and the existing classifications in the training set.
nb = MultinomialNB()
nb.fit(train_features, [int(r) for r in reviews[1]])

# Now we can use the model to predict classifications for our test features.
predictions = nb.predict(test_features)

# Compute the error.  
print(metrics.classification_report(test[1], predictions))
print("accuracy: {0}".format(metrics.accuracy_score(test[1], predictions)))

while True:
    sentences = []
    sentence = input("\n\033[93mPlease enter a sentence to get sentiment evaluated. Enter \"exit\" to quit.\033[0m\n")
    if sentence == "exit":
        print("\033[93mexit program ...\033[0m\n")
        input_features = vectorizer.transform(extract_words(sentences))
        prediction = nb.predict(input_features)
        if prediction[0] == 1 :
            print("---- \033[92mpositive\033[0m\n")
            print("---- \033[91mneagtive\033[0m\n")