Exemple #1
    def test_load_sql_db_config(self):
        task = isql.ISQLSink(self.args)

        dbconf = task.load_sql_db_config(self.dbconfig_tstfyl)
        assert dbconf is not None
        assert len(dbconf) >= 7  # specific to this test file
Exemple #2
 def test_sql_file_info_comment_str(self):
     task = isql.ISQLSink(self.args)
     finfo = {
         'file_name': 'file-name',
         'file_size': 999,
         'file_path': '/path/file-name'
     fics = task.sql_file_info_comment_str(finfo)
     assert fics is not None
     assert fics == task.SQL_COMMENT + ' file-name 999 /path/file-name'
Exemple #3
 def test_sql_file_info_comment_str_empty_fi(self):
     task = isql.ISQLSink(self.args)
     finfo = dict()
     fics = task.sql_file_info_comment_str(finfo)
     assert fics is not None
     assert fics == task.SQL_COMMENT + ' NO_FILENAME 0'
Exemple #4
 def test_load_sql_db_config_no_uri(self):
     task = isql.ISQLSink(self.args)
     with pytest.raises(errors.ProcessingError,
                        match='no database URI .* found'):
Exemple #5
 def test_load_sql_db_config_empty(self):
     task = isql.ISQLSink(self.args)
     with pytest.raises(errors.ProcessingError,
                        match='no database parameters .* found'):
Exemple #6
 def test_load_sql_db_config_bad(self):
     task = isql.ISQLSink(self.args)
     with pytest.raises(errors.ProcessingError,
                        match='not found or not readable'):
Exemple #7
 def test_file_info_to_comment_string(self):
     task = isql.ISQLSink(self.args)
     fics = task.file_info_to_comment_string('file-name', 999,
     assert fics is not None
     assert fics == task.SQL_COMMENT + ' file-name 999 /path/file-name'
Exemple #8
 def test_file_info_to_comment_string_fpath(self):
     task = isql.ISQLSink(self.args)
     fics = task.file_info_to_comment_string(None, None, '/tmp/file-name')
     assert fics is not None
     assert fics == task.SQL_COMMENT + ' /tmp/file-name'
Exemple #9
 def test_file_info_to_comment_string_fsize(self):
     task = isql.ISQLSink(self.args)
     fics = task.file_info_to_comment_string(None, 888, None)
     assert fics is not None
     assert fics == task.SQL_COMMENT + ' 888'
Exemple #10
 def test_file_info_to_comment_string_fname(self):
     task = isql.ISQLSink(self.args)
     fics = task.file_info_to_comment_string('file-name', None, None)
     assert fics is not None
     assert fics == task.SQL_COMMENT + ' file-name'
Exemple #11
 def test_sql_file_info_comment_str_fpath(self):
     task = isql.ISQLSink(self.args)
     finfo = {'file_path': '/tmp/file-name'}
     fics = task.sql_file_info_comment_str(finfo)
     assert fics is not None
     assert fics == task.SQL_COMMENT + ' /tmp/file-name'
Exemple #12
 def test_sql_file_info_comment_str_fsize(self):
     task = isql.ISQLSink(self.args)
     finfo = {'file_size': 888}
     fics = task.sql_file_info_comment_str(finfo)
     assert fics is not None
     assert fics == task.SQL_COMMENT + ' 888'
class TestFitsPgSql(object):

    args = {
        'debug': True,
        'verbose': True,
        'TOOL_NAME': 'TestFitsPgSql',
        'catalog_table': 'myCatalog'

    # load DB test configuration parameters
    task = isql.ISQLSink(args)
    dbconfig = task.load_sql_db_config(TEST_DBCONFIG_FILEPATH)

    cat_names = [
        "ID", "RA", "DEC", "redshift", "x", "y", "a", "bb", "ccc", "kron_flag"
    cat_formats = ["A", "D", "E", "F", "I", "J", "K", "L", "X", "Z"]

    format_codes = {
        'A': 'text',
        'D': 'double precision',
        'E': 'real',
        'F': 'real',
        'I': 'smallint',
        'J': 'integer',
        'K': 'bigint',
        'L': 'boolean',
        'X': 'bit',
        'Z': 'bytea'

    def test_check_missing_parameters_noreq(self):
        miss = pg_gen.check_missing_parameters(self.dbconfig, [])
        assert miss is None

    def test_check_missing_parameters_nomiss(self):
        has_params = ['db_uri', 'db_schema_name', 'db_user']
        miss = pg_gen.check_missing_parameters(self.dbconfig, has_params)
        assert miss is None

    def test_check_missing_parameters_miss(self):
        bad_params = ['db_db', 'dba', 'bb', 'CCC']
        emsg = f'Missing required .* {bad_params}'
        with pytest.raises(errors.ProcessingError, match=emsg):
            pg_gen.check_missing_parameters(self.dbconfig, bad_params)

    def test_check_missing_parameters_mixed(self):
        mix_params = ['db_uri', 'dba', 'bb', 'db_user', 'CCC', 'db_name']
        bad_params = ['dba', 'bb', 'CCC']
        emsg = f'Missing required .* {bad_params}'
        with pytest.raises(errors.ProcessingError, match=emsg):
            pg_gen.check_missing_parameters(self.dbconfig, mix_params)

    def test_clean_id_empty(self):
        with pytest.raises(errors.ProcessingError,
                           match='cannot be empty or None'):

        with pytest.raises(errors.ProcessingError,
                           match='cannot be empty or None'):

        with pytest.raises(errors.ProcessingError,
                           match='cannot be empty or None'):
            pg_gen.clean_id('', '')

    def test_clean_id(self):
        assert pg_gen.clean_id('_') == '_'
        assert pg_gen.clean_id('a') == 'a'
        assert pg_gen.clean_id('_a_') == '_a_'
        assert pg_gen.clean_id('_ABC_') == '_ABC_'
        assert pg_gen.clean_id('abc_') == 'abc_'
        assert pg_gen.clean_id('ABCxyz') == 'ABCxyz'

    def test_clean_id_remove(self):
        assert pg_gen.clean_id('ABC xyz') == 'ABCxyz'
        assert pg_gen.clean_id('*ABC;xyz') == 'ABCxyz'
        assert pg_gen.clean_id('*ABC;xyz') == 'ABCxyz'
        assert pg_gen.clean_id(
            'Robert;drop all tables;') == 'Robertdropalltables'

    def test_clean_id_allow(self):
        letvec = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j']
        assert pg_gen.clean_id('ABC xyz', letvec) == ''
        assert pg_gen.clean_id('xyz; ABC', letvec) == ''
        assert pg_gen.clean_id('abc xyz', letvec) == 'abc'
        assert pg_gen.clean_id('XYZ; abc', letvec) == 'abc'
        assert pg_gen.clean_id('Robert;drop all tables;', letvec) == 'bedaabe'

    def test_fits_format_to_sql_unsup(self):
        for fcode in ['B', 'C', 'M', 'P', 'Q', 'BAD', 'CRAZY']:
            with pytest.raises(errors.ProcessingError,
                               match='is not supported'):

    def test_fits_format_to_sql(self):
        for fcode in self.format_codes.keys():
            dtype = pg_gen.fits_format_to_sql(fcode)
            assert dtype == self.format_codes.get(fcode)

    def test_fits_format_to_sql_long(self):
        fcodes = [
            'A40', 'D3.2', 'E1.0', 'F2.1', 'I4.1', 'J12', 'K128', 'L2', 'X8',
        dtypes = [pg_gen.fits_format_to_sql(fcode) for fcode in fcodes]
        assert dtypes == list(self.format_codes.values())

    def test_gen_column_decls_sql_empty(self):
        sql = pg_gen.gen_column_decls_sql([], [])
        assert sql is not None
        assert len(sql) == 0

    def test_gen_column_decls_sql_nofmt(self):
        with pytest.raises(errors.ProcessingError,
                           match='lists must be the same length'):
            pg_gen.gen_column_decls_sql(['NAME'], [])

    def test_gen_column_decls_sql_noname(self):
        with pytest.raises(errors.ProcessingError,
                           match='lists must be the same length'):
            pg_gen.gen_column_decls_sql([], ['K'])

    def test_gen_column_decls_sql_unequal(self):
        with pytest.raises(errors.ProcessingError,
                           match='lists must be the same length'):
            pg_gen.gen_column_decls_sql(['f1', 'f2', 'f3'], ['K', 'J'])

    def test_gen_column_decls_sql(self):
        sql = pg_gen.gen_column_decls_sql(self.cat_names, self.cat_formats)
        assert sql is not None
        assert len(sql) == len(self.cat_names)
        assert sql[0] == 'ID text'
        assert sql[1] == 'RA double precision'
        assert sql[2] == 'DEC real'
        assert sql[5] == 'y integer'
        assert sql[8] == 'ccc bit'
        assert sql[9] == 'kron_flag bytea'

    def test_gen_search_path_sql_bad(self):
        with pytest.raises(errors.ProcessingError):

    def test_gen_search_path_sql(self):
        schema = self.dbconfig.get('DB_SCHEMA_NAME') or 'sia'
        sql = pg_gen.gen_search_path_sql(self.dbconfig)
        assert sql is not None
        assert len(sql) > 0
        assert "SET search_path TO {}".format(schema) in sql[0]
Exemple #14
class TestPgSql(object):

    args = { 'debug': True, 'verbose': True, 'TOOL_NAME': 'TestPgSql', 'catalog_table': 'myCatalog' }

    # load DB test configuration parameters
    task = isql.ISQLSink(args)
    dbconfig = task.load_sql_db_config(TEST_DBCONFIG_FILEPATH)

    cat_names = [
    cat_formats = [

    datad = {
        "SIMPLE": True,
        "BITPIX": -64,
        "NAXIS": 2,
        "NAXIS1": 9791,
        "NAXIS2": 4305,
        "INSTRUME": "JWST",
        "TIMESYS": "UTC",
        "WCSAXES": 2,
        "CRVAL1": 53.157662568,
        "CRVAL2": -27.8075199236

    datad_hyb = {
        "obs_collection": "JWST",
        "s_dec": 53.157662568,
        "s_ra": -27.8075199236,
        "is_public": 0,
        "metadata": {
            "file_name": "some.fits",
            "file_size": 4305,
            "timesys": "UTC",

    # def test_create_table_empty (self):
    #     self.args['catalog_table'] = 'test_tbl'
    #     pgsql.create_table(self.args, self.dbconfig, [], [])

    # def test_create_table (self):
    #     self.args['catalog_table'] = 'test_tbl2'
    #     ret = pgsql.create_table(self.args, self.dbconfig, self.cat_names, self.cat_formats)

    def test_create_table_str_empty (self):
        self.args['catalog_table'] = 'NEWTBL'
        tbl = pgsql.create_table_str(self.args, self.dbconfig, [], [])
        assert tbl is not None
        assert 'CREATE TABLE' in tbl
        assert 'NEWTBL' in tbl
        assert 'SET search_path TO sia' in tbl

        assert 'ID text' not in tbl
        assert 'RA double precision' not in tbl
        assert 'DEC real' not in tbl

    def test_create_table_str (self):
        self.args['catalog_table'] = 'NEWTBL'
        tbl = pgsql.create_table_str(self.args, self.dbconfig, self.cat_names, self.cat_formats)
        assert tbl is not None
        assert 'CREATE TABLE' in tbl
        assert 'NEWTBL' in tbl
        assert 'SET search_path TO sia' in tbl
        assert 'ID text' in tbl
        assert 'RA double precision' in tbl
        assert 'DEC real' in tbl
        assert 'Redshift real' in tbl
        assert 'X smallint' in tbl
        assert 'Y integer' in tbl
        assert 'A bigint' in tbl

    def test_list_table_names_schema (self):
        tbls = pgsql.list_table_names(self.args, self.dbconfig, db_schema='sia')
        assert tbls is not None
        assert len(tbls) > 0
        assert 'eazy' in tbls
        assert 'jaguar' in tbls
        assert 'jwst' in tbls
        assert 'hybrid' in tbls
        assert 'columns' not in tbls
        assert 'keys' not in tbls
        assert 'schemas' not in tbls

    def test_list_table_names (self):
        tbls = pgsql.list_table_names(self.args, self.dbconfig)
        assert tbls is not None
        assert len(tbls) > 0
        assert 'eazy' in tbls
        assert 'jaguar' in tbls
        assert 'jwst' in tbls
        assert 'hybrid' in tbls
        assert 'columns' not in tbls
        assert 'keys' not in tbls
        assert 'schemas' not in tbls

    def test_list_table_names_bad_schema (self):
        tbls = pgsql.list_table_names(self.args, self.dbconfig, db_schema='nosuch')
        assert tbls is not None
        assert len(tbls) == 0

    def test_list_catalog_tables_schema (self):
        cats = pgsql.list_catalog_tables(self.args, self.dbconfig, db_schema='sia')
        assert cats is not None
        assert len(cats) > 0
        assert 'sia.eazy' in cats
        assert 'sia.jaguar' in cats
        assert 'sia.jwst' in cats
        assert 'sia.hybrid' in cats
        assert 'sia.columns' not in cats
        assert 'sia.keys' not in cats
        assert 'sia.schemas' not in cats

    def test_list_catalog_tables (self):
        cats = pgsql.list_catalog_tables(self.args, self.dbconfig)
        assert cats is not None
        assert len(cats) > 0
        assert 'sia.eazy' in cats
        assert 'sia.jaguar' in cats
        assert 'sia.jwst' in cats
        assert 'sia.hybrid' in cats
        assert 'sia.columns' not in cats
        assert 'sia.keys' not in cats
        assert 'sia.schemas' not in cats

    def test_list_catalog_tables_bad_schema (self):
        cats = pgsql.list_catalog_tables(self.args, self.dbconfig, db_schema='nosuch')
        assert cats is not None
        assert len(cats) == 0

    def test_insert_row_str_empty (self):
        with pytest.raises(errors.ProcessingError, match='cannot be inserted'):
            pgsql.insert_row_str(self.dbconfig, dict(), 'test_table')
        # print(sql)
        # assert sql is not None
        # assert len(sql) > 0
        # assert 'insert' in sql
        # assert 'test_table' in sql
        # assert 'values' in sql
        # assert '();' in sql

    def test_insert_row_str (self):
        sql = pgsql.insert_row_str(self.dbconfig, self.datad, 'test_table')
        assert sql is not None
        assert len(sql) > 175               # specific to datad table
        assert 'insert' in sql
        assert 'test_table' in sql
        assert 'values' in sql
        assert 'true' in sql
        assert 'SIMPLE' in sql
        assert 'BITPIX' in sql
        assert '-64' in sql
        assert '9791' in sql
        assert "'JWST'" in sql
        assert '53.157662568'

    def test_insert_hybrid_row_str_empty (self):
        with pytest.raises(errors.ProcessingError, match='cannot be inserted'):
            pgsql.insert_hybrid_row_str(self.dbconfig, dict(), 'TESTTBL')

    def test_insert_hybrid_row_str_min (self):
        datad_hyb_min = {
            "obs_collection": "JWST",
            "s_dec": 53.157662568,
            "s_ra": -27.8075199236,
            "is_public": 0
        sql = pgsql.insert_hybrid_row_str(self.dbconfig, datad_hyb_min, 'test_tbl')
        assert 'insert' in sql
        assert 'test_tbl' in sql
        assert 's_dec' in sql
        assert 'is_public' in sql
        assert 'values' in sql
        assert '53.157662568' in sql
        assert '-27.8075199236' in sql
        assert 'JWST' in sql

        assert 'true' not in sql
        assert 'SIMPLE' not in sql
        assert 'BITPIX' not in sql

    def test_insert_hybrid_row_str (self):
        sql = pgsql.insert_hybrid_row_str(self.dbconfig, self.datad_hyb, 'TESTTBL')
        assert sql is not None
        assert len(sql) > 175               # specific to datad_hyb table
        assert 'insert' in sql
        assert 'TESTTBL' in sql
        assert 'values' in sql

        for fld in SQL_FIELDS_HYBRID:
            assert fld in sql
        assert '53.157662568' in sql
        assert '-27.8075199236' in sql

        assert 'true' not in sql
        assert 'SIMPLE' not in sql
        assert 'BITPIX' not in sql

    def test_insert_hybrid_row_str_noval (self):
        datad_hyb_min = {
            "obs_collection": "JWST",
            "s_dec": 53.157662568,
            "s_ra": -27.8075199236,
            "is_public": None
        with pytest.raises(errors.ProcessingError, match='Unable to find .* required fields'):
            pgsql.insert_hybrid_row_str(self.dbconfig, datad_hyb_min, 'test_tbl')