Exemple #1
def handle_command(command, details, channel, respond = True):
        Receives commands directed at the bot and determines if they
        are valid commands. If so, then acts on the commands. If not,
        returns back what it needs for clarification.
    response = False
    if command == "learn":
        learner = Learner()
        response = learner.learn(details[0], " ".join(details[1:]))
    elif command == "unlearn":
        learner = Learner()
        content = None
        if len(details) > 1:
            content = " ".join(details[1:])    
        response = learner.unlearn(details[0], content)
    elif command == "commands":
        learner = Learner()
        response = learner.list_commands()
    elif command == "list":
        learner = Learner()
        response = learner.list(details[0])
    elif command == "cowsay":
        out = subprocess.check_output(['cowsay', " ".join(details)])
        response = "```" + out + "```"
    elif command == "meme":
        memer = Memer()
        if not details or len(details) == 0:
            response = memer.list_templates()
            template = details.pop(0).strip()
            parts = [x.strip() for x in " ".join(details).split(",")]
            top = parts[0] if len(parts) > 0 else None
            bottom = parts[1] if len(parts) > 1 else None

            response = memer.get_meme(template, top, bottom)
    elif command == "hostname":
        response = "slurms coming to you live from: `%s (%s)`" % (subprocess.check_output("hostname -A",  shell=True).strip(), subprocess.check_output("hostname -i",  shell=True).strip())
    elif command == "write":
        writer = Writer()
        response = writer.get_writing(" ".join(details))
    elif command == "imglearn":
        learner = Learner()
        imgur = Imgur()
        image_url = imgur.save_from_url(" ".join(details[1:]))
        response = learner.learn(details[0], image_url)

    elif command == "++" or command == "endorse":
        plusser = Plusser()
        reason = ""
        if len(details) > 1:
            reason = " ".join(details[1:])

        response = plusser.plus(details[0], reason)
    elif command == "plusses":
        plusser = Plusser()
        response = plusser.get(details[0])
    elif command == "leaders" or command == "leader_board":
        plusser = Plusser()
        response = plusser.leader_board()

    elif command == "monthly_leaders" or command == "monthly_leader_board":
        plusser = Plusser()
        months_ago = 0
        if details and len(details) > 0:
            months_ago = details[0]
        response = plusser.monthly_leader_board(months_ago)

    elif command == "youtube":
        query = " ".join(details)
        videos = youtube.youtube_search(query)
        if len(videos) > 0:
            response = videos[-1]
            response = "sorry, couldnt find any videos for %s" % query
    elif command == "echo":
        response = " ".join(details)
    elif command == "pipe":
        pipe(command, details, channel)
    elif command == "doom":
        doom = Doom()
        response = doom.doom(details)
          see if a randomly entered command is something that was previously learned
        learner = Learner()
        response = learner.get(command)
    if response and respond:
        slack_client.api_call("chat.postMessage", channel=channel,
                              text=response, as_user=True)
    elif not respond:
        return response