Exemple #1
    def fromColorMap(cls, name, z0, z1, cmap, resolution=None, nan_color=0, is_log=False):
        """Construct a ColorPalette from ranges of Z values and a Matplotlib Colormap.

            name (str): Name of Colormap.
            z0 (sequence): Sequence of z0 values.
            z1 (sequence): Sequence of z1 values.
            cmap (Colormap): Matplotlib Colormap object.
            resolution (float): Desired Resolution of the data values in data units.
                For example, the preset population color map has a resolution
                of 1.0, meaning that we want to be able to distinguish between
                color values associated with a difference of 1 person. This
                sets the number of colors to be:
            nan_color (0 or 4 sequence): Either 0 or RGBA quadruplet (A is for Alpha, where 0 is
                transparent, and 255 is opaque.)
        # use the whole dynamic range of the colormap
        if len(z0) != len(z1):
            raise ConsistentLengthError('Lengths of input sequences to '
                                      'ColorPalette.fromColorMap() must be identical.')
        zmin = np.min(z0)
        zmax = np.max(z1)
        rgb0 = []
        rgb1 = []
        for zbottom, ztop in zip(z0, z1):
            znorm0 = (zbottom - zmin) / (zmax - zmin)
            rgb_bottom = np.round(np.array(cmap(znorm0)[0:3]) * 255)

            znorm1 = (ztop - zmin) / (zmax - zmin)
            rgb_top = np.round(np.array(cmap(znorm1)[0:3]) * 255)

        return cls(name, z0, z1, rgb0, rgb1, resolution=resolution, nan_color=nan_color, is_log=is_log)
Exemple #2
    def __init__(self, name, z0, z1, rgb0, rgb1, resolution=None, nan_color=0, is_log=False):
        """Construct a DataColorMap from input Z values and RGB specs.

            name: Name of colormap.
            z0: Sequence of z0 values.
            z1: Sequence of z1 values.
            rgb0: Sequence of RGB triplets (values between 0-255).
            rgb1: Sequence of RGB triplets (values between 0-255).
            resolution: Desired Resolution of the data values in data units.
                For example, the preset population color map has a resolution
                of 1.0, meaning that we want to be able to distinguish between
                color values associated with a difference of 1 person. This
                sets the number of colors to be:
            nan_color: Either 0 or RGBA quadruplet (A is for Alpha, where 0 is
                transparent, and 255 is opaque.)
        # validate that lengths are all identical
        if len(z0) != len(z1) != len(rgb0) != len(rgb1):
            raise ConsistentLengthError('Lengths of input sequences to ColorPalette() '
                                      'must be identical.')
        self._is_log = is_log
        z0 = np.array(z0)
        z1 = np.array(z1)
        self._vmin = z0.min()
        self._vmax = z1.max()
        if isinstance(nan_color, int):
            nan_color = [nan_color] * 4
        self.nan_color = np.array(nan_color) / 255.0

        # Change the z values to be between 0 and 1
        adj_z0 = (z0 - self._vmin) / (self._vmax - self._vmin)
        # should this be z0 - vmin?
        adj_z1 = (z1 - self._vmin) / (self._vmax - self._vmin)

        # loop over the sequences, and construct a dictionary of red, green,
        # blue tuples
        B = -.999 * 255
        # this will mark the y0 value in the first row (isn't used)
        E = .999 * 255
        # this will mark the y1 value in the last row (isn't used)

        # if we add dummy rows to our rgb sequences, we can do one simple loop
        # through.
        rgb0_t = rgb0.copy()
        rgb1_t = rgb1.copy()
        # append a dummy row to the end of RGB0
        rgb0_t.append((E, E, E))
        # prepend a dummy row to the beginning of RGB1
        rgb1_t.insert(0, (B, B, B))
        # Make the column of x values have the same length as the rgb sequences
        x = np.append(adj_z0, adj_z1[-1])

        cdict = {'red': [],
                 'green': [],
                 'blue': []

        for i in range(0, len(x)):
            red0 = rgb1_t[i][0] / 255.0
            red1 = rgb0_t[i][0] / 255.0
            green0 = rgb1_t[i][1] / 255.0
            green1 = rgb0_t[i][1] / 255.0
            blue0 = rgb1_t[i][2] / 255.0
            blue1 = rgb0_t[i][2] / 255.0
            cdict['red'].append((x[i], red0, red1))
            cdict['green'].append((x[i], green0, green1))
            cdict['blue'].append((x[i], blue0, blue1))

        self._cdict = cdict.copy()
        # choose the number of colors to store the colormap
        # if we choose too low, then there may not be enough colors to
        # accurately capture the resolution of our data.
        # this isn't perfect
        numcolors = DEFAULT_NCOLORS
        if resolution is not None:
            ncolors_tmp = np.ceil((self._vmax - self._vmin) / resolution)
            numcolors = max(DEFAULT_NCOLORS, ncolors_tmp)

        self._cmap = LinearSegmentedColormap(name, cdict, N=numcolors)
Exemple #3
def get_distance(methods, lat, lon, dep, rupture, dx=0.5):
    Calculate distance using any one of a number of distance measures.
    One of quadlist OR hypo must be specified. The following table gives
    the allowed distance strings and a description of each.

    | String | Description                                              |
    | repi   | Distance to epicenter.                                   |
    | rhypo  | Distance to hypocenter.                                  |
    | rjb    | Joyner-Boore distance; this is closest distance to the   |
    |        | surface projection of the rupture plane.                 |
    | rrup   | Rupture distance; closest distance to the rupture plane. |
    | rx     | Strike-normal distance; same as GC2 coordiante T.        |
    | ry     | Strike-parallel distance; same as GC2 coordiante U, but  |
    |        | with a shift in origin definition. See Spudich and Chiou |
    |        | (2015) http://dx.doi.org/10.3133/ofr20151028.            |
    | ry0    | Horizontal distance off the end of the rupture measured  |
    |        | parallel to strike. Can only be zero or positive. We     |
    |        | compute this as a function of GC2 coordinate U.          |
    | U      | GC2 coordinate U.                                        |
    | T      | GC2 coordinate T.                                        |
    | rvolc  | Part of the rupture distance spent in volcanic region.   |
    |        | Currently set to 0 for all points.                       |

        methods (list): List of strings (or just a string) of distances to
        lat (array): A numpy array of latitudes.
        lon (array): A numpy array of longidues.
        dep (array): A numpy array of depths (km).
        rupture (Rupture): A ShakeMap Rupture instance.
        dx (float): Mesh spacing for rupture; only used if rupture is an
            EdgeRupture subclass.

       dict: dictionary of numpy arrays of distances, size of lon.shape.
    rupture._mesh_dx = dx

    # Dictionary for holding/returning the requested distances
    distdict = dict()

    # Coerce methods into list if it isn't
    if not isinstance(methods, list):
        methods = [methods]

    # Check that all requested distances are available
    methods_available = set(get_distance_measures())
    if not set(methods).issubset(methods_available):
        raise NotImplementedError(
            'One or more requested distance method is not '
            'valid or is not implemented yet')

    # Check dimensions of site coordinates
    if (lat.shape != lon.shape) or (lat.shape != dep.shape):
        raise ConsistentLengthError(
            'lat, lon, and dep must have the same shape.')

    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Point distances
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    if 'rhypo' in methods:
        distdict['rhypo'] = rupture.computeRhyp(lon, lat, dep)

    if 'repi' in methods:
        distdict['repi'] = rupture.computeRepi(lon, lat, dep)

    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Rupture distances
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    gc2_distances = set(['rx', 'ry', 'ry0', 'U', 'T'])
    if 'rrup' in methods:
        distdict['rrup'], distdict['rrup_var'] = rupture.computeRrup(
            lon, lat, dep)

    if 'rjb' in methods:
        distdict['rjb'], distdict['rjb_var'] = rupture.computeRjb(
            lon, lat, dep)

    # If any of the GC2-related distances are requested, may as well do all
    if len(set(methods).intersection(gc2_distances)) > 0:
        distdict.update(rupture.computeGC2(lon, lat, dep))

    if 'rvolc' in methods:
        distdict['rvolc'] = np.zeros_like(lon)

    return distdict
Exemple #4
    def fromVertices(cls,
        Create a QuadDrupture instance from the vector of vertices that fully
        define the quadrilaterals. The points p0, ..., p3 are labeled below for
        a trapezoid:


             /          |
            /           |

        All of the following vector arguments must have the same length.

            xp0 (array): Array or list of longitudes (floats) of p0.
            yp0 (array): Array or list of latitudes (floats) of p0.
            zp0 (array): Array or list of depths (floats) of p0.
            xp1 (array): Array or list of longitudes (floats) of p1.
            yp1 (array): Array or list of latitudes (floats) of p1.
            zp1 (array): Array or list of depths (floats) of p1.
            xp2 (array): Array or list of longitudes (floats) of p2.
            yp2 (array): Array or list of latitudes (floats) of p2.
            zp2 (array): Array or list of depths (floats) of p2.
            xp3 (array): Array or list of longitudes (floats) of p3.
            yp3 (array): Array or list of latitudes (floats) of p3.
            zp3 (array): Array or list of depths (floats) of p3.
            origin (Origin): Reference to a ShakeMap Origin object.
            group_index (list): List of integers to indicate group index. If
                None then each quadrilateral is assumed to be in a different
                group since there is no guarantee that any of them are
            reference (str): String explaining where the rupture definition
                came from (publication style reference, etc.)

            QuadRupture object, where the rupture is modeled as a series of

            Exception: if the lengths of the inptu arrays are not
                all equal, or if the length of the group_index is not the
                same as the arrays (if group_index is supplied)..
        if len(xp0) == len(yp0) == len(zp0) == len(xp1) == len(yp1) == \
           len(zp1) == len(xp2) == len(yp2) == len(zp2) == len(xp3) == \
           len(yp3) == len(zp3):
            raise ConsistentLengthError('All vectors specifying quadrilateral '
                                        'vertices must have the same length.')

        nq = len(xp0)
        if group_index is not None:
            if len(group_index) != nq:
                raise ConsistentLengthError(
                    "group_index must have same length as vertices.")
            group_index = np.array(range(nq))

        xp0 = np.array(xp0, dtype='d')
        yp0 = np.array(yp0, dtype='d')
        zp0 = np.array(zp0, dtype='d')
        xp1 = np.array(xp1, dtype='d')
        yp1 = np.array(yp1, dtype='d')
        zp1 = np.array(zp1, dtype='d')
        xp2 = np.array(xp2, dtype='d')
        yp2 = np.array(yp2, dtype='d')
        zp2 = np.array(zp2, dtype='d')
        xp3 = np.array(xp3, dtype='d')
        yp3 = np.array(yp3, dtype='d')
        zp3 = np.array(zp3, dtype='d')

        # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
        # Create GeoJSON object
        # ---------------------------------------------------------------------

        coords = []
        u_groups = np.unique(group_index)
        n_groups = len(u_groups)
        for i in range(n_groups):
            ind = np.where(u_groups[i] == group_index)[0]
            lons = np.concatenate([
                xp0[ind[0]].reshape((1, )), xp1[ind], xp2[ind][::-1],
                xp3[ind][::-1][-1].reshape((1, )), xp0[ind[0]].reshape((1, ))
            lats = np.concatenate([
                yp0[ind[0]].reshape((1, )), yp1[ind], yp2[ind][::-1],
                yp3[ind][::-1][-1].reshape((1, )), yp0[ind[0]].reshape((1, ))
            deps = np.concatenate([
                zp0[ind[0]].reshape((1, )), zp1[ind], zp2[ind][::-1],
                zp3[ind][::-1][-1].reshape((1, )), zp0[ind[0]].reshape((1, ))

            poly = []
            for lon, lat, dep in zip(lons, lats, deps):
                poly.append([lon, lat, dep])

        d = {
            "metadata": {
                "reference": reference
            "features": [{
                "type": "Feature",
                "properties": {
                    "rupture type": "rupture extent"
                "geometry": {
                    "type": "MultiPolygon",
                    "coordinates": [coords]

        # Add origin information to metadata
        odict = origin.__dict__
        for k, v in odict.items():
            if isinstance(v, HistoricTime):
                d['metadata'][k] = v.strftime(constants.TIMEFMT)
                d['metadata'][k] = v
        if hasattr(origin, 'id'):
            d['metadata']['eventid'] = origin.id

        return cls(d, origin)
Exemple #5
    def fromOrientation(cls, px, py, pz, dx, dy, length, width, strike, dip,
        Create a QuadRupture instance from a known point, shape, and

        A point is defined as a set of latitude, longitude, and depth, which
        is located in the corner between the tail of the vector pointing in
        the strike direction and the dip direction (nearest to the surface).
        The shape is defined by length, width, dx, and dy. The length is the
        measurement of the quadrilateral in the direction of strike, and
        width is the measurement of quadrilateral in the direction of dip.
        Dx is the measurement on the plane in the strike direction between
        the known point and the corner between the tail of the vector pointing
        in the strike direction and the dip direction (nearest to the surface).
        Dy is the measurement on the plane in the dip direction between
        the known point and the corner between the tail of the vector pointing
        in the strike direction and the dip direction (nearest to the surface).
        The orientation is defined by azimuth and angle from
        horizontal, strike and dip respectively. For example in plane view:
                            strike direction
                        *        | dy           |
                 dip    |--------o              |
              direction |   dx    known point   | Width
                        V                       |
                        V                       |

            px (array): Array or list of longitudes (floats) of the known
            py (array): Array or list of latitudes (floats) of the known point.
            pz (array): Array or list of depths (floats) of the known point.
            dx (array): Array or list of distances (floats), in the strike
                direction, between the known point and P1. dx must be less than
            dy (array): Array or list of distances (floats), in the dip
                direction, between the known point and P1. dy must be less than
            length (array): Array or list of widths (floats) of the plane in
                the strike direction.
            width (array): Array or list of widths (floats) of the plane in the
                dip direction.
            strike (array): Array or list of strike angles (floats).
            dip (array): Array or list of dip angles (floats).
            origin (Origin): Reference to a ShakeMap Origin object.
            QuadRupture instance.

            Exception: if the lengths of the points arrays are not
                all equal.
        # Verify that arrays are of equal length
        if len(px) == len(py) == len(pz) == len(dx) == len(dy) == len(
                length) == len(width) == len(strike) == len(dip):
            raise ConsistentLengthError(
                'Number of px, py, pz, dx, dy, length, width, '
                'strike, dip points must be '

        # Verify that all are numpy arrays
        px = np.array(px, dtype='d')
        py = np.array(py, dtype='d')
        pz = np.array(pz, dtype='d')
        dx = np.array(dx, dtype='d')
        dy = np.array(dy, dtype='d')
        length = np.array(length, dtype='d')
        width = np.array(width, dtype='d')
        strike = np.array(strike, dtype='d')
        dip = np.array(dip, dtype='d')

        # Get P1 and P2 (top horizontal points)
        theta = np.rad2deg(np.arctan2(dy * np.cos(np.deg2rad(dip)), dx))
        P1_direction = strike + 180 + theta
        P1_distance = np.sqrt(dx**2 + (dy * np.cos(np.deg2rad(dip)))**2)
        P2_direction = strike
        P2_distance = length
        P1_lon = []
        P1_lat = []
        P2_lon = []
        P2_lat = []
        for idx, value in enumerate(px):
            P1_points = point_at(px[idx], py[idx], P1_direction[idx],
            P1_lon += [P1_points[0]]
            P1_lat += [P1_points[1]]
            P2_points = point_at(P1_points[0], P1_points[1], P2_direction[idx],
            P2_lon += [P2_points[0]]
            P2_lat += [P2_points[1]]

        # Get top depth
        top_horizontal_depth = pz - np.abs(dy * np.sin(np.deg2rad(dip)))

        # Get QuadRupture object
        quad = QuadRupture.fromTrace(P1_lon,
        return quad
Exemple #6
    def fromTrace(cls,
        Create a QuadRupture instance from a set of vertices that define the
        top of the rupture, and an array of widths/dips.

        Each rupture quadrilaterial is defined by specifying the latitude,
        longitude, and depth of the two vertices on the top edges, which must
        have the dame depths. The other verticies are then constructed from
        the top edges and the width and dip of the quadrilateral.

            xp0 (array): Array or list of longitudes (floats) of p0.
            yp0 (array): Array or list of latitudes (floats) of p0.
            xp1 (array): Array or list of longitudes (floats) of p1.
            yp1 (array): Array or list of latitudes (floats) of p1.
            zp (array): Array or list of depths for each of the top of rupture
                rectangles (km).
            widths (array): Array of widths for each of rectangle (km).
            dips (array): Array of dips for each of rectangle (degrees).
            origin (Origin): Reference to a ShakeMap origin object.
            strike (array): If None then strike is computed from verticies of
                top edge of each quadrilateral. If the array has only a
                single value, then all
                quadrilaterals are constructed assuming this strike direction.
                If an array with the same length as the trace coordinates then
                it specifies the strike for each quadrilateral.
            group_index (list): List of integers to indicate group index. If
                None then each quadrilateral is assumed to be in a different
                group since there is no guarantee that any of them are
            reference (str): String explaining where the rupture definition
                came from (publication style reference, etc.).

            QuadRupture instance.

            Exception: if the input arrays are not all the same
                length, or if the strike array is not length 1 or the same
                length as the input arrays.

        if not (len(xp0) == len(yp0) == len(xp1) == len(yp1) == len(zp) ==
                len(dips) == len(widths)):
            raise ConsistentLengthError(
                'Number of xp0,yp0,xp1,yp1,zp,widths,dips points must be '
        if strike is not None and len(xp0) != len(strike) and len(strike) != 1:
            raise TypeError(
                'Strike must be None or an array of one value or the '
                'same length as trace coordinates.')

        if group_index is None:
            group_index = np.array(range(len(xp0)))

        # Convert dips to radians
        dips = np.radians(dips)

        # Ensure that all input sequences are numpy arrays
        xp0 = np.array(xp0, dtype='d')
        xp1 = np.array(xp1, dtype='d')
        yp0 = np.array(yp0, dtype='d')
        yp1 = np.array(yp1, dtype='d')
        zp = np.array(zp, dtype='d')
        widths = np.array(widths, dtype='d')
        dips = np.array(dips, dtype='d')

        # Get a projection object
        west = np.min((xp0.min(), xp1.min()))
        east = np.max((xp0.max(), xp1.max()))
        south = np.min((yp0.min(), yp1.min()))
        north = np.max((yp0.max(), yp1.max()))

        # Projected coordinates are in km
        proj = OrthographicProjection(west, east, north, south)
        xp2 = np.zeros_like(xp0)
        xp3 = np.zeros_like(xp0)
        yp2 = np.zeros_like(xp0)
        yp3 = np.zeros_like(xp0)
        zpdown = np.zeros_like(zp)
        for i in range(0, len(xp0)):
            # Project the top edge coordinates
            p0x, p0y = proj(xp0[i], yp0[i])
            p1x, p1y = proj(xp1[i], yp1[i])

            # Get the rotation angle defined by these two points
            if strike is None:
                dx = p1x - p0x
                dy = p1y - p0y
                theta = np.arctan2(dx, dy)  # theta is angle from north
            elif len(strike) == 1:
                theta = np.radians(strike[0])
                theta = np.radians(strike[i])

            R = np.array([[np.cos(theta), -np.sin(theta)],
                          [np.sin(theta), np.cos(theta)]])

            # Rotate the top edge points into a new coordinate system (vertical
            # line)
            p0 = np.array([p0x, p0y])
            p1 = np.array([p1x, p1y])
            p0p = np.dot(R, p0)
            p1p = np.dot(R, p1)

            # Get right side coordinates in project, rotated system
            dz = np.sin(dips[i]) * widths[i]
            dx = np.cos(dips[i]) * widths[i]
            p3xp = p0p[0] + dx
            p3yp = p0p[1]
            p2xp = p1p[0] + dx
            p2yp = p1p[1]

            # Get right side coordinates in un-rotated projected system
            p3p = np.array([p3xp, p3yp])
            p2p = np.array([p2xp, p2yp])
            Rback = np.array([[np.cos(-theta), -np.sin(-theta)],
                              [np.sin(-theta), np.cos(-theta)]])
            p3 = np.dot(Rback, p3p)
            p2 = np.dot(Rback, p2p)
            p3x = np.array([p3[0]])
            p3y = np.array([p3[1]])
            p2x = np.array([p2[0]])
            p2y = np.array([p2[1]])

            # project lower edge points back to lat/lon coordinates
            lon3, lat3 = proj(p3x, p3y, reverse=True)
            lon2, lat2 = proj(p2x, p2y, reverse=True)

            xp2[i] = lon2
            xp3[i] = lon3
            yp2[i] = lat2
            yp3[i] = lat3
            zpdown[i] = zp[i] + dz

        # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
        # Create GeoJSON object
        # ---------------------------------------------------------------------

        coords = []
        u_groups = np.unique(group_index)
        n_groups = len(u_groups)
        for i in range(n_groups):
            ind = np.where(u_groups[i] == group_index)[0]
            lons = np.concatenate([
                xp0[ind[0]].reshape((1, )), xp1[ind], xp2[ind][::-1],
                xp3[ind][::-1][-1].reshape((1, )), xp0[ind[0]].reshape((1, ))
            lats = np.concatenate([
                yp0[ind[0]].reshape((1, )), yp1[ind], yp2[ind][::-1],
                yp3[ind][::-1][-1].reshape((1, )), yp0[ind[0]].reshape((1, ))
            deps = np.concatenate([
                zp[ind[0]].reshape((1, )), zp[ind], zpdown[ind][::-1],
                zpdown[ind][::-1][-1].reshape((1, )), zp[ind[0]].reshape((1, ))

            poly = []
            for lon, lat, dep in zip(lons, lats, deps):
                poly.append([lon, lat, dep])

        d = {
            "metadata": {
                "reference": reference
            "features": [{
                "type": "Feature",
                "properties": {
                    "rupture type": "rupture extent"
                "geometry": {
                    "type": "MultiPolygon",
                    "coordinates": [coords]

        # Add origin information to metadata
        odict = origin.__dict__
        for k, v in odict.items():
            if isinstance(v, HistoricTime):
                d['metadata'][k] = v.strftime(constants.TIMEFMT)
                d['metadata'][k] = v

        return cls(d, origin)