Exemple #1
    def __getitem__(self, index):
            index (int): Index
            task dictionary with keys x_train, y_train, x_val, y_val, all draw from the task of given index
        assert index < self.__len__()
        task_def = self.task_defs[index]
        x_train = []
        y_train = []
        x_val = []
        y_val = []

        rotations = np.random.choice([0., 90., 180., 270.],
                                     size=(task_def.num_cls, ),

        # training instances
        for idx, file_name in enumerate(task_def.train_ids):
            image_path = file_name
            image = Image.open(image_path, mode='r').convert('L')
            image = image.resize((28, 28), resample=Image.LANCZOS)
            image = np.array(image, dtype=np.float32)
            image = rotate(image, rotations[idx // task_def.num_inst])
            x_train.append(image.reshape(1, 28, 28) / 255.0)

        # validation instances
        for idx, file_name in enumerate(task_def.val_ids):
            image_path = file_name
            image = Image.open(image_path, mode='r').convert('L')
            image = image.resize((28, 28), resample=Image.LANCZOS)
            image = np.array(image, dtype=np.float32)
            image = rotate(image, rotations[idx // task_def.num_inst])
            x_val.append(image.reshape(1, 28, 28) / 255.0)

        # base transforms
        x_train = utils.to_device(np.array(x_train), self.use_gpu)
        y_train = utils.to_device(np.array(y_train), self.use_gpu)
        x_val = utils.to_device(np.array(x_val), self.use_gpu)
        y_val = utils.to_device(np.array(y_val), self.use_gpu)

        if self.transform:
            x_train = self.transform(x_train)
            x_val = self.transform(x_val)

        if self.target_transform:
            y_train = self.target_transform(y_train)
            y_val = self.target_transform(y_val)

        # cross entropy expects targets to be of type LongTensor
        task = dict(task_def=task_def,

        return task
 def matrix_evaluator(self, task, lam, regu_coef=1.0, lam_damping=10.0, x=None, y=None):
     Constructor function that can be given to CG optimizer
     Works for both type(lam) == float and type(lam) == np.ndarray
     if type(lam) == np.ndarray:
         lam = utils.to_device(lam, self.use_gpu)
     def evaluator(v):
         hvp = self.hessian_vector_product(task, v, x=x, y=y)
         Av = (1.0 + regu_coef) * v + hvp / (lam + lam_damping)
         return Av
     return evaluator
 def hessian_vector_product(self, task, vector, params=None, x=None, y=None):
     Performs hessian vector product on the train set in task with the provided vector
     if x is not None and y is not None:
         xt, yt = x, y
         xt, yt = task['x_train'], task['y_train']
     if params is not None:
     tloss = self.get_loss(xt, yt)
     grad_ft = torch.autograd.grad(tloss, self.model.parameters(), create_graph=True)
     flat_grad = torch.cat([g.contiguous().view(-1) for g in grad_ft])
     vec = utils.to_device(vector, self.use_gpu)
     h = torch.sum(flat_grad * vec)
     hvp = torch.autograd.grad(h, self.model.parameters())
     hvp_flat = torch.cat([g.contiguous().view(-1) for g in hvp])
     return hvp_flat
 def outer_step_with_grad(self, grad, flat_grad=False):
     Given the gradient, step with the outer optimizer using the gradient.
     Assumed that the gradient is a tuple/list of size compatible with model.parameters()
     If flat_grad, then the gradient is a flattened vector
     check = 0
     for p in self.model.parameters():
         check = check + 1 if type(p.grad) == type(None) else check
     if check > 0:
         # initialize the grad fields properly
         dummy_loss = self.regularization_loss(self.get_params())
         dummy_loss.backward()  # this would initialize required variables
     if flat_grad:
         offset = 0
         grad = utils.to_device(grad, self.use_gpu)
         for p in self.model.parameters():
             this_grad = grad[offset:offset + p.nelement()].view(p.size())
             offset += p.nelement()
         for i, p in enumerate(self.model.parameters()):
             p.grad = grad[i]
Exemple #5
 def generate_tasks(self, num_tasks=None):
     num_tasks = self.num_tasks if num_tasks == None else num_tasks
     generated_tasks = []
     for i in range(num_tasks):
         amp = np.random.uniform(low=self.amp_range[0], high=self.amp_range[1])
         phase = np.random.uniform(low=self.phase_range[0], high=self.phase_range[1])
         x_train = np.random.uniform(low=self.input_range[0], high=self.input_range[1], size=self.ntrain).reshape(-1,
         y_train = self.sine_function(x_train, amp, phase).reshape(-1, 1)
         x_val = np.random.uniform(low=self.input_range[0], high=self.input_range[1], size=self.nval).reshape(-1, 1)
         y_val = self.sine_function(x_val, amp, phase).reshape(-1, 1)
         x_all = np.concatenate([x_train, x_val])
         y_all = np.concatenate([y_train, y_val])
         if self.float16:
             task = dict(amp=amp,
                         x_train=utils.to_device(x_train, self.use_gpu).half(),
                         y_train=utils.to_device(y_train, self.use_gpu).half(),
                         x_val=utils.to_device(x_val, self.use_gpu).half(),
                         y_val=utils.to_device(y_val, self.use_gpu).half(),
                         x_all=utils.to_device(x_all, self.use_gpu).half(),
                         y_all=utils.to_device(y_all, self.use_gpu).half(),
             task = dict(amp=amp,
                         x_train=utils.to_device(x_train, self.use_gpu),
                         y_train=utils.to_device(y_train, self.use_gpu),
                         x_val=utils.to_device(x_val, self.use_gpu),
                         y_val=utils.to_device(y_val, self.use_gpu),
                         x_all=utils.to_device(x_all, self.use_gpu),
                         y_all=utils.to_device(y_all, self.use_gpu),
     return generated_tasks
 def predict(self, x, return_numpy=False):
     yhat = self.model.forward(utils.to_device(x, self.use_gpu))
     if return_numpy:
         yhat = utils.to_numpy(yhat)
     return yhat