Exemple #1
    def add_to_solr(self):
        Microsites is expecting following fields: id (postajob.job.id),
        apply_info, city, company (company.id), country, country_short,
        date_new, date_updated, description, guid, link, on_sites, state,
        state_short, reqid, title, uid, and zipcode.


        jobs = self.solr_dict()
        if jobs:
            jobs = [transform_for_postajob(job) for job in jobs]
Exemple #2
    def add_to_solr(self):
        Microsites is expecting following fields: id (postajob.job.id),
        apply_info, city, company (company.id), country, country_short,
        date_new, date_updated, description, guid, link, on_sites, state,
        state_short, reqid, title, uid, and zipcode.


        jobs = self.solr_dict()
        if jobs:
            jobs = [transform_for_postajob(job) for job in jobs]
Exemple #3
def update_job_source(guid, buid, name):
    """Composed method for resopnding to a guid update."""

    assert re.match(r'^[0-9A-F]{8}-[0-9A-F]{4}-[0-9A-F]{4}-[0-9A-F]{4}-[0-9A-F]{12}$', guid.upper()), \
           "%s is not a valid guid" % guid
    assert re.match(r'^\d+$', str(buid)), "%s is not a valid buid" % buid

    logger.info("Updating Job Source %s", guid)
    # Make the BusinessUnit and Company
    bu = BusinessUnit.objects.get(id=buid)
    bu.title = name

    # Lookup the jobs, filter then, transform them, and then load the jobs
    zf = get_jobsfs_zipfile(guid)
    jobs = get_jobs_from_zipfile(zf, guid)
    jobs = filter_current_jobs(jobs, bu)
    jobs = (hr_xml_to_json(job, bu) for job in jobs)
    jobs = (add_redirect(job, bu) for job in jobs)

    # AT&T Showed that large numbers of MOCs can cause import issues due to the size of documents.
    # Therefore, when processing AT&T lower the document chunk size.
    if int(buid) == 19389:
            "AT&T has large amounts of mapped_mocs, that cause problems.  Reducing chunk size."
        upload_chunk_size = 64
        upload_chunk_size = 1024

    job_ids = add_jobs(jobs, upload_chunk_size)
    remove_expired_jobs(buid, job_ids)

    # Update business information
    bu.associated_jobs = len(job_ids)
    bu.date_updated = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
Exemple #4
def update_job_source(guid, buid, name):
    """Composed method for resopnding to a guid update."""

    assert re.match(r'^[0-9A-F]{8}-[0-9A-F]{4}-[0-9A-F]{4}-[0-9A-F]{4}-[0-9A-F]{12}$', guid.upper()), \
           "%s is not a valid guid" % guid
    assert re.match(r'^\d+$', str(buid)), "%s is not a valid buid" % buid

    logger.info("Updating Job Source %s", guid)
    # Make the BusinessUnit and Company
    bu = BusinessUnit.objects.get(id=buid)
    bu.title = name

    # Lookup the jobs, filter then, transform them, and then load the jobs
    zf = get_jobsfs_zipfile(guid)
    jobs = get_jobs_from_zipfile(zf, guid)
    jobs = filter_current_jobs(jobs, bu)
    jobs = (hr_xml_to_json(job, bu) for job in jobs)
    jobs = (add_redirect(job, bu) for job in jobs)

    # AT&T Showed that large numbers of MOCs can cause import issues due to the size of documents.
    # Therefore, when processing AT&T lower the document chunk size.
    if int(buid) == 19389:
        logger.warn("AT&T has large amounts of mapped_mocs, that cause problems.  Reducing chunk size.")
        upload_chunk_size = 64
        upload_chunk_size = 1024

    job_ids = add_jobs(jobs, upload_chunk_size)
    remove_expired_jobs(buid, job_ids)

    # Update business information
    bu.associated_jobs = len(job_ids)
    bu.date_updated = datetime.datetime.utcnow()