def load_persistent_data_file(raw_data, row, file_path): # move down to attribute count row += 1 attribute_count = int(raw_data[row][1]) persistent_datafile_list = [] if attribute_count > 0: row += 1 for i in range(0, attribute_count): # move down to data row += 1 name = raw_data[row][0] name = name[1:-1] datafile_type = raw_data[row][1] datafile_type = datafile_type[1:-1] # load ontology term datafile_type = importer_ontology.get_ontology_term( "datafile", "datafile type", datafile_type ) # get ontology term if name and datafile_type: persistent_datafile = importer_datafile.get_persistent_datafile(name, datafile_type, file_path + "/R11") persistent_datafile_list.append(persistent_datafile) return persistent_datafile_list
def load_experimental_factor(raw_data, row): # move down to attribute count row += 1 attribute_count = int(raw_data[row][1]) experimental_factor_list = [] if attribute_count > 0: row += 1 for i in range(0, attribute_count): # move down to data row += 1 name = raw_data[row][0] name = name[1:-1] value = raw_data[row][1] value = value[1:-1] # load ontology term name = importer_ontology.get_ontology_term( "experimental factor", "experimental factor type", name ) # get ontology term if name and value: experimental_factor = importer_experimental_factor.get_experimental_factor( name, value ) # return experimental factor experimental_factor_list.append(experimental_factor) return experimental_factor_list
def load_microarray(raw_data, row): # move down to attribute count row += 1 attribute_count = int(raw_data[row][1]) microarray_list = [] if attribute_count > 0: row += 1 for i in range(0, attribute_count): # move down to data row += 1 name = raw_data[row][0] name = name[1:-1] platform = raw_data[row][1] platform = platform[1:-1] microarray_format = raw_data[row][2] microarray_format = microarray_format[1:-1] version = raw_data[row][3] version = version[1:-1] genome_name = raw_data[row][4] genome_name = genome_name[1:-1] genome_version = raw_data[row][5] genome_version = genome_version[1:-1] # load ontology term platform = importer_ontology.get_ontology_term( "microarray", "microarray platform", platform ) # get ontology term microarray_format = importer_ontology.get_ontology_term( "microarray", "microarray format", microarray_format ) # get ontology term genome_name = importer_ontology.get_ontology_term( "microarray", "microarray genome name", genome_name ) # get ontology term if name and platform and microarray_format and genome_name and genome_version: microarray = importer_microarray.get_microarray( name, platform, microarray_format, version, genome_name, genome_version ) # return microarray microarray_list.append(microarray) return microarray_list
def load_data_analysis(raw_data, row): # move down to attribute count row += 1 attribute_count = int(raw_data[row][1]) data_analysis_list = [] if attribute_count > 0: row += 1 for i in range(0, attribute_count): # move down to data row += 1 name = raw_data[row][0] name = name[1:-1] version = raw_data[row][1] version = version[1:-1] module = raw_data[row][2] module = module[1:-1] platform = raw_data[row][3] platform = platform[1:-1] data_analysis_type = raw_data[row][4] data_analysis_type = data_analysis_type[1:-1] parameter = raw_data[row][5] parameter = parameter[1:-1] notes = raw_data[row][6] notes = notes[1:-1] # load ontology term data_analysis_type = importer_ontology.get_ontology_term( "data analysis", "data analysis type", data_analysis_type ) # get ontology term if name and version and module and parameter: data_analysis = importer_data_analysis.get_data_analysis( name, version, module, platform, data_analysis_type, parameter, notes ) # return data analysis data_analysis_list.append(data_analysis) return data_analysis_list
def load_experiment(raw_data, row, user, project, publication_list): # move down to name row += 1 name = raw_data[row][1] if name.startswith('"') and name.endswith('"'): name = name[1:-1] # move down to description row += 1 description = raw_data[row][1] if description.startswith('"') and description.endswith('"'): description = description[1:-1] # move down to category row += 1 category = raw_data[row][1] if category.startswith('"') and category.endswith('"'): category = category[1:-1] category = importer_ontology.get_ontology_term( "experiment", "experiment category", category ) # get ontology term # move down to publishable row += 1 publishable = raw_data[row][1] if publishable.startswith('"') and publishable.endswith('"'): publishable = publishable[1:-1] if publishable == "True": publishable = True else: publishable = False if name and description and category: return importer_experiment.get_experiment( name, description, category, publishable, user, project, publication_list ) # return experiment sys.exit("Check experiment information")
def load_submission_data_file(raw_data, row, file_path, submission_name, antibody_list): # move down to attribute count row += 1 attribute_count = int(raw_data[row][1]) submission_datafile_list = [] if attribute_count > 0: row += 1 for i in range(0, attribute_count): # move down to data row += 1 name = raw_data[row][0] name = name[1:-1] datafile_type = raw_data[row][1] datafile_type = datafile_type[1:-1] rep_name = raw_data[row][2] rep_name = rep_name[1:-1] publishable = raw_data[row][3] publishable = publishable[1:-1] if publishable == "True": publishable = True else: publishable = False # load ontology term datafile_type = importer_ontology.get_ontology_term( "datafile", "datafile type", datafile_type ) # get ontology term if name and datafile_type: submission_datafile = importer_datafile.get_submission_datafile( name, datafile_type, file_path + "/" + rep_name, publishable, submission_name, antibody_list ) submission_datafile_list.append(submission_datafile) return submission_datafile_list
def load_toxoplasma_mutant(raw_data, row): # move down to attribute count row += 1 attribute_count = int(raw_data[row][1]) toxoplasma_mutant_list = [] if attribute_count > 0: row += 1 for i in range(0, attribute_count): # move down to data row += 1 name = raw_data[row][0] name = name[1:-1] target_name = raw_data[row][1] target_name = target_name[1:-1] background = raw_data[row][2] background = background[1:-1] selection = raw_data[row][3] selection = selection[1:-1] mutation_type = raw_data[row][4] mutation_type = mutation_type[1:-1] promoter = raw_data[row][5] promoter = promoter[1:-1] organism = raw_data[row][6] organism = organism[1:-1] target_gene = raw_data[row][7] target_gene = target_gene[1:-1] # load organism organism = importer_organism.get_organism(organism) # load ontology term background = importer_ontology.get_ontology_term( "toxoplasma mutant", "toxoplasma mutant background", background ) # get ontology term selection = importer_ontology.get_ontology_term( "toxoplasma mutant", "toxoplasma mutant selection", selection ) # get ontology term mutation_type = importer_ontology.get_ontology_term( "toxoplasma mutant", "toxoplasma mutant mutation type", mutation_type ) # get ontology term promoter = importer_ontology.get_ontology_term( "toxoplasma mutant", "toxoplasma mutant promoter", promoter ) # get ontology term # load of Genes if target_gene: target_gene = importer_gene.get_gene(target_gene) if ( name and target_name and background and selection and mutation_type and promoter and organism and target_gene ): toxoplasma_mutant = importer_toxoplasma_mutant.get_toxoplasma_mutant_with_target_gene( name, target_name, background, selection, mutation_type, promoter, organism, target_gene ) # return toxoplasma mutant toxoplasma_mutant_list.append(toxoplasma_mutant) elif name and target_name and background and selection and mutation_type and promoter and organism: toxoplasma_mutant = importer_toxoplasma_mutant.get_toxoplasma_mutant_without_target_gene( name, target_name, background, selection, mutation_type, promoter, organism ) # return toxoplasma mutant toxoplasma_mutant_list.append(toxoplasma_mutant) return toxoplasma_mutant_list
def load_submission(raw_data, row, user, experiment, publication_list): # move down to given_name row += 1 given_name = raw_data[row][1] if given_name.startswith('"') and given_name.endswith('"'): given_name = given_name[1:-1] # move down to description row += 1 description = raw_data[row][1] if description.startswith('"') and description.endswith('"'): description = description[1:-1] # move down to technique row += 1 technique = raw_data[row][1] if technique.startswith('"') and technique.endswith('"'): technique = technique[1:-1] technique = importer_ontology.get_ontology_term( "submission", "submission technique", technique ) # get ontology term # move down to quality_control row += 1 quality_control = raw_data[row][1] if quality_control.startswith('"') and quality_control.endswith('"'): quality_control = quality_control[1:-1] quality_control = importer_ontology.get_ontology_term( "submission", "submission quality control", quality_control ) # get ontology term # move down to replicate series row += 1 replicate_series = raw_data[row][1] if replicate_series.startswith('"') and replicate_series.endswith('"'): replicate_series = replicate_series[1:-1] # move down to replicate row += 1 date_replicate = raw_data[row][1] if date_replicate.startswith('"') and date_replicate.endswith('"'): date_replicate = date_replicate[1:-1] # move down to note row += 1 notes = raw_data[row][1] if notes.startswith('"') and notes.endswith('"'): notes = notes[1:-1] # move down to publishable row += 1 publishable = raw_data[row][1] if publishable.startswith('"') and publishable.endswith('"'): publishable = publishable[1:-1] if publishable == "True": publishable = True else: publishable = False if ( given_name and description and technique and quality_control and replicate_series and date_replicate and notes ): return importer_submission.get_submission( given_name, description, technique, quality_control, replicate_series, date_replicate, notes, publishable, user, experiment, publication_list, ) # return submission sys.exit("Check submission information")
def load_protocol( raw_data, row, submission, toxoplasma_mutant_list, antibody_list, experimental_factor_list, microarray_list, # sequencing_list, data_analysis_list, persistent_datafile_list, submission_datafile_list, ): # move down to attribute count row += 1 attribute_count = int(raw_data[row][1]) protocol_list = [] if attribute_count > 0: row += 1 for i in range(0, attribute_count): # move down to data row += 1 name = raw_data[row][0] name = name[1:-1] description = raw_data[row][1] description = description[1:-1] protocol_type = raw_data[row][2] protocol_type = protocol_type[1:-1] inside_attribute_count = int(raw_data[row][3]) # load ontology term protocol_type = importer_ontology.get_ontology_term( "protocol", "protocol type", protocol_type ) # get ontology term if name and description and protocol_type and (inside_attribute_count >= 0): protocol = importer_protocol.get_protocol(name, description, protocol_type) # return protocol protocol_list.append(protocol) # create applied protocol and link if i == 0: applied_protocol = importer_submission.get_applied_protocol_start_node( (i + 1), protocol, submission ) previous_applied_protocol = applied_protocol else: applied_protocol = importer_submission.get_applied_protocol_other_node( (i + 1), protocol, submission, previous_applied_protocol ) previous_applied_protocol = applied_protocol for x in range(0, inside_attribute_count): # move right for data tmp_holder = raw_data[row][x + 4] tmp_holder = tmp_holder[1:-1] # check the data type for toxoplasmaMutant s ="^toxoplasmaMutant", tmp_holder) if s: importer_submission.get_toxoplasma_mutant_submission_data( tmp_holder, toxoplasma_mutant_list, applied_protocol, "toxoplasmaMutant" ) # check the data type for antibody s ="^antibody", tmp_holder) if s: importer_submission.get_antibody_submission_data( tmp_holder, antibody_list, applied_protocol, "antibody" ) # check the data type for experimentalFactor s ="^experimentalFactor", tmp_holder) if s: importer_submission.get_experimental_factor_submission_data( tmp_holder, experimental_factor_list, applied_protocol, "experimentalFactor" ) # check the data type for microarray s ="^microarray", tmp_holder) if s: importer_submission.get_microarray_submission_data( tmp_holder, microarray_list, applied_protocol, "microarray" ) # check the data type for dataAnalysis s ="^dataAnalysis", tmp_holder) if s: importer_submission.get_data_analysis_submission_data( tmp_holder, data_analysis_list, applied_protocol, "dataAnalysis" ) # check the data type for persistentDataFile s ="^persistentDataFile", tmp_holder) if s: importer_submission.get_persistent_datafile_submission_data( tmp_holder, persistent_datafile_list, applied_protocol, "persistentDataFile" ) # check the data type for submissionDataFile s ="^submissionDataFile", tmp_holder) if s: importer_submission.get_submission_datafile_submission_data( tmp_holder, submission_datafile_list, applied_protocol, "submissionDataFile" ) return protocol_list
def load_antibody(raw_data, row): # move down to attribute count row += 1 attribute_count = int(raw_data[row][1]) antibody_list = [] if attribute_count > 0: row += 1 for i in range(0, attribute_count): # move down to data row += 1 name = raw_data[row][0] name = name[1:-1] target_name = raw_data[row][1] target_name = target_name[1:-1] tagged = raw_data[row][2] tagged = tagged[1:-1] tag_target = raw_data[row][3] tag_target = tag_target[1:-1] source = raw_data[row][4] source = source[1:-1] catalog_number = raw_data[row][5] catalog_number = catalog_number[1:-1] epitope = raw_data[row][6] epitope = epitope[1:-1] lot_number = raw_data[row][7] lot_number = lot_number[1:-1] ifa_localization = raw_data[row][8] ifa_localization = ifa_localization[1:-1] chip_peaks = raw_data[row][9] chip_peaks = chip_peaks[1:-1] monoclonal = raw_data[row][10] monoclonal = monoclonal[1:-1] isotype = raw_data[row][11] isotype = isotype[1:-1] immunogen_source = raw_data[row][12] immunogen_source = immunogen_source[1:-1] conjugation = raw_data[row][13] conjugation = conjugation[1:-1] validated = raw_data[row][14] validated = validated[1:-1] url = raw_data[row][15] url = url[1:-1] animal_host = raw_data[row][16] animal_host = animal_host[1:-1] target_gene = raw_data[row][17] target_gene = target_gene[1:-1] # load ontology term animal_host = importer_ontology.get_ontology_term( "antibody", "antibody host organism", animal_host ) # get ontology term # load of Genes if target_gene: target_gene = importer_gene.get_gene(target_gene) if name and target_name and target_gene: antibody = importer_antibody.get_antibody_with_target_gene( name, target_name, tagged, tag_target, source, catalog_number, epitope, lot_number, ifa_localization, chip_peaks, monoclonal, isotype, immunogen_source, conjugation, validated, url, animal_host, target_gene, ) # return antibody antibody_list.append(antibody) elif name and target_name: antibody = importer_antibody.get_antibody_without_target_gene( name, target_name, tagged, tag_target, source, catalog_number, epitope, lot_number, ifa_localization, chip_peaks, monoclonal, isotype, immunogen_source, conjugation, validated, url, animal_host, ) # return antibody antibody_list.append(antibody) return antibody_list