def __init__(self, ih, conf, wkdir='./', emit=None): """""" self.idx = None self.index = None self.emit = emit self.delids = [] self.ih = ih self.conf = conf self.pathIdx = wkdir+'.index.'+self.conf.profile+Kirmah.EXT self.mb = MailBuilder(self.conf.get('salt','keys')) self.rootBox = self.conf.get('box','imap') self.get()
class IndexUpdater: """""" @Log(Const.LOG_BUILD) def __init__(self, ih, conf, wkdir='./', emit=None): """""" self.idx = None self.index = None self.emit = emit self.delids = [] self.ih = ih self.conf = conf self.pathIdx = wkdir+'.index.'+self.conf.profile+Kirmah.EXT self.mb = MailBuilder(self.conf.get('salt','keys')) self.rootBox = self.conf.get('box','imap') self.get() @Log(Const.LOG_DEBUG) def _getId(self, notAssign=False): """""" idx = None ids = self.ih.searchBySubject(self.mb.getHashName('index'),True) if len(ids) > 0 and int(ids[0]) >= 0 : idx = ids[-1] if not notAssign: self.delids = ids[:-1] if not notAssign: self.idx = idx return idx @Log() def get(self, forceRefresh=False): """""" self.switchFileAccount(self.conf.profile) index = None uid = self.conf.get('uid' ,'index') date = self.conf.get('date' ,'index') tstamp = self.conf.get('time' ,'index') refresh = forceRefresh delta = None if tstamp is None else - Sys.datetime.strptime(tstamp[:-7], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') if not refresh and tstamp is not None and delta < Sys.timedelta(minutes = 3) : # getFromFile if uid != None and Io.file_exists(self.pathIdx): # int(self.idx) == int(uid) self.idx = uid Sys.pwlog([(' Get index from cache ' , Const.CLZ_7), ('(' , Const.CLZ_0), (str(int(self.idx)) , Const.CLZ_2), (')' , Const.CLZ_0, True)]) else: refresh = True else: refresh = True self.irefresh = refresh if refresh : Sys.pwlog([(' Checking index...', Const.CLZ_0, True)]) self._getId() if self.idx : if int(self.idx) != int(uid) or not Io.file_exists(self.pathIdx): Sys.pwlog([(' Refreshing index (local:', Const.CLZ_0), (str(int(uid)) , Const.CLZ_2), (' / remote:' , Const.CLZ_0), (str(int(self.idx)) , Const.CLZ_1), (')' , Const.CLZ_0, True)]) date = self.ih.headerField(self.idx, 'date', True) self.conf.sets((['uid' , str(int(self.idx)) , 'index'], ['date' , date , 'index'], ['time' , str(, 'index'])) self._saveLocalIndex() else : Sys.pwlog([(' Get index from cache ' , Const.CLZ_7), ('(' , Const.CLZ_0), (str(int(self.idx)) , Const.CLZ_2), (')' , Const.CLZ_0, True)]) self.conf.set('time',str(,'index') @Log() def build(self): Sys.pwlog([(' Reading index, please wait...', Const.CLZ_7, True)]) self.index = ImpraIndex(self.conf.get('key','keys'), self.pathIdx, self.getIndexDefaultCatg(), self.getAccountList()) defUsers = self.conf.get('users','catg') if not ImpraIndex.SEP_KEY_INTERN+'users' in self.index.dic: self.index.dic[ImpraIndex.SEP_KEY_INTERN+'users'] = {} for k in self.index.dic[ImpraIndex.SEP_KEY_INTERN+'users']: if self.index.dic[ImpraIndex.SEP_KEY_INTERN+'users'][k] not in [ i.strip() for i in defUsers.split(',')]: self.conf.set('users',defUsers+', '+self.index.dic[ImpraIndex.SEP_KEY_INTERN+'users'][k],'catg') @Log(Const.LOG_DEBUG) def getAccountList(self): l = {} pl = self.conf.get('multi','imap') if pl is not None and len(pl)>0 : pl = pl.split(',') if len(pl) > 0: if not self.conf.profile in pl: pl.append(self.conf.profile) else : pl = [self.conf.profile] for p in pl : l[p] = self.conf.get('user','imap',p) return l @Log(Const.LOG_DEBUG) def getIndexDefaultCatg(self): """""" usrName = self.conf.get('name','infos') defUsers = self.conf.get('users','catg').split(',') dic = {'catg':self.conf.get('types','catg'), 'users':{ ('%s' % self.mb.getHashName('all')) : 'all', ('%s' % self.mb.getHashName(usrName)) : usrName}} for u in defUsers : dic['users'][('%s' % self.mb.getHashName(u.strip()))] = u.strip() return dic @Log(Const.LOG_DEBUG) def _saveLocalIndex(self): """""" if not self.idx : self._getId() if self.idx : msg = self.ih.getEmail(self.idx, True) content = b'' for part in msg.walk(): content += part.get_payload(decode=True) Io.set_data(self.pathIdx, a2b_base64(content), True) @Log() def removeLocal(self): """""" self.conf.rem('*','index') self.idx = None Io.removeFile(self.pathIdx) @Log() def remove(self): """""" self._getId() try: if self.idx!= None : self.delids.append(Io.bytes(self.idx)) self.ih.delete(self.delids, True) self.idx = None except Exception as e : Sys.dprint('error : ') Sys.dprint(e) self.ih.clearTrash() self.removeLocal() @Log(Const.LOG_APP) def update(self): """""" self.switchFileAccount(self.conf.profile) try: if self.idx != None : if not isinstance(self.idx,bytes): self.idx = Io.bytes(self.idx) self.delids.append(self.idx) except Exception as e : Sys.dprint('error : ') Sys.dprint(e) self.index.fixDuplicateIds() #~ self.index.fixAccount('gmail5') self.index.encrypt() msgIndex = self.mb.buildIndex(self.pathIdx) _, self.idx = self.ih.send(msgIndex.as_string(), self.rootBox) date = self.ih.headerField(self.idx, 'date', True) self.conf.sets((['uid' , self.idx , 'index'], ['date' , date , 'index'], ['time' , str(, 'index'])) Sys.pwlog([(' Index updated (' , Const.CLZ_0), (str(int(self.idx)) , Const.CLZ_2), (') ' , Const.CLZ_0), (str(date) , Const.CLZ_7, True)]) try : self.ih.delete(self.delids, True) except : Sys.dprint('error : ') Sys.dprint(e) self.ih.clearTrash() return True @Log() def switchFileAccount(self, profile=None, force=False): """""" pl = self.conf.get('multi','imap') if pl is not None and len(pl)>0 : pl = pl.split(',') if len(pl) > 0: if not self.conf.profile in pl: pl.append(self.conf.profile) iconf = self.ih.conf account = self.conf.get('user','imap',profile) if True or iconf.user != account : # reinit iconf.user = None try : if profile is None : profile = self.index.getLightestAccount(pl) if profile in pl : iconf.user = self.conf.get('user','imap',profile) iconf.pwd = self.conf.get('pass','imap',profile) = self.conf.get('host','imap',profile) iconf.port = self.conf.get('port','imap',profile) self.ih.switchAccount(iconf, self.rootBox, force) except BadLoginException as e: Sys.dprint('Error : ') Sys.dprint(e) Sys.dprint('check your connection or your imap config for profile '+profile) if profile is None: profile = self.conf.profile return profile