Exemple #1
    def __init__(self, parent, name=None, offset=None):
        Construct a point.

        @param parent: Parent L{Joint}, or None for a point in the global
            co-ordinate frame.
        @param name: Name of this point.
        @param offset: Offset of this point in the co-ordinate frame of its
            parent, as a 3x1 L{np.ndarray}. Default is zero offset.
        TreeNode.__init__(self, parent)
        assert isinstance(self, Joint) or isinstance(parent, Joint)
        self.positionOffset = np.zeros((3,1)) if offset is None else offset
        self.name = name
    def __init__(self, parent, name=None, offset=None):
        Construct a point.

        @param parent: Parent L{Joint}, or None for a point in the global
            co-ordinate frame.
        @param name: Name of this point.
        @param offset: Offset of this point in the co-ordinate frame of its
            parent, as a 3x1 L{np.ndarray}. Default is zero offset.
        TreeNode.__init__(self, parent)
        assert isinstance(self, Joint) or isinstance(parent, Joint)
        self.positionOffset = np.zeros((3, 1)) if offset is None else offset
        self.name = name
Exemple #3
    def __init__(self, rootdata):
        Construct a new ASFRoot.

        @param rootdata: The L{ParseResults} object representing the root
            segment data from the ASF file.
        TreeNode.__init__(self, None)
        self.name = 'root'
        self.childoffset = vector(0,0,0)
        self.isDummy = False
        axis = vector(*rootdata.axis)[::-1]
        rotOrder = rootdata.axisRotationOrder[::-1]
        self.rotationOffset = Quaternion.fromEuler(axis, rotOrder).conjugate
        self.channels = rootdata.channels
Exemple #4
    def __init__(self, rootdata):
        Construct a new ASFRoot.

        @param rootdata: The L{ParseResults} object representing the root
            segment data from the ASF file.
        TreeNode.__init__(self, None)
        self.name = 'root'
        self.childoffset = vector(0, 0, 0)
        self.isDummy = False
        axis = vector(*rootdata.axis)[::-1]
        rotOrder = rootdata.axisRotationOrder[::-1]
        self.rotationOffset = Quaternion.fromEuler(axis, rotOrder).conjugate
        self.channels = rootdata.channels
Exemple #5
    def __init__(self, parent, bonedata, scale):
        Consruct a new ASFBone.

        @param parent: The parent bone of this bone.
        @param bonedata: The L{ParseResults} object representing the bone
            data from the ASF file.
        TreeNode.__init__(self, parent)
        self.name = bonedata.name
        axis = vector(*bonedata.axis)[::-1]
        rotOrder = bonedata.axisRotationOrder[::-1]
        self.rotationOffset = Quaternion.fromEuler(axis, rotOrder).conjugate
        self.childoffset = self.rotationOffset.rotateVector(
                vector(*bonedata.direction) * bonedata.length * scale)
        self.isDummy = bonedata.channels is ''
        self.channels = bonedata.channels
Exemple #6
    def __init__(self, parent, bonedata, scale):
        Consruct a new ASFBone.

        @param parent: The parent bone of this bone.
        @param bonedata: The L{ParseResults} object representing the bone
            data from the ASF file.
        TreeNode.__init__(self, parent)
        self.name = bonedata.name
        axis = vector(*bonedata.axis)[::-1]
        rotOrder = bonedata.axisRotationOrder[::-1]
        self.rotationOffset = Quaternion.fromEuler(axis, rotOrder).conjugate
        self.childoffset = self.rotationOffset.rotateVector(
            vector(*bonedata.direction) * bonedata.length * scale)
        self.isDummy = bonedata.channels is ''
        self.channels = bonedata.channels