def get_image_box(gray): bw = imu.preprocess_bw_inv(gray) kernel = cv2.getStructuringElement(cv2.MORPH_RECT, (49, 13)) bw2 = cv2.dilate(bw, kernel, iterations=3) image, contours, hierarchy = cv2.findContours(bw2, cv2.RETR_TREE, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) boxes = [] # cv2.imwrite('temp.png', bw2) cv2.namedWindow("bw2", cv2.WINDOW_AUTOSIZE) cv2.imshow("bw2", bw2) cv2.waitKey(0) cv2.destroyAllWindows() for i, cnt in enumerate(contours): area = cv2.contourArea(cnt) rect = cv2.minAreaRect(cnt) box = cv2.boxPoints(rect) box = np.int0(box) height = abs(box[0][1] - box[2][1]) width = abs(box[0][0] - box[2][0]) boxList = box.tolist() origin = min(boxList) # print(box) if (height > 150): boxes.append( (origin[0], origin[1], origin[0] + width, origin[1] + height)) # exit(0) return boxes
def get_vertical_white_edge_dis(img): """Get vertical white edge distance of character image. Args: img: Character image. Returns: An interger distance. """ bw = imu.preprocess_bw_inv(img) weight, profile = imu.horizontal_proj(bw) horCoorY1 = 0 if weight[0] == 0: i = 0 while weight[i] == 0 and i < len(weight): i += 1 horCoorY1 = i horCoorY2 = len(weight) - 1 if weight[-1] == 0: j = len(weight) - 1 while weight[j] == 0 and j > 0: j -= 1 horCoorY2 = j return horCoorY1, len(weight) - horCoorY2
def text(self, options={}): imgInv = imu.preprocess_bw_inv(self.image_gray) cv2.imwrite('imgInv.jpg', imgInv) connected_components = get_cc('imgInv.jpg') os.remove('imgInv.jpg') connected_components = [ length2coor(cc) for cc in connected_components if 5 < cc[2] < 60 and 3 < cc[3] < 60 ] # word_boxes = generate_words(connected_components, 50) connected_components = generate_chars(connected_components) word_boxes = generate_lines(connected_components, 50) for word_box in word_boxes: word_result = self.text_word(word_box) keys = list(word_result.keys()) keys.sort(key=lambda item: item[0]) for key in keys: result = word_result[key] if options.get("probability") == "true": print(f'({result["char"]}, {result["confidence"]})', end=' ') else: print(f'{result["char"]}', end=' ') # if result["char"]=="二": # cv2.imwrite(f"二{now}.png", self.image_gray[key[1]:key[3], key[0]:key[2]]) print()
def divide_ver(img): """Divide paper by blank detection in vertical direction. Args: img: Image to be divided. Returns: A list of horizontal coordinates. """ verCoorX1 = [] verCoorX2 = [] temp = [] temp1 = [] temp2 = [] result = [] bw = imu.preprocess_bw_inv(img) weight, profile = imu.vertical_proj(bw) # print('weight = {}'.format(weight[:100])) for i in range(0, len(weight)): if weight[i] > 0: if i == len(weight) - 1 or weight[i + 1] == 0: verCoorX2.append(i) if i == 0 or weight[i - 1] == 0: verCoorX1.append(i) # print(verCoorX1) # print(verCoorX2) temp = list(zip(verCoorX1, verCoorX2)) # print(temp) for r in temp: if r[1] - r[0] > 5: temp1.append(r) first = 1 if temp1[0][0] < 100 else 0 start = temp1[first][0] end = temp1[first][1] for r in range(first, len(temp1)): if r == len(temp1) - 1: end = temp1[r][1] temp2.append((start, end)) elif temp1[r + 1][0] - temp1[r][1] < 45: continue else: end = temp1[r][1] temp2.append((start, end)) start = temp1[r + 1][0] for i in temp2: if i[1] - i[0] > 800: result.append(i) if len(result) > 2: result = result[0:2] # print(result) # print(temp) return result
def find_char(img, coor): """Divide line by blank detection in horizontal direction from left to right. Args: img: Image to be divided. coor: A list of line coordinates. Returns: A list of first 2 or 3 characters coordinates of each lines. """ result = [] for i, c in enumerate(coor): verCoorX1 = [] verCoorX2 = [] line = [] imgLine = img[c[1]:c[3], c[0]:c[2]] bw = imu.preprocess_bw_inv(imgLine, smooth=False) # cv2.imwrite('./res/lines/'+str(i)+'.png', bw) weight, profile = imu.vertical_proj(bw) if weight[0] > 1: verCoorX1.append(0) for i in range(1, len(weight) - 1): if weight[i] > 1: if weight[i + 1] <= 1: verCoorX2.append(i) if weight[i - 1] <= 1: verCoorX1.append(i) if weight[-1] > 1: verCoorX2.append(len(weight) - 1) # print(verCoorX1) # print(verCoorX2) ver = list(zip(verCoorX1, verCoorX2)) n = 3 for v in ver: if n == 0: break elif v[1] - v[0] < 3: continue else: line.append((v[0] + c[0], c[1], v[1] + c[0], c[3])) n -= 1 result.append(line) return result
def divide_hor(img, coor): """Divide paper by blank detection in horizontal direction. Args: img: Image to be divided. Returns: A list of vertical coordinates. """ h, w = img.shape[0:2] result = [] for c in coor: horCoorY1 = [] horCoorY2 = [] imgPart = img[0:h, c[0]:c[1]] bw = imu.preprocess_bw_inv(imgPart) weight, profile = imu.horizontal_proj(bw) if weight[0] > 0: horCoorY1.append(0) for i in range(1, len(weight) - 1): if weight[i] > 0: if weight[i + 1] == 0: horCoorY2.append(i) if weight[i - 1] == 0: horCoorY1.append(i) if weight[-1] > 0: horCoorY2.append(len(weight) - 1) # print(verCoorX1) # print(verCoorX2) line = list(zip(horCoorY1, horCoorY2)) for l in line: if l[1] - l[0] > 10: result.append((c[0], l[0], c[1], l[1])) return result
def augment(gray, shift_low=-10): angle = (2 * np.random.random() - 1) * 5.0 # print(angle) rotated = rotate_image(gray, angle) # imu.imshow_(rotated) rotated = imu.strip_white_boder(rotated) # imu.imshow_(rotated) shift = np.random.randint(low=shift_low, high=50) gray = rotated if shift >= 0: gray = cv2.add(gray, shift) else: bw = imu.preprocess_bw_inv(gray) gray[bw > 0] = gray[bw > 0] + shift # print(shift) # if shift>0: # gray = cv2.add(gray, shift) # else: # gray = cv2.subtract(gray, shift) # imu.imshow_(gray) h, w = gray.shape hcut = min(2, h // 5) wcut = min(2, w // 5) top = np.random.randint(hcut + 1) bottom = h - np.random.randint(hcut + 1) left = np.random.randint(wcut + 1) right = w - np.random.randint(wcut + 1) return gray[top:bottom, left:right]
def get_dilation(gray): bw = imu.preprocess_bw_inv(gray) kernel = cv2.getStructuringElement(cv2.MORPH_RECT, (49, 13)) bw2 = cv2.dilate(bw, kernel, iterations=1) return bw2
def deal_one_page(srcPath, desPath='', stanPath='', saveImage=True, charsOnly=False, rectification=False): """ """ global heightOfLine coor5 = [] mistakes = 0 bdResult = {} name = os.path.basename(srcPath) if not os.path.exists(srcPath): print("Image path not exists!") return None try: imgBgr = cv2.imread(srcPath) if rectification: imgBgr = rectify(imgBgr.copy()) imgData = cv2.cvtColor(imgBgr, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) # imgData = cv2.imread(srcPath, cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE) # imgBgr = cv2.cvtColor(imgData, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR) except Exception as imageError: print(imageError, 'Could not read the image file, skip...') # cv2.namedWindow("imgData", cv2.WINDOW_AUTOSIZE) # cv2.imshow("imgData", imgData) # cv2.waitKey(0) # cv2.destroyAllWindows() # exit(0) imgEliVer = eli_ver(imgData.copy()) # # cv2.namedWindow("imgEliVer", cv2.WINDOW_AUTOSIZE) # cv2.imshow("imgEliVer", imgEliVer) coor1 = divide_ver(imgEliVer) # # print('coor1: {}'.format(coor1)) if heightOfLine == 0: # coor2 = divide_hor(imgEliVer, coor1) heightOfLines = [c[3] - c[1] for c in coor2] heightOfLine = median(heightOfLines) imgInv = imu.preprocess_bw_inv(imgData.copy()) cv2.imwrite('imgInv.jpg', imgInv) coorCC = get_no_intersect_boxes('imgInv.jpg') imgEliCC = eli_large_cc(coorCC, imgData.copy(), heightOfLine) os.remove('imgInv.jpg') # cv2.namedWindow("imgEliCC", cv2.WINDOW_AUTOSIZE) # cv2.imshow("imgEliCC", imgEliCC) imgEli = eli_ver(imgEliCC) #1 # cv2.namedWindow("imgEli", cv2.WINDOW_AUTOSIZE) # cv2.imshow("imgEli", imgEli) coor2 = divide_hor(imgEli, coor1) #2 # print('coor2: {}'.format(coor2)) # img2 = mark_box(imgBgr, coor2, color=(0,255,0)) # cv2.namedWindow("img2", cv2.WINDOW_AUTOSIZE) # cv2.imshow("img2", img2) coor3 = find_char(imgEli, coor2) #3 # print(np.array(coor3)) # for l in coor3: # img3 = mark_box(imgBgr, l, color=(0,255,0)) # cv2.namedWindow("img3", cv2.WINDOW_AUTOSIZE) # cv2.imshow("img3", img3) if charsOnly: return coor3 # print('SVM classifying...') coor4 = svm_classify(imgEli, coor3) #4 # print(*coor4, sep='\n') imgBw = imu.preprocess_bw(imgEli, boxSize=(4, 4), morph=False) #re coor3Bw = find_char(imgBw, coor2) coor4Bw = svm_classify(imgBw, coor3Bw) coor5 = update_result(coor4, coor4Bw) try: # imgBd = preprocess_bw(imgEliCC) # print('BaiDu recognizing...') bdResult = bd_rec(imgEliCC, client, imgForm=srcPath[-4:], api='general') # except ConnectionResetError as e: # print('Connection reset by peer, repeat BaiDu recognizion...') # bdResult = bd_rec(imgEliCC, client, api='accurate') except Exception as e: print( 'Baidu recognition error, check your internet connection. exit...') exit(0) # print(bdResult) addResult = additional_questions(bdResult) # print(addResult) if addResult: coor5.append(([addResult], 2)) # print(*coor4, sep='\n') if stanPath: stanResult = output_stan(coor5, os.path.basename(srcPath)) mistakes = verification(stanResult, stanPath) # print(mistakes) # if saveImage: # for l in coor5: #5 # # print(l) # color = (255,255,0) # if l[1] != 0: # color = (255,0,0) if l[1] == 2 else (0,255,0) # img5 = mark_box(imgBgr, l[0], color) # cv2.imwrite(desPath, img5) #6 # show_image(img5) # exit(0) # cv2.namedWindow("img5", cv2.WINDOW_AUTOSIZE) # cv2.imshow("img5", img5) # cv2.waitKey(0) # cv2.destroyAllWindows() # imgEliVer2 = detect_vertical_line2(imgData) # coor2 = divide_hor(imgEliVer2, coor1) sa = detect_self_assessment(bdResult) if sa: # imgEliSa = imgData.copy() imgData[sa:, coor1[1][0]:coor1[1][1] + 10] = 255 # coor22 = divide_hor(imgEliSa, coor1) coor22 = divide_hor(imgData, coor1) region = integrate_lines(coor5, coor22, imgData.shape[1], imgData.shape[0]) # print('region: {}'.format(region)) # imgEliVerBgr = cv2.cvtColor(imgEliVer2, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR) # imgRegion = mark_box(imgBgr, region, color=(0,255,0)) # cv2.imwrite(desPath, imgRegion) # cv2.imwrite('imgInv.jpg', get_dilation(imgData.copy())) # coorCCDil = get_no_intersect_boxes('imgInv.jpg') # os.remove('imgInv.jpg') ''' CCAndType = [] wordBoxes = [w["location"] for w in bdResult["words_result"]] idxWords = index.Index() for j,b in enumerate(wordBoxes): idxWords.insert(j, (b["left"], b["top"], b["left"]+b["width"], b["top"]+b["height"])) idxRegion = index.Index() for j,r in enumerate(region): idxRegion.insert(j, r) idxCC = index.Index() for j,c in enumerate(coorCC): idxCC.insert(j, (c[0], c[1], c[0]+c[2], c[1]+c[3])) boxOfSpecialWord = get_match_location(bdResult, keyWordsConfig) hitsOfCC = [] for j,s in enumerate(boxOfSpecialWord): b = (s[0], s[1], s[0]+s[2], s[1]+s[3]) hitsOfRegion = list(idxRegion.intersection(b, objects=True)) items = [item for item in hitsOfRegion if item.bbox[1] < s[1]+s[3]/2 < item.bbox[3]] for item in items: boxOfGraph = (item.bbox[0], b[3]+10, item.bbox[2]-item.bbox[0], item.bbox[3]-b[3]-20) boxOfGraph1 = (item.bbox[0], b[3]+10, item.bbox[2], item.bbox[3]-10) coorCC.append(boxOfGraph) hitsOfCC += list(idxCC.intersection(boxOfGraph1, objects=False)) # print(hitsOfCC) coorCCCopy = coorCC.copy() coorCC = [coorCCCopy[i] for i in range(len(coorCCCopy)) if i not in hitsOfCC] boxRest = [] for i,c in enumerate(coorCC.copy()): r = (c[0], c[1], c[0]+c[2], c[1]+c[3]) hitsOfRegion = list(idxRegion.intersection(r)) if len(hitsOfRegion) == 0: continue if c[2] > heightOfLine*3 or c[3] > heightOfLine*1.5: CCAndType.append((c, 1)) # del(coorCC[i]) continue elif c[2] < heightOfLine*0.5 and c[3] < heightOfLine*0.5: CCAndType.append((c, 0)) continue hits = list(idxWords.intersection(r, objects=True)) if hits: flag = False for item in hits: wordBox = (wordBoxes[]["left"], wordBoxes[]["top"], wordBoxes[]["width"], wordBoxes[]["height"]) if is_within(c, wordBox): CCAndType.append((c, 0)) flag = True # del(coorCC[i]) continue if flag: continue boxRest.append(c) typesOfCC = tell_me_text_or_graph(imgBgr.copy(), imgData.copy(), boxRest) CCAndType += zip(boxRest, typesOfCC) resultFinal = get_items(region, imgData.copy(), bdResult, CCAndType, name) ''' imgData1 = detect_vertical_line3(imgData.copy()) resultFinal = get_items_v02(region, imgData1.copy(), coorCC, name) # coorRegion = [] # coorGraph = [] # coorText = [] # resultFinalA = absolute_coor(resultFinal) # for x in resultFinalA["questions"]: # coorRegion.append(dic2coor(x["location"])) # coorGraph.extend([dic2coor(i["location"]) for i in x["content"] if i["type"]=="graph"]) # coorText.extend([dic2coor(i["location"]) for i in x["content"] if i["type"]=="text"]) # imgRegion = mark_box(imgBgr, coorRegion, color=(0,255,0)) # imgGraph = mark_box(imgRegion, coorGraph, color=(0,0,255)) # imgText = mark_box(imgGraph, coorText, color=(255,255,0)) if desPath: with open(desPath[:-4] + '.json', 'w') as f: json.dump(resultFinal, f) # if saveImage: # cv2.imwrite(desPath, imgText) # cv2.namedWindow("imgData", cv2.WINDOW_AUTOSIZE) # cv2.imshow("imgData", imgData) # cv2.waitKey(0) # cv2.destroyAllWindows() #return coor5, mistakes return resultFinal
def deal_one_page(srcPath, desPath='', charsOnly=False, rectification=False): """Process a paper image. Args: srcPath: File path of image. desPath: Destination path. charsOnly: Whether only return chars coordinate result. rectification: Whether rectify image. Returns: Final result. """ global heightOfLine coor5 = [] mistakes = 0 bdResult = {} ratio = 0 name = os.path.basename(srcPath) if not os.path.exists(srcPath): print("Image path not exists!") return None try: imgBgr = cv2.imread(srcPath) if rectification: imgBgr = rectify(imgBgr.copy()) imgData = cv2.cvtColor(imgBgr, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) except Exception as imageError: print(imageError, 'Could not read the image file, skip...') # 根据图像长宽判断是否为单栏 ori_size = imgData.shape[0:2] single_column = True if ori_size[0] > ori_size[1] else False # 缩放到固定大小(双栏宽度为4000pixels, 单栏为2000pixels) if single_column and ori_size[1] != 2000: ratio = 2000 / ori_size[1] elif not single_column and ori_size[1] != 4000: ratio = 4000 / ori_size[1] if ratio: imgData = resize(imgData, x=ratio) new_size = imgData.shape[0:2] #原始图像去除竖线(长度大于100pixels,可能去除部分题目信息) imgEliVer = eli_ver(imgData.copy()) # # cv2.namedWindow("imgEliVer", cv2.WINDOW_AUTOSIZE) # cv2.imshow("imgEliVer", imgEliVer) #纵向划分试题区域 coor1 = divide_ver(imgEliVer) # print('coor1: {}'.format(coor1)) #计算行高(所有行高的中位数) if heightOfLine == 0: # coor2 = divide_hor(imgEliVer, coor1) heightOfLines = [c[3] - c[1] for c in coor2] heightOfLine = median(heightOfLines) #获取原始图像联通区域以及消去较大的联通区域 imgInv = imu.preprocess_bw_inv(imgData.copy()) cv2.imwrite('imgInv.jpg', imgInv) coorCC = get_no_intersect_boxes('imgInv.jpg') imgEliCC = eli_large_cc(coorCC, imgData.copy(), heightOfLine) os.remove('imgInv.jpg') # cv2.namedWindow("imgEliCC", cv2.WINDOW_AUTOSIZE) # cv2.imshow("imgEliCC", imgEliCC) #去除较大联通区域的图像上去除竖线 imgEli = eli_ver(imgEliCC) #1 # cv2.namedWindow("imgEli", cv2.WINDOW_AUTOSIZE) # cv2.imshow("imgEli", imgEli) #行划分 coor2 = divide_hor(imgEli, coor1) #2 # print('coor2: {}'.format(coor2)) # img2 = mark_box(imgBgr, coor2, color=(0,255,0)) # cv2.namedWindow("img2", cv2.WINDOW_AUTOSIZE) # cv2.imshow("img2", img2) #获取每行前三个字符 coor3 = find_char(imgEli, coor2) #3 # print(np.array(coor3)) # for l in coor3: # l = [length2coor(list(map(lambda x: x / ratio, coor2length(c)))) for c in l] # img3 = mark_box(imgBgr, l, color=(0,255,0)) # cv2.namedWindow("img3", cv2.WINDOW_AUTOSIZE) # cv2.imshow("img3", img3) # cv2.imwrite("img3.jpg", img3) if charsOnly: coor_chars = [] #坐标换算 for l in coor3: coor_chars.append([ length2coor(list(map(lambda x: int(x / ratio), coor2length(c)))) for c in l ]) return coor_chars #SVM分类字符图像 # print('SVM classifying...') coor4 = svm_classify(imgEli, coor3) #4 # print(*coor4, sep='\n') #在二值图上重新获取字符以及SVM分类(补全部分漏检) imgBw = imu.preprocess_bw(imgEli, boxSize=(4, 4), morph=False) #re coor3Bw = find_char(imgBw, coor2) coor4Bw = svm_classify(imgBw, coor3Bw) coor5 = update_result(coor4, coor4Bw) #百度识别 try: # print('BaiDu recognizing...') bdResult = bd_rec(imgEliCC, client, imgForm=srcPath[-4:], api='general') except Exception as e: print( 'Baidu recognition error, check your internet connection. exit...') exit(0) # print(bdResult) #附加题处理 addResult = additional_questions(bdResult) # print(addResult) if addResult: coor5.append(([addResult], 2)) # print(*coor4, sep='\n') #自我评测处理 sa = detect_self_assessment(bdResult) if sa: imgData[sa:, coor1[1][0]:coor1[1][1] + 10] = 255 coor22 = divide_hor(imgData, coor1) # print(coor22) #生成题目区域 region = integrate_lines(coor5, coor22, new_size) # print('region: {}'.format(region)) #去除装订线及中间分割线(不会去除题目信息) imgData1 = detect_vertical_line3(imgData.copy()) #导出最后结果 resultFinal = get_items_v02(region, imgData1.copy(), coorCC, name) if desPath: with open(desPath[:-4] + '.json', 'w') as f: json.dump(resultFinal, f) # cv2.namedWindow("imgData", cv2.WINDOW_AUTOSIZE) # cv2.imshow("imgData", imgData) # cv2.waitKey(0) # cv2.destroyAllWindows() return resultFinal
def testpaper(file_path, save_path): """Process a paper image. Args: file_path: File path of image. save_path: Destination path. Returns: Final result. """ name = os.path.basename(file_path) image = cv2.imread(file_path) if image is None: print('ImageError: Could not read the image file, exit...') return None image_gray = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) # 根据图像长宽判断是否为单栏 ori_size = image_gray.shape[0:2] single_column = True if ori_size[0] > ori_size[1] else False # 缩放到固定大小(双栏宽度为4000pixels, 单栏为2000pixels) if single_column and ori_size[1] != 2000: ratio = 2000 / ori_size[1] elif not single_column and ori_size[1] != 4000: ratio = 4000 / ori_size[1] else: ratio = 0 if ratio: image_gray_scale = resize(image_gray, x=ratio) new_size = image_gray_scale.shape[0:2] img_bw_inv = imu.preprocess_bw_inv(image_gray_scale) img_bw = imu.preprocess_bw(image_gray_scale) img_bw2 = imu.preprocess_bw(image_gray_scale, boxSize=(5, 5)) #原始图像去除竖线(长度大于100pixels,可能去除部分题目信息) imgEliVer = eli_ver(img_bw2) #纵向划分试题区域 coor1 = divide_ver(imgEliVer) if not coor1: print('coor1: {}'.format(coor1)) print("Can't divide vertically, skip...") return None #计算行高(所有行高的中位数) coor2 = divide_hor(imgEliVer, coor1) if coor2: heightOfLines = [c[3] - c[1] for c in coor2] heightOfLine = median(heightOfLines) else: print("Can't divide by line, skip...") return None #获取原始图像联通区域以及消去较大的联通区域 imgInv = imu.preprocess_bw_inv(img_bw2.copy()) cv2.imwrite('imgInv.jpg', imgInv) coorCC = get_no_intersect_boxes('imgInv.jpg') imgEliCC = eli_large_cc(coorCC, img_bw2.copy(), heightOfLine) os.remove('imgInv.jpg') #去除较大联通区域的图像上去除竖线 imgEli = eli_ver(imgEliCC) #行划分 coor2 = divide_hor(imgEli, coor1) #获取每行前三个字符 coor3 = find_char(img_bw, coor2) #SVM分类字符图像 coor4 = svm_classify(img_bw, coor3) #在二值图上重新获取字符以及SVM分类(补全部分漏检) imgBw = imu.preprocess_bw(imgEli, boxSize=(4, 4), morph=False) coor3Bw = find_char(imgBw, coor2) coor4Bw = svm_classify(imgBw, coor3Bw) coor5 = update_result(coor4, coor4Bw) # 百度文字识别API客户端 client = bd_access() try: bdResult = bd_rec(imgEliCC, client, imgForm=name[-4:], api='general') except Exception as e: print(e, 'Baidu recognition error, exit...', sep='\n') return None # 附加题处理 addResult = additional_questions(bdResult) if addResult: coor5.append(([addResult], 2)) #自我评测处理 sa = detect_self_assessment(bdResult) if sa: image_gray_scale[sa:, coor1[1][0]:coor1[1][1] + 10] = 255 coor22 = divide_hor(image_gray_scale, coor1) # 生成题目区域 region = integrate_lines(coor5, coor22, new_size) region = [ length2coor(list(map(lambda x: int(x / ratio), coor2length(r)))) for r in region ] #背景标记 region_close = [] for r in region: if r[2] <= r[0] or r[3] <= r[1]: continue border = imu.strip_white_boder2(image_gray[r[1]:r[3], r[0]:r[2]]) r = num2int([ border[0] + r[0], border[1] + r[1], border[2] + r[0], border[3] + r[1] ]) region_close.append(r) background = np.zeros((r[3] - r[1], r[2] - r[0], 3), np.uint8) background[:] = (200, 170, 150) image[r[1]:r[3], r[0]:r[2]] = cv2.addWeighted(image[r[1]:r[3], r[0]:r[2]], 0.7, background, 0.3, 0) # image_process = np.concatenate([image_gray_scale, img_bw, # imgEliVer, imgEliCC, imgEli], axis=0) # cv2.imwrite("image_process.jpg", image_process) dic_result = {"positions": region_close} print(f'region: {region_close}') print('output to directory {}'.format(save_path)) with open(save_path + '/' + name.replace('.jpg', '.json'), 'w') as f: json.dump(dic_result, f) cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(save_path, name), image) return region #去除装订线及中间分割线(不会去除题目信息) imgData1 = detect_vertical_line3(imgData.copy()) #导出最后结果 resultFinal = get_items_v02(region, imgData1.copy(), coorCC, name) if desPath: with open(desPath[:-4] + '.json', 'w') as f: json.dump(resultFinal, f) return resultFinal