Exemple #1
 def test_check_calculation(self):
     valid = ["23", "2.123", "cos(12.2)", "tan(sin(atan(cosh(1))))", "pie", "1+2*3/4^5%6", "gamma(17)"]
     invalid = ["hello", "1&2", "$13.50", "1::", "cos(tan(12+t+15))"]
     for valid_str in valid:
         assert Commons.check_calculation(valid_str), "Valid string judged to be not calculation, "+valid_str
     for invalid_str in invalid:
         assert not Commons.check_calculation(invalid_str), "Invalid string judged to be calculation, "+invalid_str
Exemple #2
 def run(self, line, user_obj, destination_obj=None):
     line_clean = line.strip().lower()
     if line_clean.isdigit():
         number = int(line_clean)
     elif Commons.check_calculation(line_clean):
         function_dispatcher = user_obj.server.hallo.function_dispatcher
         calc_func = function_dispatcher.get_function_by_name("calc")
         calc_obj = function_dispatcher.get_function_object(calc_func)  # type: Calculate
         number_str = calc_obj.process_calculation(line_clean)
         if "." in number_str:
             return "Error, this calculation does not result in an integer. The answer is: " + number_str
         number = int(number_str)
         return "Error, this is not a valid number or calculation."
     prime_factors = self.find_prime_factors(number)
     return "The prime factors of " + str(number) + " are: " + 'x'.join(str(x) for x in prime_factors) + "."
Exemple #3
 def preflight_checks(self, calc):
     # strip spaces
     calc_clean = calc.replace(' ', '').lower()
     # make sure only legit characters are allowed
     if not Commons.check_calculation(calc_clean):
         # TODO use custom exception
         raise Exception('Error, Invalid characters in expression')
     # make sure open brackets don't out-number close
     if calc.count('(') > calc.count(')'):
         raise Exception('Error, too many open brackets')
     # Make sure close brackets don't out-number open.
     # Previously I thought it would be okay to skip this, but "(21/3))+2))*5" evaluates as 17, rather than 45
     if calc.count(')') > calc.count('('):
         raise Exception('Error, too many close brackets')
     if len(calc) == 0:
         raise Exception("Error, empty calculation or brackets")
     return True
Exemple #4
 def passive_run(self, event, full_line, hallo_obj, server_obj=None, user_obj=None, channel_obj=None):
     """Replies to an event not directly addressed to the bot."""
     # Check if fullLine is a calculation, and is not just numbers, and contains numbers.
     if not Commons.check_calculation(full_line):
         return None
     if Commons.check_numbers(full_line.replace(".", "")):
         return None
     if not any([char in full_line for char in [str(x) for x in range(10)] + ["e", "pi"]]):
         return None
     # Clean up the line and feed to the calculator.
     calc = full_line.replace(' ', '').lower()
         answer = self.process_calculation(calc)
         return answer
     except Exception as e:
         print("Passive calc failed: "+str(e))
         return None
Exemple #5
 def run(self, line, user_obj, destination_obj=None):
     if line.count(' ') == 0:
         number = line
         lang = "american"
     elif line.split()[1].lower() in ["british", "english"]:
         number = line.split()[0]
         lang = "english"
     elif line.split()[1].lower() in ["european", "french"]:
         number = line.split()[0]
         lang = "european"
         number = line.split()[0]
         lang = "american"
     if Commons.check_numbers(number):
         number = number
     elif Commons.check_calculation(number):
         function_dispatcher = user_obj.server.hallo.function_dispatcher
         calc_func = function_dispatcher.get_function_by_name("calc")
         calc_obj = function_dispatcher.get_function_object(calc_func)  # type: Calculate
         number = calc_obj.process_calculation(number)
         return "Error, you must enter a valid number or calculation."
     return self.number_word(number, lang) + "."