Exemple #1
    def make_retrieval_code(self):
        """Make code for retrieving the value of the aggregate result,
        including demanding it.
        incaggr = self.incaggr

        params_l = L.List(tuple(L.ln(p) for p in incaggr.params), L.Load())

        if incaggr.has_demand:
            code = L.pe('''
                DEMQUERY(NAME, PARAMS_L, RES.smlookup(AGGRMASK, PARAMS_T))
                            'NAME': incaggr.name,
                            'PARAMS_L': params_l,
                            'PARAMS_T': L.tuplify(incaggr.params),
                            'RES': incaggr.name,
                            'AGGRMASK': incaggr.aggrmask.make_node()

            code = L.pe('''
                RES.smdeflookup(AGGRMASK, PARAMS_T, ZERO)
                            'RES': incaggr.name,
                            'AGGRMASK': incaggr.aggrmask.make_node(),
                            'PARAMS_T': L.tuplify(incaggr.params),
                            'ZERO': self.make_zero_mapval_expr(),

        code = self.make_proj_mapval_code(code)

        return code
Exemple #2
 def leaf_to_expr(root, path):
     """Turn a leaf path into a series of subscript expressions
     that obtain the leaf value from the root value.
     node = root
     for i in path:
         node = L.Subscript(node, L.Index(L.Num(i)), L.Load())
     return node
Exemple #3
 def make_projkey(self, val):
     """If this mask has no 'u' components, given a value for a tuple,
     construct a key expression out of the non-wildcard components.
     components = []
     for i, c in enumerate(self.parts):
         if c == 'b':
             # val[i]
             expr = L.Subscript(val, L.Index(L.Num(i)), L.Load())
         elif c == 'w':
         elif c.isdigit():
             assert ()
     return L.tuplify(components)
Exemple #4
def make_flattup_code(tuptype, in_node, out_node, tempvar):
    """Given a tuple tree type, make code to take the tuple given by the
    expression in_node and store the flattened form in the tuple given
    by out_node.
    def leaf_to_expr(root, path):
        """Turn a leaf path into a series of subscript expressions
        that obtain the leaf value from the root value.
        node = root
        for i in path:
            node = L.Subscript(node, L.Index(L.Num(i)), L.Load())
        return node

    leaves = tuptype_leaves(tuptype)
    code = ()

    # If in_expr is just a variable name, use it as is.
    # Otherwise store it in a temporary variable to avoid redundant
    # evaluation of in_expr.
    if isinstance(in_node, L.Name):
        root_node = in_node
        rootname = tempvar
        code += L.pc('''
            ROOT = IN_NODE
                         'IN_NODE': in_node,
                         'ROOT': L.sn(rootname)
        root_node = L.ln(rootname)

    flattuple_expr = L.Tuple(
        tuple(leaf_to_expr(root_node, leaf) for leaf in leaves), L.Load())
    code += L.pc('''
                     'FLATTUP': flattuple_expr,
                     'OUT_NODE': out_node

    return code
Exemple #5
def trel_bindmatch(trel, mask, vars, body, *, typecheck):
    """Make code to pattern match over a tuple relation."""
    assert len(mask) >= 2
    tup, *elts = vars
    arity = get_trel(trel)
    assert arity == len(elts)
    bvars, uvars, _eqs = mask.split_vars(vars)
    if mask.parts[0] == 'b':
        # Kick it over to setmatch(). The set being matched is
        # a singleton containing a tuple whose first component
        # is the passed-in tuple, and whose remaining components
        # are those of the passed-in tuple, i.e.
        #    (tup, tup[0], ..., tup[n])
        # This allows the mask to work correctly with arbitrary
        # equality components, wildcards, etc.
        singtup_elts = (L.ln(tup),)
        for i in range(arity):
            singtup_elts += (L.pe('TUP[IND]', subst={'TUP': L.ln(tup),
                                                     'IND': L.Num(i)}),)
        singtup = L.Tuple(singtup_elts, L.Load())
        code = L.pc('''
            for UVARS in setmatch({SINGTUP}, MASK, BVARS):
            ''', subst={'UVARS': L.tuplify(uvars, lval=True),
                        'SINGTUP': singtup,
                        'MASK': mask.make_node(),
                        'BVARS': L.tuplify(bvars),
                        '<c>BODY': body})
        # If any other part of the mask besides the first component
        # is bound, we need to confirm that it is consistent with
        # the tuple value of the first component.
        var_parts = list(enumerate(zip(vars, mask.parts)))
        conds = [L.pe('TUP[IND] == VAR', subst={'TUP': L.ln(tup),
                                                'IND': L.Num(i),
                                                'VAR': L.ln(var)})
                 for i, (var, part) in var_parts
                 if i > 0 if part == 'b']
        if len(conds) == 0:
            cond = None
        elif len(conds) == 1:
            cond = conds[0]
            cond = L.BoolOp(L.And(), conds)
        if cond is not None:
            code = L.pc('''
                if COND:
                ''', subst={'COND': cond,
                            '<c>CODE': code})
        if typecheck:
            code = L.pc('''
                if isinstance(TUP, tuple) and len(TUP) == ARITY:
                ''', subst={'TUP': L.ln(tup),
                            'ARITY': L.Num(arity),
                            '<c>CODE': code})
    # TODO: Case where first component is unbound but all other
    # components are bound, in which case we can avoid a map lookup.
        code = L.pc('''
            for UVARS in setmatch(SET, MASK, BVARS):
            ''', subst={'UVARS': L.tuplify(uvars, lval=True),
                        'SET': L.ln(trel),
                        'MASK': mask.make_node(),
                        'BVARS': L.tuplify(bvars),
                        '<c>BODY': body})
    return code