def __init__(self): Visitor.__init__(self) self.indenter = Indenter() self.line = '' self.lines = [] self.future_imports = []
class Renderer(Visitor): """Render an AST as nodal text This class just renders text snippets This class is based on the Unparser class, from That file is license under the PSF License which is available in this directory as "PYTHONLICENSE.txt" """ def __init__(self): Visitor.__init__(self) self.indenter = Indenter() self.line = '' self.lines = [] self.future_imports = [] def dispatch(self, node): if isinstance(node, list): _ = [self.visit(n) for n in node] else: return self.visit(node) def new_line(self, string): self.line = self.indenter.render(string) def write(self, string): if not self.line: self.new_line(string) self.line = self.indenter.render(string) else: self.line = '%s%s' % (self.line, string) def write_line(self, string=''): self.write(string) if not self.line.isspace(): self.lines.append(self.line) self.line = '' def write_multiline_string(self, quotes, string): self.write(quotes) for line in string.splitlines(): self.write_line(line) self.write(quotes) def visit_alias(self, node): self.write( if node.asname: self.write(' as %s' % node.asname) def visit_arguments(self, node): if node.defaults: i = len(node.defaults) plain_args = node.args[:-i] default_args = node.args[-i:] defaulted_args = zip(default_args, node.defaults) else: plain_args = node.args defaulted_args = [] commas = Commas(self) for arg in plain_args: commas.dispatch(arg) for arg, default in defaulted_args: commas.dispatch(arg) self.write('=') self.dispatch(default) if node.vararg: commas.write('*') self.dispatch(node.vararg) if node.kwarg: commas.write('**') self.dispatch(node.kwarg) def visit_body(self, node): for child in node: self.dispatch(child) if not isinstance(child, (ast.ClassDef, ast.FunctionDef, BlankLine)): self.write_line() def visit_comprehension(self, node): self.write(' for ') self.dispatch( self.write(' in ') self.dispatch(node.iter) for if_clause in node.ifs: self.write(' if ') self.dispatch(if_clause) def visit_block(self, values, line_number): value = values[0] if isinstance(value, Comment) and value.lineno == line_number: string = ': %s' % value.s values = values[1:] else: string = ':' self.write_line(string) self.indenter.indent() self.visit_body(values) self.indenter.dedent() def visit_decorators(self, node): if not node.decorator_list: return for decorator in node.decorator_list: self.write('@') self.dispatch(decorator) self.write_line() def visit_keyword(self, node): self.write(node.arg) self.write('=') self.dispatch(node.value) def visit_str(self, string): self.write(string) def visit_Assert(self, node): self.write('assert ') self.dispatch(node.test) if node.msg: self.write(', ') self.dispatch(node.msg) def visit_Assign(self, node): for target in node.targets: self.dispatch(target) self.write(' = ') self.dispatch(node.value) def visit_Attribute(self, node): self.dispatch(node.value) # ints are objects too, so can have attributes, e.g. 1 .__add__(1) == 2 if isinstance(node.value, ast.Num) and isinstance(node.value.n, int): self.write(' ') self.write('.') self.write(node.attr) def visit_AugAssign(self, node): self.dispatch( self.write(' %s= ' % self.binary_operators[node.op.__class__.__name__]) self.dispatch(node.value) boolops = {ast.And: 'and', ast.Or: 'or'} def visit_BoolOp(self, node): punctuation = ' %s' % self.boolops[node.op.__class__] punctuator = Punctuator(self, punctuation) for value in node.values: punctuator.dispatch(value) binary_operators = { 'Add': '+', 'Sub': '-', 'Mult': '*', 'Div': '/', 'Mod': '%', 'LShift': '<<', 'RShift': '>>', 'BitOr': '|', 'BitXor': '^', 'BitAnd': '&', 'FloorDiv': '//', 'Pow': '**' } def visit_BinOp(self, node): operator_name = node.op.__class__.__name__ self.dispatch(node.left) self.write(' %s ' % self.binary_operators[operator_name]) self.dispatch(node.right) def visit_BlankLine(self, node): self.write_line('') #pass def visit_Break(self, _node): self.write('break') def visit_Call(self, node): self.dispatch(node.func) self.write('(') commas = Commas(self) for arg in node.args + node.keywords: commas.dispatch(arg) if node.starargs: commas.write('*') self.dispatch(node.starargs) if node.kwargs: commas.write('**') self.dispatch(node.kwargs) self.write(')') def visit_ClassDef(self, node): self.visit_decorators(node) self.write('class %s' % if node.bases: self.write('(') commas = Commas(self) for base in node.bases: commas.dispatch(base) self.write(')') self.visit_block(node.body, node.lineno) def visit_Comment(self, node): if node.prefix: self.dispatch(node.prefix) self.write(' ') self.write(node.s) def visit_Compare(self, node): operators = { 'Eq': '==', 'NotEq': '!=', 'Lt': '<', 'LtE': '<=', 'Gt': '>', 'GtE': '>=', 'Is': 'is', 'IsNot': 'is not', 'In': 'in', 'NotIn': 'not in' } self.dispatch(node.left) for operator_node, comparator in zip(node.ops, node.comparators): operator_name = operator_node.__class__.__name__ operator = operators[operator_name] self.write(' %s ' % operator) self.dispatch(comparator) def visit_Continue(self, _node): self.write('continue') def visit_Delete(self, node): self.write('del ') commas = Commas(self) for target in node.targets: commas.dispatch(target) def visit_Dict(self, node): self.write('{') items = zip(node.keys, node.values) commas = Commas(self) for key, value in items: commas.dispatch([key, ': ', value]) self.write('}') def visit_DictComp(self, node): self.write('{') self.dispatch(node.key) self.write(':') self.dispatch(node.value) for generator in node.generators: self.dispatch(generator) self.write('}') def visit_DocString(self, node): if '\n' in node.s: self.write_multiline_string('"""', node.s) else: self.write('"""%s"""' % node.s) def visit_Ellipsis(self, _node): self.write('...') def visit_ExceptHandler(self, node): self.write('except') if node.type: self.write(' ') self.dispatch(node.type) if self.write(' as ') self.dispatch( self.visit_block(node.body, node.lineno) def visit_Exec(self, node): self.write('exec ') self.dispatch(node.body) if node.globals: self.write(' in ') self.dispatch(node.globals) if node.locals: self.write(', ') self.dispatch(node.locals) def visit_Expr(self, node): self.dispatch(node.value) def visit_ExtSlice(self, node): commas = Commas(self) for dimension in node.dims: commas.dispatch(dimension) def visit_For(self, node): self.write('for ') self.dispatch( self.write(' in ') self.dispatch(node.iter) self.visit_block(node.body, node.lineno) if node.orelse: self.write('else') self.visit_block(node.orelse, line_after(node.body)) def visit_FunctionDef(self, node): self.visit_decorators(node) self.write('def %s(' % self.dispatch(node.args) self.write(')') self.visit_block(node.body, node.lineno) def visit_GeneratorExp(self, node): self.write('(') self.dispatch(node.elt) for generator in node.generators: self.dispatch(generator) self.write(')') def visit_Global(self, node): self.write('global ') commas = Commas(self) for name in node.names: commas.dispatch(name) def visit_If(self, node): self.write('if ') self.dispatch(node.test) self.visit_block(node.body, node.lineno) while (node.orelse and len(node.orelse) == 1 and isinstance(node.orelse[0], ast.If)): node = node.orelse[0] self.write('elif ') self.dispatch(node.test) self.visit_block(node.body, node.test.lineno) if node.orelse: self.write('else') self.visit_block(node.orelse, line_after(node.body)) def visit_IfExp(self, node): self.dispatch(node.body) self.write(' if ') self.dispatch(node.test) self.write(' else ') self.dispatch(node.orelse) def visit_Import(self, node): self.write('import ') self.dispatch(node.names[0]) for name in node.names[1:]: self.write(', ') self.dispatch(name) def visit_ImportFrom(self, node): if node.module and node.module == '__future__': self.future_imports.extend( for n in node.names) self.write('from ') self.write('.' * node.level) if node.module: self.write(node.module) self.write(' import ') commas = Commas(self) for name in node.names: commas.dispatch(name) def visit_Index(self, node): self.dispatch(node.value) def visit_Lambda(self, node): self.write('lambda') if node.args and node.args.args: self.write(' ') self.dispatch(node.args) self.write(': ') self.dispatch(node.body) def visit_List(self, node): self.write('[') commas = Commas(self) for item in node.elts: commas.dispatch(item) self.write(']') def visit_ListComp(self, node): self.write('[') self.dispatch(node.elt) for generator in node.generators: self.dispatch(generator) self.write(']') def visit_Module(self, node): self.visit_body(node.body) def visit_Name(self, node): self.write( def visit_Num(self, node): string = repr(node.n) string = string.replace("inf", infinity_string()) self.write(string) def visit_Pass(self, _node): self.write('pass') def visit_Print(self, node): self.write('print ') commas = Commas(self) if node.dest: commas.write('>> ') self.dispatch(node.dest) for value in node.values: commas.dispatch(value) stay_on_line = ',' if not else '' self.write(stay_on_line) def visit_Raise(self, node): self.write('raise ') if node.type: self.dispatch(node.type) if node.inst: self.write(', ') self.dispatch(node.inst) if node.tback: self.write(', ') self.dispatch(node.tback) def visit_Repr(self, node): self.write('`') self.dispatch(node.value) self.write('`') def visit_Return(self, node): self.write('return') if node.value: self.write(' ') self.dispatch(node.value) def visit_Set(self, node): self.write('{') commas = Commas(self) for element in node.elts: commas.dispatch(element) self.write('}') def visit_SetComp(self, node): self.write('{') self.dispatch(node.elt) for generator in node.generators: self.dispatch(generator) self.write('}') def visit_Slice(self, node): if node.lower: self.dispatch(node.lower) self.write(':') if node.upper: self.dispatch(node.upper) if node.step: self.write(':') self.dispatch(node.step) def visit_Str(self, node): if '\n' in node.s: self.write_multiline_string("'''", node.s) else: self.write(repr(node.s)) def visit_Subscript(self, node): self.dispatch(node.value) self.write('[') self.dispatch(node.slice) self.write(']') def visit_TryExcept(self, node): self.write('try') self.visit_block(node.body, node.lineno) for handler in node.handlers: self.dispatch(handler) if node.orelse: self.write('else') self.visit_block(node.orelse, line_after(node.body)) def visit_TryFinally(self, node): if len(node.body) == 1 and isinstance(node.body[0], ast.TryExcept): # try-except-finally self.dispatch(node.body) else: self.write('try') self.visit_block(node.body, node.lineno) self.write('finally') self.visit_block(node.finalbody, line_after(node.body)) def visit_Tuple(self, node): loading = isinstance(node.ctx, ast.Load) if loading: self.write('(') if len(node.elts) == 1: (item,) = node.elts self.dispatch(item) self.write(',') else: commas = Commas(self) for item in node.elts: commas.dispatch(item) if loading: self.write(')') def visit_UnaryOp(self, node): operators = {'Invert': '~', 'Not': 'not', 'UAdd': '+', 'USub': '-'} operator_name = node.op.__class__.__name__ operator = operators[operator_name] space = operator_name == 'Not' and ' ' or '' self.write('%s%s' % (operator, space)) if operator_name == 'USub' and isinstance(node.operand, ast.Num): self.write('(') self.dispatch(node.operand) self.write(')') else: self.dispatch(node.operand) def visit_While(self, node): self.write('while ') self.dispatch(node.test) self.visit_block(node.body, node.lineno) if node.orelse: self.write('else') self.visit_block(node.orelse, line_after(node.body)) def visit_With(self, node): self.write('with ') self.dispatch(node.context_expr) if node.optional_vars: self.write(' as ') self.dispatch(node.optional_vars) self.visit_block(node.body, node.lineno) def visit_Yield(self, node): self.write('yield') if node.value: self.write(' ') self.dispatch(node.value)