Exemple #1
 def get_indicators(self,
                    sd=dt.datetime(2008, 1, 1),
                    ed=dt.datetime(2009, 1, 1)):
     df_p = ind.prepare_pricedf(symbol, sd, ed)
     ind.rolling_avg(df_p, symbol, df_p)
     ind.bollinger_bands(df_p, symbol, df_p)
     ind.momentum(df_p, symbol, df_p)
     ind.aroon(df_p, symbol, df_p)
     df_p.fillna(method='ffill', inplace=True)
     df_p.fillna(method='backfill', inplace=True)
     return df_p
    def _compute_indicators(prices, highs, lows, volumes, lookback):
        mtm = momentum(prices, lookback)
        sma, sma_ratio = simple_moving_average(prices, lookback)
        bbands = bollinger_bands(prices, sma, lookback)
        mfi = money_flow_index(prices, highs, lows, volumes, lookback)

        return mtm, sma_ratio, bbands, mfi
Exemple #3
    def _compute_indicators(self):
        price = self._stock_data.price
        high = self._stock_data.high
        low = self._stock_data.low
        volume = self._stock_data.volume

        mtm = momentum(price, self._lookback)
        sma, sma_ratio = simple_moving_average(price, self._lookback)
        bbands = bollinger_bands(price, sma, self._lookback)
        mfi = money_flow_index(price, high, low, volume, self._lookback)

        self._indicators = self._discretize((mtm, sma_ratio, bbands, mfi))
Exemple #4
    def getIndicators(self, dates, ed, syms, window=14, lookback=3):
        # I can look back at historical data before
        # the actual start date of the portfolio as
        # long as I only use that for technical analysis
        lookback_dates = pd.date_range(dates[0] - (window * 2), ed)
        prices_w_lookback = ut.get_data(syms,
                                        colname='Adj Close')[syms]

        bbp = ind.bollinger_percentage(prices_w_lookback, window)
        sma = ind.sma(prices_w_lookback, window)
        momentum = ind.momentum(prices_w_lookback, lookback)

        return bbp, sma, momentum
Exemple #5
    def __init__(self, sym='SPY', sd=dt.datetime(2008,1, 1), \

        self.sym = sym
        self.verbose = verbose
        self.shares = 0
        self.position = 0
        self.sv = sv
        self.cash = sv
        self.pp = 0
        n = 28
        chart = False
        #take in, normalize data
        df = ut.get_data([sym], pd.date_range(sd - dt.timedelta(100), ed))[sym]
        normed = df / df.ix[0]

        #get features
        sma = ind.SMA(normed, n)
        smap = ind.standardize(normed / sma)
        bbp = ind.standardize(ind.bband(normed, n, chart)[0])
        stdev = ind.standardize(normed.rolling(window=n, min_periods=n).std())
        mom = ind.standardize(ind.momentum(normed, n, chart))
        momvol = ind.standardize(mom / stdev)

        #daily returns & combined features
        rets = pd.DataFrame(df)
        daily_rets = rets[sym].copy()
        daily_rets[1:] = (rets[sym].ix[1:] / rets[sym].ix[:-1].values) - 1
        daily_rets.ix[0] = 0
        #print df

        #df = pd.DataFrame(df).assign(normed = normed).assign(smap=smap).\
        #        assign(stdev=stdev).assign(bbp=bbp).assign(mom=mom)[sd:]
        df = pd.DataFrame(df).assign(normed = normed).assign(smap=smap).\

        #print df
        daily_rets.ix[0] = 0
        df = df.assign(dr=daily_rets)

        #print df
        self.df = df
        self.market = df.iterrows()
        self.curr = self.market.next()
        self.action = self.Action()
        #self.features = ['smap', 'stdev', 'bbp', 'mom']
        self.features = ['smap', 'bbp', 'mom']
Exemple #6
def testPolicy(symbol='AAPL',
               sd=dt.datetime(2010, 1, 1),
               ed=dt.datetime(2011, 12, 31),

    df_prices = get_data([symbol], pd.date_range(sd, ed))
    df_prices = df_prices[[symbol]]

    df_trades = pd.DataFrame(0.0, index=df_prices.index, columns=[symbol])

    #Calculate indicator dataframes
    upper_band, lower_band = ind.BollingerBands(df_prices)
    momentum = ind.momentum(df_prices)
    midpoint = ind.midpoints(df_prices)

    pos = 0.0

    for i in range(1, df_trades.shape[0] - 1):

        price = df_prices[symbol].iloc[i]
        lastprice = df_prices[symbol].iloc[i - 1]

        #Signal for entering short position
        if price < upper_band[symbol].iloc[i] and lastprice > upper_band[
            df_trades[symbol].iloc[i] = -1000.0 - pos

        #Signal for entering long position
        elif price > lower_band[symbol].iloc[i] and lastprice < lower_band[
            df_trades[symbol].iloc[i] = 1000.0 - pos

        #Signals for closing out positions
        if pos == 1000.0:
            if price < midpoint[symbol].iloc[i] and lastprice > midpoint[
                    symbol].iloc[i] and momentum[symbol].iloc[i] <= 0:
                df_trades[symbol].iloc[i] = -1 * pos
        elif pos == -1000.0:
            if price > midpoint[symbol].iloc[i] and lastprice < midpoint[
                    symbol].iloc[i] and momentum[symbol].iloc[i] >= 0:
                df_trades[symbol].iloc[i] = -1 * pos

        pos += df_trades[symbol].iloc[i]

    return df_trades
Exemple #7
def testPolicy(symbol = "AAPL", sd=dt.datetime(2010,1,1), \
        ed = dt.datetime(2011,12,31), sv=100000):
    chart = False
    n = 14
    #symbol = [symbol]
    prices = get_data(symbol, pd.date_range(sd, ed))
    #print prices
    #ffill and drop SPY
    prices.fillna(method='ffill', inplace=True)
    prices.fillna(method='bfill', inplace=True)
    prices = prices[symbol]
    #Generate indicators
    sma = ind.SMA(prices, n)
    smap = ind.standardize(prices / sma)
    bbp = ind.standardize(ind.bband(prices, n, chart)[0])
    stdev = ind.standardize(prices.rolling(window=n, min_periods=n).std())
    mom = ind.standardize(ind.momentum(prices, n, chart))
    momvol = ind.standardize(mom / stdev)
    orders = prices.copy()
    orders.ix[:, :] = np.nan

    smap_cross = pd.DataFrame(0, index=smap.index, columns=smap.columns)
    smap_cross[smap >= 1] = 1
    smap_cross[1:] = smap_cross.diff()
    smap_cross.ix[0] = 0

    orders[(smap < 0.95) & (bbp < 0) & (stdev < 0.1) & (mom < 0)] = 1000
    orders[(smap > 1.05) & (bbp > 1) & (stdev > 0.3) & (mom > 0)] = -1000

    orders[(smap_cross != 0)] = 0
    orders.fillna(0, inplace=True)
    orders[1:] = orders.diff()
    #orders.ix[0] = 1000
    #orders.ix[-1] = -1000
    #orders = orders.loc[(orders!=0).any(axis=1)]
    #orders.ix[0] = 0
    #orders.ix[-1] = orders.ix[-2]*-1
    #print orders
    return orders
Exemple #8
    def testPolicy(self,
                   sd=dt.datetime(2008, 1, 1),
                   ed=dt.datetime(2009, 12, 31),
        dates = pd.date_range(sd, ed)
        syms = []
        prices_SPY = get_data(syms, dates, addSPY=True, colname='Adj Close')
        prices_sym = prices_SPY[syms]
        init_trade = prices_sym.copy()
        init_trade[:] = 0

        # benchmark - buy and hold 1000 shares
        init_trade.iloc[0, 0] = 1000
        benchmark_portfolio = compute_portvals(init_trade,

        # manual strategy
        man_trade = prices_sym.copy()
        man_trade[:] = 0
        window = 14
        lookback = 3
        # I can look back at historical data before
        # the actual start date of the portfolio as
        # long as I only use that for technical analysis
        lookback_dates = pd.date_range(dates[0] - (window * 2), ed)
        prices_w_lookback = get_data(syms,
                                     colname='Adj Close')[syms]

        bbp = ind.bollinger_percentage(prices_w_lookback, window)
        sma = ind.sma(prices_w_lookback, window)
        momentum = ind.momentum(prices_w_lookback, lookback)
        # One DF for iterating
        indicators = pd.concat([bbp, sma, momentum], axis=1)
        indicators.columns = ['BBP', 'SMA', 'Momentum']
        indicators = indicators.dropna()  # Just drop any day where we have NAN

        man_trade = init_trade.copy()
        man_trade.iloc[:, :] = 0
        man_trade.iloc[:, -1] = 0.0
        # track long and short positions
        longPos = []
        shortPos = []

        position = 0
        for i in range(indicators.shape[0] - 1):
            # dropna removes some dates from indicators, can't rely on index
            date = indicators.iloc[i].name.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
            if (indicators.iloc[i]['BBP'] <
                    .03) and (indicators.iloc[i]['Momentum'] >
                              -0.2) and (indicators.iloc[i]['SMA'] < .97):
                if position != 1000:
                    man_trade.loc[date][syms] = 1000 - position
                    position = 1000
            elif (indicators.iloc[i]['BBP'] >
                  .97) and (indicators.iloc[i]['Momentum'] <
                            0.2) and (indicators.iloc[i]['SMA'] > 1.03):
                if position != -1000:
                    man_trade.loc[date][syms] = -1000 - position
                    position = -1000

        man_portfolio = compute_portvals(man_trade,

        # Strategy vs Benchmark
        fig = plt.figure()
        plt.title('Manual Strategy')
        x = benchmark_portfolio.index.values  # dates
        y = benchmark_portfolio.values
        y = y / y[0]  # normalize
        plt.plot(x, y, color='green', label='Benchmark')
        x2 = man_portfolio.index.values
        y2 = man_portfolio.values
        y2 = y2 / y2[0]
        plt.plot(x2, y2, color='red', label='Manual Strategy')

        plt.savefig('MS_' + str(sd.year) + '.png')

        # Entry points
        fig = plt.figure
        plt.title('Entry Points')
        x = prices_sym.index.values
        y = prices_sym.values / prices_sym.values[0]
        plt.plot(x, y, color='orange', label='Prices')
        # plot longs
        for l in longPos:
            y = prices_sym.loc[l][0] / prices_sym.iloc[0, 0]
            plt.plot([l, l], [y + .1, y - .1], color='blue')
        for s in shortPos:
            y = prices_sym.loc[s][0] / prices_sym.iloc[0, 0]
            plt.plot([s, s], [y + .1, y - .1], color='black')

        # custom legend entries for long and short
        ax = plt.gca()
        handles, labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels()
        long_line = mlines.Line2D([], [], color='blue', label='Long')
        short_line = mlines.Line2D([], [], color='black', label='Short')
        plt.savefig('entrypoints_MS_' + str(sd.year) + '.png')

        # Stats
        daily_returns_bench = benchmark_portfolio / benchmark_portfolio.shift(
            1) - 1
        c_return_bench = benchmark_portfolio.iloc[
            -1] / benchmark_portfolio.iloc[0] - 1
        stdev_daily_bench = daily_returns_bench.std()
        mean_daily_bench = daily_returns_bench.mean()

        daily_returns_opt = man_portfolio / man_portfolio.shift(1) - 1
        c_return_opt = man_portfolio.iloc[-1] / man_portfolio.iloc[0] - 1
        stdev_daily_opt = daily_returns_opt.std()
        mean_daily_opt = daily_returns_opt.mean()

        print('Benchmark Stats')
        print('Cumulative Return: ' + str(c_return_bench))
        print('StDev Daily: ' + str(stdev_daily_bench))
        print('Mean Daily: ' + str(mean_daily_bench))

        print('Manual Stats')
        print('Cumulative Return: ' + str(c_return_opt))
        print('StDev Daily: ' + str(stdev_daily_opt))
        print('Mean Daily: ' + str(mean_daily_opt))
Exemple #9
    def addEvidence(self, symbol = "IBM", \
        sd=dt.datetime(2008,1,1), \
        ed=dt.datetime(2009,1,1), \
        sv = 10000):

        # add your code to do learning here

        # example usage of the old backward compatible util function
        syms = [symbol]
        dates = pd.date_range(sd, ed)
        prices_all = ut.get_data(syms, dates)  # automatically adds SPY
        prices = prices_all[syms]  # only portfolio symbols
        prices_SPY = prices_all['SPY']  # only SPY, for comparison later
        #if self.verbose: print prices
        #print prices

        # example use with new colname
        volume_all = ut.get_data(syms, dates,
                                 colname="Volume")  # automatically adds SPY
        volume = volume_all[syms]  # only portfolio symbols
        volume_SPY = volume_all['SPY']  # only SPY, for comparison later
        if self.verbose: print volume
        #print volume

        S = sma(prices, 20)
        upper, lower, bb, r_m, r_std = bollinger(prices)
        M = momentum(prices)

        SMA = pd.DataFrame({'SMA': S})
        bb_val = pd.DataFrame({'Bollinger': bb})
        Upper = pd.DataFrame({'Upper': upper})
        Lower = pd.DataFrame({'Lower': lower})
        Momentum = pd.DataFrame({'Momentum': M})
        R_M = pd.DataFrame({'Rolling Mean': r_m})
        R_STD = pd.DataFrame({"Rolling STD": r_std})
        ind = pd.concat((SMA, bb_val, Upper, Lower, R_M, R_STD, Momentum),
        ind.fillna(0, inplace=True)
        ind = ind[:-self.Days]

        x_train = ind.values
        for i in range(0,len(prices)-self.Days):
            if i<20:
                x_train[i][0] = 0
                x_train[i][1] = 0
                x_train[i][2] = 0
                x_train[i][3] = prices.iloc[i]
                x_train[i][4] = prices.iloc[i + self.Days]
                x_train[i][0] = SMA.iloc[i]
                x_train[i][1] = bb_val.iloc[i]
                x_train[i][2] = Momentum.iloc[i]

        #print x_train

        y_temp = []

        for i in range(0, len(prices) - self.Days):
            if prices.ix[i + self.Days,
                         symbol] / prices.ix[i, symbol] > 1.008 + self.impact:
            elif prices.ix[i + self.Days, symbol] / prices.ix[
                    i, symbol] < 0.992 - self.impact:

        y_train = np.array(y_temp)

        self.learner.addEvidence(x_train, y_train)
Exemple #10
    def testPolicy(self, symbol = "IBM", \
        sd=dt.datetime(2009,1,1), \
        ed=dt.datetime(2010,1,1), \
        sv = 10000):

        # here we build a fake set of trades
        # your code should return the same sort of data
        dates = pd.date_range(sd, ed)
        prices_all = ut.get_data([symbol], dates)  # automatically adds SPY
        prices = prices_all[[
        ]]  # only portfolio symbols
        trades_SPY = prices_all['SPY']  # only SPY, for comparison later

        #print prices

        S = sma(prices, 20)
        upper, lower, bb, r_m, r_std = bollinger(prices)
        M = momentum(prices)

        SMA = pd.DataFrame({'SMA': S})
        bb_val = pd.DataFrame({'Bollinger': bb})
        Upper = pd.DataFrame({'Upper': upper})
        Lower = pd.DataFrame({'Lower': lower})
        Momentum = pd.DataFrame({'Momentum': M})
        R_M = pd.DataFrame({'Rolling Mean': r_m})
        R_STD = pd.DataFrame({"Rolling STD": r_std})

        ind = pd.concat((SMA, bb_val, Upper, Lower, R_M, R_STD, Momentum),
        ind.fillna(0, inplace=True)
        ind = ind[:-self.Days]

        x_test = ind.values
        x_test = np.zeros(shape=(len(prices) - self.Days, 3))
        for i in range(0, len(prices) - self.Days):
            if i<20:
                x_test[i][0] = 0
                x_test[i][1] = 0
                x_test[i][2] = 0
                x_test[i][0] = SMA.iloc[i]
                x_test[i][1] = bb_val.iloc[i]
                x_test[i][2] = Momentum.iloc[i]

        #print x_test
        y_ans = self.learner.query(x_test)
        trades = pd.DataFrame(0, columns=prices.columns, index=prices.index)
        shares = 0
        for i in range(0, len(prices) - self.Days):
            if y_ans[i] == 1:
                trades[symbol].iloc[i] = 1000 - shares
                shares = 1000
            elif y_ans[i] == -1:
                trades[symbol].iloc[i] = -shares - 1000
                shares = -1000

        #print trades
        trades.values[:,:] = 0 # set them all to nothing  		   	  			    		  		  		    	 		 		   		 		  
        trades.values[0,:] = 1000 # add a BUY at the start  		   	  			    		  		  		    	 		 		   		 		  
        trades.values[40,:] = -1000 # add a SELL  		   	  			    		  		  		    	 		 		   		 		  
        trades.values[41,:] = 1000 # add a BUY  		   	  			    		  		  		    	 		 		   		 		  
        trades.values[60,:] = -2000 # go short from long  		   	  			    		  		  		    	 		 		   		 		  
        trades.values[61,:] = 2000 # go long from short  		   	  			    		  		  		    	 		 		   		 		  
        trades.values[-1,:] = -1000 #exit on the last day  		   	  			    		  		  		    	 		 		   		 		  
        if self.verbose: print type(trades) # it better be a DataFrame!  		   	  			    		  		  		    	 		 		   		 		  
        if self.verbose: print trades  		   	  			    		  		  		    	 		 		   		 		  
        if self.verbose: print prices_all  		

        return trades
Exemple #11
    def __init__(self, sym='SPY', sd=dt.datetime(2008,1, 1), \
            ed=dt.datetime(2009,12,31),sv=100000,verbose=False, experiment=False, impact=0.0):

        self.sym = sym
        self.verbose = verbose
        self.shares = 0
        self.position = 2
        self.sv = sv
        self.cash = sv
        self.pp = 0
        self.impact = impact
        self.experiment = experiment
        #n = 3  #period
        chart = False
        #take in, normalize data
        df = ut.get_data([sym], pd.date_range(sd - dt.timedelta(100), ed))[sym]
        #print df
        #print sd, ed
        normed = df / df.ix[0]
        #print normed
        #daily returns & combined features
        rets = pd.DataFrame(df)
        daily_rets = rets[sym].copy()
        daily_rets[1:] = (rets[sym].ix[1:] / rets[sym].ix[:-1].values) - 1
        daily_rets.ix[0] = 0

        #Simple moving average
        sma5 = normed.rolling(5).mean()
        sma15 = normed.rolling(15).mean()
        sma20 = normed.rolling(20).mean()
        sma25 = normed.rolling(25).mean()
        sma30 = normed.rolling(30).mean()
        sma40 = normed.rolling(40).mean()
        #print sma5
        # Volatility
        vol5 = normed.rolling(5).std()
        vol10 = normed.rolling(10).std()
        vol20 = normed.rolling(20).std()
        vol30 = normed.rolling(30).std()

        # Bollinger bands
        sma_bb = normed.rolling(5).mean()
        sma_bb_std = normed.rolling(5).std()
        bb = (normed -
              (sma_bb - 2 * sma_bb_std)) / ((sma_bb + 2 * sma_bb_std) -
                                            (sma_bb - 2 * sma_bb_std))

        # Moving average convergence/divergence
        #ema12 = pd.ewma(np.asarray(normed), span=12)
        #ema26 = pd.ewma(np.asarray(normed), span=26)
        #macd = ema12 - ema26

        # Momentum
        momentum2 = normed / normed.shift(2) - 1
        momentum5 = normed / normed.shift(5) - 1
        momentum10 = normed / normed.shift(10) - 1

        # Combine into new dataframe
        df = pd.DataFrame(df).assign(sma5=normed / sma5 - 1).assign(\

        df = df.assign(dr=daily_rets)
        #print df
        # Determine optimal features for states
        corr_df = df.corr().abs()
        corr = corr_df['dr'][:]
        corr.ix[0] = 0
        corr['normed'] = 0
        icorr = np.asarray(corr)
        scorr = icorr.argsort(
        )[-4:][::-1]  # select top 3 features and daily returns
        scorr = scorr[1:]  # remove daily returns from possible features
        optimal_ftrs = []
        for i in scorr:

        if experiment:
            #print "Experiment 1 ACTIVATED"
            n = 14
            sma = ind.SMA(normed, n)
            smap = ind.standardize(normed / sma)
            bbp = ind.standardize(ind.bband(normed, n, chart)[0])
            stdev = ind.standardize(
                normed.rolling(window=n, min_periods=n).std())
            mom = ind.standardize(ind.momentum(normed, n, chart))
            momvol = ind.standardize(mom / stdev)
            df = pd.DataFrame(df).assign(normed=normed).assign(
            optimal_ftrs = ['smap', 'stdev', 'bbp', 'mom']

        #df = pd.DataFrame(df).assign(normed = normed).assign(smap=smap).assign(bbp=bbp).assign(mom=mom)[sd:]
        #df = pd.DataFrame(df).assign(normed = normed)[sd:]

        self.df = df
        self.market = df.iterrows()
        self.curr = self.market.next()
        self.action = self.Action()
        self.features = optimal_ftrs
def combined_ind(df,
                 sd=dt.datetime(2008, 1, 1),
                 ed=dt.datetime(2009, 12, 31),
    mome10 = momentum(df, symbol, window=10)[1]
    SMA20, div20 = SMA(df, symbol, window=20)[1:]
    bb_ind20 = bol_bands(df, symbol, window=20)[3]
    #print mome10
    mome10 = mome10 / mome10.iloc[10]
    div20 = div20 / div20.iloc[19]
    bb_ind20 = bb_ind20 / bb_ind20.iloc[19]
    #print momentum1

    short_entries = []
    short_exits = []
    long_entries = []
    long_exits = []
    signals = []

    entry = False

    for i in range(len(df.index)):
        if mome10[i - 1] > 3.0 and mome10[i] < 2.8 and div20[
                i] < 1.5 and bb_ind20[i] < 1.0 and not entry:
            entry = True
            signals.append([str(df.index[i]).split()[0], 'BUY'])
        if mome10[
                i -
                1] < -2.0 and div20[i] > 0.5 and bb_ind20[i] > -1.0 and entry:
            entry = False
            signals.append([str(df.index[i]).split()[0], 'SELL'])
        if mome10[i - 1] < -6.0 and mome10[i] > -6.0 and div20[
                i] < 1.5 and bb_ind20[i] < 1.0 and not entry:
            entry = True
            signals.append([str(df.index[i]).split()[0], 'BUY'])
        if mome10[i - 1] > 5.0 and mome10[
                i -
                1] < 5.0 and div20[i] > 0.5 and bb_ind20[i] > -1.0 and entry:
            entry = False
            signals.append([str(df.index[i]).split()[0], 'SELL'])

    ordersfile = open(
            str(ed).split()[0]), 'w')

    for signal in signals:
        ordersfile.write("%s,%s,%s,1000\n" % (signal[0], symbol, signal[1]))

    df[symbol] = df[symbol] / df[symbol].iloc[0]

    ax = df[symbol].plot(title='Combined_ind', label=symbol)
    mome10.plot(label='Mome10', ax=ax)
    div20.plot(label='Div20', ax=ax)
    bb_ind20.plot(label='bb_ind20', ax=ax)

    ymin, ymax = ax.get_ylim()
    plt.vlines(long_entries, ymin, ymax, color='g')
    plt.vlines(long_exits, ymin, ymax)
    plt.vlines(short_entries, ymin, ymax, color='r')
    plt.vlines(short_exits, ymin, ymax)

    ax.legend(loc='lower right')
    return long_entries, long_exits, short_entries, short_exits