Exemple #1
def _process_cascaded_category_contents(records):
    Travel from categories to subcontributions, flattening the whole event structure.

    Yields everything that it finds (except for elements whose protection has changed
    but are not inheriting their protection settings from anywhere).

    :param records: queue records to process
    category_prot_records = {
        for rec in records if rec.type == EntryType.category
        and rec.change == ChangeType.protection_changed
    category_move_records = {
        for rec in records
        if rec.type == EntryType.category and rec.change == ChangeType.moved

    changed_events = set()

    category_prot_records -= category_move_records  # A move already implies sending the whole record

    # Protection changes are handled differently, as there may not be the need to re-generate the record
    if category_prot_records:
        for categ in Category.find(Category.id.in_(category_prot_records)):
            cte = categ.get_protection_parent_cte()
            # Update only children that inherit
            inheriting_categ_children = (Event.query.join(
                db.and_((Event.category_id == cte.c.id),
                        (cte.c.protection_parent == categ.id))))
            inheriting_direct_children = Event.find(
                (Event.category_id == categ.id) & Event.is_inheriting)


    # Add move operations and explicitly-passed event records
    if category_move_records:

    for elem in _process_cascaded_event_contents(
            records, additional_events=changed_events):
        yield elem
Exemple #2
def _process_cascaded_category_contents(records):
    Travel from categories to subcontributions, flattening the whole event structure.

    Yields everything that it finds (except for elements whose protection has changed
    but are not inheriting their protection settings from anywhere).

    :param records: queue records to process
    category_prot_records = {rec.category_id for rec in records if rec.type == EntryType.category
                             and rec.change == ChangeType.protection_changed}
    category_move_records = {rec.category_id for rec in records if rec.type == EntryType.category
                             and rec.change == ChangeType.moved}

    changed_events = set()

    category_prot_records -= category_move_records  # A move already implies sending the whole record

    # Protection changes are handled differently, as there may not be the need to re-generate the record
    if category_prot_records:
        for categ in Category.find(Category.id.in_(category_prot_records)):
            cte = categ.get_protection_parent_cte()
            # Update only children that inherit
            inheriting_categ_children = (Event.query
                                         .join(cte, db.and_((Event.category_id == cte.c.id),
                                                            (cte.c.protection_parent == categ.id))))
            inheriting_direct_children = Event.find((Event.category_id == categ.id) & Event.is_inheriting)

            changed_events.update(itertools.chain(inheriting_direct_children, inheriting_categ_children))

    # Add move operations and explicitly-passed event records
    if category_move_records:

    for elem in _process_cascaded_event_contents(records, additional_events=changed_events):
        yield elem