def test_expression_in_quoted_braces(self): to_be_parsed = """ GET, PARAMS username "pas{word}". """ actual = parser.parse(to_be_parsed) expected = [ [ [ "GET", "" ], [ "PARAMS", "username", "pas{word}" ] ] ] self.assertCountEqual(actual, expected)
def test_comments(self): to_be_parsed = """ some text # Our first working test GET, PARAMS username indor. ASSERT RESPONSE TYPE JSON. /% asdfasfhasdkfas asddASDasd asdAKDHavsd ASDasdASD EWERQWERasadf asdfasd%/ ASSERT RESPONSE /% Inline comment %/ EMPTY. ASSERT RESPONSE LENGTH > 200.""" actual = parser.parse(to_be_parsed) expected = [[["some", "text", "GET", ""], ["PARAMS", "username", "indor"]], ["ASSERT", "RESPONSE", "TYPE", "JSON"], ["ASSERT", "RESPONSE", "EMPTY"], ["ASSERT", "RESPONSE", "LENGTH", ">", "200"]] self.assertCountEqual(actual, expected)
def test_defines(self): to_be_parsed = """ DEFINE URL = DEFINE POST = DEFINE SOME_TEXT = username indor DEFINE BASE = GET @URL@, PARAMS postalcode 41800, @SOME_TEXT@. POST @POST@. DELETE @BASE@/delete. """ actual = parser.parse(to_be_parsed) expected = [[["GET", ""], [ "PARAMS", "postalcode", "41800", ], ["username", "indor"]], ["POST", ""], ["DELETE", ""]] self.assertCountEqual(actual, expected)
def test_repeated_scenarios(self): to_be_parsed = """ REPEAT FOR { "run1": {"url": "", "expected_code": 200}, "run2": {"url": "", "expected_code": 404} } SCENARIO "Test 1 with repeats" FLAGS heavy important. GET $url$. ASSERT RESPONSE STATUS $expected_code$. END REPEAT """ actual = parser.parse(to_be_parsed) expected = [[ "REPEATED_SCENARIO", "run1", "Test 1 with repeats", "FLAGS", "heavy", "important" ], ["GET", ""], ["ASSERT", "RESPONSE", "STATUS", "200"], [ "REPEATED_SCENARIO", "run2", "Test 1 with repeats", "FLAGS", "heavy", "important" ], ["GET", ""], ["ASSERT", "RESPONSE", "STATUS", "404"]] self.assertCountEqual(actual, expected)
def test_basic_auth(self): parsed_input = next( input_parser.parse("%s %s, AUTH sampleUsername samplePassword." % (METHOD, API_SAMPLE_URL))) auth = get_auth(parsed_input) self.assertIsInstance(auth, requests.auth.HTTPBasicAuth)
def test_quoted_expression_as_one(self): to_be_parsed = """ GET, PARAMS postalcode "really long. and. #no comment \\\"snarky /% no comment %/ example." username indor.""" actual = parser.parse(to_be_parsed) expected = [[["GET", ""], [ "PARAMS", "postalcode", """really long. and. #no comment "snarky /% no comment %/ example.""", "username", "indor" ]]] self.assertCountEqual(actual, expected)
def test_expression_in_braces_as_one(self): to_be_parsed = """ GET, JSON { "key": "value", "key1": [ {"key": "no /%comment %/"}, {"key": "#no comment"} ] } . """ actual = parser.parse(to_be_parsed) expected = [[["GET", ""], [ "JSON", """{ "key": "value", "key1": [ {"key": "no /%comment %/"}, {"key": "#no comment"} ] }""" ]]] self.assertCountEqual(actual, expected)
def test_basic_auth2(self): parsed_input = next( input_parser.parse( "GET, AUTH BASIC sampleUsername samplePassword." )) auth = get_auth(parsed_input) self.assertIsInstance(auth, requests.auth.HTTPBasicAuth)
def test_digest_auth(self): parsed_input = next( input_parser.parse( "GET, AUTH DIGEST sampleUsername samplePassword." )) auth = get_auth(parsed_input) self.assertIsInstance(auth, requests.auth.HTTPDigestAuth)
def test_comments(self): to_be_parsed = """ some text # Our first working test GET, PARAMS username indor. ASSERT RESPONSE TYPE JSON. /% asdfasfhasdkfas asddASDasd asdAKDHavsd ASDasdASD EWERQWERasadf asdfasd%/ ASSERT RESPONSE /% Inline comment %/ EMPTY. ASSERT RESPONSE LENGTH > 200.""" actual = parser.parse(to_be_parsed) expected = [ [ [ "some", "text", "GET", "" ], [ "PARAMS", "username", "indor" ] ], [ "ASSERT", "RESPONSE", "TYPE", "JSON" ], [ "ASSERT", "RESPONSE", "EMPTY" ], [ "ASSERT", "RESPONSE", "LENGTH", ">", "200" ] ] self.assertCountEqual(actual, expected)
def test_repeated_scenarios(self): to_be_parsed = """ REPEAT FOR { "run1": {"url": "", "expected_code": 200}, "run2": {"url": "", "expected_code": 404} } SCENARIO "Test 1 with repeats" FLAGS heavy important. GET $url$. ASSERT RESPONSE STATUS $expected_code$. END REPEAT """ actual = parser.parse(to_be_parsed) expected = [ [ "REPEATED_SCENARIO", "run1", "Test 1 with repeats", "FLAGS", "heavy", "important" ], [ "GET", "" ], [ "ASSERT", "RESPONSE", "STATUS", "200" ], [ "REPEATED_SCENARIO", "run2", "Test 1 with repeats", "FLAGS", "heavy", "important" ], [ "GET", "" ], [ "ASSERT", "RESPONSE", "STATUS", "404" ] ] self.assertCountEqual(actual, expected)
def test_nested_defines(self): to_be_parsed = """ DEFINE BASE = DEFINE URL2 = @BASE@/post GET @BASE@. POST @URL2@. """ actual = parser.parse(to_be_parsed) expected = [["GET", ""], ["POST", ""]] self.assertCountEqual(actual, expected)
def test_expression_in_quoted_braces(self): to_be_parsed = """ GET, PARAMS username "pas{word}". """ actual = parser.parse(to_be_parsed) expected = [[["GET", ""], ["PARAMS", "username", "pas{word}"]]] self.assertCountEqual(actual, expected)
def test_defines(self): to_be_parsed = """ DEFINE URL = DEFINE POST = DEFINE SOME_TEXT = username indor DEFINE BASE = GET @URL@, PARAMS postalcode 41800, @SOME_TEXT@. POST @POST@. DELETE @BASE@/delete. """ actual = parser.parse(to_be_parsed) expected = [ [ [ "GET", "" ], [ "PARAMS", "postalcode", "41800", ], [ "username", "indor" ] ], [ "POST", "" ], [ "DELETE", "" ] ] self.assertCountEqual(actual, expected)
def test_repeats(self): to_be_parsed = """ DEFINE BASE = GET @BASE@. ASSERT RESPONSE STATUS OK. REPEAT FOR { "run1a": {"url": "", "expected_code": 200}, "run1b": {"url": "", "expected_code": 404} } GET $url$. ASSERT RESPONSE STATUS $expected_code$. END REPEAT POST @BASE@. ASSERT RESPONSE STATUS OK. REPEAT FOR { "run2a": {"url": "", "expected_code": 200}, "run2b": {"url": "", "expected_code": 404} } GET $url$. ASSERT RESPONSE STATUS $expected_code$. END REPEAT """ actual = parser.parse(to_be_parsed) expected = [["GET", ""], ["ASSERT", "RESPONSE", "STATUS", "OK"], ["GET", ""], ["ASSERT", "RESPONSE", "STATUS", "200"], ["GET", ""], ["ASSERT", "RESPONSE", "STATUS", "404"], ["POST", ""], ["ASSERT", "RESPONSE", "STATUS", "OK"], ["GET", ""], ["ASSERT", "RESPONSE", "STATUS", "200"], ["GET", ""], ["ASSERT", "RESPONSE", "STATUS", "404"]] self.assertCountEqual(actual, expected)
def test_quoted_expression_as_one(self): to_be_parsed = """ GET, PARAMS postalcode "really long. and. #no comment \\\"snarky /% no comment %/ example." username indor.""" actual = parser.parse(to_be_parsed) expected = [ [ [ "GET", "" ], [ "PARAMS", "postalcode", """really long. and. #no comment "snarky /% no comment %/ example.""", "username", "indor" ] ] ] self.assertCountEqual(actual, expected)
def test_basic_parse_1(self): to_be_parsed = """ # Our first working test GET, PARAMS postalcode 50316 username indor, HEADERS sth sth. ASSERT RESPONSE STATUS OK.""" parsed = parser.parse(to_be_parsed) expected = [ [ [ "GET", "" ], [ "PARAMS", "postalcode", "50316", "username", "indor" ], [ "HEADERS", "sth", "sth" ] ], [ "ASSERT", "RESPONSE", "STATUS", "OK" ] ] self.assertCountEqual(parsed, expected)
def test_escaped_strings(self): to_be_parsed = """ # Our first working test GET, PARAMS postalcode "50316" username "indor indorowski,.". ASSERT RESPONSE STATUS OK. """ parsed = parser.parse(to_be_parsed) expected = [[["GET", ""], [ "PARAMS", "postalcode", "50316", "username", "indor indorowski,." ]], ["ASSERT", "RESPONSE", "STATUS", "OK"]] self.assertCountEqual(parsed, expected)
def test_basic_parse_1(self): to_be_parsed = """ # Our first working test GET, PARAMS postalcode 50316 username indor, HEADERS sth sth. ASSERT RESPONSE STATUS OK.""" parsed = parser.parse(to_be_parsed) expected = [[["GET", ""], ["PARAMS", "postalcode", "50316", "username", "indor"], ["HEADERS", "sth", "sth"]], ["ASSERT", "RESPONSE", "STATUS", "OK"]] self.assertCountEqual(parsed, expected)
def test_nested_defines(self): to_be_parsed = """ DEFINE BASE = DEFINE URL2 = @BASE@/post GET @BASE@. POST @URL2@. """ actual = parser.parse(to_be_parsed) expected = [ [ "GET", "" ], [ "POST", "" ] ] self.assertCountEqual(actual, expected)
def test_escaped_strings(self): to_be_parsed = """ # Our first working test GET, PARAMS postalcode "50316" username "indor indorowski,.". ASSERT RESPONSE STATUS OK. """ parsed = parser.parse(to_be_parsed) expected = [ [ [ "GET", "" ], [ "PARAMS", "postalcode", "50316", "username", "indor indorowski,." ] ], [ "ASSERT", "RESPONSE", "STATUS", "OK" ] ] self.assertCountEqual(parsed, expected)
def test_expression_in_braces_as_one(self): to_be_parsed = """ GET, JSON { "key": "value", "key1": [ {"key": "no /%comment %/"}, {"key": "#no comment"} ] } . """ actual = parser.parse(to_be_parsed) expected = [ [ [ "GET", "" ], [ "JSON", """{ "key": "value", "key1": [ {"key": "no /%comment %/"}, {"key": "#no comment"} ] }""" ] ] ] self.assertCountEqual(actual, expected)
def test_digest_auth(self): parsed_input = next(input_parser.parse("GET, AUTH DIGEST sampleUsername samplePassword.")) auth = get_auth(parsed_input) self.assertIsInstance(auth, requests.auth.HTTPDigestAuth)
def run_indor(data): test_data = parser.parse(data) runner = test_runner.TestsRunner() return
def test_basic_auth2(self): parsed_input = next(input_parser.parse("GET, AUTH BASIC sampleUsername samplePassword.")) auth = get_auth(parsed_input) self.assertIsInstance(auth, requests.auth.HTTPBasicAuth)
def test_basic_auth(self): parsed_input = next(input_parser.parse("%s %s, AUTH sampleUsername samplePassword." % (METHOD, API_SAMPLE_URL))) auth = get_auth(parsed_input) self.assertIsInstance(auth, requests.auth.HTTPBasicAuth)
def test_repeats(self): to_be_parsed = """ DEFINE BASE = GET @BASE@. ASSERT RESPONSE STATUS OK. REPEAT FOR { "run1a": {"url": "", "expected_code": 200}, "run1b": {"url": "", "expected_code": 404} } GET $url$. ASSERT RESPONSE STATUS $expected_code$. END REPEAT POST @BASE@. ASSERT RESPONSE STATUS OK. REPEAT FOR { "run2a": {"url": "", "expected_code": 200}, "run2b": {"url": "", "expected_code": 404} } GET $url$. ASSERT RESPONSE STATUS $expected_code$. END REPEAT """ actual = parser.parse(to_be_parsed) expected = [ [ "GET", "" ], [ "ASSERT", "RESPONSE", "STATUS", "OK" ], [ "GET", "" ], [ "ASSERT", "RESPONSE", "STATUS", "200" ], [ "GET", "" ], [ "ASSERT", "RESPONSE", "STATUS", "404" ], [ "POST", "" ], [ "ASSERT", "RESPONSE", "STATUS", "OK" ], [ "GET", "" ], [ "ASSERT", "RESPONSE", "STATUS", "200" ], [ "GET", "" ], [ "ASSERT", "RESPONSE", "STATUS", "404" ] ] self.assertCountEqual(actual, expected)
def test_none_auth(self): parsed_input = next(input_parser.parse("GET")) auth = get_auth(parsed_input) self.assertEqual(auth, None)