Exemple #1
def test_combine_duplicates():
    raf = Agent('RAF1')
    mek = Agent('MEK1')
    erk = Agent('ERK2')
    p1 = Phosphorylation(raf, mek,
    p2 = Phosphorylation(raf, mek,
    p3 = Phosphorylation(raf, mek,
    p4 = Phosphorylation(raf, mek,
    p5 = Phosphorylation(mek, erk,
    p6 = Dephosphorylation(mek, erk,
    p7 = Dephosphorylation(mek, erk,
    p8 = Dephosphorylation(mek, erk,
    p9 = Dephosphorylation(Agent('SRC'), Agent('KRAS'),
    stmts = [p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, p7, p8, p9]
    pa = Preassembler(hierarchies, stmts=stmts)
    # The statements come out sorted by their matches_key
    assert(len(pa.unique_stmts) == 4)
    assert(pa.unique_stmts[0].matches(p6)) # MEK dephos ERK
    assert(len(pa.unique_stmts[0].evidence) == 3)
    assert(pa.unique_stmts[1].matches(p9)) # SRC dephos KRAS
    assert(len(pa.unique_stmts[1].evidence) == 1)
    assert(pa.unique_stmts[2].matches(p5)) # MEK phos ERK
    assert(len(pa.unique_stmts[2].evidence) == 1)
    assert(pa.unique_stmts[3].matches(p1)) # RAF phos MEK
    assert(len(pa.unique_stmts[3].evidence) == 4)
def test_complex_refinement_order():
    st1 = Complex([Agent('MED23'), Agent('ELK1')])
    st2 = Complex([Agent('ELK1', mods=[ModCondition('phosphorylation')]),
    pa = Preassembler(hierarchies, stmts=[st1, st2])
    assert len(pa.related_stmts) == 1
def test_duplicates():
    src = Agent('SRC', db_refs = {'HGNC': '11283'})
    ras = Agent('RAS', db_refs = {'FA': '03663'})
    st1 = Phosphorylation(src, ras)
    st2 = Phosphorylation(src, ras)
    pa = Preassembler(hierarchies, stmts=[st1, st2])
    assert len(pa.unique_stmts) == 1
Exemple #4
def analyze(filename, plot=False):
    # Load the file
    results = load_file(filename)

    # Put together a list of all statements
    all_stmts = [stmt for paper_stmts in results.values()
                      for stmt in paper_stmts]

    # Map grounding
    logger.info('Mapping grounding...')
    gmap = gm.GroundingMapper(gm.default_grounding_map)
    map_stmts = gmap.map_agents(all_stmts)
    map_stmts = gmap.rename_agents(map_stmts)

    # Combine duplicates
    logger.info('Removing duplicates...')
    pa = Preassembler(hierarchies, map_stmts)

    # Map GO IDs to genes and associated statements
    logger.info('Building map from GO IDs to stmts')
    go_gene_map = {}
    go_name_map = {}
    for stmt in pa.unique_stmts:
        (bp_name, go, gene) = go_gene_pair(stmt)
        if bp_name is None and go is None and gene is None:
        go_gene_list = go_gene_map.get(go, [])
        go_gene_list.append((gene, stmt))
        go_gene_map[go] = go_gene_list
        go_name_set = go_name_map.get(go, set([]))
        go_name_map[go] = go_name_set

    # Iterate over all of the GO IDs and compare the annotated genes in GO
    # to the ones from the given statements
    go_stmt_map = {}
    for ix, go_id in enumerate(go_gene_map.keys()):
        logger.info('Getting genes for %s (%s) from GO (%d of %d)' %
                    (go_id, ','.join(list(go_name_map[go_id])),
                     ix+1, len(go_gene_map.keys())))
        genes_from_go = get_genes_for_go_id(go_id)
        gene_stmt_list = go_gene_map[go_id]
        in_go = []
        not_in_go = []
        for (gene, stmt) in gene_stmt_list:
            if gene in genes_from_go:
        go_stmt_map[go_id] = {'names': list(go_name_map[go_id]),
                              'in_go': in_go, 'not_in_go': not_in_go}

    with open('go_stmt_map.pkl', 'wb') as f:
        pickle.dump(go_stmt_map, f, protocol=2)

    if plot:
        plot_stmt_counts(go_stmt_map, 'go_stmts.pdf')
def test_agent_text_storage():
    A1 = Agent('A', db_refs={'TEXT': 'A'})
    A2 = Agent('A', db_refs={'TEXT': 'alpha'})
    B1 = Agent('B', db_refs={'TEXT': 'bag'})
    B2 = Agent('B', db_refs={'TEXT': 'bug'})
    C = Agent('C')
    D = Agent('D')
    inp = [
        Complex([A1, B1], evidence=Evidence(text='A complex bag.')),
        Complex([B2, A2], evidence=Evidence(text='bug complex alpha once.')),
        Complex([B2, A2], evidence=Evidence(text='bug complex alpha again.')),
        Complex([A1, C, B2], evidence=Evidence(text='A complex C bug.')),
        Phosphorylation(A1, B1, evidence=Evidence(text='A phospo bags.')),
        Phosphorylation(A2, B2, evidence=Evidence(text='alpha phospho bugs.')),
        Conversion(D, [A1, B1], [C, D],
                   evidence=Evidence(text='D: A bag -> C D')),
        Conversion(D, [B1, A2], [C, D],
                   evidence=Evidence(text='D: bag a -> C D')),
        Conversion(D, [B2, A2], [D, C],
                   evidence=Evidence(text='D: bug a -> D C')),
        Conversion(D, [B1, A1], [C, D],
                   evidence=Evidence(text='D: bag A -> C D')),
        Conversion(D, [A1], [A1, C],
                   evidence=Evidence(text='D: A -> A C'))
    pa = Preassembler(hierarchies, inp)
    unq1 = pa.combine_duplicates()
    assert len(unq1) == 5, len(unq1)
    assert all([len(ev.annotations['prior_uuids']) == 1
                for s in unq1 for ev in s.evidence
                if len(s.evidence) > 1]),\
        'There can only be one prior evidence per uuid at this stage.'
    ev_uuid_dict = {ev.annotations['prior_uuids'][0]: ev.annotations['agents']
                    for s in unq1 for ev in s.evidence}
    for s in inp:
        raw_text = [ag.db_refs.get('TEXT')
                    for ag in s.agent_list(deep_sorted=True)]
        assert raw_text == ev_uuid_dict[s.uuid]['raw_text'],\
            str(raw_text) + '!=' + str(ev_uuid_dict[s.uuid]['raw_text'])

    # Now run pa on the above corpus plus another statement.
    inp2 = unq1 + [
        Complex([A1, C, B1], evidence=Evidence(text='A complex C bag.'))
    pa2 = Preassembler(hierarchies, inp2)
    unq2 = pa2.combine_duplicates()
    assert len(unq2) == 5, len(unq2)
    old_ev_list = []
    new_ev = None
    for s in unq2:
        for ev in s.evidence:
            if ev.text == inp2[-1].evidence[0].text:
                new_ev = ev
    assert all([len(ev.annotations['prior_uuids']) == 2 for ev in old_ev_list])
    assert new_ev
    assert len(new_ev.annotations['prior_uuids']) == 1
def test_homodimer_refinement():
    egfr = Agent('EGFR')
    erbb = Agent('ERBB2')
    st1 = Complex([erbb, erbb])
    st2 = Complex([erbb, egfr])
    pa = Preassembler(hierarchies, stmts=[st1, st2])
    assert len(pa.unique_stmts) == 2
    assert len(pa.related_stmts) == 2
def test_duplicates_copy():
    src = Agent('SRC', db_refs = {'HGNC': '11283'})
    ras = Agent('RAS', db_refs = {'FA': '03663'})
    st1 = Phosphorylation(src, ras, evidence=[Evidence(text='Text 1')])
    st2 = Phosphorylation(src, ras, evidence=[Evidence(text='Text 2')])
    stmts = [st1, st2]
    pa = Preassembler(hierarchies, stmts=stmts)
    assert len(pa.unique_stmts) == 1
    assert len(stmts) == 2
    assert len(stmts[0].evidence) == 1
    assert len(stmts[1].evidence) == 1
def test_flatten_stmts():
    st1 = Phosphorylation(Agent('MAP3K5'), Agent('RAF1'), 'S', '338')
    st2 = Phosphorylation(None, Agent('RAF1'), 'S', '338')
    st3 = Phosphorylation(None, Agent('RAF1'))
    st4 = Phosphorylation(Agent('PAK1'), Agent('RAF1'), 'S', '338')
    st5 = Phosphorylation(None, Agent('RAF1'), evidence=Evidence(text='foo'))
    pa = Preassembler(hierarchies, stmts=[st1, st2, st3, st4, st5])
    assert len(pa.related_stmts) == 2
    assert len(flatten_stmts(pa.unique_stmts)) == 4
    assert len(flatten_stmts(pa.related_stmts)) == 4
Exemple #9
def test_duplicates_copy():
    src = Agent('SRC', db_refs={'HGNC': '11283'})
    ras = Agent('RAS', db_refs={'FA': '03663'})
    st1 = Phosphorylation(src, ras, evidence=[Evidence(text='Text 1')])
    st2 = Phosphorylation(src, ras, evidence=[Evidence(text='Text 2')])
    stmts = [st1, st2]
    pa = Preassembler(bio_ontology, stmts=stmts)
    assert len(pa.unique_stmts) == 1
    assert len(stmts) == 2
    assert len(stmts[0].evidence) == 1
    assert len(stmts[1].evidence) == 1
Exemple #10
def test_flatten_stmts():
    st1 = Phosphorylation(Agent('MAP3K5'), Agent('RAF1'), 'S', '338')
    st2 = Phosphorylation(None, Agent('RAF1'), 'S', '338')
    st3 = Phosphorylation(None, Agent('RAF1'))
    st4 = Phosphorylation(Agent('PAK1'), Agent('RAF1'), 'S', '338')
    st5 = Phosphorylation(None, Agent('RAF1'), evidence=Evidence(text='foo'))
    pa = Preassembler(hierarchies, stmts=[st1, st2, st3, st4, st5])
    assert (len(pa.related_stmts) == 2)
    assert (len(flatten_stmts(pa.unique_stmts)) == 4)
    assert (len(flatten_stmts(pa.related_stmts)) == 4)
def test_activation_refinement():
    subj = Agent('alcohol', db_refs={'CHEBI': 'CHEBI:16236',
                                     'HMDB': 'HMDB00108',
                                     'PUBCHEM': '702',
                                     'TEXT': 'alcohol'})
    obj = Agent('endotoxin', db_refs={'TEXT': 'endotoxin'})
    st1 = Inhibition(subj, obj)
    st2 = Activation(subj, obj)
    pa = Preassembler(hierarchies, stmts=[st1, st2])
    assert len(pa.unique_stmts) == 2
    assert len(pa.related_stmts) == 2
Exemple #12
def test_combine_evidence_exact_duplicates():
    raf = Agent('RAF1')
    mek = Agent('MEK1')
    p1 = Phosphorylation(raf, mek, evidence=Evidence(text='foo'))
    p2 = Phosphorylation(raf, mek, evidence=Evidence(text='bar'))
    p3 = Phosphorylation(raf, mek, evidence=Evidence(text='bar'))
    stmts = [p1, p2, p3]
    pa = Preassembler(bio_ontology, stmts=stmts)
    # The statements come out sorted by their matches_key
    assert len(pa.unique_stmts) == 1
    assert len(pa.unique_stmts[0].evidence) == 2
    assert set(ev.text for ev in pa.unique_stmts[0].evidence) == \
        set(['foo', 'bar'])
def test_combine_evidence_exact_duplicates_different_raw_text():
    raf1 = Agent('RAF1', db_refs={'TEXT': 'Raf'})
    raf2 = Agent('RAF1', db_refs={'TEXT': 'RAF'})
    mek = Agent('MEK1')
    p1 = Phosphorylation(raf1, mek, evidence=Evidence(text='foo'))
    p2 = Phosphorylation(raf1, mek, evidence=Evidence(text='bar'))
    p3 = Phosphorylation(raf2, mek, evidence=Evidence(text='bar'))
    stmts = [p1, p2, p3]
    pa = Preassembler(hierarchies, stmts=stmts)
    # The statements come out sorted by their matches_key
    assert len(pa.unique_stmts) == 1
    assert len(pa.unique_stmts[0].evidence) == 3
    assert set(ev.text for ev in pa.unique_stmts[0].evidence) == \
        set(['foo', 'bar', 'bar'])
Exemple #14
def test_duplicates_sorting():
    mc = ModCondition('phosphorylation')
    map2k1_1 = Agent('MAP2K1', mods=[mc])
    mc1 = ModCondition('phosphorylation', 'serine', '218')
    mc2 = ModCondition('phosphorylation', 'serine', '222')
    mc3 = ModCondition('phosphorylation', 'serine', '298')
    map2k1_2 = Agent('MAP2K1', mods=[mc1, mc2, mc3])
    mapk3 = Agent('MAPK3')
    st1 = Phosphorylation(map2k1_1, mapk3, position='218')
    st2 = Phosphorylation(map2k1_2, mapk3)
    st3 = Phosphorylation(map2k1_1, mapk3, position='218')
    stmts = [st1, st2, st3]
    pa = Preassembler(bio_ontology, stmts=stmts)
    assert len(pa.unique_stmts) == 2
Exemple #15
def test_event_assemble_location():
    rainfall = Concept('rainfall')
    loc1 = RefContext(name='x', db_refs={'GEOID': '1'})
    loc2 = RefContext(name='x', db_refs={'GEOID': '2'})
    ev1 = Event(rainfall, context=WorldContext(geo_location=loc1))
    ev2 = Event(rainfall, context=WorldContext(geo_location=loc2))

    pa = Preassembler(hierarchies=hierarchies, stmts=[ev1, ev2],
    unique_stmts = pa.combine_duplicates()

    assert len(unique_stmts) == 1
    pa = Preassembler(hierarchies=hierarchies, stmts=[ev1, ev2],
    unique_stmts = pa.combine_duplicates()
    assert len(unique_stmts) == 2
def test_association_refinement():
    health = 'UN/entities/human/health'
    food = 'UN/entities/human/food'
    food_security = 'UN/entities/human/food/food_security'
    eh = Event(Concept('health', db_refs={'UN': [(health, 1.0)]}))
    ef = Event(Concept('food', db_refs={'UN': [(food, 1.0)]}))
    efs = Event(Concept('food security', db_refs={'UN': [(food_security, 1.0)]}))
    st1 = Association([eh, ef], evidence=[Evidence(source_api='eidos1')])
    st2 = Association([ef, eh], evidence=[Evidence(source_api='eidos2')])
    st3 = Association([eh, efs], evidence=[Evidence(source_api='eidos3')])
    st4 = Association([ef, efs], evidence=[Evidence(source_api='eidos4')])
    eidos_ont = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)),
    hm = HierarchyManager(eidos_ont, True, True)
    hierarchies = {'entity': hm}
    pa = Preassembler(hierarchies, [st1, st2, st3, st4])
    unique_stmts = pa.combine_duplicates() # debugging
    assert len(unique_stmts) == 3
    rel_stmts = pa.combine_related()
    assert len(rel_stmts) == 2
    eh_efs_stmt = [st for st in rel_stmts if (st.members[0].concept.name in
                   {'health', 'food security'} and st.members[1].concept.name
                   in {'health', 'food security'})][0]
    assert len(eh_efs_stmt.supported_by) == 1
    assert (eh_efs_stmt.supported_by[0].members[0].concept.name
            in {'food', 'health'})
    assert (eh_efs_stmt.supported_by[0].members[1].concept.name
            in {'food', 'health'})
Exemple #17
def test_activation_refinement():
    subj = Agent('alcohol',
                     'CHEBI': 'CHEBI:16236',
                     'HMDB': 'HMDB00108',
                     'PUBCHEM': '702',
                     'TEXT': 'alcohol'
    obj = Agent('endotoxin', db_refs={'TEXT': 'endotoxin'})
    st1 = Inhibition(subj, obj)
    st2 = Activation(subj, obj)
    pa = Preassembler(bio_ontology, stmts=[st1, st2])
    assert len(pa.unique_stmts) == 2
    assert len(pa.related_stmts) == 2
def test_association_refinement():
    health = 'UN/entities/human/health'
    food = 'UN/entities/human/food'
    food_security = 'UN/entities/human/food/food_security'
    eh = Event(Concept('health', db_refs={'UN': [(health, 1.0)]}))
    ef = Event(Concept('food', db_refs={'UN': [(food, 1.0)]}))
    efs = Event(
        Concept('food security', db_refs={'UN': [(food_security, 1.0)]}))
    st1 = Association([eh, ef], evidence=[Evidence(source_api='eidos1')])
    st2 = Association([ef, eh], evidence=[Evidence(source_api='eidos2')])
    st3 = Association([eh, efs], evidence=[Evidence(source_api='eidos3')])
    st4 = Association([ef, efs], evidence=[Evidence(source_api='eidos4')])
    eidos_ont = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)),
    hm = HierarchyManager(eidos_ont, True, True)
    hierarchies = {'entity': hm}
    pa = Preassembler(hierarchies, [st1, st2, st3, st4])
    unique_stmts = pa.combine_duplicates()  # debugging
    assert len(unique_stmts) == 3
    rel_stmts = pa.combine_related()
    assert len(rel_stmts) == 2
    eh_efs_stmt = [
        st for st in rel_stmts
        if (st.members[0].concept.name in {'health', 'food security'}
            and st.members[1].concept.name in {'health', 'food security'})
    assert len(eh_efs_stmt.supported_by) == 1
    assert (eh_efs_stmt.supported_by[0].members[0].concept.name
            in {'food', 'health'})
    assert (eh_efs_stmt.supported_by[0].members[1].concept.name
            in {'food', 'health'})
Exemple #19
def test_association_refinement():
    unrelated = 'wm/concept/causal_factor/wild_food_sources'
    parent = 'wm/concept/causal_factor/health_and_life'
    child = 'wm/concept/causal_factor/health_and_life/' \
    parent_event = Event(Concept('parent', db_refs={'WM': [(parent, 1.0)]}))
    unrelated_event = \
        Event(Concept('unrelated', db_refs={'WM': [(unrelated, 1.0)]}))
    child_event = Event(Concept('child', db_refs={'WM': [(child, 1.0)]}))
    st1 = Association([parent_event, unrelated_event],
    st2 = Association([unrelated_event, parent_event],
    st3 = Association([parent_event, child_event],
    st4 = Association([unrelated_event, child_event],
    pa = Preassembler(world_ontology, [st1, st2, st3, st4])
    unique_stmts = pa.combine_duplicates()
    assert len(unique_stmts) == 3
    top_level_stmts = pa.combine_related()
    assert len(top_level_stmts) == 2, top_level_stmts

    names = {
        tuple(sorted(e.concept.name for e in stmt.members)): stmt
        for stmt in top_level_stmts
    stmt = names[('child', 'unrelated')]
    assert len(stmt.supported_by) == 1
    assert {e.concept.name for e in stmt.supported_by[0].members} == \
           {'parent', 'unrelated'}
Exemple #20
def test_uppro_assembly():
    ag1 = Agent('x', db_refs={'UP': 'P01019', 'UPPRO': 'PRO_0000032457'})
    ag2 = Agent('y', db_refs={'UP': 'P01019', 'UPPRO': 'PRO_0000032458'})
    assert ag1.get_grounding() == ('UPPRO', ag1.db_refs['UPPRO'])
    assert ag2.get_grounding() == ('UPPRO', ag2.db_refs['UPPRO'])
    stmt1 = Phosphorylation(None, ag1)
    stmt2 = Phosphorylation(None, ag2)
    assert stmt1.matches_key() != stmt2.matches_key()
    pa = Preassembler(bio_ontology, [stmt1, stmt2])
    unique_stmts = pa.combine_duplicates()
    assert len(unique_stmts) == 2, unique_stmts

    from indra.tools import assemble_corpus as ac
    stmts = ac.map_grounding([stmt1, stmt2])
    pa = Preassembler(bio_ontology, stmts)
    unique_stmts = pa.combine_duplicates()
    assert len(unique_stmts) == 2
def test_combine_evidence_exact_duplicates():
    raf = Agent('RAF1')
    mek = Agent('MEK1')
    p1 = Phosphorylation(raf, mek,
    p2 = Phosphorylation(raf, mek,
    p3 = Phosphorylation(raf, mek,
    stmts = [p1, p2, p3]
    pa = Preassembler(hierarchies, stmts=stmts)
    # The statements come out sorted by their matches_key
    assert len(pa.unique_stmts) == 1
    assert len(pa.unique_stmts[0].evidence) == 2
    assert set(ev.text for ev in pa.unique_stmts[0].evidence) == \
        set(['foo', 'bar'])
def test_duplicates_sorting():
    mc = ModCondition('phosphorylation')
    map2k1_1 = Agent('MAP2K1', mods=[mc])
    mc1 = ModCondition('phosphorylation', 'serine', '218')
    mc2 = ModCondition('phosphorylation', 'serine', '222')
    mc3 = ModCondition('phosphorylation', 'serine', '298')
    map2k1_2 = Agent('MAP2K1', mods=[mc1, mc2, mc3])
    mapk3 = Agent('MAPK3')
    #ras = Agent('MAPK3', db_refs = {'FA': '03663'})
    #nras = Agent('NRAS', db_refs = {'FA': '03663'})
    st1 = Phosphorylation(map2k1_1, mapk3, position='218')
    st2 = Phosphorylation(map2k1_2, mapk3)
    st3 = Phosphorylation(map2k1_1, mapk3, position='218')
    stmts = [st1, st2, st3]
    pa = Preassembler(hierarchies, stmts=stmts)
    assert len(pa.unique_stmts) == 2
def test_duplicates_sorting():
    mc = ModCondition('phosphorylation')
    map2k1_1 = Agent('MAP2K1', mods=[mc])
    mc1 = ModCondition('phosphorylation', 'serine', '218')
    mc2 = ModCondition('phosphorylation', 'serine', '222')
    mc3 = ModCondition('phosphorylation', 'serine', '298')
    map2k1_2 = Agent('MAP2K1', mods=[mc1, mc2, mc3])
    mapk3 = Agent('MAPK3')
    #ras = Agent('MAPK3', db_refs = {'FA': '03663'})
    #nras = Agent('NRAS', db_refs = {'FA': '03663'})
    st1 = Phosphorylation(map2k1_1, mapk3, position='218')
    st2 = Phosphorylation(map2k1_2, mapk3)
    st3 = Phosphorylation(map2k1_1, mapk3, position='218')
    stmts = [st1, st2, st3]
    pa = Preassembler(hierarchies, stmts=stmts)
    assert len(pa.unique_stmts) == 2
Exemple #24
def test_agent_coordinates():
    path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)),
    stmts = reach.process_json_file(path).statements
    pa = Preassembler(bio_ontology, stmts)
    unique_stmt = pa.combine_duplicates()[0]
    agent_annots = [ev.annotations['agents'] for ev in unique_stmt.evidence]
    assert all(a['raw_text'] == ['MEK1', 'ERK2'] for a in agent_annots)
    assert {tuple(a['coords'])
            for a in agent_annots} == {((21, 25), (0, 4)), ((0, 4), (15, 19))}
def test_grounding_aggregation():
    braf1 = Agent('BRAF', db_refs={'TEXT': 'braf', 'HGNC': '1097'})
    braf2 = Agent('BRAF', db_refs={'TEXT': 'BRAF'})
    braf3 = Agent('BRAF', db_refs={'TEXT': 'Braf', 'UP': 'P15056'})
    st1 = Phosphorylation(None, braf1)
    st2 = Phosphorylation(None, braf2)
    st3 = Phosphorylation(None, braf3)
    pa = Preassembler(hierarchies, stmts=[st1, st2, st3])
    unique_stmts = pa.combine_duplicates()
    assert len(unique_stmts) == 3
def test_grounding_aggregation():
    braf1 = Agent('BRAF', db_refs={'TEXT': 'braf', 'HGNC': '1097'})
    braf2 = Agent('BRAF', db_refs={'TEXT': 'BRAF'})
    braf3 = Agent('BRAF', db_refs={'TEXT': 'Braf', 'UP': 'P15056'})
    st1 = Phosphorylation(None, braf1)
    st2 = Phosphorylation(None, braf2)
    st3 = Phosphorylation(None, braf3)
    pa = Preassembler(hierarchies, stmts=[st1, st2, st3])
    unique_stmts = pa.combine_duplicates()
    assert len(unique_stmts) == 3
def test_grounding_aggregation_complex():
    mek = Agent('MEK')
    braf1 = Agent('BRAF', db_refs={'TEXT': 'braf', 'HGNC': '1097'})
    braf2 = Agent('BRAF', db_refs={'TEXT': 'BRAF', 'dummy': 'dummy'})
    braf3 = Agent('BRAF', db_refs={'TEXT': 'Braf', 'UP': 'P15056'})
    st1 = Complex([mek, braf1])
    st2 = Complex([braf2, mek])
    st3 = Complex([mek, braf3])
    pa = Preassembler(hierarchies, stmts=[st1, st2, st3])
    unique_stmts = pa.combine_duplicates()
    assert len(unique_stmts) == 3
Exemple #28
def test_grounding_aggregation_complex():
    mek = Agent('MEK')
    braf1 = Agent('BRAF', db_refs={'TEXT': 'braf', 'HGNC': '1097'})
    braf2 = Agent('BRAF', db_refs={'TEXT': 'BRAF', 'dummy': 'dummy'})
    braf3 = Agent('BRAF', db_refs={'TEXT': 'Braf', 'UP': 'P15056'})
    st1 = Complex([mek, braf1])
    st2 = Complex([braf2, mek])
    st3 = Complex([mek, braf3])
    pa = Preassembler(bio_ontology, stmts=[st1, st2, st3])
    unique_stmts = pa.combine_duplicates()
    assert len(unique_stmts) == 3, unique_stmts
def test_agent_coordinates():
    path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)),
    stmts = reach.process_json_file(path).statements
    pa = Preassembler(hierarchies, stmts)
    unique_stmt = pa.combine_duplicates()[0]
    evidence_list = unique_stmt.evidence
    agent_annots = [ev.annotations['agents'] for ev in unique_stmt.evidence]
    assert all(a['raw_text'] == ['MEK1', 'ERK2'] for a in agent_annots)
    assert {tuple(a['coords']) for a in agent_annots} == {((21, 25), (0, 4)),
                                                          ((0, 4), (15, 19))}
def test_preassemble_related_complex():
    ras = Agent('RAS', db_refs={'FPLX': 'RAS'})
    kras = Agent('KRAS', db_refs={'HGNC': '6407'})
    hras = Agent('HRAS', db_refs={'HGNC': '5173'})
    st1 = Complex([kras, hras])
    st2 = Complex([kras, ras])
    st3 = Complex([hras, kras])
    st4 = Complex([ras, kras])
    pa = Preassembler(hierarchies, [st1, st2, st3, st4])
    uniq = pa.combine_duplicates()
    assert len(uniq) == 2
    top = pa.combine_related()
    assert len(top) == 1
Exemple #31
def test_preassemble_related_complex():
    ras = Agent('RAS', db_refs={'FPLX': 'RAS'})
    kras = Agent('KRAS', db_refs={'HGNC': '6407'})
    hras = Agent('HRAS', db_refs={'HGNC': '5173'})
    st1 = Complex([kras, hras])
    st2 = Complex([kras, ras])
    st3 = Complex([hras, kras])
    st4 = Complex([ras, kras])
    pa = Preassembler(bio_ontology, [st1, st2, st3, st4])
    uniq = pa.combine_duplicates()
    assert len(uniq) == 2
    top = pa.combine_related()
    assert len(top) == 1
Exemple #32
def extract_phos():
    with open(stmts_fname, 'rb') as fh:
        model = pickle.load(fh)

    stmts = []
    for pmid, pmid_stmts in model.items():
        for stmt in pmid_stmts:
            if isinstance(stmt, Phosphorylation):
    logger.info('%d phosphorylations in RAS Machine' % len(stmts))

    stmts = [s for s in stmts if s.enz is not None]
    logger.info('%d phosphorylations with enzyme in RAS Machine' % len(stmts))

    stmts_grounded = filter_grounded(stmts)
    logger.info('%d grounded phosphorylations in RAS Machine' %

    stmts_enzkinase = filter_enzkinase(stmts_grounded)
    logger.info('%d phosphorylations with kinase enzyme in RAS Machine' %

    sm = SiteMapper(default_site_map)
    stmts_valid, _ = sm.map_sites(stmts_enzkinase)
    logger.info('%d valid-sequence phosphorylations in RAS Machine' %

    pa = Preassembler(hierarchies, stmts_valid)
    stmts_unique = pa.combine_duplicates()
    logger.info('%d unique phosphorylations in RAS Machine' %

    stmts_unique = pa.combine_related()
    logger.info('%d top-level phosphorylations in RAS Machine' %

    with open('mapped_unique_phos.pkl', 'wb') as fh:
        pickle.dump(stmts_unique, fh, protocol=2)

    # Filter RAS Machine statements for direct and not hypothesis
    stmts = filter_direct(stmts_unique)
    logger.info('%d direct phosphorylations in RAS Machine' % len(stmts))
    stmts = filter_non_hypothesis(stmts)
    logger.info('%d non-hypothesis phosphorylations in RAS Machine' %

    with open('filtered_phos.pkl', 'wb') as fh:
        pickle.dump(stmts, fh, protocol=2)

    return stmts
Exemple #33
def test_influence_duplicate():
    gov = 'wm/concept/causal_factor/social_and_political/government'
    agr = 'wm/concept/causal_factor/agriculture/crop_production'
    cgov = Event(Concept('government', db_refs={'WM': [(gov, 1.0)]}))
    cagr = Event(Concept('agriculture', db_refs={'WM': [(agr, 1.0)]}))
    stmt1 = Influence(cgov, cagr, evidence=[Evidence(source_api='eidos1')])
    stmt2 = Influence(cagr, cgov, evidence=[Evidence(source_api='eidos2')])
    stmt3 = Influence(cgov, cagr, evidence=[Evidence(source_api='eidos3')])
    pa = Preassembler(world_ontology, [stmt1, stmt2, stmt3])
    unique_stmts = pa.combine_duplicates()
    unique_stmts = sorted(unique_stmts, key=lambda x: len(x.evidence))
    assert len(unique_stmts) == 2
    assert len(unique_stmts[0].evidence) == 1
    assert len(unique_stmts[1].evidence) == 2, unique_stmts
    sources = [e.source_api for e in unique_stmts[1].evidence]
    assert set(sources) == {'eidos1', 'eidos3'}
Exemple #34
def run_preassembly(statements, hierarchies):
    print('%d total statements' % len(statements))
    # Filter to grounded only
    statements = ac.filter_grounded_only(statements, score_threshold=0.4)
    # Make a Preassembler with the Eidos and TRIPS ontology
    pa = Preassembler(hierarchies, statements)
    # Make a BeliefEngine and run combine duplicates
    be = BeliefEngine()
    unique_stmts = pa.combine_duplicates()
    print('%d unique statements' % len(unique_stmts))
    # Run combine related
    related_stmts = pa.combine_related(return_toplevel=False)
    # Filter to top-level Statements
    top_stmts = ac.filter_top_level(related_stmts)
    print('%d top-level statements' % len(top_stmts))
    return top_stmts
Exemple #35
def run_preassembly(statements, hierarchies):
    print('%d total statements' % len(statements))
    # Filter to grounded only
    statements = map_onto(statements)
    ac.dump_statements(statements, 'pi_mtg_demo_unfiltered.pkl')
    statements = ac.filter_grounded_only(statements, score_threshold=0.7)

    #statements = ac.filter_by_db_refs(statements, 'UN',
    #    ['conflict', 'food_security', 'precipitation'], policy='one',
    #    match_suffix=True)
    statements = ac.filter_by_db_refs(
        'UN', [
            'conflict', 'food_security', 'flooding', 'food_production',
            'human_migration', 'drought', 'food_availability', 'market',
    statements = filter_has_polarity(statements)

    # Make a Preassembler with the Eidos and TRIPS ontology
    pa = Preassembler(hierarchies, statements)
    # Make a BeliefEngine and run combine duplicates
    be = BeliefEngine()
    unique_stmts = pa.combine_duplicates()
    print('%d unique statements' % len(unique_stmts))
    # Run combine related
    related_stmts = pa.combine_related(return_toplevel=False)
    #related_stmts = ac.filter_belief(related_stmts, 0.8)
    # Filter to top-level Statements
    top_stmts = ac.filter_top_level(related_stmts)

    pa.stmts = top_stmts
    print('%d top-level statements' % len(top_stmts))
    conflicts = pa.find_contradicts()
    top_stmts = remove_contradicts(top_stmts, conflicts)

    ac.dump_statements(top_stmts, 'pi_mtg_demo.pkl')

    return top_stmts
Exemple #36
def extract_phos():
    with open(stmts_fname, 'rb') as fh:
        model = pickle.load(fh)

    stmts = []
    for pmid, pmid_stmts in model.items():
        for stmt in pmid_stmts:
            if isinstance(stmt, Phosphorylation):
    logger.info('%d phosphorylations in RAS Machine' % len(stmts))

    stmts = [s for s in stmts if s.enz is not None]
    logger.info('%d phosphorylations with enzyme in RAS Machine' % len(stmts))

    stmts_grounded = filter_grounded(stmts)
    logger.info('%d grounded phosphorylations in RAS Machine' % len(stmts_grounded))

    stmts_enzkinase = filter_enzkinase(stmts_grounded)
    logger.info('%d phosphorylations with kinase enzyme in RAS Machine' % len(stmts_enzkinase))

    sm = SiteMapper(default_site_map)
    stmts_valid, _ = sm.map_sites(stmts_enzkinase)
    logger.info('%d valid-sequence phosphorylations in RAS Machine' % len(stmts_valid))

    pa = Preassembler(hierarchies, stmts_valid)
    stmts_unique = pa.combine_duplicates()
    logger.info('%d unique phosphorylations in RAS Machine' % len(stmts_unique))

    stmts_unique = pa.combine_related()
    logger.info('%d top-level phosphorylations in RAS Machine' % len(stmts_unique))

    with open('mapped_unique_phos.pkl', 'wb') as fh:
        pickle.dump(stmts_unique, fh, protocol=2)

    # Filter RAS Machine statements for direct and not hypothesis
    stmts = filter_direct(stmts_unique)
    logger.info('%d direct phosphorylations in RAS Machine' % len(stmts))
    stmts = filter_non_hypothesis(stmts)
    logger.info('%d non-hypothesis phosphorylations in RAS Machine' % len(stmts))

    with open('filtered_phos.pkl', 'wb') as fh:
        pickle.dump(stmts, fh, protocol=2)

    return stmts
def test_influence_duplicate():
    gov = 'UN/entities/human/government/government_entity'
    agr = 'UN/entities/natural/crop_technology'
    cgov = Event(Concept('government', db_refs={'UN': [(gov, 1.0)]}))
    cagr = Event(Concept('agriculture', db_refs={'UN': [(agr, 1.0)]}))
    stmt1 = Influence(cgov, cagr, evidence=[Evidence(source_api='eidos1')])
    stmt2 = Influence(cagr, cgov, evidence=[Evidence(source_api='eidos2')])
    stmt3 = Influence(cgov, cagr, evidence=[Evidence(source_api='eidos3')])
    eidos_ont = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)),
    hm = HierarchyManager(eidos_ont, True, True)
    hierarchies = {'entity': hm}
    pa = Preassembler(hierarchies, [stmt1, stmt2, stmt3])
    unique_stmts = pa.combine_duplicates()
    assert len(unique_stmts) == 2
    assert len(unique_stmts[0].evidence) == 2
    assert len(unique_stmts[1].evidence) == 1
    sources = [e.source_api for e in unique_stmts[0].evidence]
    assert set(sources) == set(['eidos1', 'eidos3'])
def test_influence_duplicate():
    gov = 'UN/entities/human/government/government_entity'
    agr = 'UN/entities/natural/crop_technology'
    cgov = Event(Concept('government', db_refs={'UN': [(gov, 1.0)]}))
    cagr = Event(Concept('agriculture', db_refs={'UN': [(agr, 1.0)]}))
    stmt1 = Influence(cgov, cagr, evidence=[Evidence(source_api='eidos1')])
    stmt2 = Influence(cagr, cgov, evidence=[Evidence(source_api='eidos2')])
    stmt3 = Influence(cgov, cagr, evidence=[Evidence(source_api='eidos3')])
    eidos_ont = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)),
    hm = HierarchyManager(eidos_ont, True, True)
    hierarchies = {'entity': hm}
    pa = Preassembler(hierarchies, [stmt1, stmt2, stmt3])
    unique_stmts = pa.combine_duplicates()
    assert len(unique_stmts) == 2
    assert len(unique_stmts[0].evidence) == 2
    assert len(unique_stmts[1].evidence) == 1
    sources = [e.source_api for e in unique_stmts[0].evidence]
    assert set(sources) == set(['eidos1', 'eidos3'])
Exemple #39
def test_association_duplicate():
    ev1 = Event(Concept('a'))
    ev2 = Event(Concept('b'))
    ev3 = Event(Concept('c'))
    # Order of members does not matter
    st1 = Association([ev1, ev2], evidence=[Evidence(source_api='eidos1')])
    st2 = Association([ev1, ev3], evidence=[Evidence(source_api='eidos2')])
    st3 = Association([ev2, ev1], evidence=[Evidence(source_api='eidos3')])
    st4 = Association([ev2, ev3], evidence=[Evidence(source_api='eidos4')])
    st5 = Association([ev2, ev3], evidence=[Evidence(source_api='eidos5')])
    eidos_ont = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)),
    pa = Preassembler(world_ontology, [st1, st2, st3, st4, st5])
    unique_stmts = pa.combine_duplicates()
    assert len(unique_stmts) == 3
    assert len(unique_stmts[0].evidence) == 2
    assert len(unique_stmts[1].evidence) == 1
    assert len(unique_stmts[2].evidence) == 2
    sources = [e.source_api for e in unique_stmts[0].evidence]
    assert set(sources) == {'eidos1', 'eidos3'}
def test_association_duplicate():
    ev1 = Event(Concept('a'))
    ev2 = Event(Concept('b'))
    ev3 = Event(Concept('c'))
    # Order of members does not matter
    st1 = Association([ev1, ev2], evidence=[Evidence(source_api='eidos1')])
    st2 = Association([ev1, ev3], evidence=[Evidence(source_api='eidos2')])
    st3 = Association([ev2, ev1], evidence=[Evidence(source_api='eidos3')])
    st4 = Association([ev2, ev3], evidence=[Evidence(source_api='eidos4')])
    st5 = Association([ev2, ev3], evidence=[Evidence(source_api='eidos5')])
    eidos_ont = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)),
    hm = HierarchyManager(eidos_ont, True, True)
    hierarchies = {'entity': hm}
    pa = Preassembler(hierarchies, [st1, st2, st3, st4, st5])
    unique_stmts = pa.combine_duplicates()
    assert len(unique_stmts) == 3
    assert len(unique_stmts[0].evidence) == 2
    assert len(unique_stmts[1].evidence) == 1
    assert len(unique_stmts[2].evidence) == 2
    sources = [e.source_api for e in unique_stmts[0].evidence]
    assert set(sources) == set(['eidos1', 'eidos3'])
    def preassemble(self, filters=None):
        """Preassemble the Statements collected in the model.

        Use INDRA's GroundingMapper, Preassembler and BeliefEngine
        on the IncrementalModel and save the unique statements and
        the top level statements in class attributes.

        Currently the following filter options are implemented:
        - grounding: require that all Agents in statements are grounded
        - model_one: require that at least one Agent is in the incremental model
        - model_all: require that all Agents are in the incremental model
        - prior_one: require that at least one Agent is in the prior model
        - prior_all: require that all Agents are in the prior model
        Note that model_one -> prior_all are increasingly more restrictive

        filters : Optional[list[str]]
            A list of filter options to apply when choosing the statements.
            See description above for more details. Default: None
        stmts = self.get_statements()
        logger.info("%d raw Statements in total" % len(stmts))

        # Fix grounding
        logger.info("Running grounding map")
        twg = gm.agent_texts_with_grounding(stmts)
        prot_map = gm.protein_map_from_twg(twg)
        gmap = gm.GroundingMapper(gm.default_grounding_map)
        stmts = gmap.map_agents(stmts, do_rename=True)

        logger.info("%d Statements after grounding map" % len(stmts))

        # Fix sites
        sm = SiteMapper(default_site_map)
        stmts, _ = sm.map_sites(stmts)

        logger.info("%d Statements with valid sequence" % len(stmts))

        if filters:
            if "grounding" in filters:
                # Filter out ungrounded statements
                logger.info("Running grounding filter")
                stmts = self._relevance_filter(stmts, ["grounding"])
                logger.info("%s Statements after filter" % len(stmts))
            if "human_only" in filters:
                # Filter out non-human proteins
                logger.info("Running non-human protein filter")
                stmts = self._relevance_filter(stmts, ["human_only"])
                logger.info("%s Statements after filter" % len(stmts))
            for rel_key in ("prior_one", "model_one", "prior_all", "model_all"):
                if rel_key in filters:
                    logger.info("Running %s relevance filter" % rel_key)
                    stmts = self._relevance_filter(stmts, [rel_key])
                    logger.info("%s Statements after filter" % len(stmts))

        # Combine duplicates
        logger.info("Preassembling %d Statements" % len(stmts))
        pa = Preassembler(hierarchies, stmts)
        self.unique_stmts = pa.combine_duplicates()
        logger.info("%d unique Statements" % len(self.unique_stmts))

        # Run BeliefEngine on unique statements
        be = BeliefEngine()

        # Build statement hierarchy
        self.unique_stmts = pa.combine_related(return_toplevel=False)
        self.toplevel_stmts = [st for st in self.unique_stmts if not st.supports]
        logger.info("%d top-level Statements" % len(self.toplevel_stmts))
        # Run BeliefEngine on hierarchy
Exemple #42
def analyze(filename):
    results = load_file(filename)

    all_stmts = [stmt for paper_stmts in results.values()
                      for stmt in paper_stmts]

    # Map grounding
    logger.info('Mapping grounding...')
    gmap = gm.GroundingMapper(gm.default_grounding_map)
    map_stmts = gmap.map_agents(all_stmts)
    map_stmts = gmap.rename_agents(map_stmts)

    # Combine duplicates
    logger.info('Removing duplicates...')
    pa = Preassembler(hierarchies, map_stmts)

    # Get complexes
    complexes = [s for s in pa.unique_stmts if isinstance(s, Complex)]
    # Get HGNC grounding
    protein_complexes = [s for s in complexes
                           if all([True if 'HGNC' in ag.db_refs.keys()
                                        else False
                                        for ag in s.agent_list()])]

    logger.info('Mapping gene IDs to gene symbols')
    gene_ids = list(set([ag.db_refs['HGNC'] for stmt in protein_complexes
                                            for ag in stmt.members]))
    genes = [hgnc_client.get_hgnc_name(id) for id in gene_ids]

    # Get complexes from BioGrid and combine duplicates
    num_genes_per_query = 50
    start_indices = range(0, len(genes), num_genes_per_query)
    end_indices = [i + num_genes_per_query
                   if i + num_genes_per_query < len(genes) else len(genes)
                   for i in start_indices]
    bg_complexes = []
    for i in range(len(start_indices)):
        logger.info("Querying biogrid for %s" %
        bg_complexes += (bg.get_statements(

    # Filter out Biogrid statements not involving genes in the gene list
    # (this will make duplicate removal more efficient
    bg_filt = []
    for stmt in bg_complexes:
        if stmt.members[0].name in genes and \
           stmt.members[1].name in genes:
    # Might as well free up some memory
    del bg_complexes

    logger.info("Combining duplicates with biogrid...")
    pa = Preassembler(hierarchies, bg_filt + protein_complexes)

    indra_only = []
    bg_only = []
    indra_and_bg = []
    for stmt in pa.unique_stmts:
        evidence_source_list = set([])
        for e in stmt.evidence:
        if 'reach' in evidence_source_list and \
           'biogrid' in evidence_source_list:
        elif 'reach' in evidence_source_list and \
             'biogrid' not in evidence_source_list:
        elif 'reach' not in evidence_source_list and \
             'biogrid' in evidence_source_list:

    rows = []
    for stmt in indra_only:
        rows.append([stmt.members[0].name, stmt.members[1].name,
    write_unicode_csv('unmatched_complexes.tsv', rows, delimiter='\t')

    return {'indra_only': indra_only,
            'bg_only': bg_only,
            'indra_and_bg': indra_and_bg}
Exemple #43
                        help='Basename for output files.',
    args = parser.parse_args()

    # Load statements and filter to grounded only
    stmts = ac.load_statements(args.input_file)
    stmts = ac.filter_grounded_only(stmts)

    # Sort by TextRefs
    by_tr, no_tr = stmts_by_text_refs(stmts)

    # Combine duplicates in each statement list
    by_tr_pa = {}
    for tr, stmt_list in by_tr.items():
        pa = Preassembler(bio_ontology, stmt_list)
        uniq_stmts = pa.combine_duplicates()
        by_tr_pa[tr] = uniq_stmts

    # Filter to MESH term for "Coronavirus"
    mesh_id = 'D017934'
    mesh_children = get_mesh_children(mesh_id)
    # Include parent term in list
    mesh_pmids = get_pmids_for_mesh_terms(mesh_children)  # SLOW!
    # Get the subset of statements from these PMIDs
    mesh_stmts = filter_stmts_to_pmids(by_tr_pa, mesh_pmids)

    # Sort text refs by numbers of statements
    all_stmts_sorted = sort_by_uniq_stmts(by_tr_pa)
    mesh_stmts_sorted = sort_by_uniq_stmts(mesh_stmts)
Exemple #44
    def run_preassembly(self, stmts, print_summary=True):
        """Run complete preassembly procedure on the given statements.

        Results are returned as a dict and stored in the attribute
        :py:attr:`results`. They are also saved in the pickle file

        stmts : list of :py:class:`indra.statements.Statement`
            Statements to preassemble.
        print_summary : bool
            If True (default), prints a summary of the preassembly process to
            the console.

            A dict containing the following entries:

            - `raw`: the starting set of statements before preassembly.
            - `duplicates1`: statements after initial de-duplication.
            - `valid`: statements found to have valid modification sites.
            - `mapped`: mapped statements (list of
            - `mapped_stmts`: combined list of valid statements and statements
              after mapping.
            - `duplicates2`: statements resulting from de-duplication of the
              statements in `mapped_stmts`.
            - `related2`: top-level statements after combining the statements
              in `duplicates2`.
        # First round of preassembly: remove duplicates before sitemapping
        pa1 = Preassembler(hierarchies, stmts)
        logger.info("Combining duplicates")
        # Map sites
        logger.info("Mapping sites")
        (valid, mapped) = sm.map_sites(pa1.unique_stmts)
        # Combine valid and successfully mapped statements into single list
        correctly_mapped_stmts = []
        for ms in mapped:
            if all([
                    True if mm[1] is not None else False
                    for mm in ms.mapped_mods
        mapped_stmts = valid + correctly_mapped_stmts
        # Second round of preassembly: de-duplicate and combine related
        pa2 = Preassembler(hierarchies, mapped_stmts)
        logger.info("Combining duplicates again")
        # Fill out the results dict
        self.results = {}
        self.results['raw'] = stmts
        self.results['duplicates1'] = pa1.unique_stmts
        self.results['valid'] = valid
        self.results['mapped'] = mapped
        self.results['mapped_stmts'] = mapped_stmts
        self.results['duplicates2'] = pa2.unique_stmts
        self.results['related2'] = pa2.related_stmts
        # Print summary
        if print_summary:
            logger.info("\nStarting number of statements: %d" % len(stmts))
            logger.info("After duplicate removal: %d" % len(pa1.unique_stmts))
            logger.info("Unique statements with valid sites: %d" % len(valid))
            logger.info("Unique statements with invalid sites: %d" %
            logger.info("After post-mapping duplicate removal: %d" %
            logger.info("After combining related statements: %d" %
        # Save the results if we're caching
        if self.basename is not None:
            results_filename = '%s_results.pkl' % self.basename
            with open(results_filename, 'wb') as f:
                pickle.dump(self.results, f, protocol=2)
        return self.results
Exemple #45
def run_assembly(stmts, folder, pmcid):
    indexcard_prefix = folder + '/index_cards/' + pmcid
    otherout_prefix = folder + '/other_outputs/' + pmcid

    # Filter for grounding
    grounded_stmts = []
    for st in stmts:
        if all([is_protein_or_chemical(a) for a in st.agent_list()]):

    # Instantiate the Preassembler
    pa = Preassembler(eh, mh)

    print '%d statements collected in total.' % len(pa.stmts)
    unique_stmts = pa.combine_duplicates()
    print '%d statements after combining duplicates.' % len(unique_stmts)
    ml = MechLinker(unique_stmts)
    pa = Preassembler(eh, mh, ml.statements)
    related_stmts = pa.combine_related()
    print '%d statements after combining related.' % len(related_stmts)

    with open(otherout_prefix + '.pkl', 'wb') as fh:
        pickle.dump(related_stmts, fh)

    flattened_evidence_stmts = flatten_evidence(related_stmts)

    card_counter = 1
    card_lim = float('inf')
    top_stmts = []
    for st in sorted(flattened_evidence_stmts,
                     key=lambda x: len(x.evidence), reverse=True):
        print len(st.evidence), st

        if is_background_knowledge(st):
            print 'This statement is background knowledge - skipping.'
        # Assemble IndexCards
        ia = IndexCardAssembler([st])
        if ia.cards:
            ia.save_model(indexcard_prefix + '-%d.json' % card_counter)
            card_counter += 1
            if card_counter > card_lim:

    ea = EnglishAssembler(top_stmts)
    print '======================='
    print ea.make_model()
    print '======================='

    # Print the statement graph
    graph = render_stmt_graph(related_stmts)
    graph.draw(otherout_prefix + '_graph.pdf', prog='dot')
    # Print statement diagnostics
    print_stmts(pa.stmts, otherout_prefix + '_statements.tsv')
    print_stmts(related_stmts, otherout_prefix + '_related_statements.tsv')

    pya = PysbAssembler()
    model = pya.make_model()

    print 'PySB model has %d monomers and %d rules' %\
        (len(model.monomers), len(model.rules))
Exemple #46
    def run_preassembly(self, stmts, print_summary=True):
        """Run complete preassembly procedure on the given statements.

        Results are returned as a dict and stored in the attribute
        :py:attr:`results`. They are also saved in the pickle file

        stmts : list of :py:class:`indra.statements.Statement`
            Statements to preassemble.
        print_summary : bool
            If True (default), prints a summary of the preassembly process to
            the console.

            A dict containing the following entries:

            - `raw`: the starting set of statements before preassembly.
            - `duplicates1`: statements after initial de-duplication.
            - `valid`: statements found to have valid modification sites.
            - `mapped`: mapped statements (list of
            - `mapped_stmts`: combined list of valid statements and statements
              after mapping.
            - `duplicates2`: statements resulting from de-duplication of the
              statements in `mapped_stmts`.
            - `related2`: top-level statements after combining the statements
              in `duplicates2`.
        # First round of preassembly: remove duplicates before sitemapping
        pa1 = Preassembler(hierarchies, stmts)
        logger.info("Combining duplicates")
        # Map sites
        logger.info("Mapping sites")
        (valid, mapped) = sm.map_sites(pa1.unique_stmts)
        # Combine valid and successfully mapped statements into single list
        correctly_mapped_stmts = []
        for ms in mapped:
            if all([True if mm[1] is not None else False
                         for mm in ms.mapped_mods]):
        mapped_stmts = valid + correctly_mapped_stmts 
        # Second round of preassembly: de-duplicate and combine related
        pa2 = Preassembler(hierarchies, mapped_stmts)
        logger.info("Combining duplicates again")
        # Fill out the results dict
        self.results = {}
        self.results['raw'] = stmts
        self.results['duplicates1'] = pa1.unique_stmts
        self.results['valid'] = valid
        self.results['mapped'] = mapped
        self.results['mapped_stmts'] = mapped_stmts
        self.results['duplicates2'] = pa2.unique_stmts
        self.results['related2'] = pa2.related_stmts
        # Print summary
        if print_summary:
            logger.info("\nStarting number of statements: %d" % len(stmts))
            logger.info("After duplicate removal: %d" % len(pa1.unique_stmts))
            logger.info("Unique statements with valid sites: %d" % len(valid))
            logger.info("Unique statements with invalid sites: %d" %
            logger.info("After post-mapping duplicate removal: %d" %
            logger.info("After combining related statements: %d" %
        # Save the results if we're caching
        if self.basename is not None:
            results_filename = '%s_results.pkl' % self.basename
            with open(results_filename, 'wb') as f:
                pickle.dump(self.results, f, protocol=2)
        return self.results

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # Load the statements
    if len(sys.argv) < 2:
        print("Usage: %s reach_stmts_file" % sys.argv[0])
    results = load_file(sys.argv[1])
    all_stmts = [stmt for paper_stmts in results.values()
                      for stmt in paper_stmts]

    report_stmt_counts(results, plot_prefix='raw')
    report_grounding(all_stmts, plot_prefix='raw')
    report_stmt_types(all_stmts, plot_prefix='raw')

    # Map grounding
    logger.info('Mapping grounding...')
    gmap = gm.GroundingMapper(gm.default_grounding_map)
    map_stmts = gmap.map_agents(all_stmts)

    report_grounding(map_stmts, plot_prefix='preassembled')

    # Combine duplicates
    logger.info('Removing duplicates...')
    pa = Preassembler(hierarchies, map_stmts)

    report_evidence_distribution(pa.unique_stmts, plot_prefix='preassembled')

Exemple #48
def run_assembly(stmts, folder, pmcid, background_assertions=None):
    '''Run assembly on a list of statements, for a given PMCID.'''
    # Folder for index card output (scored submission)
    indexcard_prefix = folder + '/index_cards/' + pmcid
    # Folder for other outputs (for analysis, debugging)
    otherout_prefix = folder + '/other_outputs/' + pmcid

    # Do grounding mapping here
    # Load the TRIPS-specific grounding map and add to the default
    # (REACH-oriented) grounding map:
    trips_gm = load_grounding_map('trips_grounding_map.csv')
    gm = GroundingMapper(default_grounding_map)

    mapped_agent_stmts = gm.map_agents(stmts)
    renamed_agent_stmts = gm.rename_agents(mapped_agent_stmts)

    # Filter for grounding
    grounded_stmts = []
    for st in renamed_agent_stmts:
        if all([is_protein_or_chemical(a) for a in st.agent_list()]):

    # Instantiate the Preassembler
    pa = Preassembler(hierarchies)
    print('== %s ====================' % pmcid)
    print('%d statements collected in total.' % len(pa.stmts))

    # Combine duplicates
    unique_stmts = pa.combine_duplicates()
    print('%d statements after combining duplicates.' % len(unique_stmts))

    # Run BeliefEngine on unique statements
    epe = BeliefEngine()

    # Build statement hierarchy
    related_stmts = pa.combine_related()
    # Run BeliefEngine on hierarchy
    print('%d statements after combining related.' % len(related_stmts))

    # Instantiate the mechanism linker
    ml = MechLinker(related_stmts)
    # Link statements
    linked_stmts = ml.link_statements()
    # Run BeliefEngine on linked statements
    # Print linked statements for debugging purposes
    for ls in linked_stmts:
        print(ls.inferred_stmt.belief, ls.inferred_stmt)

    # Combine all statements including linked ones
    all_statements = ml.statements + [ls.inferred_stmt for ls in linked_stmts]

    # Instantiate a new preassembler
    pa = Preassembler(hierarchies, all_statements)
    # Build hierarchy again
    # Choose the top-level statements
    related_stmts = pa.combine_related()

    # Remove top-level statements that came only from the prior
    if background_assertions is not None:
        nonbg_stmts = [
            stmt for stmt in related_stmts if stmt not in background_assertions
        nonbg_stmts = related_stmts

    # Dump top-level statements in a pickle
    with open(otherout_prefix + '.pkl', 'wb') as fh:
        pickle.dump(nonbg_stmts, fh, protocol=2)

    # Flatten evidence for statements
    flattened_evidence_stmts = flatten_evidence(nonbg_stmts)

    # Start a card counter
    card_counter = 1
    # We don't limit the number of cards reported in this round
    card_lim = float('inf')
    top_stmts = []
    # The belief cutoff for statements
    belief_cutoff = 0.3
    # Sort by amount of evidence
    for st in sorted(flattened_evidence_stmts,
                     key=lambda x: x.belief,
        if st.belief >= belief_cutoff:
            print(st.belief, st)
        if st.belief < belief_cutoff:
            print('SKIP', st.belief, st)

        # If it's background knowledge, we skip the statement
        if is_background_knowledge(st):
            print('This statement is background knowledge - skipping.')

        # Assemble IndexCards
        ia = IndexCardAssembler([st], pmc_override=pmcid)
        # If the index card was actually made
        # (not all statements can be assembled into index cards to
        # this is often not the case)
        if ia.cards:
            # Save the index card json
            ia.save_model(indexcard_prefix + '-%d.json' % card_counter)
            card_counter += 1
            if card_counter > card_lim:

    # Print the English-assembled model for debugging purposes
    ea = EnglishAssembler(top_stmts)

    # Print the statement graph
    graph = render_stmt_graph(nonbg_stmts)
    graph.draw(otherout_prefix + '_graph.pdf', prog='dot')
    # Print statement diagnostics
    print_stmts(pa.stmts, otherout_prefix + '_statements.tsv')
    print_stmts(related_stmts, otherout_prefix + '_related_statements.tsv')
        if args.date_range:
            min_date_str, max_date_str = args.date_range.split(':')
            if min_date_str:
                min_date = datetime.strptime(min_date_str, '%Y%m%d%H%M%S')
                clauses.add(db.RawStatements.create_date > min_date)
            if max_date_str:
                max_date = datetime.strptime(max_date_str, '%Y%m%d%H%M%S')
                clauses.add(db.RawStatements.create_date < max_date)

        all_stmts, results = load_stmts_from_db(clauses, db)

    report_stmt_counts(results['reach'], plot_prefix='raw_reach')
    report_stmt_counts(results['sparser'], plot_prefix='raw_sparser')
    report_grounding(all_stmts, plot_prefix='raw')
    report_stmt_types(all_stmts, plot_prefix='raw')

    # Map grounding
    logger.info('Mapping grounding...')
    gmap = gm.GroundingMapper(gm.default_grounding_map)
    map_stmts = gmap.map_agents(all_stmts)

    report_grounding(map_stmts, plot_prefix='preassembled')

    # Combine duplicates
    logger.info('Removing duplicates...')
    pa = Preassembler(hierarchies, map_stmts)

    report_evidence_distribution(pa.unique_stmts, plot_prefix='preassembled')
Exemple #50
def analyze(filename, plot=False):
    # Load the file
    results = load_file(filename)

    # Put together a list of all statements
    all_stmts = [
        stmt for paper_stmts in results.values() for stmt in paper_stmts

    # Map grounding
    logger.info('Mapping grounding...')
    gmap = gm.GroundingMapper(gm.default_grounding_map)
    map_stmts = gmap.map_agents(all_stmts)
    map_stmts = gmap.rename_agents(map_stmts)

    # Combine duplicates
    logger.info('Removing duplicates...')
    pa = Preassembler(hierarchies, map_stmts)

    # Map GO IDs to genes and associated statements
    logger.info('Building map from GO IDs to stmts')
    go_gene_map = {}
    go_name_map = {}
    for stmt in pa.unique_stmts:
        (bp_name, go, gene) = go_gene_pair(stmt)
        if bp_name is None and go is None and gene is None:
        go_gene_list = go_gene_map.get(go, [])
        go_gene_list.append((gene, stmt))
        go_gene_map[go] = go_gene_list
        go_name_set = go_name_map.get(go, set([]))
        go_name_map[go] = go_name_set

    # Iterate over all of the GO IDs and compare the annotated genes in GO
    # to the ones from the given statements
    go_stmt_map = {}
    for ix, go_id in enumerate(go_gene_map.keys()):
            'Getting genes for %s (%s) from GO (%d of %d)' % (go_id, ','.join(
                list(go_name_map[go_id])), ix + 1, len(go_gene_map.keys())))
        genes_from_go = get_genes_for_go_id(go_id)
        gene_stmt_list = go_gene_map[go_id]
        in_go = []
        not_in_go = []
        for (gene, stmt) in gene_stmt_list:
            if gene in genes_from_go:
        go_stmt_map[go_id] = {
            'names': list(go_name_map[go_id]),
            'in_go': in_go,
            'not_in_go': not_in_go

    with open('go_stmt_map.pkl', 'wb') as f:
        pickle.dump(go_stmt_map, f, protocol=2)

    if plot:
        plot_stmt_counts(go_stmt_map, 'go_stmts.pdf')
Exemple #51
    for fn in fnames:
        print '\n\n----------------------------'
        print 'Processing %s...' % fn
        xml_str = open(fn, 'rt').read()
        tp = trips.process_xml(xml_str)
        print 'Extracted events by type'
        print '------------------------'
        for k,v in tp.extracted_events.iteritems():
            print k, len(v)
        print '------------------------'
        print '%s statements collected.' % len(tp.statements)
        print '----------------------------\n\n'

    print '%d statements collected in total.' % len(pa.stmts)
    duplicate_stmts = pa.combine_duplicates()
    print '%d statements after combining duplicates.' % len(duplicate_stmts)
    related_stmts = pa.combine_related()
    print '%d statements after combining related.' % len(related_stmts)

    # Print the statement graph
    graph = render_stmt_graph(related_stmts)
    graph.draw('trips_graph.pdf', prog='dot')
    # Print statement diagnostics
    print_stmts(pa.stmts, 'trips_statements.tsv')
    print_stmts(related_stmts, 'trips_related_statements.tsv')

    pya = PysbAssembler()
    model = pya.make_model()
Exemple #52
def test_matches_key_fun():
    from indra.statements import WorldContext, RefContext

    def has_location(stmt):
        if not stmt.context or not stmt.context.geo_location or \
                not stmt.context.geo_location.db_refs.get('GEOID'):
            return False
        return True

    def event_location_matches(stmt):
        if isinstance(stmt, Event):
            if not has_location(stmt):
                context_key = None
                context_key = stmt.context.geo_location.db_refs['GEOID']

            matches_key = str((stmt.concept.matches_key(), context_key))
            matches_key = stmt.matches_key()
        return matches_key

    def event_location_refinement(st1, st2, ontology, entities_refined):
        if isinstance(st1, Event) and isinstance(st2, Event):
            ref = st1.refinement_of(st2, ontology)
            if not ref:
                return False
            if not has_location(st2):
                return True
            elif not has_location(st1) and has_location(st2):
                return False
                return st1.context.geo_location.db_refs['GEOID'] == \

    context1 = WorldContext(
        geo_location=RefContext('x', db_refs={'GEOID': '1'}))
    context2 = WorldContext(
        geo_location=RefContext('x', db_refs={'GEOID': '2'}))

    health = 'wm/concept/causal_factor/health_and_life'
    e1 = Event(Concept('health', db_refs={'WM': [(health, 1.0)]}),
               evidence=Evidence(text='1', source_api='eidos'))
    e2 = Event(Concept('health', db_refs={'WM': [(health, 1.0)]}),
               evidence=Evidence(text='2', source_api='eidos'))
    e3 = Event(Concept('health', db_refs={'WM': [(health, 1.0)]}),
               evidence=Evidence(text='3', source_api='eidos'))

    pa = Preassembler(world_ontology, [e1, e2, e3],

    unique_stmts = pa.combine_duplicates()
    assert len(unique_stmts) == 2, unique_stmts

    from indra.tools.assemble_corpus import run_preassembly
    stmts = run_preassembly([e1, e2, e3],
    assert len(stmts) == 2, stmts
Exemple #53
def run_assembly(stmts, folder, pmcid, background_assertions=None):
    '''Run assembly on a list of statements, for a given PMCID.'''
    # Folder for index card output (scored submission)
    indexcard_prefix = folder + '/index_cards/' + pmcid
    # Folder for other outputs (for analysis, debugging)
    otherout_prefix = folder + '/other_outputs/' + pmcid

    # Do grounding mapping here
    # Load the TRIPS-specific grounding map and add to the default
    # (REACH-oriented) grounding map:
    trips_gm = load_grounding_map('trips_grounding_map.csv')
    gm = GroundingMapper(default_grounding_map)

    mapped_agent_stmts = gm.map_agents(stmts)
    renamed_agent_stmts = gm.rename_agents(mapped_agent_stmts)

    # Filter for grounding
    grounded_stmts = []
    for st in renamed_agent_stmts:
        if all([is_protein_or_chemical(a) for a in st.agent_list()]):

    # Instantiate the Preassembler
    pa = Preassembler(hierarchies)
    print('== %s ====================' % pmcid)
    print('%d statements collected in total.' % len(pa.stmts))

    # Combine duplicates
    unique_stmts = pa.combine_duplicates()
    print('%d statements after combining duplicates.' % len(unique_stmts))

    # Run BeliefEngine on unique statements
    epe = BeliefEngine()

    # Build statement hierarchy
    related_stmts = pa.combine_related()
    # Run BeliefEngine on hierarchy
    print('%d statements after combining related.' % len(related_stmts))

    # Instantiate the mechanism linker
    # Link statements
    linked_stmts = MechLinker.infer_active_forms(related_stmts)
    linked_stmts += MechLinker.infer_modifications(related_stmts)
    linked_stmts += MechLinker.infer_activations(related_stmts)
    # Run BeliefEngine on linked statements
    # Print linked statements for debugging purposes
    for ls in linked_stmts:
        print(ls.inferred_stmt.belief, ls.inferred_stmt)

    # Combine all statements including linked ones
    all_statements = related_stmts + [ls.inferred_stmt for ls in linked_stmts]

    # Instantiate a new preassembler
    pa = Preassembler(hierarchies, all_statements)
    # Build hierarchy again
    # Choose the top-level statements
    related_stmts = pa.combine_related()

    # Remove top-level statements that came only from the prior
    if background_assertions is not None:
        nonbg_stmts = [stmt for stmt in related_stmts
                       if stmt not in background_assertions]
        nonbg_stmts = related_stmts

    # Dump top-level statements in a pickle
    with open(otherout_prefix + '.pkl', 'wb') as fh:
        pickle.dump(nonbg_stmts, fh)

    # Flatten evidence for statements
    flattened_evidence_stmts = flatten_evidence(nonbg_stmts)

    # Start a card counter
    card_counter = 1
    # We don't limit the number of cards reported in this round
    card_lim = float('inf')
    top_stmts = []
    # The belief cutoff for statements
    belief_cutoff = 0.3
    # Sort by amount of evidence
    for st in sorted(flattened_evidence_stmts,
                     key=lambda x: x.belief, reverse=True):
        if st.belief >= belief_cutoff:
            print(st.belief, st)
        if st.belief < belief_cutoff:
            print('SKIP', st.belief, st)

        # If it's background knowledge, we skip the statement
        if is_background_knowledge(st):
            print('This statement is background knowledge - skipping.')

        # Assemble IndexCards
        ia = IndexCardAssembler([st], pmc_override=pmcid)
        # If the index card was actually made 
        # (not all statements can be assembled into index cards to
        # this is often not the case)
        if ia.cards:
            # Save the index card json
            ia.save_model(indexcard_prefix + '-%d.json' % card_counter)
            card_counter += 1
            if card_counter > card_lim:

    # Print the English-assembled model for debugging purposes
    ea = EnglishAssembler(top_stmts)

    # Print the statement graph
    graph = render_stmt_graph(nonbg_stmts)
    graph.draw(otherout_prefix + '_graph.pdf', prog='dot')
    # Print statement diagnostics
    print_stmts(pa.stmts, otherout_prefix + '_statements.tsv')
    print_stmts(related_stmts, otherout_prefix + '_related_statements.tsv')