async def fetch_credential_definition(
            self, credential_definition_id: str) -> dict:
        Get a credential definition from the ledger by id.

            credential_definition_id: The cred def id of the cred def to fetch


        public_info = await self.get_wallet_public_did()
        public_did = public_info.did if public_info else None

            cred_def_req = ledger.build_get_cred_def_request(
                public_did, credential_definition_id)
        except VdrError as err:
            raise LedgerError(
                "Exception when building get-cred-def request") from err

        response = await self._submit(cred_def_req, sign_did=public_info)
        if not response["data"]:
            return None

        schema_id = str(response["ref"])
        signature_type = response["signature_type"]
        tag = response.get("tag", "default")
        origin_did = response["origin"]
        # FIXME: issuer has a method to create a cred def ID
        # may need to qualify the DID
        cred_def_id = f"{origin_did}:3:{signature_type}:{schema_id}:{tag}"

        return {
            "ver": "1.0",
            "id": cred_def_id,
            "schemaId": schema_id,
            "type": signature_type,
            "tag": tag,
            "value": response["data"],
async def get_cred_by_Id(pool: Pool, credId):
    req = build_get_cred_def_request(None, credId)
    return await pool.submit_request(req)
async def get_cred_by_Id(credId):
    req = build_get_cred_def_request(None, credId)
    return req.body
Exemple #4
async def basic_test(transactions_path):
    pool = await open_pool(transactions_path=transactions_path)
    log(f"Created pool: {pool}")

    test_req = {
        "operation": {
            "data": 1,
            "ledgerId": 1,
            "type": "3"
        "protocolVersion": 2,
        "reqId": 123,
        "identifier": "LibindyDid111111111111"
    req = build_custom_request(test_req)
    log("Custom request body:", req.body)
    sig_in = req.signature_input
    log("Custom request signature input:", sig_in)

    req = build_get_txn_author_agreement_request()
    log(await pool.submit_request(req))

    req = build_get_acceptance_mechanisms_request()
    log(await pool.submit_request(req))

    acceptance = prepare_txn_author_agreement_acceptance("acceptance text",
    req = build_get_txn_request(None, 1, 15)
    log("Request with TAA acceptance and endorser:", req.body)

    # req = build_disable_all_txn_author_agreements_request("V4SGRU86Z58d6TV7PBUe6f")
    # log(await pool.submit_request(req))

    txn = await get_txn(pool, 11)
    log(json.dumps(txn, indent=2))

    req = build_get_schema_request(
        None, "6qnvgJtqwK44D8LFYnV5Yf:2:relationship.dflow:1.0.0")
    log("Get schema request:", req.body)

    req = build_get_cred_def_request(None,
    log("Get cred def request:", req.body)

    revoc_id = ("L5wx9FUxCDpFJEdFc23jcn:4:L5wx9FUxCDpFJEdFc23jcn:3:CL:1954:"

    req = build_get_revoc_reg_def_request(None, revoc_id)
    log("Get revoc reg def request:", req.body)

    req = build_get_revoc_reg_request(None, revoc_id, timestamp=1)
    log("Get revoc reg request:", req.body)

    req = build_get_revoc_reg_delta_request(None,
    log("Get revoc reg delta request:", req.body)