def add_patient_dir_scores(all_dict, patient_dir): if 'all_dict.txt' in os.listdir(patient_dir): emotion_dict = AUScorer.make_frame_emotions( AUScorer.convert_dict_to_int( json.load(open(os.path.join(patient_dir, 'all_dict.txt'))))) else: emotion_dict = AUScorer.AUScorer(patient_dir).emotions all_dict[patient_dir.replace('_cropped', '')] = emotion_dict
def prevalence_score(emotionDict): """ Calculate a prevalence score for the max emotion in a emotion dictionary :param emotionDict: Dictionary mapping one of the basic emotions to its corresponding score (calculated by AUScorer) :return: Score calculated using both value of highest value emotion as well as how prevalent that emotion is """ reverse_emotions = AUScorer.reverse_emotions(emotionDict) if reverse_emotions: max_value = max(reverse_emotions.keys()) # if len(reverse_emotions[max_value]) > 1: # score = 0 # else: score = ((max_value**2) / np.sum( [x * len(reverse_emotions[x]) for x in reverse_emotions.keys()])) else: score = 0 return score
def scores_and_duration_dict(all_dict_q, duration_dict_q, dir): """Creates all_dict and duration_dict for the given dir and adds them to each queue. Queues must be threadsafe. :param all_dict_q: Queue for all_dict :type all_dict_q: Queue :param duration_dict_q: Queue for duration_dict :type duration_dict_q: Queue :param dir: Directory :type dir: str """ if 'cropped' in dir: all_dicts = {} duration_dict = {} remove_crop = dir.replace('_cropped', '') dir_num = remove_crop[len(remove_crop) - 4:len(remove_crop)] patient_name = remove_crop.replace('_' + dir_num, '') if patient_name not in all_dicts: all_dicts[patient_name] = {} if patient_name not in duration_dict: duration_dict[patient_name] = {} all_dict_file = os.path.join(dir, 'all_dict.txt') if os.path.exists(all_dict_file): all_dicts[patient_name][int(dir_num)] = json.load( open(all_dict_file)) else: all_dicts[patient_name][int(dir_num)] = AUScorer.AUScorer( dir).emotions duration_dict[patient_name][int(dir_num)] = int( VidCropper.duration(SecondRunOpenFace.get_vid_from_dir(dir)) * 30) all_dict_q.put(all_dicts) duration_dict_q.put(duration_dict)
def __init__(self, parent, id, scorer): """ Default constructor. :param parent: wx.Frame object. :param id: ID """ # self.log = log wx.Panel.__init__( self, parent, id, style=wx.TAB_TRAVERSAL | wx.CLIP_CHILDREN) # Create some controls try: =, style=wx.SIMPLE_BORDER) except NotImplementedError as e: self.Destroy() raise e self.parent = parent loadButton = wx.Button(self, -1, "Load File") self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.onLoadFile, loadButton) playButton = wx.Button(self, -1, "Play") self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.onPlay, playButton) pauseButton = wx.Button(self, -1, "Pause") self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.onPause, pauseButton) stopButton = wx.Button(self, -1, "Stop") self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.onStop, stopButton) slider = wx.Slider(self, -1, 0, 0, 0, size=wx.Size(300, -1)) self.slider = slider self.Bind(wx.EVT_SLIDER, self.onSeek, slider) self.scorer = scorer self.st_file = wx.StaticText( self, -1, ".mid .mp3 .wav .au .avi .mpg", size=(200, -1)) self.st_size = wx.StaticText(self, -1, size=(100, -1)) self.st_len = wx.StaticText(self, -1, size=(100, -1)) self.st_pos = wx.StaticText(self, -1, size=(100, -1)) self.emotion_list = AUScorer.emotion_list() full_au_list = self.emotion_list + \ (['Best Score', '', 'Prominence', '']) self.emotion_texts = [ wx.StaticText( self, wx.NewId(), "{0}".format(emotion), size=(100, -1)) for emotion in full_au_list ] self.blank_gauges = [ wx.Gauge(self, wx.NewId(), size=(100, -1)) for emotion in full_au_list ] self.blank_gauges[len(self.emotion_list)] = wx.StaticText( self, wx.NewId(), size=(100, -1)) self.blank_gauges[len(self.emotion_list) + 1] = wx.StaticText( self, wx.NewId(), size=(100, -1)) # setup the button/label layout using a sizer sizer = wx.GridBagSizer(6, 6) sizer.Add(loadButton, (1, 1)) sizer.Add(playButton, (2, 1)) sizer.Add(pauseButton, (3, 1)) sizer.Add(stopButton, (4, 1)) sizer.Add(self.st_file, (1, 2)) sizer.Add(self.st_size, (2, 2)) sizer.Add(self.st_len, (3, 2)) sizer.Add(self.st_pos, (4, 2)) for index, emotionText in enumerate(self.emotion_texts): sizer.Add(emotionText, (index + 1, 5)) for index, blank_gauge in enumerate(self.blank_gauges): sizer.Add(blank_gauge, (index + 1, 6)) sizer.Add(, (6, 1), span=(4, 4)) # for .avi .mpg video files self.SetSizer(sizer) self.timer = wx.Timer(self) self.Bind(wx.EVT_TIMER, self.onTimer) self.timer.Start(100)
def __init__(self, parent, frame_id, name, curr_directory, path_to_csv=None): """ Default constructor, creates a new AUGui :param parent: Inherited from wx.Frame :param frame_id: Unused, inherited from wx.Frame :param name: Unused, inherited from wx.Frame :param curr_directory: Directory with image files, AU files, etc. :param path_to_csv: Path to a CSV file with landmarks, in the form generated by FaceMapper """ self.tmp_dir = 'tmp_video' self.path_to_csv = path_to_csv self.prominent_images = None self.skipping_index = 1 self.fps_frac = 30 # Frames per second of video wx.Frame.__init__(self, parent, frame_id, name) os.chdir(curr_directory) self.images, self.imageIndex = make_images() self.image_map = None self.annotated_map = None self.all_shown = True if self.path_to_csv: self.image_map = csv_emotion_reader(path_to_csv) self.annotated_map = { self.images[index * self.fps_frac]: emotion for index, emotion in enumerate( sorted(self.image_map.values())) if (index * self.fps_frac) < len(self.images) } # Relies on image map only having one item per image self.AU_threshold = 0 self.scorer = AUScorer.AUScorer(curr_directory) n_c = NavCanvas.NavCanvas(self, Debug=0, BackgroundColor="BLACK") self.Canvas = n_c.Canvas self.curr_emotions = [] self.AU_choices = self.make_full_au_choices() self.AU_box = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) self.AU_List = wx.ListBox( self, wx.NewId(), style=wx.LC_REPORT | wx.SUNKEN_BORDER, name='List of Emotions', choices=self.curr_emotions) self.AU_box.Add(self.AU_List, 3, wx.EXPAND) if self.path_to_csv: self.annotation_box = wx.TextCtrl( self, wx.NewId(), value='N/A', style=wx.TE_READONLY | wx.TE_MULTILINE) self.AU_box.Add(self.annotation_box, 1, wx.EXPAND) self.pic_box = wx.ListBox( self, wx.NewId(), style=wx.LC_REPORT | wx.SUNKEN_BORDER, name='Pictures', choices=self.AU_choices) box = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) box.Add(self.pic_box, 1, wx.EXPAND) box.Add(n_c, 3, wx.EXPAND) box.Add(self.AU_box, 1, wx.EXPAND) botBox = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) self.order = 'Index' self.order_button = wx.Button( self, wx.NewId(), label='Order By Prominence') show_landmarksButton = wx.Button( self, wx.NewId(), label='Show/Hide Landmarks') self.au_text = wx.TextCtrl( self, wx.NewId(), value='N/A', style=wx.VSCROLL | wx.TE_READONLY | wx.TE_MULTILINE) show_vidButton = wx.Button(self, wx.NewId(), label='Show Video') botBox.Add(self.order_button, 1, wx.EXPAND) botBox.Add(show_landmarksButton, 1, wx.EXPAND) if self.path_to_csv: self.show_annotations_button = wx.Button( self, wx.NewId(), label='Show Annotated Frames') botBox.Add(self.show_annotations_button, 1, wx.EXPAND) self.Bind( wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.show_hide_annotations, id=self.show_annotations_button.GetId()) botBox.Add(show_vidButton, 1, wx.EXPAND) botBox.Add(self.au_text, 4, wx.EXPAND) self.allBox = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) self.allBox.Add(box, 4, wx.EXPAND) self.allBox.Add(botBox, 1, wx.EXPAND) # -- Make Bindings -- self.Bind(wx.EVT_LISTBOX, self.click_on_pic, id=self.pic_box.GetId()) self.Bind( wx.EVT_LISTBOX, self.click_on_emotion, id=self.AU_List.GetId()) self.Bind( wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.evt_reorder_pics, id=self.order_button.GetId()) self.Bind( wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.show_landmarks, id=show_landmarksButton.GetId()) self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.show_video, id=show_vidButton.GetId()) self.SetSizer(self.allBox) self.Layout() self.bind_to_canvas() # Landmark stuff self.landmarks_exist = False self.landmarks_shown = False marked_pics_dir = os.path.join(curr_directory, 'labeled_frames/') if os.path.exists(marked_pics_dir): self.landmark_images = OpenFaceScorer.OpenFaceScorer.find_im_files( marked_pics_dir) if self.landmark_images: self.landmarks_exist = True self.update_all()
def make_scatter_data(patient): """Create scatter plot for the given patient. :param patient: patient directory containing plot_dict.txt :type patient: str """ patient_scores_dir = patient plot_dict_file = os.path.join(patient_scores_dir, 'plot_dict.txt') if os.path.exists(patient_scores_dir): try: temp_plot_dict = json.load(open(plot_dict_file)) if os.path.exists( plot_dict_file) else None except: temp_plot_dict = None else: temp_plot_dict = None #plot_dict = make_scatter_plot_dict(scores_dict[patient]) plot_dict = scores_dict[patient] if not temp_plot_dict or (plot_dict != temp_plot_dict): emotions = AUScorer.emotion_list() emotions.append('Neutral') temp_data = {emotion: [] for emotion in emotions} for vid in sorted(plot_dict.keys()): for frame in sorted(plot_dict[vid].keys()): for emotion in emotions: if emotion in plot_dict[vid][frame][0]: temp_data[emotion].append(plot_dict[vid][frame][1]) else: temp_data[emotion].append(0) # for index, emotion in enumerate(emotions): # new_row = [] # for vid in sorted(plot_dict[emotion].keys()): # for frame in sorted(plot_dict[emotion][vid].keys()): # new_row.append(plot_dict[emotion][vid][frame]) # z = (list(new_row)) # temp_data[emotion] = z data = [] for index, emotion in enumerate( sorted(x for x in emotions if x != 'Neutral')): data.append([ x + 0.00000000000000000000000000000001 for x in temp_data[emotion] ]) neutral_data = [ 0.00000000000000000000000000000001 for _ in range(len(data[0])) ] emotion_dict = { 'Angry': .4, 'Sad': .3, 'Happy': .3, 'Disgust': .3, 'Fear': .5, 'Surprise': .5 } for index, datum in enumerate(data): emotion = emotions[index] for index, val in enumerate(datum): if val < emotion_dict[emotion]: datum[index] = 0.00000000000000000000000000000001 neutral_data[index] = max(val, neutral_data[index]) data.append(neutral_data) # real_data = np.ndarray((len(temp_data),)) # for index, vals in enumerate(data): # real_data[index] = vals if all(data): # contains = False data = np.asarray(data, dtype=np.float64) # for _ in data: # for index, val in enumerate(_): # if val < 1.5: # _[index] = 0 # else: # contains = True # if contains: if not os.path.exists(patient): os.mkdir(patient) # cict = { # 'red': ((0.0, 0.0, 0.0), # (1.0, 0.0, 0.0)), # # 'green': ((0.0, 0.0, 0.0), # (1.0, 0.0, 0.0)), # # 'blue': ((0.0, 0.0, 0.0), # (.25, 0.0, 1.0), # (1.0, 1.0, 1.0)) # } # test_colormap = matplotlib.colors.ListedColormap('test', cict) ax = sns.heatmap( data, cbar_kws={'ticks': LogLocator()}, yticklabels=emotions, xticklabels=False, cmap='BuGn', norm=matplotlib.colors.LogNorm()) # ax.set_clim(vmin=1.5, vmax=5) ax.set_title(patient) fig = ax.get_figure() fig.savefig(os.path.join(patient, 'day_scores.png')) # print(patient) plt.close() json.dump(plot_dict, open(plot_dict_file, 'w'))
if not os.path.exists(scores_file): print('making scores file') scores_dict = {} for patient in all_dicts: scores_dict[patient] = {} currPatientDict = all_dicts[patient] for vid in currPatientDict: scores_dict[patient][vid] = {} for frame in currPatientDict[vid]: emotionDict = currPatientDict[vid][frame] if emotionDict: reverse_emotions = AUScorer.reverse_emotions( emotionDict) max_value = max(reverse_emotions.keys()) max_emotions = reverse_emotions[max_value] prevalence_score = AUGui.prevalence_score(emotionDict) scores_dict[patient][vid][frame] = [ max_emotions, prevalence_score ] json.dump(scores_dict, open(scores_file, 'w')) else: scores_dict = json.load(open(scores_file)) print('making scatters...') bar = progressbar.ProgressBar( redirect_stdout=True, max_value=len(scores_dict.keys())) for i, _ in enumerate( Pool().imap(
import numpy as np import matplotlib matplotlib.use('Agg') import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from collections import defaultdict from progressbar import ProgressBar from pathos.multiprocessing import ProcessingPool as Pool from sklearn.naive_bayes import GaussianNB, BernoulliNB from sklearn.neighbors import KNeighborsClassifier from sklearn.neural_network import MLPClassifier from sklearn.svm import SVC all_emotions = AUScorer.emotion_list() all_emotions.extend(['Neutral', 'Sleeping']) def use_classifier(classifier, au_train, au_test, target_train, target_test): """ Fit the classifier on the training AUs and predict emotions :param classifier: Classifier :param au_train: Training action units :param au_test: Testing action units :param target_train: Training emotions :param target_test: Testing emotions :returns: Testing emotions, predicted probabilities """