def test_update_license_if_in_license_list_case(self): """ Test that if a license is already in the specfile licenses list, not case sensitive, then it should not be duplicated. """ self.specfile.licenses = ['random', 'New'] infile_update_spec.update_licenses(self.bb_dict, self.specfile) self.assertEqual(self.specfile.licenses, ['random', 'New'])
def test_update_license_if_not_in_licenses_list(self): """ Test that if a license is scraped from the bb file, and not in the licenses specfile list, that it should be added to the list. """ self.specfile.licenses = ['random', 'license'] infile_update_spec.update_licenses(self.bb_dict, self.specfile) self.assertEqual(self.specfile.licenses, ['random', 'license', 'new'])