Exemple #1
# Enter km spacing between path density points.
km_points = 20.0
# Reference elipsoid to calculate distance.
wgs84 = pyproj.Geod(ellps='WGS84')
# Enter number of bins for 2D Histogram density calculation.
nbins = 220
# Enter estimated average shear wave velocity. 3kms-1 is the default!
velocity = 3.0
# Define your ambient noise period range OR individual period in seconds.
global period_range
period_range = [1, 40]

dataless_path = 'east-timor/timor.dataless'
dataless_path = '/storage/ANT/spectral_density/USARRAY/full_USARRAY.dataless'

coords = locs_from_dataless(dataless_path)

#shape_path = "/home/boland/Dropbox/University/UniMelb\

shape_path = 'east-timor/TLS_adm0.shp'

coords = locs_from_dataless(dataless_path)

#shape_path = "/home/boland/Dropbox/University/UniMelb\

t0 = dt.datetime.now()

Exemple #2
# Generate InShape class
SHAPE = InShape(shape_path)
# Create shapely polygon from imported shapefile 
UNIQUE_SHAPE = SHAPE.shape_poly()

# set plotting limits for shapefile boundaries

lonmin, latmin, lonmax, latmax = SHAPE.shape_bounds()

print lonmin, latmin, lonmax, latmax
#lonmin, lonmax, latmin, latmax = SHAPE.plot_lims()

dataless_path = 'ALL_AUSTRALIA.870093.dataless'
stat_locs = locs_from_dataless(dataless_path)

#folder_path = '/storage/ANT/INPUT/DATA/AU-2014'
folder_path = '/storage/ANT/INPUT/DATA/AU-2014'
extension = 'mseed'

paths_list = paths(folder_path, extension)

t0_total = datetime.datetime.now()
figs_counter = 0

pickle_file0 =  '/storage/ANT/spectral_density/station_pds_maxima/\
AUSTRALIA 2014/noiseinfo_comb.pickle'
Exemple #3
km_points = 20.0
# Reference elipsoid to calculate distance.
wgs84 = pyproj.Geod(ellps='WGS84')
# Enter number of bins for 2D Histogram density calculation. 
nbins = 220
# Enter estimated average shear wave velocity. 3kms-1 is the default!
velocity = 3.0
# Define your ambient noise period range OR individual period in seconds.
global period_range
period_range = [1,40]

dataless_path = 'east-timor/timor.dataless'
dataless_path = '/storage/ANT/spectral_density/USARRAY/full_USARRAY.dataless'

coords = locs_from_dataless(dataless_path)

t0 = dt.datetime.now()

# Generate InShape class
SHAPE = InShape(shape_path)
# Create shapely polygon from imported shapefile 
UNIQUE_SHAPE = SHAPE.shape_poly()
print type(UNIQUE_SHAPE)
# Generate InPoly class
INPOLY = InPoly(shape_path)
# Create matplotlib Path object from imported shapefile
#outer_shape = UNIQUE_SHAPE.buffer(1.,resolution=1)
#inner_shape = UNIQUE_SHAPE.buffer(-8,resolution=1)

#outer_poly = INPOLY.poly_from_shape(shape=outer_shape)
# Generate InShape class
SHAPE = InShape(shape_path)
# Create shapely polygon from imported shapefile 
UNIQUE_SHAPE = SHAPE.shape_poly()

# set plotting limits for shapefile boundaries

lonmin, latmin, lonmax, latmax = SHAPE.shape_bounds()

print lonmin, latmin, lonmax, latmax
#lonmin, lonmax, latmin, latmax = SHAPE.plot_lims()

dataless_path = 'ALL_AUSTRALIA.870093.dataless'
stat_locs = locs_from_dataless(dataless_path)

#folder_path = '/storage/ANT/INPUT/DATA/AU-2014'
#folder_path = '/storage/ANT/INPUT/DATA/AU-2014/2014-01'

folder_path = '/storage/ANT/INPUT/DATA/S-2014/2014-01'
extension = 'mseed'

paths_list = paths(folder_path, extension)

t0_total = datetime.datetime.now()
figs_counter = 0

#fig1 = plt.figure(figsize=(15,10))
The following python script is used to find the lon-lat locations of 
seismic stations from a given dataless SEED metadata file and then plot 

from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap
from info_dataless import locs_from_dataless

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

dataless_path = '/home/boland/Dropbox/University/UniMelb/AGOS/METADATA/metadata/UOM.dataless'

info = locs_from_dataless(dataless_path)

lats = info[:,1].astype(np.float); lons = info[:,2].astype(np.float)

print(lats); print(lons)

minlatitude=np.min(lats) - 0.5
minlongitude =np.min(lons) - 0.5
maxlatitude=np.max(lats) + 0.5
maxlongitude=np.max(lons) + 0.5


ax = plt.subplot(111)
Exemple #6
The following python script is used to find the lon-lat locations of 
seismic stations from a given dataless SEED metadata file and then plot 

from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap
from info_dataless import locs_from_dataless

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

dataless_path = '/home/boland/Dropbox/University/UniMelb/AGOS/METADATA/metadata/UOM.dataless'

info = locs_from_dataless(dataless_path)

lats = info[:, 1].astype(np.float)
lons = info[:, 2].astype(np.float)


minlatitude = np.min(lats) - 0.5
minlongitude = np.min(lons) - 0.5
maxlatitude = np.max(lats) + 0.5
maxlongitude = np.max(lons) + 0.5

