def test_yamls_load(tmpdir): """ Verify yamls module can load yaml file properly. """ p = tmpdir.mkdir("yamls").join("test_load.yml") p.write("""--- network: ip: mask: intkey: 1 strkey: Value2 """) res = yamls.load(p.strpath) assert isinstance(res, dict) assert 'network' in res assert 'ip' in res['network'] assert res['network']['ip'] == '' assert 'mask' in res['network'] assert res['network']['mask'] == '' assert 'intkey' in res assert res['intkey'] == 1 assert 'strkey' in res assert res['strkey'] == "Value2"
def test_yamls_random(tmpdir, random_arg): """ Verifies the random constructor for yaml files. """ p = tmpdir.mkdir("yamls").join("test_yamls_random.yml") p.write("""--- random_string: !random {} """.format(random_arg)) res = yamls.load(p.strpath) assert 'random_string' in res assert len(res['random_string']) == random_arg
def test_placeholder_validator(our_cwd_setup): injector = 'placeholder_injector.yml' overwriter = 'placeholder_overwriter.yml' # Checks that 'IRPlaceholderException' is raised if value isn't been # overwritten settings = yamls.load(os.path.join(test_utils.TESTS_CWD, injector)) assert isinstance(settings['place']['holder']['validator'], yamls.Placeholder) with pytest.raises(exceptions.IRPlaceholderException) as exc: yaml.safe_dump(settings, default_flow_style=False) assert "Mandatory value is missing." in str(exc.value.message) # Checks that exceptions haven't been raised after overwriting the # placeholder overwriter_dict = yamls.load(os.path.join(test_utils.TESTS_CWD, overwriter)) core_utils.dict_merge(settings, overwriter_dict) assert settings['place']['holder']['validator'] == \ "'!placeholder' has been overwritten" yaml.safe_dump(settings, default_flow_style=False)
def test_placeholder_double_validator(our_cwd_setup): injector = 'placeholder_double_injector.yml' # Checks that 'IRPlaceholderException' is raised if value isn't been # overwritten settings = yamls.load(os.path.join(test_utils.TESTS_CWD, injector)) assert isinstance(settings['place']['holder']['validator1'], yamls.Placeholder) assert isinstance(settings['place']['holder']['validator2'], yamls.Placeholder) with pytest.raises(exceptions.IRPlaceholderException) as exc: yaml.safe_dump(settings, default_flow_style=False) assert "Mandatory value is missing." in str(exc.value.message)
def load_settings_files(settings_files): """ Loads and merges settings (YAML) files into a new dictionary object. :param settings_files: List of strings representing paths to YAML files. :return: The newly created Dictionary object containing the merging results of all the settings files. """ settings_dict = {} for settings_file in settings_files: loaded_dict = yamls.load(settings_file, True) dict_merge( settings_dict, loaded_dict, conflict_resolver=ConflictResolver.unique_append_list_resolver) return settings_dict
def load_yaml(filename, *search_paths): """Find YAML file. search default path first. :param filename: path to file :param search_paths: the list of paths to search for a file. :returns: dict. loaded YAML file. """ path = None searched_files = [] files_to_search = map( lambda search_path: os.path.join(search_path, filename), search_paths) for filename in files_to_search: searched_files.append(os.path.abspath(filename)) if os.path.exists(filename): path = os.path.abspath(filename) break if path is not None: LOG.debug("Loading YAML file: %s" % path) return yamls.load(path) else: raise exceptions.IRFileNotFoundException(file_path=searched_files)
def merge_extra_vars(settings, extra_vars): """ Merging 'extra-vars' into 'settings' :param settings: Dictionary to merge extra-vars into :param extra_vars: List of extra-vars """ for extra_var in extra_vars or []: if extra_var.startswith('@'): if not len(extra_var[1:]): raise exceptions.IRExtraVarsException(extra_var) settings_file = normalize_file(extra_var[1:]) dict_merge( settings, yamls.load(settings_file), conflict_resolver=ConflictResolver.unique_append_list_resolver) else: if '=' not in extra_var: raise exceptions.IRExtraVarsException(extra_var) key, value = extra_var.split("=") dict_insert(settings, value, *key.split("."))
def test_unsupported_yaml_constructor(our_cwd_setup): tester_file = 'IRYAMLConstructorError.yml' with pytest.raises(exceptions.IRYAMLConstructorError): yamls.load(os.path.join(test_utils.TESTS_CWD, tester_file))