Exemple #1
def extract_stack_under_arealist():
    # Check that a Display is open
    display = Display.getFront()
    if display is None:
        IJ.log("Open a TrakEM2 Display first!")
    # Check that an AreaList is selected and active:
    ali = display.getActive()
    if ali is None or not isinstance(ali, AreaList):
        IJ.log("Please select an AreaList first!")

    # Get the range of layers to which ali paints:
    ls = display.getLayerSet()
    ifirst = ls.indexOf(ali.getFirstLayer())
    ilast = ls.indexOf(ali.getLastLayer())
    layers = display.getLayerSet().getLayers().subList(ifirst, ilast + 1)

    # Create a stack with the dimensions of ali
    bounds = ali.getBoundingBox()
    stack = ImageStack(bounds.width, bounds.height)

    # Using 16-bit. To change to 8-bit, use GRAY8 and ByteProcessor in the two lines below:
    type = ImagePlus.GRAY16
    ref_ip = ShortProcessor(bounds.width, bounds.height)

    for layer in layers:
        area = ali.getArea(layer)
        z = layer.getZ()
        ip = ref_ip.createProcessor(bounds.width, bounds.height)
        if area is None:
            stack.addSlice(str(z), bp)

        # Create a ROI from the area of ali at layer:
        aff = ali.getAffineTransformCopy()
        aff.translate(-bounds.x, -bounds.y)
        roi = ShapeRoi(area.createTransformedArea(aff))

        # Create a cropped snapshot of the images at layer under ali:
        flat = Patch.makeFlatImage(type, layer, bounds, 1.0,
                                   layer.getDisplayables(Patch), Color.black)
        b = roi.getBounds()
        ip.insert(flat.crop(), b.x, b.y)

        # Clear the outside of ROI (ShapeRoi is a non-rectangular ROI type)
        bimp = ImagePlus("", ip)
        IJ.run(bimp, "Clear Outside", "")

        # Accumulate slices
        stack.addSlice(str(z), ip)

    imp = ImagePlus("AreaList stack", stack)
def extract_stack_under_arealist():
	# Check that a Display is open
	display = Display.getFront()
	if display is None:
		IJ.log("Open a TrakEM2 Display first!")
	# Check that an AreaList is selected and active:
	ali = display.getActive()
	if ali is None or not isinstance(ali, AreaList):
		IJ.log("Please select an AreaList first!")

	# Get the range of layers to which ali paints:
	ls = display.getLayerSet()
	ifirst = ls.indexOf(ali.getFirstLayer())
	ilast = ls.indexOf(ali.getLastLayer())
	layers = display.getLayerSet().getLayers().subList(ifirst, ilast +1)

	# Create a stack with the dimensions of ali
	bounds = ali.getBoundingBox()
	stack = ImageStack(bounds.width, bounds.height)

	# Using 16-bit. To change to 8-bit, use GRAY8 and ByteProcessor in the two lines below:
	type = ImagePlus.GRAY16
	ref_ip = ShortProcessor(bounds.width, bounds.height)

	for layer in layers:
		area = ali.getArea(layer)
		z = layer.getZ()
		ip = ref_ip.createProcessor(bounds.width, bounds.height)
		if area is None:
			stack.addSlice(str(z), bp)

		# Create a ROI from the area of ali at layer:
		aff = ali.getAffineTransformCopy()
		aff.translate(-bounds.x, -bounds.y)
		roi = ShapeRoi(area.createTransformedArea(aff))

		# Create a cropped snapshot of the images at layer under ali:
		flat = Patch.makeFlatImage(type, layer, bounds, 1.0, layer.getDisplayables(Patch), Color.black)
		b = roi.getBounds()
		ip.insert(flat.crop(), b.x, b.y)

		# Clear the outside of ROI (ShapeRoi is a non-rectangular ROI type)
		bimp = ImagePlus("", ip)
		IJ.run(bimp, "Clear Outside", "")

		# Accumulate slices
		stack.addSlice(str(z), ip)

	imp = ImagePlus("AreaList stack", stack)
    rectangle = layerset.get2DBounds()
    backgroundColor = Color.black

    for j in range(4):
        patch_num = j
        scale = 1
        scalesmall = 0.1
        patches = layer.getAll(Patch)
        current_patch = patches[patch_num:(patch_num + 1)]
        name = current_patch[0].getImageFilePath()
        basename = os.path.basename(name)

        #print current_patch[0].getImageFilePath()

        ip = Patch.makeFlatImage(ImagePlus.COLOR_RGB, layer, rectangle, scale,
                                 current_patch, backgroundColor,
                                 True)  # use the min and max of each tile
        imp = ImagePlus("img", ip)
        imp2 = imp.flatten()
        ip2 = Patch.makeFlatImage(ImagePlus.COLOR_RGB, layer, rectangle,
                                  scalesmall, current_patch, backgroundColor,
                                  True)  # use the min and max of each tile
        imp3 = ImagePlus("img", ip2)
        imp4 = imp3.flatten()
        if patch_num == 0:
            IJ.saveAs(imp2, "PNG",
                      (exp_folder + "elastic_align/storm_merged/" +
                       basename[:-4] + ".png"))
            IJ.saveAs(imp4, "PNG",
                      (exp_folder + "elastic_align/storm_merged_ds/" +