Exemple #1
def test_dump_to_file_descriptor(inifile, tmp_path):
    conf = load(inifile)

    file = tmp_path / "save.ini"
    with open(file, mode="w") as fh:
        dump(conf, fh)

    # a little weak but better than just testing that the file isn't empty
    new_body = file.read_text()
    for key, val in conf.items():
        if isinstance(val, dict):
            assert f"[{key}]\n" in new_body
Exemple #2
def test_idempotent_io(inifile):
    data0 = load(inifile)
    with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir:
        save1 = Path(tmpdir) / "save1"
        save2 = Path(tmpdir) / "save2"
        dump(data0, save1)
        data1 = load(save1)
        dump(data1, save2)

        text1 = save1.read_text().split("\n")
        text2 = save2.read_text().split("\n")

        diff = "".join(difflib.context_diff(text1, text2))
        assert not diff
Exemple #3
def test_dump_to_file_path(inifile, tmp_path):
    conf = load(inifile)

    # pathlib.Path obj
    file1 = tmp_path / "save1.ini"
    dump(conf, file1)
    body1 = file1.read_text()

    # str
    file2 = tmp_path / "save2.ini"
    sfile2 = str(file2)
    dump(conf, sfile2)
    body2 = file2.read_text()

    assert body1 == body2
    for key, val in conf.items():
        if isinstance(val, dict):
            assert f"[{key}]\n" in body2
Exemple #4
def test_dump_invalid_conf(invalid_conf, tmp_path):
    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=r"^(Invalid schema)"):
        dump(invalid_conf, tmp_path / "save.ini")
Exemple #5
def test_dump_wrong_mode(mode, expected_err, inifile, tmp_path):
    conf = load(inifile)
    save_file = str(tmp_path / "save.ini")
    with pytest.raises(expected_err):
        with open(save_file, mode=mode) as fh:
            dump(conf, fh)