def test(RTS_enable, suspend_enable, reserved_data_size, d_max): PRAWs_duration = 5.3 * 1000 BI = 500 * 1000 #STA_number=20 CWmin = 16 CWmax = 16 * (2**6) # 1024 #packet_arrival_rate=1.0/150000 #in us end_time = 10**7 * 2 data_size = reserved_data_size #in bytes, this parameter is also need to be changed in STA_list = [] radius = 1000 amount = 500 # the total number of stations, it is used to read the corresponding files # d_max=1900 for times in range(20): print("system end time=" + str(end_time)) ############## initialization ########### timer = system_timer.SystemTimer(end_time) # file=open("./results/d_max="+str(d_max)+"_amount="+str(amount)+"/CWmax="+str(CWmax)+\ # "_suspend="+str(suspend_enable)+"_round="+str(times)+"_new.txt","w") folder_name = "./results/d_max=" + str(d_max) + "_amount=" + str( amount) if not os.path.isdir(folder_name): os.makedirs(folder_name) file = open( folder_name + "/data_size=" + str(data_size) + "_round=" + str(times) + ".txt", "w") # file=open("./results/CWmax/CWmax="+str(CWmax)+\ # "_suspend="+str(suspend_enable)+"_round="+str(times)+".txt","w") # file=open("./results/d_max="+str(d_max)+"_amount="+str(amount)+"/CWmax=unlimited"+"_suspend="+str(suspend_enable)+"_round="+str(times)+".txt","w") statistics_collection.collector.set_output_file(file) system_channel = system_AP, STA_list = initialization.init(amount, d_max, timer, RTS_enable, suspend_enable, CWmax, system_channel, data_size=data_size) system_AP.block_list = initialization.AID_assignment(STA_list) system_channel.register_devices(STA_list + [system_AP]) = system_channel system_AP.max_data_size = reserved_data_size statistics_collection.collector.end_time = end_time ############# excute the simualtion #################### while #simulation starts current_events = timer.get_next_events() for each_event in current_events: if each_event.type != "backoff": print("The event type is " + each_event.type + " at " + str(timer.current_time)) if each_event.time > timer.end_time: # end the pragram break each_event.execute(STA_list + [system_AP], timer, system_channel) #### !!!!! if each_event.type != "backoff": counter = [] for each in STA_list: # how many STAs stay awake if each.status != "Sleep": counter.append(each.AID) print("There are " + str(counter.__len__()) + " STAs stays awake at " + str(timer.current_time)) counter = [] backoff_timer = [] for each in STA_list: if not (each.backoff_status == "Off" or not each.queue or each.status != "Listen"): counter.append(each.AID) backoff_timer.append(each.backoff_timer) print("There are " + str(counter.__len__()) + " STAs are competing for the channel at " + str(timer.current_time)) print("The backoff timers are " + str(backoff_timer) + "\n ") if statistics_collection.collector.number_of_packet == statistics_collection.collector.successful_transmissions.__len__( ): # stop the simulation if not [ x for x in if x.type == "Polling round end" ]: statistics_collection.collector.end_time = timer.current_time = [] # for each in STA_list: # if each.has_pending_packet(): # statistics_collection.collector.register_backoff_times(each.number_of_attempts,each.number_of_backoffs) if system_channel.packet_list: # renew the channel busy time statistics_collection.collector.channel_busy_time += timer.end_time - statistics_collection.collector.last_time_idle statistics_collection.collector.print_statistics_of_delays() statistics_collection.collector.print_polling_info() statistics_collection.collector.print_other_statistics( end_time, data_size) statistics_collection.collector.clear() os.system('cls' if == 'nt' else 'clear') file.close()
def test(d_max, threshold, detection_time): end_time = 10**7 packet_size = 100 STA_list = [] amount = 500 CWmax = 1024 for times in range(10): sys.stdout = open("log_file_Thr=" + str(threshold) + ".txt", 'w') timer = system_timer.SystemTimer(end_time) folder_name = "./Parameter_test/Thr=" + str(threshold) + "_T=" + str( detection_time / 10**3) if not os.path.isdir(folder_name): os.makedirs(folder_name) file = open( folder_name + "/d_max=" + str(d_max) + "_round=" + str(times) + ".txt", 'w') statistics_collection.collector.set_output_file(file) system_channel = AP, STA_list = initialization.init(amount, d_max, timer, False, False, CWmax, system_channel, threshold, detection_time) AP.block_list = initialization.AID_assignment(STA_list) system_channel.register_devices(STA_list + [AP]) = system_channel AP.max_data_size = packet_size statistics_collection.collector.end_time = end_time ################# start the simulation ################## while current_events = timer.get_next_events() for each_event in current_events: if each_event.type != "backoff": print("The event type is " + each_event.type + " at " + str(timer.current_time)) if each_event.time > timer.end_time: break each_event.execute(STA_list + [AP], timer, system_channel) if each_event.type != "backoff": counter = [] for each in STA_list: # how many STAs stay awake if each.status != "Sleep": counter.append(each.AID) print("There are " + str(counter.__len__()) + " STAs stays awake at " + str(timer.current_time)) counter = [] backoff_timer = [] for each in STA_list: if not (each.backoff_status == "Off" or not each.queue or each.status != "Listen"): counter.append(each.AID) backoff_timer.append(each.backoff_timer) print("There are " + str(counter.__len__()) + " STAs are competing for the channel at " + str(timer.current_time) + "\n") # print("The backoff timers are "+str(backoff_timer)+"\n ") if (statistics_collection.collector.number_of_packet == statistics_collection.collector.successful_transmissions. __len__()): if not [ x for x in if x.type == "Polling round end" ]: # stop the simulation statistics_collection.collector.end_time = timer.current_time = [] if system_channel.packet_list: # renew the channel busy time statistics_collection.collector.channel_busy_time += ( timer.end_time - statistics_collection.collector.last_time_idle) statistics_collection.collector.print_statistics_of_delays() statistics_collection.collector.print_polling_info() statistics_collection.collector.print_other_statistics( end_time, packet_size) statistics_collection.collector.clear() file.close() os.system('cls' if == 'nt' else 'clear')