def analyzeAllBenchmarksAreaOnly():
	for dataset in utils.benchmarks:
		(root, rectangles, dictionary, matrix) = initializeMatchPairs(dataset)
		anneal(dataset, annealingParameters,metrics.costArea)
		alignImages.createImages('Output/initialMatchPairs_','Output/annealing_','Output/Comparison of Initial to Annealed (area cost)_')

def analyzeAllBenchmarks():
    for dataset in utils.benchmarks:
        # Initial Floorplan
        (root, rectangles, dictionary, matrix) = initializeMatchPairs(dataset)

        # Anneal - Consider area only
        anneal(dataset, annealingParameters, metrics.costArea,
               "Output/annealing_", 'Annealed Floorplan - Area Only')

        # Anneal - Consider area and connections
        length = len(rectangles)
        lambdas = copy(matrix)
        costParameters = classes.CostParameters(np.ones((length, length)), 0.5,
                                                1, lambdas, dictionary)

        # Curry cost function
        def newCost(inRoot):
            #return metrics.costWithLamdas(rectangles, costParameters)
            return metrics.costWithLamdasFromRoot(inRoot, costParameters)

        anneal(dataset, annealingParameters, newCost,
               'Annealed Floorplan - Area and Connections')

        'Output/initialMatchPairs_', 'Output/annealing_',
        'Output/Comparison of Initial to Annealed (Area and All)_')
def analyzeAllBenchmarksAreaOnly():
    for dataset in utils.benchmarks:
        (root, rectangles, dictionary, matrix) = initializeMatchPairs(dataset)
        anneal(dataset, annealingParameters, metrics.costArea)
            'Output/initialMatchPairs_', 'Output/annealing_',
            'Output/Comparison of Initial to Annealed (area cost)_')

def analyzeAllBenchmarks():
	for dataset in utils.benchmarks:
		# Initial Floorplan
		(root, rectangles, dictionary, matrix) = initializeMatchPairs(dataset) 

		# Anneal - Consider area only
		anneal(dataset, annealingParameters,metrics.costArea,"Output/final_annealing_",'Annealed Floorplan - Area Only')  

		# Anneal - Consider area and connections
		length = len(rectangles)
		lambdas = copy(matrix)
		costParameters = classes.CostParameters(np.ones((length,length)),0.5,2,lambdas,dictionary)

		# Curry cost function
		def newCost(inRoot):
			#return metrics.costWithLamdas(rectangles, costParameters)
			return metrics.costWithLamdasFromRoot(inRoot, costParameters)

		anneal(dataset, annealingParameters,newCost,"Output/final_annealingNewCost_",'Annealed Floorplan - Area and Connections')

	alignImages.createImagesForFinal('Output/final_annealing_','Output/final_annealingNewCost_','Output/Final Comparison_')
def anneal(dataset, annealingParameters, cost, outputPrefix,scenario):
	# Solutions will be represented by roots to a slicing tree

	# Setup

	updateMethods = [updateSolutionRandomChain,updateSwapOperands]
	#updateMethods = [updateSolutionRandomChain,updateSwapOperands,updateFlipNode]
	#updateMethods = [updateSolutionRandomChain,updateSolutionFitNode,updateSwapOperands,updateFlipNode]
	#updateMethods = [updateSolutionRandomChain]
	start = time.time()
	(initialSolution, rectangles, dictionary, matrix) = initializeMatchPairs(dataset)
	count = 0

	currentSolution = initialSolution
	bestSolution = initialSolution
	T = annealingParameters.T
	M = 0
	MT = 1
	uphill = 0
	n = len(rectangles)
	N = annealingParameters.k * n
	timeDiff = time.time() - start

	while (reject/MT <= 1-annealingParameters.thresholdAccepted) and T>=annealingParameters.thresholdTemp and timeDiff<=annealingParameters.thresholdTime:
		(flagChain,flagFit,flagFlip) = (0,0,0)
		MT = 1 # start at 1 to avoid divide by 0
		uphill = 0
		reject = 0

		timeDiff = time.time() - start

		while uphill<=N and MT<=2*N:

			# randomly choose which method to use for updating
			randomIndex = random.randint(0,len(updateMethods)-1)
			newSolution = updateMethods[randomIndex](currentSolution,rectangles,dictionary)

			count+=1 # to track total iterations.  Should not be updated elsewhere.

			MT += 1
			deltaCost = cost(newSolution) - cost(currentSolution)

			# Updates
			if deltaCost <= 0 or random.uniform(0,1) < math.exp(-deltaCost/T):

				if deltaCost>0:
					uphill += 1

				currentSolution = newSolution

				if cost(currentSolution)<cost(bestSolution):
					bestSolution = currentSolution
				reject += 1
			timeDiff = time.time() - start

			if bestSolution == currentSolution:
				print(dataset + ':  ' + str(count) + '= ' + str(cost(bestSolution)) + '  T=' + str(T) + '  timeDiff=' + str(timeDiff))

		T = annealingParameters.r*T

	newRectangles = []
	def constructNewRectangleMatrix(node):
		if node.type == 'rect':
			if node.fitRect is not None:
			if node.left is not None:
			if node.right is not None:


	print("Total area for " + dataset + " = " + str(bestSolution.w*bestSolution.h))
	pfp.printFloorplan(newRectangles,dataset,outputPrefix + dataset + '.png',scenario)

	return (bestSolution, rectangles, dictionary, matrix)
def anneal(dataset, annealingParameters, cost, outputPrefix, scenario):
    # Solutions will be represented by roots to a slicing tree

    # Setup

    updateMethods = [updateSolutionRandomChain, updateSwapOperands]
    #updateMethods = [updateSolutionRandomChain,updateSwapOperands,updateFlipNode]
    #updateMethods = [updateSolutionRandomChain,updateSolutionFitNode,updateSwapOperands,updateFlipNode]
    #updateMethods = [updateSolutionRandomChain]
    start = time.time()
    (initialSolution, rectangles, dictionary,
     matrix) = initializeMatchPairs(dataset)
    count = 0

    currentSolution = initialSolution
    bestSolution = initialSolution
    T = annealingParameters.T
    M = 0
    MT = 1
    uphill = 0
    n = len(rectangles)
    N = annealingParameters.k * n
    reject = 0
    timeDiff = time.time() - start

    while (
            reject / MT <= 1 - annealingParameters.thresholdAccepted
    ) and T >= annealingParameters.thresholdTemp and timeDiff <= annealingParameters.thresholdTime:
        (flagChain, flagFit, flagFlip) = (0, 0, 0)
        MT = 1  # start at 1 to avoid divide by 0
        uphill = 0
        reject = 0

        timeDiff = time.time() - start

        while uphill <= N and MT <= 2 * N:

            # randomly choose which method to use for updating
            randomIndex = random.randint(0, len(updateMethods) - 1)
            newSolution = updateMethods[randomIndex](currentSolution,
                                                     rectangles, dictionary)

            count += 1  # to track total iterations.  Should not be updated elsewhere.

            MT += 1
            deltaCost = cost(newSolution) - cost(currentSolution)

            # Updates
            if deltaCost <= 0 or random.uniform(0, 1) < math.exp(
                    -deltaCost / T):

                if deltaCost > 0:
                    uphill += 1

                currentSolution = newSolution

                if cost(currentSolution) < cost(bestSolution):
                    bestSolution = currentSolution
                reject += 1

            timeDiff = time.time() - start

            if bestSolution == currentSolution:
                print(dataset + ':  ' + str(count) + '= ' +
                      str(cost(bestSolution)) + '  T=' + str(T) +
                      '  timeDiff=' + str(timeDiff))

        T = annealingParameters.r * T

    newRectangles = []

    def constructNewRectangleMatrix(node):
        if node.type == 'rect':
            if node.fitRect is not None:
            if node.left is not None:
            if node.right is not None:


    print("Total area for " + dataset + " = " +
          str(bestSolution.w * bestSolution.h))
    print("(countChain,countFit,countFlip)=" +
          str((countChain, countFit, countFlip)))
    pfp.printFloorplan(newRectangles, dataset, outputPrefix + dataset + '.png',

    return (bestSolution, rectangles, dictionary, matrix)