Exemple #1
def train_model(s, H, K, d, n_iter):
    """ Trains an HMM with parameters s, H, K, d"""
    # s is a list of the labels to be trained on 
    # H is the number of hidden states to include in the model 
    # K is the length of the activity sequences 
    # d is a list of the features to be used for training the model
    x_train, y_train, s_train, x_test, y_test, s_test = initialize_hmm.load_data()

    # standardize it (get z-scores)
    x_train = initialize_hmm.standardize_data(x_train) 
    # get the indices of each activity sequence 
    activity_train = initialize_hmm.segment_data(y_train)  
    # get the required segments of activities 
    all_segments = []
    for i in s:
        segment = hmm.all_sequences(x_train,i, activity_train)
        all_segments = all_segments + segment
    x = all_segments
    # initialize the transition matrix, the prior probabilities, and the Gaussians
    A, pi = initialize_hmm.init_par(H)
    pi = np.asarray(pi)
    kmeans, B_mean, B_var = hmm.initialize_GMM(x, H)
    B_mean = B_mean[:,d]
    B_var  = B_var[:,d]
    for j in range(n_iter):
        print("Iteration {}".format(j))
        A, B_mean, B_var, pi = log_FB_seq.forward_backward_algorithm(x, A, B_mean, B_var, pi, H, K, d)
    return A, B_mean, B_var, pi 
Exemple #2
def compute_error_stage1(y_pred):
    # get the appropriate y labels
    x_train, y_train, s_train, x_test, y_test, s_test = initialize_hmm.load_data()

    # get the indices of each activity sequence 
    activity_train = initialize_hmm.segment_data(y_train)  
    # get the required segments of activities 
    y_labels = []
    for i in range(1,7):
        segment = hmm.all_sequences(x_train,i, activity_train)
        y_labels = y_labels + (i*np.ones((len(segment)))).tolist()
    # compute error 
    error = 0.0
    E = len(y_labels)
    for e in range(E):
        if y_labels[e] == 1 or y_labels[e] == 2 or y_labels[e] == 3:
            current_label = 1
            current_label = 0
        if y_pred[e] != current_label:
            error+= 1
    error = error/E
    print("Testing error rate for Stage 1 is {}.".format(error))
    return error, y_labels
Exemple #3
def get_data(features, ACT1, ACT2):
    x_train, y_train, s_train, x_test, y_test, s_test = initialize_hmm.load_data(
    x_train = initialize_hmm.standardize_data(x_train)
    x, y = get_data_for_these_activities(x_train, y_train, ACT1, ACT2,
    return x, y
Exemple #4
def visualize_features(ACT1, ACT2):
    # x: (7352,561)
    # y: (7352,)
    # ACT1 and ACT 2 indicates two sets of activities that you want to compare

    x_train, y_train, s_train, x_test, y_test, s_test = initialize_hmm.load_data(

    # standardize it (get z-scores)
    x_train = initialize_hmm.standardize_data(x_train)
    # get the indices of each activity sequence
    segments = initialize_hmm.segment_data(y_train)

    n_feature = x_train.shape[1]

    # 1 "segment" is "5  from 0   to   27"
    act1_seq = []
    act2_seq = []

    # iterate over all features and draw a plot for each feature
    # for debugging purpose draw the first 3 features.

    for f in range(n_feature):
        act1_seq = []
        act2_seq = []
        for i in range(len(segments)):  # interate over all segments
            if segments[i, 0] in ACT1:
                act1_seq.append(x_train[segments[i, 1]:segments[i, 2],
            if segments[i, 0] in ACT2:
                act2_seq.append(x_train[segments[i, 1]:segments[i, 2],

        alpha = 0.5
        for i, seq in enumerate(act1_seq):
            if i == 0:
                         label=','.join([str(x) for x in ACT1]),
                plt.plot(range(len(seq)), seq, 'r-', alpha=alpha)
        for i, seq in enumerate(act2_seq):
            if i == 0:
                         label=','.join([str(x) for x in ACT2]),
                plt.plot(range(len(seq)), seq, 'b-', alpha=alpha)
        plt.title('Feature {}/{}'.format(f + 1, n_feature))
        plt.xlabel('Time Frame')
        plt.ylabel('Feature Value')
        # plt.show()
Exemple #5
def predict_stage1(A_stat, B_mean_stat, B_var_stat, pi_stat, A_mov, B_mean_mov, B_var_mov, pi_mov, d, H, K):     
    """ Function for generating predictions from the first stage (moving or 
    stationary) model"""
    x_train, y_train, s_train, x_test, y_test, s_test = initialize_hmm.load_data()

    # standardize it (get z-scores)
    x_train = initialize_hmm.standardize_data(x_train) 
    # get the indices of each activity sequence 
    activity_train = initialize_hmm.segment_data(y_train) 
    all_segments = []
    for i in range(1,7):
        segment = hmm.all_sequences(x_train,i, activity_train)
        all_segments = all_segments + segment
    x = all_segments
    E = len(x)
    L_mov = np.zeros((E,))
    L_stat = np.zeros((E,))
    y_pred = []
    for e in range(E):
        B_stat = hmm.cal_b_matrix(x[e][:,d], B_mean_stat, B_var_stat, H, K)
        B_mov  = hmm.cal_b_matrix(x[e][:,d], B_mean_mov, B_var_mov, H, K)
        alpha_stat = log_FB_seq.forward_step(A_stat, B_stat, pi_stat, H, K)
        alpha_mov  = log_FB_seq.forward_step(A_mov, B_mov, pi_mov, H, K)
        L_stat[e] = np.sum(alpha_stat[:,-1])
        L_mov[e] = np.sum(alpha_mov[:,-1])
        if L_stat[e] > L_mov[e]:
    return y_pred
Exemple #6
def hmm_train(K, H, n_iterations, model_type):
    # parse commandline arguments
  ap = argparse.ArgumentParser()
  ap.add_argument("-f","--file", type=str,default = "standing.txt",
    help="the input file which contains the sequences for one (class) of activity")
  ap.add_argument("-t","--len_time", type=int,default = 7,
    help="the length of the observation sequence")
  ap.add_argument("-k", "--k_states", type=int, default = 3,
    help="the number of hidden states")
  args = vars(ap.parse_args())

    #  args = thisdict =	{
    #  "file": "standing.txt",
    #  "h_states": 3,
    #  "k_states": 7
    #  input_file = args["file"]
    #  K = args["k_states"]  # number of observations in a sequence = states  (default = 7)
    #  H = args["h_states"]   # number of hidden states (default = 3)
    #  n_iteration = 5
    #  ACT = 2 # the activity that we build this HMM for.

    # load the data
    x_train, y_train, s_train, x_test, y_test, s_test = initialize_hmm.load_data(

    # standardize it (get z-scores)
    x_train = initialize_hmm.standardize_data(x_train)

    # use the first two features for debugging purpose
    x_train = x_train[:, 0:10]

    # get the indices of each activity sequence
    activity_train = initialize_hmm.segment_data(y_train)

    # get the stationary segments
    segments1 = all_sequences(x_train, 1, activity_train)
    segments2 = all_sequences(x_train, 2, activity_train)
    segments3 = all_sequences(x_train, 3, activity_train)
    segments4 = all_sequences(x_train, 4, activity_train)
    segments5 = all_sequences(x_train, 5, activity_train)
    segments6 = all_sequences(x_train, 6, activity_train)

    if model_type == "stationary":
        segments = segments4 + segments5 + segments6
    elif model_type == "moving":
        segments = segments1 + segments2 + segments3

#  reduced_xtrain = feature_selection_RF(x_train,y_train,ACT,activity_train)

    x_train = segments
    #  y_stationary = initialize_hmm.relabel(y_train)
    # initialize the model parameters
    A, pi = initialize_hmm.init_par(
        x_train, y_train, H)  # x_train, y_train not used in the function
    kmeans, B_mean, B_var = initialize_GMM(x_train, H)

    # activity_train/test has three columns: activity   start    end

    #  states, valid = activity_sequence(5, activity_train, x_train, K)

    ## Baum-Welch algorithm
    ## Step 1: Initialize all Gaussian distributions with the mean and variance along the whole dataset.
    ## Step 2: Calculate the forward and backward probabilities for all states j and times t.

    for i in range(n_iterations):
        alpha, beta = forward_backward(x_train, A, B_mean, B_var, pi.T, H)

        # scale alpha and beta
        for n in range(len(x_train)):
            alpha[n], beta[n] = scale_prob(alpha[n], beta[n], H, K)
            print("This is the {}-th iteration, the {}-th scaling".format(
                i, n))
        A, B_mean, B_var, pi = update_GMM(x_train, alpha, beta, H, A, B_mean,
                                          B_var, pi)
    return A, B_mean, B_var, pi, alpha, beta