def plot3D(data, width=700, height=500, pointSize=1.2, client=False): c3 = inlib.histo_c3d('xyz') [c3.fill(float(row[0]), float(row[1]), float(row[2]), 1) for row in data] #plotter if not client: plotter = window.gui_plotter(inlib.get_cout(), 1, 1, 0, 0, width, height) else: import inexlib_client style_file = os.path.join(os.environ['EXLIB_RES_DIR'], "") plotter = inexlib_client.plotter(inlib.get_cout(), 1, 1, "", 50800, style_file) #scen graph plotter sgp = plotter.plot_cloud3D(c3) sgp.shape.value( sgp.shape_automated.value(False) sgp.infos_style().visible.value(False) sgp.points_style(0).color.value(inlib.colorf_black()) #sgp.points_style(0).color.value(inlib.colorf_yellow()) #sgp.points_style(0).modeling.value(inlib.modeling_points()) sgp.points_style(0).marker_style.value(inlib.marker_dot) sgp.points_style(0).point_size.value(pointSize) if not client: plotter.steer() else: print("clearing scene") plotter.send_clear_static_scene() print("sending data to ...") plotter.send_plots() del plotter del c3
parser.add_argument('-vis_host', dest='vis_host',required=False,help='host to display on') parser.add_argument('-vis_port', dest='vis_port',required=False,help='port to display on') parser.add_argument('-vis_format', dest='vis_format',required=False,help='format for output') args = parser.parse_args(None) file_name = args.file_name verbose = False if args.verbose == "True" : verbose = True #//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #/// create and fill a 3D cloud with the csv file : ///////// #//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// import inlib c3 = inlib.histo_c3d('from csv') import csv file = open(file_name) csv_reader = csv.reader(file, delimiter=',') first_line = False line_count = 0 for row in csv_reader: if 0 <= line_count : #if 0 <= line_count and line_count < 180000 : #if 0 <= line_count and line_count < 360000 : #if 0 <= line_count and line_count < 540000 : #if 60000 <= line_count and line_count < 120000 : #if 120000 <= line_count and line_count < 180000 : #if 180000 <= line_count and line_count < 360000 : #if 360000 <= line_count and line_count < 540000 :
", expected " + str(len_data_ref)) exit() ntuple = data[0] #print("len(ntuple) : "+str(len(ntuple))+". Should be 2.") #print(ntuple[0].__class__.__name__) # ndarray #print(ntuple[1].__class__.__name__) # int #print("data[0][1] : "+str(ntuple[1])+". Should be 77.") #/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #/// plotting : ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// import inlib c3 = inlib.histo_c3d('xyz') [ c3.fill(ntuple[0][0], ntuple[0][1], ntuple[0][2], 1) for ntuple in data if ntuple[0] is not None ] #print("inlib::histo::c3d entries : "+str(c3.entries())) #print(" mean x = "+str(c3.mean_x())+", rms x = "+str(c3.rms_x())) #print(" mean y = "+str(c3.mean_y())+", rms y = "+str(c3.rms_y())) #print(" mean z = "+str(c3.mean_z())+", rms z = "+str(c3.rms_z())) if args.vis_mode == "window": #print("plot (window) ...") import window p = window.plotter(inlib.get_cout(), 1, 1, 0, 0, 700, 500) p.plot_cloud3D(c3)
#////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// c2 = inlib.histo_c2d('Rand gauss/BW') rg = inlib.rgaussd(0, 1) rbw = inlib.rbwd(0, 1) for I in range(0, 10000): c2.fill(rg.shoot(), rbw.shoot(), 1) del rg del rbw #print c2.entries(),c2.mean_y(),c2.rms_y() #////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #/// create and fill a 3D cloud : ///////////////////////// #////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// c3 = inlib.histo_c3d('Rand gauss/BW/gauss') rg = inlib.rgaussd(0, 1) rbw = inlib.rbwd(0, 1) for I in range(0, number_of_points): c3.fill(rg.shoot(), rbw.shoot(), rg.shoot(), 1) del rg del rbw if verbose == True: print("inlib::histo::c3d entries : " + str(c3.entries())) print(" mean x = " + str(c3.mean_x()) + ", rms x = " + str(c3.rms_x())) print(" mean y = " + str(c3.mean_y()) + ", rms y = " + str(c3.rms_y())) print(" mean z = " + str(c3.mean_z()) + ", rms z = " + str(c3.rms_z())) #///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
#file.close() #exit #/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #/// plottting : /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #print("fill c2d ...") #c2 = inlib.histo_c2d('radec') #[c2.fill(row[0],row[1],1) for row in data] #print("inlib::histo::c2d entries : "+str(c2.entries())) #print(" mean x = "+str(c2.mean_x())+", rms x = "+str(c2.rms_x())) #print(" mean y = "+str(c2.mean_y())+", rms y = "+str(c2.rms_y())) c3 = inlib.histo_c3d('radec_z') if do_cut == True: [fill_cut(c3, file, row[0], row[1], row[2]) for row in data] else: [c3.fill(row[0], row[1], row[2], 1) for row in data] #print("inlib::histo::c3d entries : "+str(c3.entries())) #print(" mean x = "+str(c3.mean_x())+", rms x = "+str(c3.rms_x())) #print(" mean y = "+str(c3.mean_y())+", rms y = "+str(c3.rms_y())) #print(" mean z = "+str(c3.mean_z())+", rms z = "+str(c3.rms_z())) #print("fill h2d ...") #h2 = inlib.histo_h2d('radec',100,0,360,100,-90,90) #h2 = inlib.histo_h2d('radec',200,c2.mean_x()-2*c2.rms_x(),c2.mean_x()+2*c2.rms_x(),\ # 200,c2.mean_y()-2*c2.rms_y(),c2.mean_y()+2*c2.rms_y())