Exemple #1
 def gen_LDS(self):
     self.log.info('forming LDS model')
     # form the state space representation
     A = np.hstack([
         self.Phi_inv * outer(self.phi, self.phi, F) for F in self.F
     # this is [A_1 A_2 .. A_p; I 0]
     I = np.eye(len(self.phi)*(self.p-1))
     O = np.zeros((len(self.phi)*(self.p-1), len(self.phi)))
     A = np.vstack([A, np.hstack([I, O])])
     if self.G:
         B = np.hstack([
             self.Phi_inv * outer(self.phi, self.phi, G) 
             for G in self.G
         # this is [B_1 B_2 .. B_q; I 0]
         O = np.zeros((len(self.phi)*(self.p-1), self.q*len(self.phi)))
         B = np.vstack([B, O])
         B = None
     # C = <H,phi>(s1 ... sn)
     # <H,phi> = a^T <psi, phi>
     Cop = np.array([inner(self.H, phi_i) for phi_i in self.phi])
     # So we need to go through each basis function in Cop (C-operator) and
     # evalutate it at each observation location. This begs the question of
     # where the observation locations should come into the program. For 
     # the moment, though, we'll assume them fixed and store them in the 
     # HIDEX object
     C = np.zeros((len(self.obs_locns),len(self.phi)*(self.p)))
     for i,s in enumerate(self.obs_locns):
         for j,basis_function in enumerate(Cop):
             C[i,j] = basis_function(s)
     # make the covariance matrices
     Sw = np.zeros(
         (len(self.phi)*(self.p), len(self.phi)*(self.p))
     for i, basis_i in enumerate(self.phi):
         for j, basis_j in enumerate(self.phi):
             Sw[i,j] = inner(basis_i, basis_j, self.Q)
     # form the initial state
     x0 = np.hstack([self.f0.weights,np.zeros((len(self.phi)*(self.p-1)))])
     # turn everything into matrices for the LDS model
     A = np.matrix(A)
     B = np.matrix(B)
     C = np.matrix(C)
     Sw = np.matrix(Sw)
     Sv = np.matrix(self.R)
     x0 = np.matrix(x0).T
     Pi0 = np.matrix(self.Pi0)
     # make a state space model
     return LDS.LDS(A, B, C, Sw, Sv, x0, Pi0)
Exemple #2
 def __init__(self, F, G, H, f0, Q, R, Pi0, obs_locns):
     F : list
         list of dynamic kernels
     G : list
         list of input kernels
     H : Kernel object
         observation kernel
     f0 : Field object
         initial field
     Q : CovarianceFunction object
         covariance of the field
     R : matrix
         covariance matrix of the observation noise
     Pi0 : matrix
         initial covariance matrix of the field weights
     obs_locns : list
         list of observation locations
     # process and store arguments
     self.p = len(F)
     self.q = len(G)
     self.psi = F[0].bases
     self.phi = f0.bases
     self.F = F
     self.G = G
     self.H = H
     self.Q = Q
     self.R = R
     self.f0 = f0
     self.Pi0 = Pi0
     self.obs_locns = obs_locns
     # form Phi = \int phi(s) phi^T(s) ds
     self.Phi = outer(self.phi, self.phi)
     # store the inversion
     self.Phi_inv = np.linalg.inv(self.Phi)
     # logging
     self.log = logging.getLogger('Field')
     self.log.info('Initialised new HIDEX model')
     # genreate an LDS representation
     self.LDS = self.gen_LDS()