Exemple #1
    def format( self, rec ): #{{{
        stack = istack()
        cur = _ab.len(stack) - self.baseline
        if self.current is None:
            self.current = cur
#        cur_len = cur - self.current
        cur_len = max((cur - self.current) - 5, 0)
        rec.indent = self.create_indent(cur_len)
        out = logging.Formatter.format(self, rec)
        del rec.indent
        return out
Exemple #2
    def create_indent(self, indent_count): #{{{
        lead = ' ' * 4
        cur_stack = istack()[13]
        line_num = cur_stack[2]
        len = _ab.len
        if line_num > 9999999:
            line_num = '+9999999'
            line_num = '%i' %line_num
        cur_line = ' '.join([',', 'line', _ab.str(cur_stack[2])])
        filename = cur_stack[1]
        if len(filename) > 10:
            filename = ''.join(filename[:7], '...')
        file = ''.join(['<', filename, cur_line, '>'])
        flen = len(file)
        if flen < 27:
            lead = ''.join([lead, ' ' * (27 - flen)])
        cur_file = ''.join([file, lead])

        spaces = (' ' * 4) * max(0, indent_count)
        pre = ' ' * indent_count
        marker = ''.join(['+ ', '-' * 2]) * indent_count
        post = ' ' * min(1, indent_count)
        return ''.join([cur_file, spaces, pre])
Exemple #3
    def readPlan(self,gulp,skipback=0,start=0,nsamps=None,verbose=True):
        """A generator used to perform filterbank reading.
        :param gulp: number of samples in each read
        :type gulp: int

        :param skipback: number of samples to skip back after each read (def=0)
        :type skipback: int

        :param start: first sample to read from filterbank (def=start of file)
        :type start: int

        :param nsamps: total number samples to read (def=end of file)
        :type nsamps: int

        :param verbose: flag for display of reading plan information (def=True)
        :type verbose: bool

        :return: An generator that can read through the file.
        :rtype: generator object
        .. note::

           For each read, the generator yields a tuple ``x``, where:
              * ``x[0]`` is the number of samples read
              * ``x[1]`` is the index of the read (i.e. ``x[1]=0`` is the first read)
              * ``x[2]`` is a 1-D numpy array containing the data that was read

           The normal calling syntax for this is function is:

           .. code-block:: python
              for nsamps, ii, data in self.readPlan(*args,**kwargs):
                  # do something

           where data always has contains ``nchans*nsamps`` points. 


        if nsamps is None:
            nsamps = self.header.nsamples-start
        if nsamps<gulp:
            gulp = nsamps
        tstart = time.time()
        skipback = abs(skipback)
        if skipback >= gulp:
            raise ValueError,"readsamps must be > skipback value"
        nreads = nsamps//(gulp-skipback)
        lastread = nsamps-(nreads*(gulp-skipback))
        if lastread<skipback:
            nreads -= 1
            lastread = nsamps-(nreads*(gulp-skipback))
        blocks = [(ii,gulp*self.header.nchans,-skipback*self.header.nchans) for ii in range(nreads)]
        if verbose:
            print "Filterbank reading plan:"
            print "------------------------"
            print "Called on file:       ",self.filename      
            print "Called by:            ",istack()[1][3]
            print "Number of samps:      ",nsamps 
            print "Number of reads:      ",nreads
            print "Nsamps per read:      ",blocks[0][1]/self.header.nchans
            print "Nsamps of final read: ",blocks[-1][1]/self.header.nchans
            print "Nsamps to skip back:  ",-1*blocks[0][2]/self.header.nchans
        for ii,block,skip in blocks:
            if verbose:
                stdout.write("Percentage complete: %d%%\r"%(100*ii/nreads))
            data = self._file.cread(block)
            yield int(block/self.header.nchans),int(ii),data
        if verbose:
            print "Execution time: %f seconds     \n"%(time.time()-tstart)
Exemple #4
    def readPlan(self, gulp, skipback=0, start=0, nsamps=None, verbose=True):
        """A generator used to perform filterbank reading.
        :param gulp: number of samples in each read
        :type gulp: int

        :param skipback: number of samples to skip back after each read (def=0)
        :type skipback: int

        :param start: first sample to read from filterbank (def=start of file)
        :type start: int

        :param nsamps: total number samples to read (def=end of file)
        :type nsamps: int

        :param verbose: flag for display of reading plan information (def=True)
        :type verbose: bool

        :return: An generator that can read through the file.
        :rtype: generator object
        .. note::

           For each read, the generator yields a tuple ``x``, where:
              * ``x[0]`` is the number of samples read
              * ``x[1]`` is the index of the read (i.e. ``x[1]=0`` is the first read)
              * ``x[2]`` is a 1-D numpy array containing the data that was read

           The normal calling syntax for this is function is:

           .. code-block:: python
              for nsamps, ii, data in self.readPlan(*args,**kwargs):
                  # do something

           where data always has contains ``nchans*nsamps`` points. 


        if nsamps is None:
            nsamps = self.header.nsamples - start
        if nsamps < gulp:
            gulp = nsamps
        tstart = time.time()
        skipback = abs(skipback)
        if skipback >= gulp:
            raise ValueError, "readsamps must be > skipback value"
        self._file.seek(self.header.hdrlen + start * self.sampsize)
        nreads = nsamps // (gulp - skipback)
        lastread = nsamps - (nreads * (gulp - skipback))
        if lastread < skipback:
            nreads -= 1
            lastread = nsamps - (nreads * (gulp - skipback))
        blocks = [(ii, gulp * self.header.nchans,
                   -skipback * self.header.nchans) for ii in range(nreads)]
        blocks.append((nreads, lastread * self.header.nchans, 0))

        if verbose:
            print "Filterbank reading plan:"
            print "------------------------"
            print "Called on file:       ", self.filename
            print "Called by:            ", istack()[1][3]
            print "Number of samps:      ", nsamps
            print "Number of reads:      ", nreads
            print "Nsamps per read:      ", blocks[0][1] / self.header.nchans
            print "Nsamps of final read: ", blocks[-1][1] / self.header.nchans
            print "Nsamps to skip back:  ", -1 * blocks[0][
                2] / self.header.nchans

        for ii, block, skip in blocks:
            if verbose:
                stdout.write("Percentage complete: %d%%\r" %
                             (100 * ii / nreads))
            data = self._file.cread(block)
            self._file.seek(skip * self.itemsize / self.bitfact, os.SEEK_CUR)
            yield int(block / self.header.nchans), int(ii), data
        if verbose:
            print "Execution time: %f seconds     \n" % (time.time() - tstart)
Exemple #5
 def __init__( self, fmt=None, datefmt=None ): #{{{
     logging.Formatter.__init__(self, fmt, datefmt)
     self.baseline = _ab.len(istack())
     self.current = None