def hepnames(): """View for authors collection landing page.""" number_of_records = AuthorsSearch().count() return render_template( 'inspirehep_theme/search/collection_authors.html', collection='authors', number_of_records=number_of_records, )
def get_institution_people_datatables_rows(recid): """ Datatable rows to render people working in an institution. :param recid: id of the institution. :type recid: string """ query = LiteratureSearch().query("term", authors__affiliations__recid=recid) # FIXME: search_type=count is deprecated, but the whole function doesn't work anymore query = query.params(search_type="count") query.aggs.bucket("authors", "nested", path="authors")\ .bucket("affiliated", "filter", term={ "authors.affiliations.recid": recid })\ .bucket('byrecid', 'terms', field='authors.recid') records_from_es = query.execute().to_dict() # Extract all the record ids from the aggregation papers_per_author = records_from_es['aggregations']['authors'][ 'affiliated']['byrecid']['buckets'] recids = [int(paper['key']) for paper in papers_per_author] # Generate query to retrieve records from author index query = "" for i, recid in enumerate(recids): query += "recid:{}".format(recid) if i != len(recids) - 1: query += " OR " results = AuthorsSearch().query_from_iq(query).params( size=9999, _source=['control_number', 'name']).execute() recid_map = dict([(result.control_number, for result in results]) result = [] author_html_link = u"<a href='/authors/{recid}'>{name}</a>" for author in papers_per_author: row = [] try: row.append( author_html_link.format( recid=author['key'], name=recid_map[author['key']].preferred_name)) except Exception: # No preferred name, use value row.append( author_html_link.format(recid=author['key'], name=recid_map[author['key']].value)) row.append(author['doc_count']) result.append(row) return result
def get_author_collection_records_from_valid_authors(authors_refs): """ Queries elasticsearch for the author-records of the given authors references. """ es_query = { "bool": { "must": [ {"terms": { "self.$ref": authors_refs }}, {"match": { "ids.type": "ORCID" }} ] } } authors = AuthorsSearch().filter(es_query).execute().hits return authors
def experiment_people_from_es(experiment_name): """Query ES for conferences in the same series.""" query = '"{}"'.format(experiment_name) return AuthorsSearch().query_from_iq( query ).execute().hits