def test_update_rc_files_with_nonexistent_path(self):
     Test an unhappy path if the bashrc/users do not exist.
     p = [Path('/home/deadbeefdoesnotexist/.bashrc')]
     with pytest.raises(OSError) as exinfo:
         install.update_rc_files(['test1', 'test2'], rc_files=p)
Exemple #2
 def test_update_rc_files(self, pmock):
     Test happy path on updating env files. Assuming everything
     exists and is in place.
     pmock.return_value.lines.return_value = ['line1', 'line2']
     install.update_rc_files(['test1', 'test2'])
         ['line1', 'line2', 'test1', 'test2'])
 def test_update_rc_files(self, pmock):
     Test happy path on updating env files. Assuming everything
     exists and is in place.
     pmock.return_value.lines.return_value =  ['line1', 'line2']
     install.update_rc_files(['test1', 'test2'])
     pmock.return_value.write_lines.assert_called_with(['line1', 'line2',
                                                        'test1', 'test2'])
Exemple #4
 def test_update_rc_files_with_nonexistent_path(self):
     Test an unhappy path if the bashrc/users do not exist.
     with pytest.raises(OSError) as exinfo:
         install.update_rc_files(['test1', 'test2'])
 def test_update_rc_files_with_nonexistant_path(self):
     Test an unhappy path if the bashrc/users do not exist.
     with pytest.raises(OSError) as exinfo: