Exemple #1
# TODO#!/usr/bin/env python
Install.py tool to download, compile, and setup the pace library
used to automate the steps described in the README file in this dir

from __future__ import print_function
import sys, subprocess
from argparse import ArgumentParser

from install_helpers import fullpath, geturl, checkmd5sum

# settings

thisdir = fullpath('.')
version = 'v.2021.10.25.fix2'

# known checksums for different PACE versions. used to validate the download.
checksums = { \
        'v.2021.2.3.upd2' : '8fd1162724d349b930e474927197f20d',
        'v.2021.4.9'      : '4db54962fbd6adcf8c18d46e1798ceb5',
        'v.2021.9.28'     : 'f98363bb98adc7295ea63974738c2a1b',
        'v.2021.10.25'    : 'a2ac3315c41a1a4a5c912bcb1bc9c5cc',
        'v.2021.10.25.fix': 'e0572de57039d4afedefb25707b6ceae',
        'v.2021.10.25.fix2': '32394d799bc282bb57696c78c456e64f'

parser = ArgumentParser(prog='Install.py',
                        description="LAMMPS library build wrapper script")
Exemple #2
homepath = "."

buildflag = False
pathflag = False
suffixflag = False
linkflag = True

iarg = 0
while iarg < nargs:
  if args[iarg] == "-v":
    if iarg+2 > nargs: error(help=help)
    version = args[iarg+1]
    iarg += 2
  elif args[iarg] == "-p":
    if iarg+2 > nargs: error(help=help)
    plumedpath = fullpath(args[iarg+1])
    pathflag = True
    iarg += 2
  elif args[iarg] == "-m":
    if iarg+2 > nargs: error(help=help)
    mode = args[iarg+1]
    iarg += 2
  elif args[iarg] == "-b":
    buildflag = True
    iarg += 1
  else: error(help=help)

homepath = fullpath(homepath)
homedir = "%s/plumed2" % (homepath)

if (pathflag):
Exemple #3
                    help="specify folder of existing Eigen installation")
    help="set version of Eigen to download and build (default: %s)" % version)

args = parser.parse_args()

# print help message and exit, if neither build nor path options are given
if not args.build and not args.path:

homepath = fullpath(".")
eigenpath = os.path.join(homepath, "eigen3")

buildflag = args.build
pathflag = args.path is not None
version = args.version

if pathflag:
    eigenpath = args.path
    if not os.path.isdir(eigenpath):
        sys.exit("Eigen path %s does not exist" % eigenpath)
    eigenpath = fullpath(eigenpath)

# download and unpack Eigen tarball
# use glob to find name of dir it unpacks to
Exemple #4
    "suffix of a Makefile.lammps.* file used for linking LAMMPS with this library"
    help="set version of LATTE to download and build (default: %s)" % version)

args = parser.parse_args()

# print help message and exit, if neither build nor path options are given
if not args.build and not args.path:

homepath = fullpath(".")

buildflag = args.build
pathflag = args.path is not None
version = args.version
suffixflag = args.machine is not None
suffix = args.machine

if pathflag:
    lattedir = args.path
    if not os.path.isdir(lattedir):
        sys.exit("LATTE path %s does not exist" % lattedir)
    lattedir = fullpath(lattedir)

homedir = "LATTE-%s" % version
                    help="specify folder of existing ScaFaCoS installation")
parser.add_argument("-v", "--version", default=version,
                    help="set version of ScaFaCoS to download and build (default: %s)" % version)

args = parser.parse_args()

# print help message and exit, if neither build nor path options are given
if not args.build and not args.path:

buildflag = args.build
pathflag = args.path is not None
version = args.version

homepath = fullpath(".")
scafacospath = os.path.join(homepath, "scafacos-%s" % version)

if pathflag:
  scafacospath = args.path
  if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(scafacospath, "include")):
    sys.exit("ScaFaCoS include path for %s does not exist" % scafacospath)
  if (not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(scafacospath, "lib64"))) \
     and (not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(scafacospath, "lib"))):
    sys.exit("ScaFaCoS lib path for %s does not exist" % scafacospath)
  scafacospath = fullpath(scafacospath)

# download and unpack ScaFaCoS tarball

if buildflag:
  print("Downloading ScaFaCoS ...")

buildflag = args.build
pathflag = args.path is not None
mscgpath = args.path
msuffix = args.machine
mscgver = args.version

# settings

url = "https://github.com/uchicago-voth/MSCG-release/archive/%s.tar.gz" % mscgver
tarname = "MS-CG-%s.tar.gz" % mscgver
tardir = "MSCG-release-%s" % mscgver

homepath = fullpath('.')
homedir = os.path.join(homepath, tardir)

if pathflag:
    if not os.path.isdir(mscgpath):
        sys.exit("MS-CG path %s does not exist" % mscgpath)
    homedir = fullpath(mscgpath)

# download and unpack MS-CG tarfile

if buildflag:
    print("Downloading MS-CG ...")
    tarname = os.path.join(homepath, tarname)
    geturl(url, tarname)

    print("Unpacking MS-CG tarfile ...")
Exemple #7
pgroup = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
pgroup.add_argument("-b", "--build", action="store_true",
                    help="download and build the Eigen3 library")
pgroup.add_argument("-p", "--path",
                    help="specify folder of existing Eigen installation")
parser.add_argument("-v", "--version", default=version,
                    help="set version of Eigen to download and build (default: %s)" % version)

args = parser.parse_args()

# print help message and exit, if neither build nor path options are given
if not args.build and not args.path:

homepath = fullpath(".")
eigenpath = os.path.join(homepath, "eigen3")

buildflag = args.build
pathflag = args.path is not None
version = args.version

if pathflag:
  eigenpath = args.path
  if not os.path.isdir(eigenpath):
    sys.exit("Eigen path %s does not exist" % eigenpath)
  eigenpath = fullpath(eigenpath)

# download and unpack Eigen tarball
# use glob to find name of dir it unpacks to
Exemple #8

buildflag = args.build
pathflag = args.path is not None
mscgpath = args.path
msuffix = args.machine
mscgver = args.version

# settings

url = "https://github.com/uchicago-voth/MSCG-release/archive/%s.tar.gz" % mscgver
tarname = "MS-CG-%s.tar.gz" % mscgver
tardir = "MSCG-release-%s" % mscgver

homepath = fullpath('.')
homedir = os.path.join(homepath, tardir)

if pathflag:
    if not os.path.isdir(mscgpath):
      sys.exit("MS-CG path %s does not exist" % mscgpath)
    homedir = fullpath(mscgpath)

# download and unpack MS-CG tarfile

if buildflag:
  print("Downloading MS-CG ...")
  tarname = os.path.join(homepath, tarname)
  geturl(url, tarname)

  print("Unpacking MS-CG tarfile ...")
# print help message and exit, if neither build nor path options are given
if not args.mpi and not args.serial:

mpiflag = args.mpi
serialflag = args.serial
zmqflag = args.zmq

# build CSlib
# copy resulting lib to cslib/src/libmessage.a
# copy appropriate Makefile.lammps.* to Makefile.lammps

print("Building CSlib ...")
srcdir = fullpath(os.path.join("cslib", "src"))

if mpiflag and zmqflag:
    cmd = "make -C %s lib_parallel" % srcdir
elif mpiflag and not zmqflag:
    cmd = "make -C %s lib_parallel zmq=no" % srcdir
elif not mpiflag and zmqflag:
    cmd = "make -C %s lib_serial" % srcdir
elif not mpiflag and not zmqflag:
    cmd = "make -C %s lib_serial zmq=no" % srcdir

    txt = subprocess.check_output(cmd, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, shell=True)
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
Exemple #10
used to automate the steps described in the README file in this dir

from __future__ import print_function
import sys, os, subprocess, shutil
from argparse import ArgumentParser

from install_helpers import fullpath, geturl

parser = ArgumentParser(prog='Install.py',
                        description="LAMMPS library build wrapper script")

# settings

thisdir = fullpath('.')
version = "kim-api-v2-2.0.1"

# help message

HELP = """
Syntax from src dir: make lib-kim args="-b -v version  -a kim-name"
                 or: make lib-kim args="-b -a everything"
                 or: make lib-kim args="-n -a kim-name"
                 or: make lib-kim args="-p /usr/local/open-kim -a kim-name"
Syntax from lib dir: python Install.py -b -v version  -a kim-name
                 or: python Install.py -b -a everything
                 or: python Install.py -n -a kim-name
                 or: python Install.py -p /usr/local/open-kim -a kim-name

Exemple #11
See the list of all KIM models here:

See the list of example KIM models included by default here:
in the "What is in the KIM API source package?" section

# parse args

args = sys.argv[1:]
nargs = len(args)
if nargs == 0: error(help=help)

thisdir = fullpath('.')
version = "kim-api-v1.9.5"

buildflag = False
everythingflag = False
addflag = False
verboseflag = False
pathflag = False

iarg = 0
while iarg < len(args):
  if args[iarg] == "-v":
    if iarg+2 > len(args): error(help=help)
    version = args[iarg+1]
    iarg += 2
  elif args[iarg] == "-b":
Exemple #12
homepath = "."
homedir = version

buildflag = False
pathflag = False
linkflag = True

iarg = 0
while iarg < nargs:
  if args[iarg] == "-v":
    if iarg+2 > nargs: error(help=help)
    version = args[iarg+1]
    iarg += 2
  elif args[iarg] == "-p":
    if iarg+2 > nargs: error(help=help)
    voropath = fullpath(args[iarg+1])
    pathflag = True
    iarg += 2
  elif args[iarg] == "-b":
    buildflag = True
    iarg += 1
  else: error(help=help)

homepath = fullpath(homepath)
homedir = "%s/%s" % (homepath,version)

if (pathflag):
    if not os.path.isdir(voropath): error("Voro++ path does not exist")
    homedir = voropath

if (buildflag and pathflag):
Exemple #13
args = sys.argv[1:]
nargs = len(args)
if nargs == 0: error(help=help)

homepath = "."

buildflag = False
pathflag = False
suffixflag = False
linkflag = True

iarg = 0
while iarg < nargs:
    if args[iarg] == "-p":
        if iarg + 2 > nargs: error(help=help)
        lattedir = fullpath(args[iarg + 1])
        pathflag = True
        iarg += 2
    elif args[iarg] == "-b":
        buildflag = True
        iarg += 1
    elif args[iarg] == "-m":
        if iarg + 2 > nargs: error(help=help)
        suffix = args[iarg + 1]
        suffixflag = True
        iarg += 2
    elif args[iarg] == "-v":
        if iarg + 2 > nargs: error(help=help)
        version = args[iarg + 1]
        iarg += 2
Exemple #14
    choices=['static', 'shared', 'runtime'],
    help="set plumed linkage mode: static (default), shared, or runtime")

args = parser.parse_args()

# print help message and exit, if neither build nor path options are given
if not args.build and not args.path:

buildflag = args.build
pathflag = args.path is not None
plumedpath = args.path

homepath = fullpath('.')
homedir = "%s/plumed2" % (homepath)

if pathflag:
    if not os.path.isdir(plumedpath):
        sys.exit("Plumed2 path %s does not exist" % plumedpath)
    homedir = fullpath(plumedpath)

# download and unpack plumed2 tarball

if buildflag:
    url = "https://github.com/plumed/plumed2/releases/download/v%s/plumed-src-%s.tgz" % (
        version, version)
    filename = "plumed-src-%s.tar.gz" % version
    print("Downloading plumed  ...")
    geturl(url, filename)
Exemple #15
homepath = "."

buildflag = True 
pathflag = False
linkflag = True

iarg = 0
while iarg < nargs:
  if args[iarg] == "-v":
    if iarg+2 > nargs: error(help=help)
    version = args[iarg+1]
    iarg += 2
  elif args[iarg] == "-p":
    if iarg+2 > nargs: error(help=help)
    scafacospath = fullpath(args[iarg+1])
    pathflag = True
    iarg += 2
  elif args[iarg] == "-b":
    buildflag = True
    iarg += 1
  else: error(help=help)

homepath = fullpath(homepath)
homedir = "%s/%s" % (homepath,version)

if (pathflag):
    if not os.path.isdir(scafacospath): error("Scafacos path does not exist")
    homedir =scafacospath

if (buildflag and pathflag):
Exemple #16
# print help message and exit, if neither build nor path options are given
if not args.mpi and not args.serial:

mpiflag = args.mpi
serialflag = args.serial
zmqflag = args.zmq

# build CSlib
# copy resulting lib to cslib/src/libmessage.a
# copy appropriate Makefile.lammps.* to Makefile.lammps

print("Building CSlib ...")
srcdir = fullpath(os.path.join("cslib", "src"))

if mpiflag and zmqflag:
  cmd = "make -C %s lib_parallel" % srcdir
elif mpiflag and not zmqflag:
  cmd = "make -C %s lib_parallel zmq=no" % srcdir
elif not mpiflag and zmqflag:
  cmd = "make -C %s lib_serial" % srcdir
elif not mpiflag and not zmqflag:
  cmd = "make -C %s lib_serial zmq=no" % srcdir

  txt = subprocess.check_output(cmd, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, shell=True)
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
Exemple #17
homepath = "."

buildflag = False
pathflag = False
suffixflag = False
linkflag = True

iarg = 0
while iarg < nargs:
    if args[iarg] == "-v":
        if iarg + 2 > nargs: error(help=help)
        version = args[iarg + 1]
        iarg += 2
    elif args[iarg] == "-p":
        if iarg + 2 > nargs: error(help=help)
        plumedpath = fullpath(args[iarg + 1])
        pathflag = True
        iarg += 2
    elif args[iarg] == "-m":
        if iarg + 2 > nargs: error(help=help)
        mode = args[iarg + 1]
        iarg += 2
    elif args[iarg] == "-b":
        buildflag = True
        iarg += 1

homepath = fullpath(homepath)
homedir = "%s/plumed2" % (homepath)
Exemple #18
    help="set version of Voro++ to download and build (default: %s)" % version)

args = parser.parse_args()

# print help message and exit, if neither build nor path options are given
if not args.build and not args.path:

buildflag = args.build
pathflag = args.path is not None
voropath = args.path

homepath = fullpath(".")
homedir = os.path.join(homepath, version)

if pathflag:
    if not os.path.isdir(voropath):
        sys.exit("Voro++ path %s does not exist" % voropath)
    homedir = fullpath(voropath)

# download and unpack Voro++ tarball

if buildflag:
    print("Downloading Voro++ ...")
    vorotar = os.path.join(homepath, version) + '.tar.gz'
    geturl(url, vorotar)

    # verify downloaded archive integrity via md5 checksum, if known.
Exemple #19
                    help="download and build the LATTE library")
pgroup.add_argument("-p", "--path",
                    help="specify folder of existing LATTE installation")
parser.add_argument("-m", "--machine", choices=['gfortran', 'ifort', 'linalg', 'serial', 'mpi'],
                    help="suffix of a Makefile.lammps.* file used for linking LAMMPS with this library")
parser.add_argument("-v", "--version", default=version,
                    help="set version of LATTE to download and build (default: %s)" % version)

args = parser.parse_args()

# print help message and exit, if neither build nor path options are given
if not args.build and not args.path:

homepath = fullpath(".")

buildflag = args.build
pathflag = args.path is not None
version = args.version
suffixflag = args.machine is not None
suffix = args.machine

if pathflag:
  lattedir = args.path
  if not os.path.isdir(lattedir):
    sys.exit("LATTE path %s does not exist" % lattedir)
  lattedir = fullpath(lattedir)

homedir = "LATTE-%s" % version
Exemple #20
parser.add_argument("-m", "--mode", default=mode, choices=['static', 'shared', 'runtime'],
                    help="set plumed linkage mode: static (default), shared, or runtime")

args = parser.parse_args()

# print help message and exit, if neither build nor path options are given
if not args.build and not args.path:

buildflag = args.build
pathflag = args.path is not None
plumedpath = args.path
mode = args.mode

homepath = fullpath('.')
homedir = "%s/plumed2" % (homepath)

if pathflag:
    if not os.path.isdir(plumedpath):
      sys.exit("Plumed2 path %s does not exist" % plumedpath)
    homedir = fullpath(plumedpath)
    if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(homedir, 'include', 'plumed', 'core')):
      sys.exit("No Plumed2 installation found at %s" % plumedpath)

# download and unpack plumed2 tarball

if buildflag:
  url = "https://github.com/plumed/plumed2/releases/download/v%s/plumed-src-%s.tgz" % (version, version)
  filename = "plumed-src-%s.tar.gz" %version
  print("Downloading plumed  ...")
Exemple #21
    help="set version of n2p2 to download and build (default: %s)" % version)

args = parser.parse_args()

# print help message and exit, if neither build nor path options are given
if not args.build and not args.path:

buildflag = args.build
pathflag = args.path is not None
n2p2path = args.path

homepath = fullpath('.')
homedir = "%s/n2p2" % (homepath)

if pathflag:
    if not os.path.isdir(n2p2path):
        sys.exit("n2p2 path %s does not exist" % n2p2path)
    homedir = fullpath(n2p2path)
    if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(homedir, 'include',
        sys.exit("No n2p2 installation found at %s" % n2p2path)

# download and unpack n2p2 tarball

if buildflag:
    url = "https://github.com/CompPhysVienna/n2p2/archive/v%s.tar.gz" % (
Exemple #22
used to automate the steps described in the README file in this dir

from __future__ import print_function
import sys, os, subprocess, shutil
from argparse import ArgumentParser

from install_helpers import fullpath, geturl, checkmd5sum

parser = ArgumentParser(prog='Install.py',
                        description="LAMMPS library build wrapper script")

# settings

thisdir = fullpath('.')
version = "2.2.1"

# known checksums for different KIM-API versions. used to validate the download.
checksums = { \
        '2.1.2' : '6ac52e14ef52967fc7858220b208cba5', \
        '2.1.3' : '6ee829a1bbba5f8b9874c88c4c4ebff8', \
        '2.2.0' : 'e7f944e1593cffd7444679a660607f6c', \
        '2.2.1' : 'ae1ddda2ef7017ea07934e519d023dca', \

# help message

HELP = """
Syntax from src dir: make lib-kim args="-b -v version  -a kim-name"
                 or: make lib-kim args="-b -a everything"
Exemple #23
nargs = len(args)
if nargs == 0: error(help=help)

homepath = "."
homedir = tardir

buildflag = False
pathflag = False
linkflag = True
msuffix = "g++_simple"

iarg = 0
while iarg < nargs:
    if args[iarg] == "-p":
        if iarg + 2 > nargs: error(help=help)
        mscgpath = fullpath(args[iarg + 1])
        pathflag = True
        iarg += 2
    elif args[iarg] == "-m":
        if iarg + 2 > nargs: error(help=help)
        msuffix = args[iarg + 1]
        iarg += 2
    elif args[iarg] == "-b":
        buildflag = True
        iarg += 1

homepath = fullpath(homepath)
homedir = "%s/%s" % (homepath, homedir)
Exemple #24
homepath = "."
homedir = version

buildflag = False
pathflag = False
linkflag = True

iarg = 0
while iarg < nargs:
    if args[iarg] == "-v":
        if iarg + 2 > nargs: error(help=help)
        version = args[iarg + 1]
        iarg += 2
    elif args[iarg] == "-p":
        if iarg + 2 > nargs: error(help=help)
        voropath = fullpath(args[iarg + 1])
        pathflag = True
        iarg += 2
    elif args[iarg] == "-b":
        buildflag = True
        iarg += 1

homepath = fullpath(homepath)
homedir = "%s/%s" % (homepath, version)

if (pathflag):
    if not os.path.isdir(voropath): error("Voro++ path does not exist")
    homedir = voropath
Exemple #25
homepath = "."
homedir = "eigen3"

buildflag = False
pathflag = False
linkflag = True

iarg = 0
while iarg < nargs:
  if args[iarg] == "-v":
    if iarg+2 > nargs: error(help=help)
    version = args[iarg+1]
    iarg += 2
  elif args[iarg] == "-p":
    if iarg+2 > nargs: error(help=help)
    eigenpath = fullpath(args[iarg+1])
    pathflag = True
    iarg += 2
  elif args[iarg] == "-b":
    buildflag = True
    iarg += 1
  else: error(help=help)

homepath = fullpath(homepath)

if (pathflag):
  if not os.path.isdir(eigenpath): error("Eigen path does not exist")

if (buildflag and pathflag):
    error("Cannot use -b and -p flag at the same time")
Exemple #26
                    help="specify folder of existing Voro++ installation")
parser.add_argument("-v", "--version", default=version,
                    help="set version of Voro++ to download and build (default: %s)" % version)

args = parser.parse_args()

# print help message and exit, if neither build nor path options are given
if not args.build and not args.path:

buildflag = args.build
pathflag = args.path is not None
voropath = args.path

homepath = fullpath(".")
homedir = os.path.join(homepath, version)

if pathflag:
    if not os.path.isdir(voropath):
      sys.exit("Voro++ path %s does not exist" % voropath)
    homedir = fullpath(voropath)

# download and unpack Voro++ tarball

if buildflag:
  print("Downloading Voro++ ...")
  vorotar = os.path.join(homepath, version) + '.tar.gz'
  geturl(url, vorotar)

  # verify downloaded archive integrity via md5 checksum, if known.
Exemple #27
    zmqflag = True
    iarg += 1
  else: error(help=help)

if (not mpiflag and not serialflag):
  error("Must use either -m or -s flag")

if (mpiflag and serialflag):
  error("Cannot use -m and -s flag at the same time")

# build CSlib
# copy resulting lib to cslib/src/libmessage.a
# copy appropriate Makefile.lammps.* to Makefile.lammps

print("Building CSlib ...")
srcdir = fullpath("./cslib/src")

if mpiflag and zmqflag:
  cmd = "cd %s; make lib_parallel" % srcdir
elif mpiflag and not zmqflag:
  cmd = "cd %s; make lib_parallel zmq=no" % srcdir
elif not mpiflag and zmqflag:
  cmd = "cd %s; make lib_serial" % srcdir
elif not mpiflag and not zmqflag:
  cmd = "cd %s; make lib_serial zmq=no" % srcdir
  txt = subprocess.check_output(cmd,stderr=subprocess.STDOUT,shell=True)
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
Exemple #28
                    help="set EXTRAMAKE variable in <libname>/Makefile.<machine> to Makefile.lammps.<extramake>")

args = parser.parse_args()

# print help message and exit, if neither build nor path options are given
if not args.machine and not args.extramake:

machine = args.machine
extraflag = not args.extramake
suffix = args.extramake

# set lib from working dir

cwd = fullpath('.')
lib = os.path.basename(cwd)

# create Makefile.auto as copy of Makefile.machine
# reset EXTRAMAKE if requested

if not os.path.exists("Makefile.%s" % machine):
  sys.exit("lib/%s/Makefile.%s does not exist" % (lib, machine))

lines = open("Makefile.%s" % machine, 'r').readlines()
fp = open("Makefile.auto", 'w')

has_extramake = False
for line in lines:
  words = line.split()
  if len(words) == 3 and words[0] == "EXTRAMAKE" and words[1] == '=':
Exemple #29
homepath = "."
homedir = "eigen3"

buildflag = False
pathflag = False
linkflag = True

iarg = 0
while iarg < nargs:
    if args[iarg] == "-v":
        if iarg + 2 > nargs: error(help=help)
        version = args[iarg + 1]
        iarg += 2
    elif args[iarg] == "-p":
        if iarg + 2 > nargs: error(help=help)
        eigenpath = fullpath(args[iarg + 1])
        pathflag = True
        iarg += 2
    elif args[iarg] == "-b":
        buildflag = True
        iarg += 1

homepath = fullpath(homepath)

if (pathflag):
    if not os.path.isdir(eigenpath): error("Eigen path does not exist")

if (buildflag and pathflag):
    error("Cannot use -b and -p flag at the same time")
Exemple #30
# print help message and exit, if neither build nor path options are given
if not args.machine and not args.extramake:

machine = args.machine
extraflag = args.extramake
if extraflag:
    suffix = args.extramake
    suffix = 'empty'

# set lib from working dir

cwd = fullpath('.')
lib = os.path.basename(cwd)

# create Makefile.auto as copy of Makefile.machine
# reset EXTRAMAKE if requested

if not os.path.exists("Makefile.%s" % machine):
  sys.exit("lib/%s/Makefile.%s does not exist" % (lib, machine))

lines = open("Makefile.%s" % machine, 'r').readlines()
fp = open("Makefile.auto", 'w')

has_extramake = False
for line in lines:
  words = line.split()
  if len(words) == 3 and words[0] == "EXTRAMAKE" and words[1] == '=':
Exemple #31
nargs = len(args)
if nargs == 0: error(help=help)

homepath = "."
homedir = tardir

buildflag = False
pathflag = False
linkflag = True
msuffix = "g++_simple"

iarg = 0
while iarg < nargs:
  if args[iarg] == "-p":
    if iarg+2 > nargs: error(help=help)
    mscgpath = fullpath(args[iarg+1])
    pathflag = True
    iarg += 2
  elif args[iarg] == "-m":
    if iarg+2 > nargs: error(help=help)
    msuffix = args[iarg+1]
    iarg += 2
  elif args[iarg] == "-b":
    buildflag = True
    iarg += 1
  else: error(help=help)

homepath = fullpath(homepath)
homedir = "%s/%s" % (homepath,homedir)

if (pathflag):
Exemple #32
args = sys.argv[1:]
nargs = len(args)
if nargs == 0: error(help=help)

homepath = "."

buildflag = False
pathflag = False
suffixflag = False
linkflag = True

iarg = 0
while iarg < nargs:
  if args[iarg] == "-p":
    if iarg+2 > nargs: error(help=help)
    lattedir = fullpath(args[iarg+1])
    pathflag = True
    iarg += 2
  elif args[iarg] == "-b":
    buildflag = True
    iarg += 1
  elif args[iarg] == "-m":
    if iarg+2 > nargs: error(help=help)
    suffix = args[iarg+1]
    suffixflag = True
    iarg += 2
  elif args[iarg] == "-v":
    if iarg+2 > nargs: error(help=help)
    version = args[iarg+1]
    iarg += 2
  else: error(help=help)
Exemple #33
See the list of all KIM models here:

See the list of example KIM models included by default here:
in the "What is in the KIM API source package?" section

# parse args

args = sys.argv[1:]
nargs = len(args)
if nargs == 0: error(help=help)

thisdir = fullpath('.')
version = "kim-api-v1.9.5"

buildflag = False
everythingflag = False
addflag = False
verboseflag = False
pathflag = False

iarg = 0
while iarg < len(args):
    if args[iarg] == "-v":
        if iarg + 2 > len(args): error(help=help)
        version = args[iarg + 1]
        iarg += 2
    elif args[iarg] == "-b":