def UpdateTarFile(tar_file, colabtools_src_dir, tmp_dir):
    """Updates the tar resources file.

  Untar/zip's the resources file, adds colabtools to the site-packages,
  and rezip/tar's the file.

    tar_file: the filename of the .tar.gz file
    colabtools_src_dir: source directory of colabtools (should end in /colabtools)
    tmp_dir: temporary directory to unzip tar file contents to.  Cleanup
        of this directory is the responsibility of the caller.

    with open(os.devnull, 'w') as devnull:
        if['tar', '-zxvf', tar_file, '-C', tmp_dir],
            raise RuntimeError('Failed to extract tar file')

    # Copy colabtools directory to site-pacakges directory in
    # tar'ed resources.
    colabtools_dest_dir = pjoin(tmp_dir, 'lib', 'python2.7', 'site-packages',
    CopyTreeRecursively(colabtools_src_dir, colabtools_dest_dir)

    # Overwrite original tar file
    with open(os.devnull, 'w') as devnull:
        if['tar', '-zcvf', tar_file, '-C', tmp_dir, '.'],
            raise RuntimeError('Failed to update tar file')
def UpdateTarFile(tar_file, colabtools_src_dir, tmp_dir):
  """Updates the tar resources file.

  Untar/zip's the resources file, adds colabtools to the site-packages,
  and rezip/tar's the file.

    tar_file: the filename of the .tar.gz file
    colabtools_src_dir: source directory of colabtools (should end in /colabtools)
    tmp_dir: temporary directory to unzip tar file contents to.  Cleanup
        of this directory is the responsibility of the caller.

  with open(os.devnull, 'w') as devnull:
    if['tar', '-zxvf', tar_file, '-C', tmp_dir],
      stdout=devnull, stderr=devnull):
      raise RuntimeError('Failed to extract tar file')

  # Copy colabtools directory to site-pacakges directory in
  # tar'ed resources.
  colabtools_dest_dir = pjoin(tmp_dir, 'lib', 'python2.7', 'site-packages', 'colabtools')
  CopyTreeRecursively(colabtools_src_dir, colabtools_dest_dir)

  # Overwrite original tar file
  with open(os.devnull, 'w') as devnull:
    if['tar', '-zcvf', tar_file, '-C', tmp_dir, '.'],
      stdout=devnull, stderr=devnull):
      raise RuntimeError('Failed to update tar file')
def InstallChrome(release, colab_root, dest):
    """Installs the Chrome App.

    release: Whether to produce release version.
    colab_root: root directory of colaboratory source
    dest: destination directory for build

    # stage static files
    app_id = DEBUG_APP_ID
    if release:
        app_id = RELEASE_APP_ID
    extra_template_args = {
        'app_mode': True,
        'app_origin': 'chrome-extension://' + app_id
    BundleStatic(colab_root, dest, extra_template_args=extra_template_args)

    # copy chrome app files, putting pnacl files in root
    # as the folder structure is hard coded into the pnacl kernel code
    # right now
    CopyTreeRecursively(pjoin(colab_root, 'chrome'), dest)
    CopyTreeRecursively(pjoin(colab_root, 'chrome', 'pnacl'), dest)

    # Download .pexe and .tar.gz files.  Later these will be pulled
    # from the naclports continuous builder
    pexe_file = pjoin(dest, 'pnacl', 'kernel.pexe')
    tar_file = pjoin(dest, 'pnacl_data.tar.gz')
    url_opener = urllib.URLopener()
    if not os.path.isfile(pexe_file):
        print 'Downloading ' + NACL_PEXE_FILE_URL
        url_opener.retrieve(NACL_PEXE_FILE_URL, pexe_file)
    if not os.path.isfile(tar_file):
        print 'Downloading ' + NACL_TAR_FILE_URL
        url_opener.retrieve(NACL_TAR_FILE_URL, tar_file)

    tmp_resources_dir = pjoin(dest, 'tmp_pnacl_resources')
    colabtools_src_dir = pjoin(colab_root, 'colabtools')
    UpdateTarFile(tar_file, colabtools_src_dir, tmp_resources_dir)

    if release:
        # In release mode, we must change client IDS
        manfiest_file = pjoin(dest, 'manifest.json')
        manifest = {}
        with open(manfiest_file, 'r') as f:
            manifest = json.loads(

        # Delete "key" entry, because published app's don't
        # use private keys to determine to Chrome App ID.
        del manifest['key']

        # Change the Client ID to the release client ID
        manifest['oauth2']['client_id'] = RELEASE_CLIENT_ID

        # Pretty-print to same manifest file.
        with open(manfiest_file, 'w') as f:
            f.write(json.dumps(manifest, indent=2, separators=(',', ': ')))
def InstallChrome(release, colab_root, dest):
  """Installs the Chrome App.

    release: Whether to produce release version.
    colab_root: root directory of colaboratory source
    dest: destination directory for build
  # stage static files
  app_id = DEBUG_APP_ID
  if release:
    app_id = RELEASE_APP_ID
    'app_mode': True,
    'app_origin': 'chrome-extension://' + app_id
  BundleStatic(colab_root, dest, extra_template_args=extra_template_args)

  # copy chrome app files, putting pnacl files in root
  # as the folder structure is hard coded into the pnacl kernel code
  # right now
  CopyTreeRecursively(pjoin(colab_root, 'chrome'), dest)
  CopyTreeRecursively(pjoin(colab_root, 'chrome', 'pnacl'), dest)

  # Download .pexe and .tar.gz files.  Later these will be pulled
  # from the naclports continuous builder
  pexe_file = pjoin(dest, 'pnacl', 'kernel.pexe')
  tar_file = pjoin(dest, 'pnacl_data.tar.gz')
  url_opener = urllib.URLopener()
  if not os.path.isfile(pexe_file):
    print 'Downloading ' + NACL_PEXE_FILE_URL
    url_opener.retrieve(NACL_PEXE_FILE_URL, pexe_file)
  if not os.path.isfile(tar_file):
    print 'Downloading ' + NACL_TAR_FILE_URL
    url_opener.retrieve(NACL_TAR_FILE_URL, tar_file)

  tmp_resources_dir = pjoin(dest, 'tmp_pnacl_resources')
  colabtools_src_dir = pjoin(colab_root, 'colabtools')
  UpdateTarFile(tar_file, colabtools_src_dir, tmp_resources_dir)

  if release:
    # In release mode, we must change client IDS
    manfiest_file = pjoin(dest, 'manifest.json')
    manifest = {}
    with open(manfiest_file, 'r') as f:
      manifest = json.loads(

    # Delete "key" entry, because published app's don't
    # use private keys to determine to Chrome App ID.
    del manifest['key']

    # Change the Client ID to the release client ID
    manifest['oauth2']['client_id'] = RELEASE_CLIENT_ID

    # Pretty-print to same manifest file.
    with open(manfiest_file, 'w') as f:
      f.write(json.dumps(manifest, indent=2, separators=(',', ': ')))
    url_opener.retrieve(NACL_TAR_FILE_URL, tar_file)

  tmp_resources_dir = pjoin(dest, 'tmp_pnacl_resources')
  colabtools_src_dir = pjoin(colab_root, 'colabtools')
  UpdateTarFile(tar_file, colabtools_src_dir, tmp_resources_dir)

  if release:
    # In release mode, we must change client IDS
    manfiest_file = pjoin(dest, 'manifest.json')
    manifest = {}
    with open(manfiest_file, 'r') as f:
      manifest = json.loads(

    # Delete "key" entry, because published app's don't
    # use private keys to determine to Chrome App ID.
    del manifest['key']

    # Change the Client ID to the release client ID
    manifest['oauth2']['client_id'] = RELEASE_CLIENT_ID

    # Pretty-print to same manifest file.
    with open(manfiest_file, 'w') as f:
      f.write(json.dumps(manifest, indent=2, separators=(',', ': ')))

if __name__ == '__main__':
  InstallChrome(args.release, COLAB_ROOT_PATH, pjoin(COLAB_ROOT_PATH, 'build_chrome'))
        url_opener.retrieve(NACL_TAR_FILE_URL, tar_file)

    tmp_resources_dir = pjoin(dest, 'tmp_pnacl_resources')
    colabtools_src_dir = pjoin(colab_root, 'colabtools')
    UpdateTarFile(tar_file, colabtools_src_dir, tmp_resources_dir)

    if release:
        # In release mode, we must change client IDS
        manfiest_file = pjoin(dest, 'manifest.json')
        manifest = {}
        with open(manfiest_file, 'r') as f:
            manifest = json.loads(

        # Delete "key" entry, because published app's don't
        # use private keys to determine to Chrome App ID.
        del manifest['key']

        # Change the Client ID to the release client ID
        manifest['oauth2']['client_id'] = RELEASE_CLIENT_ID

        # Pretty-print to same manifest file.
        with open(manfiest_file, 'w') as f:
            f.write(json.dumps(manifest, indent=2, separators=(',', ': ')))

if __name__ == '__main__':
    InstallChrome(args.release, COLAB_ROOT_PATH,
                  pjoin(COLAB_ROOT_PATH, 'build_chrome'))
Exemple #7
import subprocess
import sys

from install_lib import COLAB_ROOT_PATH
from install_lib import pjoin

RESOURCES_DIR = pjoin(COLAB_ROOT_PATH, 'colaboratory', 'resources')

CLOSURE_DIR = pjoin(RESOURCES_DIR, 'closure-library')

CALC_DEPS_FILE = pjoin(CLOSURE_DIR, 'closure', 'bin', '')

COLAB_ROOT = pjoin(RESOURCES_DIR, 'colab')

OUTPUT_FILE = pjoin(COLAB_ROOT, 'js', 'colab.dep')[
    'python', CALC_DEPS_FILE, '--dep', GOOG_ROOT, '--path', COLAB_ROOT,
    '--output_mode', 'deps', '--output_file', OUTPUT_FILE
])['sed', '-i', '', 's/\.\.\/\.\.\/\.\./\.\./g', OUTPUT_FILE])
def BundleStatic(colab_root, dest, extra_template_args=None):
  # Use the following default arguments for
  template_args = {
    'raw': '1',
    'app_mode': False
  if extra_template_args is not None:

  # prepare the destination directory

  for d in ['colab', 'extern', 'ipython', 'closure', 'welcome', 'notebook']:
    RemoveDirectoryIfExist(pjoin(dest, d))

  ipython_static = IPython.html.DEFAULT_STATIC_FILES_PATH
  colab_resources = pjoin(colab_root, 'colaboratory', 'resources')
  colab_static = pjoin(colab_root, 'static')
  closure = pjoin(colab_resources, 'closure-library', 'closure', 'goog')

  # TODO: run git submodule init && git submodule update in COLAB_ROOT_PATH

  # stage the basic colab and extern directories
  CopyTreeRecursively(pjoin(colab_resources, 'colab'), pjoin(dest, 'colab'))
  CopyTreeRecursively(pjoin(colab_resources, 'extern'), pjoin(dest, 'extern'))

  # stage IPython's static files, then clobber them with patched versions
  CopyTreeRecursively(ipython_static, pjoin(dest, 'ipython'))
  RemoveFileOrDirectoryIfExist(pjoin(dest, 'ipython', 'components', '.git'))
  CopyTreeRecursively(pjoin(colab_resources, 'ipython_patch'), pjoin(dest, 'ipython'))

  # stage closure from the submodule
  CopyTreeRecursively(closure, pjoin(dest, 'closure'))

  # instantiate templates and stage the /, /welcome/, and /notebook/ URLs
  template_path = os.path.join(colab_resources, "colab")
  env = Environment(loader=FileSystemLoader(template_path))

  CopyTreeRecursively(colab_static, pjoin(dest, 'static'))
  for name in ['welcome', 'notebook']:
    template = env.get_template(name + os.extsep + 'html');

    for d in [pjoin(dest, name, 'index' + os.extsep + 'html'), pjoin(dest, 'colab', name + os.extsep + 'html')]:
      path, filename = os.path.split(d)
      with open(d, 'w') as f:
  # stage IPython's static files, then clobber them with patched versions
  CopyTreeRecursively(ipython_static, pjoin(dest, 'ipython'))
  RemoveFileOrDirectoryIfExist(pjoin(dest, 'ipython', 'components', '.git'))
  CopyTreeRecursively(pjoin(colab_resources, 'ipython_patch'), pjoin(dest, 'ipython'))

  # stage closure from the submodule
  CopyTreeRecursively(closure, pjoin(dest, 'closure'))

  # instantiate templates and stage the /, /welcome/, and /notebook/ URLs
  template_path = os.path.join(colab_resources, "colab")
  env = Environment(loader=FileSystemLoader(template_path))

  CopyTreeRecursively(colab_static, pjoin(dest, 'static'))
  for name in ['welcome', 'notebook']:
    template = env.get_template(name + os.extsep + 'html');

    for d in [pjoin(dest, name, 'index' + os.extsep + 'html'), pjoin(dest, 'colab', name + os.extsep + 'html')]:
      path, filename = os.path.split(d)
      with open(d, 'w') as f:

if __name__ == '__main__':
  import sys
  if len(sys.argv) < 2:
    dest = pjoin(COLAB_ROOT_PATH, 'build')
    dest = sys.argv[1]
  BundleStatic(COLAB_ROOT_PATH, dest)
import subprocess
import sys

from install_lib import COLAB_ROOT_PATH
from install_lib import pjoin

RESOURCES_DIR = pjoin(COLAB_ROOT_PATH, 'colaboratory', 'resources')

CLOSURE_DIR = pjoin(RESOURCES_DIR, 'closure-library')

CALC_DEPS_FILE = pjoin(CLOSURE_DIR, 'closure', 'bin', '')

COLAB_ROOT = pjoin(RESOURCES_DIR, 'colab')

OUTPUT_FILE = pjoin(COLAB_ROOT, 'js', 'colab.dep')[