def mainf(iters,Nmax=None,Mmax=None,Omax=None):
    exectime = []
    tailles = range(10,60,10)

    for K in tailles:
        endmoy = 0
        N = Nmax if Nmax is not None else K
        M = Mmax if Mmax is not None else K
        O = Omax if Omax is not None else K
        for i in range(iters):
            g = instances.generate_grid(N,M,O)
            p, goal, o = instances.generate_robot(g)
            #START COUNTING
            t = time.time()
            g = main.generateGraph(g)
            g.bfs_path((p,o), goal)
            end = time.time() - t
            endmoy += end
        print((N,M), O, endmoy/iters)

    if isinstance(Nmax, int) and Omax is None:
        l = "N=M={}, O".format(Nmax)
    elif Nmax is None and isinstance(Omax, int):
        l = "N=M, O={}".format(Omax)
        l = "N=M=O"

    fig = plt.figure()
    ax = plt.subplot(111)
    ax.plot([i for i in tailles], exectime, label=l)
    plt.ylabel('Overall time (graph conversion + bfs resolution)')
    plt.xlabel('Obstacles amount')
 def generate(self):
     self.grid = instances.generate_grid(int(self.line_size),
     self.robot_pos, self.goal, self.robot_ori = instances.generate_robot(self.grid)