def start_process(): #print("PID of PARENT process is: {}".format(multiprocessing.current_process().pid)) #verify if process run and exist for user #kill priocess if request.method == 'GET': id_insta = request.args.get('id') # check process for user in database cur = cursor() sql = """SELECT num_process FROM process WHERE id_userinsta=%s Order by process_id Desc limit 1""" val=(id_insta) cur.execute(sql, val) result_set = list(cur.fetchall()) pid=[] for result in result_set : pid = int(result[0]) print("le process enfant demmande est :", pid) #if process exists, kill to restart for p in multiprocessing.active_children(): if ( print('---->Chil is active for PID {}'.format( os.kill(pid, signal.SIGTERM) print("---->le process:", pid, " a ete detruit") #create multi time.sleep(2) #rajouter dans les actions(likes, comment, follow, unfollow) p = multiprocessing.Process(target=run_app1, args=(id_insta,)) p.start() # insert into base PID now = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H-%M-%S') print( "Now:", now) cur = cursor() sql_insert_query = """ INSERT INTO `process`(`num_process`,`id_userinsta` ) VALUES (%s, %s)""" val = (format(, id_insta) result = cur.execute(sql_insert_query, val) return "process lance"
def create_config(id_insta): cur = cursor() sql_insert_query = """ INSERT INTO instaconfig (id_userinsta,n_config,likes,comments,follows,unfollows,min_follows,max_follows,min_followers,max_followers) VALUES (%s,%s, %s,%s,%s, %s, %s,%s, %s, %s)""" val = (id_insta, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 50, 1500, 200, 8000) print(sql_insert_query) print(val) result = cur.execute(sql_insert_query, val)
def getNotIncludeBio(id_insta): # get likesTags for the account cur = cursor() sql = """SELECT tag FROM tagsNot WHERE instausers_id=%s and type=2""" val = (id_insta) cur.execute(sql, val) tagNotInclude=[i[0] for i in list(cur.fetchall())] return tagNotInclude
def start_checkUserProcees(): print('PROCESSUS DE VERIFICCATION DES PROCESS UTILISATEUR LANCÉ') while True: actif_process = process_actifs() #create list listActifProcess = list() print("PROCESS ACTIFS ====>") for numProcess in actif_process: print(numProcess) curprocessactif = cursor() #CHECK ID DE L'USER EN BDD, PAR ORDER DECROISSANT DES PROCESS_ID (en cas de doublons) sql = """SELECT DISTINCT(id_userinsta) FROM process where num_process=%s order by process_id DESC""" val = (numProcess) curprocessactif.execute(sql, val) listActifProcess.append([i[0] for i in curprocessactif.fetchall()]) # LES USERS QUI DOIVENT ETRE ACTIVES # route pour selectionner tous les ids de ceux qui ont au moins 1action active cur = cursor() sql = """SELECT DISTINCT(id_userinsta) FROM instaconfig WHERE likes = 1 or comments = 1 or follows = 1 or unfollows = 1""" cur.execute(sql) #VERIFIE LES PROCESS ACTIFS for allprocess in cur: actif="false" for actifprocess in listActifProcess: try: if(int(allprocess[0])==int(actifprocess[0])): actif="true" except IndexError: #on ne fais rien actif = " " if (actif=="false"): p = multiprocessing.Process(target=run_app1,args=(allprocess[0],)) p.start() print("PROCESS PAS LANCE, RELANCE DU PROCESS : ") print(format( #ENREGISTREMENT EN BDD DU NOUVEAU PROCESS cur = cursor() dateNow = sql_insert_query = """ INSERT INTO `process`(`num_process`,`id_userinsta`,`date_process`) VALUES (%s, %s, %s)""" val = (format(, allprocess[0],dateNow) result = cur.execute(sql_insert_query, val) sleep(10)
def getCommentsTags(id_insta, id_instaconfig): # get likesTags for the account cur = cursor() sql = """SELECT tagcomments FROM tagcomments WHERE id_userinsta=%s and id_instaconfig=%s """ val = (id_insta, id_instaconfig) cur.execute(sql, val) tagComments=[i[0] for i in list(cur.fetchall())] return tagComments
def nb_configuser(id_insta): # SELECT les numeros des configs actives cur = cursor() sql = """SELECT COUNT(id_instaconfig) FROM instaconfig WHERE likes = 1 and id_userinsta=%s or comments = 1 and id_userinsta=%s or follows and id_userinsta=%s = 1 or unfollows = 1 and id_userinsta=%s """ val = (id_insta,id_insta,id_insta,id_insta) cur.execute(sql, val) myresult = cur.fetchone() return myresult[0]
def configuser(id_insta, n_config): # SELECT CONFIG cur = cursor() sql = """SELECT id_instaconfig, n_config,likes,comments,follows,unfollows,min_follows,max_follows,min_followers,max_followers FROM instaconfig WHERE id_userinsta=%s and n_config=%s """ val = (id_insta, n_config) cur.execute(sql, val) myresult = cur.fetchall() return myresult
def instausername(id_insta): #SELECT USER AND PASS cur = cursor() sql = """SELECT user FROM instausers WHERE instauser_id=%s """ val = (id_insta) cur.execute(sql, val) myresult = cur.fetchall() for row in myresult: insta_username = "******".join(row) return insta_username
def updateBoostUser(id_insta, boost): # DATE ACTUELLE dateActuelle=getDateActuelle() # SELECT BOOST cur = cursor() sql = """update boost set boost=%s WHERE id_userinsta=%s and date_boost=%s """ val = (0, id_insta,dateActuelle) cur.execute(sql, val) print(cur._last_executed)
def getLikesTags( id_insta, id_instaconfig): # get likesTags for the account cur = cursor() sql = """SELECT tag FROM tagslikes WHERE instausers_id=%s and id_instaconfig=%s """ print(sql) val = (id_insta,id_instaconfig) print(val) cur.execute(sql, val) tagLikes=[i[0] for i in list(cur.fetchall())] print("taaaaaaaaaaaaaaaags") print(tagLikes) return tagLikes
def instapassword(id_insta): cur=cursor() sql = """SELECT pass FROM instausers WHERE instauser_id=%s """ val = (id_insta) cur.execute(sql, val) myresult = cur.fetchall() for row in myresult: insta_password = "******".join(row) print(insta_password) cur = cursor() sql = """SELECT passcipher FROM instausers WHERE instauser_id=%s """ val = (id_insta) cur.execute(sql, val) myresult = cur.fetchall() for row in myresult: passcipher = " | ".join(row) #DECRYPT key = b'jimTHEbot isCOOL' #cipherpass arrcypher = bytes(passcipher, encoding='utf8') #print(arrcypher) arrcypherbytes= arrcypher.decode('unicode-escape').encode('ISO-8859-1') #print(arrcypherbytes) # pass arr = bytes(insta_password, encoding='utf8') decrypt = arr.decode('unicode-escape').encode('ISO-8859-1') d_cipher =, AES.MODE_EAX, arrcypherbytes) d_data = str(d_cipher.decrypt(decrypt))[2:-1] #print(d_data) return d_data
def startAllProcess(): print("start all users process") #plus tard (si plusieurs serveurs), ne pas lancer le process #PROCESS VALIDE #route pour selectionner tous les ids de ceux qui ont au moins 1(UNE) action en cours cur = cursor() sql = """SELECT DISTINCT(id_userinsta) FROM instaconfig WHERE likes = 1 or comments = 1 or follows = 1 or unfollows = 1""" cur.execute(sql) for row in cur: id_insta=row[0] print("process start") print(id_insta) p = multiprocessing.Process(target=run_app1, args=(id_insta,)) p.start() cur = cursor() dateNow = sql_insert_query = """ INSERT INTO `process`(`num_process`,`id_userinsta`,`date_process`) VALUES (%s, %s, %s)""" val = (format(, id_insta, dateNow) result = cur.execute(sql_insert_query, val) #on peut lancer le THREAD POUR CHECKER LES PROCESSUS sleep(10) print('On lance le process de vérification Loop') thread = threading.Thread(target=start_checkUserProcees) thread.start()
def suspiciousCode(id_user,id_check): # on check les infos en base cur = cursor() sql = """SELECT auth_code FROM processlogin WHERE id_user=%s and id_check=%s order by start_date desc limit 1 """ val = (id_user, id_check) cur.execute(sql, val) record = cur.fetchall() for row in record: auth_code = row[0] #PAR DEFAUT ON RENVOIT 0, Sinan on renvoit le code if auth_code==0 : return 0 else : print("CODE AUTHENTIFICATION") print(auth_code) return auth_code
def run_create_profil(): #on recupere les donnees if request.method == 'POST': req_data = request.get_json(force=True) # force=True will make sure this works even if a client does not specify application/json id_user= req_data['id_user'] id_check = req_data['id_check'] print("id user") print(id_user) print(type(id_user)) print("id check") print(id_check) print(type(id_check)) #on crée le processlogin p = multiprocessing.Process(target=addAccount, args=(id_user,id_check)) p.start() #on insére en base de donnee le processlogin cur = cursor() print("id user") print(id_user) print(type(id_user)) print("id check") print(id_check) print(type(id_check)) dateNow = sql_insert_query = """ INSERT INTO processlogin(id_user,id_check ,id_processpython, statut,auth_code, start_date) VALUES (%s, %s,%s, %s, %s, %s)""" val = (id_user, id_check, format(,"start", 0, dateNow) result = cur.execute(sql_insert_query, val) print("RETOUR True") return "True"
def getBoostUser(id_insta): # DATE ACTUELLE dateActuelle=getDateActuelle() print("====================================================>ddddd") print(dateActuelle) # SELECT BOOST : on compte le nombre cur = cursor() sql = """SELECT COUNT(*) FROM boost WHERE id_userinsta=%s and date_boost=%s and boost=1""" val = (id_insta,dateActuelle) cur.execute(sql, val) result = cur.fetchone() #si il ya une ligne en base pour le boost qui est activé if (result[0]>=1): return 1 else: return 0
def run_app1(id_insta): #childprocess.append(multiprocessing.current_process().pid) #print("list de child", childprocess) #print("le processur pour l'utilisateur", insta_username , "est : ", os.getpid()) #print("pass", insta_username,insta_password ) # get an InstaPy session! # set headless_browser=True to run InstaPy in the background print("MULTI - Started at","%H:%M:%S")) #on recupere toutes les données de l'user insta_username=instausername(id_insta) insta_password=instapassword(id_insta) session = InstaPy(username=insta_username, password=insta_password, headless_browser=True) with smart_run(session): """ Activity flow """ # general settings ############################################################################### ################# BOUCLE -- BOUCLE -- BOUCLE -- BOUCLE -- BOUCLE ############## ############################################################################### while True: print("NOMBRE CONFIG==============>") #POUR N CONFIG : on parcoure n_config = nb_configuser(id_insta) print(n_config) #si aucune config (par precaution) if n_config==0: create_config(id_insta) # on recupere les infos a chaque fois pour updater le profil / en compélement du process stats session.getinfos(id_insta, insta_username) for x in range(0, n_config): #pour avoir le bon numero de config, on rajoute 1 numConfig=x+1 # ON CHERCHE LA CONFIG DE L'UTILISATEUR configuserinsta = configuser(id_insta, numConfig) #Boost a 0 de base boost = 0 # ON REGARDE S'IL A UN BOOST (null : n'existe pas, 0 : deja utilisé dans la journée , 1: a utiliser if (getBoostUser(id_insta)>=1): nbactions = random.randrange(80, 90) nbactionsFollow = random.randrange(30, 40) #on enleve donc un boost boost=getBoostUser(id_insta) else: nbactions = random.randrange(12, 16) nbactionsFollow = random.randrange(5, 8) for row in configuserinsta: id_instaconfig = row[0] n_config = row[1] actionL = row[2] actionC = row[3] actionF = row[4] actionU = row[5] minfollowing = row[6] maxfollowing = row[7] minfollowers = row[8] maxfollowers = row[9] session.set_relationship_bounds(enabled=True, delimit_by_numbers=True, max_followers=maxfollowers, min_followers=minfollowers, max_following=maxfollowing, min_following=minfollowing) #session.set_dont_include(["friend1", "friend2", "friend3"]) #session.set_dont_like(["pizza", "#store"]) #NOT INCLUDE IN SESSION # notLike= getNotLikeUser(id_insta) # session.set_dont_like(notLike) # print('Not Likes like like sont [%s]' % ', '.join(map(str, notLike))) # notInclude=getNotIncludeBio(id_insta) # session.set_dont_include(notInclude) # print('Not include sont [%s]' % ', '.join(map(str, notInclude))) likesTags = getLikesTags(id_insta, numConfig) print('les tags de like sont [%s]' % ', '.join(map(str, likesTags))) commentTags = getCommentsTags(id_insta, numConfig) print('les tags de commentaires sont [%s]' % ', '.join(map(str, commentTags))) actionL = 0 actionC = 0 actionF = 0 actionU = 0 # pour le comment : implique que le like soit activé if actionC == 1: print("COMMENT --------->") session.set_do_comment(enabled=True, percentage=25) session.set_comments(commentTags) #pour le like if actionL == 1: print("LIKE --------->") nblikes=nbactions print('le nombre de likes sera de : ',nbactions ) session.like_by_tags(likesTags,id_insta, amount=nbactions) # pour le follow if actionF == 1: print("FOLLOW --------->") nbfollows=nbactionsFollow print('le nombre de follow sera de : ', nbfollows) session.follow_by_tags(likesTags, id_insta,amount=nbfollows) # pour le unfollow if actionU == 1: print("UNFOLLOW --------->") #pour ne pas enlever les followers actifs des 15derniers posts session.set_dont_unfollow_active_users(enabled=True, posts=15) print("action Unfollow") session.unfollow_users(id_insta,amount=2, InstapyFollowed=(True, "nonfollowers"), style="FIFO", unfollow_after=60*60, sleep_delay=501) # for unfollow, verify date of first follow # session.unfollow_users(amount=random.randint(7, 10), sleep_delay=(random.randint(44, 111))) # session.set_dont_unfollow_active_users(enabled=True, posts=7) # session.follow_by_list(followlist=['portraitographers'], times=2, sleep_delay=600, interact=True) #ON UPDATE LE BOOST A 0 POUR DIRE QU'IL A ETE VALDIDE if (boost >= 1): updateBoostUser(id_insta, boost) ###################################################### #pause et insertion de la pause dans les logs timeDelay = random.randrange(1000, 1300) print("-------> sleep while:", timeDelay/60, "minutes") cur=cursor() sql_insert_query = """ INSERT INTO `logs`(`type`,`user` ) VALUES (%s, %s)""" val = ("pause", timeDelay) result = cur.execute(sql_insert_query, val) time.sleep(timeDelay) ############################################################################### ################# FIN BOUCLE -- FIN BOUCLE -- FIN BOUCLE ##################### ############################################################################### #session.end() print("ERROR -finished with error at","%H:%M:%S"))
def addAccount(id_user, id_check): #STATUT retour statu en BDD #successconnection : connexion reussie #falseloginpass: login ou mot de passe faux #finishlimit: session fermé en raison d'inactivité #pushcode: besoin d'un code authentification #repushcode: erreur apres utilisation code authentification print("SELENIUM : CREATION SESSION + LACEMENT JUSQU'A ECRAN LOGIN") session = InstaPy(username="******", password="******", id_user=id_user, headless_browser=True) session.login_create_home() login_temp="" pass_temp="" pid = "" currentDT = time.time() print("==============>000.1") print(str(currentDT)) #timer pour ne pas depasser 300sec t0 = time.time() print("ON ATTEND ENSUITE QUE L'UTILISATEUR ENVOI SON LOGIN/PASS") while not login_temp: #on check les infos en base cur = cursor() sql = """SELECT login_temp,pass_temp,id_processpython FROM processlogin WHERE id_user=%s and id_check=%s order by start_date desc limit 1 """ #print(sql) val = (id_user, id_check) cur.execute(sql, val) myresult = cur.fetchall() for row in myresult: login_temp = row[0] pass_temp = row[1] pid= row[2] #print(login_temp) #print(pass_temp) #print(pid) #si le temps depasse 5min, on kill le process t1 = time.time() if (t1 - t0) >300 : # UPDATE : TIMELIMIT cur = cursor() sql = """update processlogin set statut=%s WHERE id_user=%s and id_check=%s order by start_date desc limit 1 """ print("================>") val = ("finishlimit", id_user, id_check) cur.execute(sql, val) ############################ print("On Kill d'abord la session selenium, puis le process python pour inactivité") session.end() os.kill(pid, signal.SIGTERM) time.sleep(1) currentDT = time.time() print("==============>000.2") print(str(currentDT)) #on ajoute le login/mot de passe a la session session.username = login_temp.replace(" ", "") session.password = pass_temp.replace(" ", "") #dossier pour les cookies session.logfolder = '{0}{1}{2}{1}'.format( session.logfolderlocation, session.logfolderpath, session.username) if not os.path.exists(session.logfolder): os.makedirs(session.logfolder) currentDT = time.time() print("==============>000.3") print(str(currentDT)) #ON CREE LA SESSION result = session.login_create() #UPDATE DU MOT DE PASSE SI BON cur = cursor() sql = """update processlogin set pass_temp="" WHERE id_user=%s and id_check=%s order by start_date desc limit 1 """ print("================>") val = ( id_user, id_check) cur.execute(sql, val) ############################################################################# print(result[0]) #SI BESOIN AUTHENTIFICATION if result[0] == "False:suspicious": # UPDATE : ON UPDATE AVEC LE MESSAGE D'AUTHENTIFICATION cur = cursor() sql = """update processlogin set statut=%s, auth_message=%s WHERE id_user=%s and id_check=%s order by start_date desc limit 1 """ val = ("pushcode", result[1], id_user, id_check) cur.execute(sql, val) ############################ # timer pour ne pas depasser 300sec t2 = time.time() print("ON ATTEND ENSUITE QUE L'UTILISATEUR ENVOI SON CODE D'AUTH") while 1: #APPEL A LA FONCTION POUR LE CODE auth_code = suspiciousCode(id_user, id_check) if auth_code!="0": print("Le code est bon") #ON ATTEND UN RESULTAT EN RETOUR POUR SAVOIR SI LE CODE A FONCTIONNE, ET DONC LE COMPTE EST LOGGÉ session.code=auth_code result = session.suspiciouscodeinsta() #si c'est bon #SI LE CODE EST BON : ON CLOS LA SESSION, SINAN ON ATTEND DE NOUVEAU UN CODE if result : # UPDATE : FINISH cur = cursor() sql = """update processlogin set statut=%s WHERE id_user=%s and id_check=%s order by start_date desc limit 1 """ val = ("successconnection", id_user, id_check) cur.execute(sql, val) ############################ print("On Kill d'abord la session selenium, puis le process python pour inactivité") session.end() os.kill(pid, signal.SIGTERM) else : # UPDATE : statut + on remet le code a 0 e cur = cursor() sql = """update processlogin set statut=%s, auth_code=0 WHERE id_user=%s and id_check=%s order by start_date desc limit 1 """ val = ("repushcode", id_user, id_check) cur.execute(sql, val) ############################## print("CODE AUTH NE MARCHE PAS, A RETESTER") t3 = time.time() if (t2 - t3) > 300: # si le temps depasse 5min, on kill le process # UPDATE : TIMELIMIT cur = cursor() sql = """update processlogin set statut=%s WHERE id_user=%s and id_check=%s order by start_date desc limit 1 """ val = ("finishlimit", id_user, id_check) cur.execute(sql, val) ############################ print("On Kill d'abord la session selenium, puis le process python pour inactivité") session.end() os.kill(pid, signal.SIGTERM) time.sleep(1) # UPDATE FINISH:message if result[0] == "True:success": cur = cursor() sql = """update processlogin set statut=%s WHERE id_user=%s and id_check=%s order by start_date desc limit 1 """ val = ("successconnection", id_user, id_check) cur.execute(sql, val) if result[0] == "False:loginpass": cur = cursor() sql = """update processlogin set statut=%s WHERE id_user=%s and id_check=%s order by start_date desc limit 1 """ val = ("falseloginpass", id_user, id_check) cur.execute(sql, val) #ON CLOS LA SESSION ET LE PROCESS ############################ session.end() os.kill(pid, signal.SIGTERM)