Exemple #1
def list_grade_downloads(_request, course_id):
List grade CSV files that are available for download for this course.
    grades_store = GradesStore.from_config()

    response_payload = {
        'downloads': [
            dict(name=name, url=url, link='<a href="{}">{}</a>'.format(url, name))
            for name, url in grades_store.links_for(course_id)
    return JsonResponse(response_payload)
Exemple #2
def list_grade_downloads(_request, course_id):
    List grade CSV files that are available for download for this course.
    grades_store = GradesStore.from_config()

    response_payload = {
        'downloads': [
            dict(name=name, url=url, link='<a href="{}">{}</a>'.format(url, name))
            for name, url in grades_store.links_for(course_id)
    return JsonResponse(response_payload)
Exemple #3
def push_grades_to_s3(_xmodule_instance_args, _entry_id, course_id, _task_input, action_name):
    For a given `course_id`, generate a grades CSV file for all students that
    are enrolled, and store using a `GradesStore`. Once created, the files can
    be accessed by instantiating another `GradesStore` (via
    `GradesStore.from_config()`) and calling `link_for()` on it. Writes are
    buffered, so we'll never write part of a CSV file to S3 -- i.e. any files
    that are visible in GradesStore will be complete ones.

    As we start to add more CSV downloads, it will probably be worthwhile to
    make a more general CSVDoc class instead of building out the rows like we
    do here.
    start_time = datetime.now(UTC)
    status_interval = 100

    enrolled_students = CourseEnrollment.users_enrolled_in(course_id)
    num_total = enrolled_students.count()
    num_attempted = 0
    num_succeeded = 0
    num_failed = 0
    curr_step = "Calculating Grades"

    def update_task_progress():
        """Return a dict containing info about current task"""
        current_time = datetime.now(UTC)
        progress = {
            'action_name': action_name,
            'attempted': num_attempted,
            'succeeded': num_succeeded,
            'failed': num_failed,
            'total': num_total,
            'duration_ms': int((current_time - start_time).total_seconds() * 1000),
            'step': curr_step,
        _get_current_task().update_state(state=PROGRESS, meta=progress)

        return progress

    # Loop over all our students and build our CSV lists in memory
    header = None
    rows = []
    err_rows = [["id", "username", "error_msg"]]
    for student, gradeset, err_msg in iterate_grades_for(course_id, enrolled_students):
        # Periodically update task status (this is a cache write)
        if num_attempted % status_interval == 0:
        num_attempted += 1

        if gradeset:
            # We were able to successfully grade this student for this course.
            num_succeeded += 1
            if not header:
                # Encode the header row in utf-8 encoding in case there are unicode characters
                header = [section['label'].encode('utf-8') for section in gradeset[u'section_breakdown']]
                rows.append(["id", "email", "username", "grade"] + header)

            percents = {
                section['label']: section.get('percent', 0.0)
                for section in gradeset[u'section_breakdown']
                if 'label' in section

            # Not everybody has the same gradable items. If the item is not
            # found in the user's gradeset, just assume it's a 0. The aggregated
            # grades for their sections and overall course will be calculated
            # without regard for the item they didn't have access to, so it's
            # possible for a student to have a 0.0 show up in their row but
            # still have 100% for the course.
            row_percents = [percents.get(label, 0.0) for label in header]
            rows.append([student.id, student.email, student.username, gradeset['percent']] + row_percents)
            # An empty gradeset means we failed to grade a student.
            num_failed += 1
            err_rows.append([student.id, student.username, err_msg])

    # By this point, we've got the rows we're going to stuff into our CSV files.
    curr_step = "Uploading CSVs"

    # Generate parts of the file name
    timestamp_str = start_time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H%M")
    course_id_prefix = urllib.quote(course_id.replace("/", "_"))

    # Perform the actual upload
    grades_store = GradesStore.from_config()
        "{}_grade_report_{}.csv".format(course_id_prefix, timestamp_str),

    # If there are any error rows (don't count the header), write them out as well
    if len(err_rows) > 1:
            "{}_grade_report_{}_err.csv".format(course_id_prefix, timestamp_str),

    # One last update before we close out...
    return update_task_progress()
Exemple #4
def push_grades_to_s3(_xmodule_instance_args, _entry_id, course_id, _task_input, action_name):
    For a given `course_id`, generate a grades CSV file for all students that
    are enrolled, and store using a `GradesStore`. Once created, the files can
    be accessed by instantiating another `GradesStore` (via
    `GradesStore.from_config()`) and calling `link_for()` on it. Writes are
    buffered, so we'll never write part of a CSV file to S3 -- i.e. any files
    that are visible in GradesStore will be complete ones.

    As we start to add more CSV downloads, it will probably be worthwhile to
    make a more general CSVDoc class instead of building out the rows like we
    do here.
    start_time = datetime.now(UTC)
    status_interval = 100

    enrolled_students = CourseEnrollment.users_enrolled_in(course_id)
    num_total = enrolled_students.count()
    num_attempted = 0
    num_succeeded = 0
    num_failed = 0
    curr_step = "Calculating Grades"

    def update_task_progress():
        """Return a dict containing info about current task"""
        current_time = datetime.now(UTC)
        progress = {
            'action_name': action_name,
            'attempted': num_attempted,
            'succeeded': num_succeeded,
            'failed': num_failed,
            'total': num_total,
            'duration_ms': int((current_time - start_time).total_seconds() * 1000),
            'step': curr_step,
        _get_current_task().update_state(state=PROGRESS, meta=progress)

        return progress

    # Loop over all our students and build our CSV lists in memory
    header = None
    rows = []
    err_rows = [["id", "username", "error_msg"]]
    for student, gradeset, err_msg in iterate_grades_for(course_id, enrolled_students):
        # Periodically update task status (this is a cache write)
        if num_attempted % status_interval == 0:
        num_attempted += 1

        if gradeset:
            # We were able to successfully grade this student for this course.
            num_succeeded += 1
            if not header:
                # Encode the header row in utf-8 encoding in case there are unicode characters
                header = [section['label'].encode('utf-8') for section in gradeset[u'section_breakdown']]
                rows.append(["id", "email", "username", "grade"] + header)

            percents = {
                section['label']: section.get('percent', 0.0)
                for section in gradeset[u'section_breakdown']
                if 'label' in section

            # Not everybody has the same gradable items. If the item is not
            # found in the user's gradeset, just assume it's a 0. The aggregated
            # grades for their sections and overall course will be calculated
            # without regard for the item they didn't have access to, so it's
            # possible for a student to have a 0.0 show up in their row but
            # still have 100% for the course.
            row_percents = [percents.get(label, 0.0) for label in header]
            rows.append([student.id, student.email, student.username, gradeset['percent']] + row_percents)
            # An empty gradeset means we failed to grade a student.
            num_failed += 1
            err_rows.append([student.id, student.username, err_msg])

    # By this point, we've got the rows we're going to stuff into our CSV files.
    curr_step = "Uploading CSVs"

    # Generate parts of the file name
    timestamp_str = start_time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H%M")
    course_id_prefix = urllib.quote(course_id.replace("/", "_"))

    # Perform the actual upload
    grades_store = GradesStore.from_config()
        u"{}_grade_report_{}.csv".format(course_id_prefix, timestamp_str),

    # If there are any error rows (don't count the header), write them out as well
    if len(err_rows) > 1:
            u"{}_grade_report_{}_err.csv".format(course_id_prefix, timestamp_str),

    # One last update before we close out...
    return update_task_progress()