def test_has_attC(self):
        replicon = SeqRecord(Seq.Seq(''), id='foo')
        integron = Integron(replicon, self.cfg)

        replicon = SeqRecord(Seq.Seq(''), id='just_one_attC', name='bar')
        just_one_attC = Integron(replicon, self.cfg)
        just_one_attC.add_attC(10, 100, 1, 1e-2, "intersection_tyr_intI")
    def test_add_attc(self):
        replicon_name = "acba.007.p01.13"
        replicon_path = self.find_data(
            os.path.join('Replicons', replicon_name + '.fst'))
        topologies = Topology('lin')
        with FastaIterator(replicon_path) as sequences_db:
            sequences_db.topologies = topologies
            replicon = next(sequences_db)

        data_attc_1 = {
            "pos_beg": 10,
            "pos_end": 100,
            "strand": -1,
            "evalue": 1.1e-07,
            "type_elt": "attC",
            "annotation": "attC",
            "model": "attc_4",
            "distance_2attC": np.nan

        attc_1 = pd.DataFrame(data_attc_1,
        attc_1 = attc_1.astype(dtype=self.dtype)

        integron = Integron(replicon, self.cfg)
        integron.add_attC(attc_1.loc['attc_001', 'pos_beg'],
                                     'pos_end'], attc_1.loc['attc_001',
                                     'evalue'], attc_1.loc['attc_001',

        pdt.assert_frame_equal(attc_1, integron.attC)

        attc_2 = pd.DataFrame(data_attc_1,
        attc_2 = attc_2.astype(dtype=self.dtype)
        attc_2['pos_beg'] = attc_2['pos_beg'] + 100
        attc_2['pos_end'] = attc_2['pos_end'] + 100
        attc_2["distance_2attC"] = (
            attc_2.loc['attc_002', 'pos_beg'] -
            attc_1.loc['attc_001', 'pos_end']) % len(replicon)

        attc = attc_1.append(attc_2)

        integron.add_attC(attc_2.loc['attc_002', 'pos_beg'],
                                     'pos_end'], attc_2.loc['attc_002',
                                     'evalue'], attc_2.loc['attc_002',
        pdt.assert_frame_equal(attc, integron.attC)
    def test_annot_calin(self):
        Test func_annot when the integron is a CALIN (attC but no integrase), with 4 proteins:
        for 3 of them resfam annotations are found, and not for the last 1.
        # Create integron
        integron1 = Integron(self.replicon, self.cfg)
        integrons = [integron1]
        # Add only attc sites (no integrase)
        integron1.add_attC(17825, 17884, -1, 7e-9, "attc_4")
        integron1.add_attC(19080, 19149, -1, 7e-4, "attc_4")
        integron1.add_attC(19618, 19726, -1, 7e-7, "attc_4")
        # Add proteins between attC sites
        # Check that proteins dataframe is as expected before annotation
        proteins = pd.DataFrame({"pos_beg": [17375, 17886, 19090, 19721],
                                 "pos_end": [17722, 18665, 19749, 20254],
                                 "strand": [-1] * 4,
                                 "evalue": [np.nan] * 4,
                                 "type_elt": ["protein"] * 4,
                                 "model": ["NA"] * 4,
                                 "distance_2attC": [np.nan] * 4,
                                 "annotation": ["protein"] * 4},
                                 index=["ACBA.007.P01_13_20", "ACBA.007.P01_13_21",
                                        "ACBA.007.P01_13_22", "ACBA.007.P01_13_23"])
        proteins = proteins[["pos_beg", "pos_end", "strand", "evalue", "type_elt",
                             "model", "distance_2attC", "annotation"]]
        # we need to sort the dataframe
        # as protein file is parse using biopython and index
        # the order os sequences is not guarantee
        pdt.assert_frame_equal(proteins.sort_index(), integron1.proteins.sort_index())

        # Annotate proteins
        func_annot(integrons, self.replicon, self.prot_db, self.hmm_files, self.cfg, self.tmp_dir)

        # Check that all files generated are as expected
        files_created = [f for f in glob.glob(os.path.join(self.tmp_dir, "*")) if os.path.isfile(f)]
        self.assertEqual(set(self.exp_files), set(files_created))

        # Check that annotated proteins are as expected
        proteins.loc["ACBA.007.P01_13_20"] = [17375, 17722, -1, 4.5e-31, "protein", "RF0066", np.nan, "emrE"]
        proteins.loc["ACBA.007.P01_13_21"] = [17886, 18665, -1, 7.4e-168, "protein", "RF0027", np.nan, "ANT3"]
        proteins.loc["ACBA.007.P01_13_23"] = [19721, 20254, -1, 6.2e-110, "protein", "RF0003", np.nan, "AAC3-I"]
        # we need to sort the dataframe
        # as protein file is parse using biopython and index
        # the order os sequences is not guarantee
        pdt.assert_frame_equal(proteins.sort_index(), integron1.proteins.sort_index())
 def test_annot_wrong_hmmsearch(self):
     Test that when the given HMMSEARCH command does not exist, it raises an exception
     specifying that the given command could not run.
     self.cfg._args.hmmsearch = "nimportnaoik"
     # Create integron
     integron1 = Integron(, self.cfg)
     integrons = [integron1]
     # Add only attc sites (no integrase)
     integron1.add_attC(17825, 17884, -1, 7e-9, "attc_4")
     integron1.add_attC(19080, 19149, -1, 7e-4, "attc_4")
     integron1.add_attC(19618, 19726, -1, 7e-7, "attc_4")
     # Add proteins between attC sites
     # Annotate proteins
     with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError) as ctx:
         func_annot(integrons, self.replicon, self.prot_db, self.hmm_files, self.cfg, self.tmp_dir)
     self.assertTrue("failed : \[Errno 2\] No such file or directory: 'nimportnaoik'", str(ctx.exception)))
 def test_annot_wrong_hmm(self):
     Test that when the given hmm file does not exist, it returns an error specifying that
     the hmm command ended with a non-zero return code.
     wrong_hmm_files = ["myhmm.hmm"]
     # Create integron
     integron1 = Integron(self.replicon, self.cfg)
     integrons = [integron1]
     # Add only attc sites (no integrase)
     integron1.add_attC(17825, 17884, -1, 7e-9, "attc_4")
     integron1.add_attC(19080, 19149, -1, 7e-4, "attc_4")
     integron1.add_attC(19618, 19726, -1, 7e-7, "attc_4")
     # Add proteins between attC sites
     # Annotate proteins
     with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError) as ctx:
         func_annot(integrons, self.replicon, self.prot_db, wrong_hmm_files, self.cfg, self.tmp_dir)
     self.assertTrue(str(ctx.exception).endswith(" failed return code = 1"))
Exemple #6
    def test_type(self):
        replicon = SeqRecord(Seq.Seq(''), id='foo')
        no_integrase = Integron(replicon, self.cfg)

        replicon = SeqRecord(Seq.Seq(''), id='just_one_integrase')
        just_one_integrase = Integron(replicon, self.cfg)
        self.assertEqual(just_one_integrase.type(), "In0")

        replicon = SeqRecord(Seq.Seq(''), id='just_one_attC')
        just_one_attC = Integron(replicon, self.cfg)
        self.assertEqual(just_one_attC.type(), "CALIN")

        replicon = SeqRecord(Seq.Seq(''), id='one_integrase_one_attC')
        one_integrase_one_attC = Integron(replicon, self.cfg)
        self.assertEqual(one_integrase_one_attC.type(), "complete")
    def test_annot_calin_empty(self):
        Test func_annot when the integron is a CALIN (attC but no integrase), without any protein:
        nothing to annotate
        # Create integron
        integron1 = Integron(self.replicon, self.cfg)
        integrons = [integron1]
        # Add only attc sites (no integrase)
        integron1.add_attC(17825, 17884, -1, 7e-9, "attc_4")
        integron1.add_attC(19080, 19149, -1, 7e-4, "attc_4")
        integron1.add_attC(19618, 19726, -1, 7e-7, "attc_4")

        # check proteins before annotation
        proteins = pd.DataFrame(columns=["pos_beg", "pos_end", "strand",
                                         "evalue", "type_elt", "model",
                                         "distance_2attC", "annotation"])
        proteins = proteins.astype(dtype={"pos_beg": "int", "pos_end": "int", "strand": "int",
                                          "evalue": "float", "type_elt": "str", "model": "str",
                                          "distance_2attC": "float", "annotation": "str"})
        pdt.assert_frame_equal(proteins, integron1.proteins)

        # Annotate proteins
        func_annot(integrons, self.replicon, self.prot_db, self.hmm_files, self.cfg, self.tmp_dir)

        # Check that all files generated are as expected
        files_created = [f for f in glob.glob(os.path.join(self.tmp_dir, "*")) if os.path.isfile(f)]
        exp_files = ["{}{}".format(, suffix) for suffix in ("_intI_table.res",
        exp_files = [os.path.join(self.tmp_dir, file) for file in exp_files]
        self.assertEqual(set(exp_files), set(files_created))

        # Check proteins after annotation
        pdt.assert_frame_equal(proteins, integron1.proteins)
    def test_annot_multi(self):
        Test func_annot when there are 4 integrons:
        - 1 calin with 4 proteins, 2 having a resfam annotation
        - 1 calin with 2 proteins, none having a resfam annotation
        - 1 in0
        - 1 complete with 4 proteins, 3 having a resfam annotation
        # resfam pour: 16, 13, 3, 12

        # Create integron in0
        integron1 = Integron(, self.cfg)
        integron1.add_integrase(56, 1014, "ACBA.007.P01_13_1", 1, 1.9e-25, "intersection_tyr_intI")

        # Create integron CALIN with resfam proteins
        integron2 = Integron(self.replicon, self.cfg)
        integron2.add_attC(7400, 7650, -1, 7e-9, "attc_4")
        integron2.add_attC(8600, 8650, -1, 7e-4, "attc_4")
        integron2.add_attC(10200, 10400, -1, 7e-7, "attc_4")
        integron2.add_attC(10800, 10900, -1, 7e-7, "attc_4")

        # Create integron CALIN without any resfam proteins
        integron3 = Integron(self.replicon, self.cfg)
        integron3.add_attC(4320, 4400, -1, 7e-9, "attc_4")

        # Create complete integron
        integron4 = Integron(self.replicon, self.cfg)
        integron4.add_attC(17825, 17884, -1, 7e-9, "attc_4")
        integron4.add_attC(19080, 19149, -1, 7e-4, "attc_4")
        integron4.add_attC(19618, 19726, -1, 7e-7, "attc_4")
        integron4.add_integrase(16542, 17381, "ACBA.007.P01_13_19", -1, 1.9e-25, "intersection_tyr_intI")

        integrons = [integron1, integron2, integron3, integron4]

        # Create dataframes for expected proteins before annotation
        proteins1 = pd.DataFrame(columns=["pos_beg", "pos_end", "strand",
                                          "evalue", "type_elt", "model",
                                          "distance_2attC", "annotation"])
        proteins1 = proteins1.astype(dtype={"pos_beg": "int", "pos_end": "int", "strand": "int",
                                            "evalue": "float", "type_elt": "str", "model": "str",
                                            "distance_2attC": "float", "annotation": "str"})
        proteins1 = proteins1[["pos_beg", "pos_end", "strand", "evalue", "type_elt",
                               "model", "distance_2attC", "annotation"]]
        proteins1 = proteins1.astype(dtype=self.prot_dtype)

        proteins2 = pd.DataFrame({"pos_beg": [7088, 7710, 8650, 10524],
                                  "pos_end": [7351, 8594, 10125, 11699],
                                  "strand": [1, -1, -1, -1],
                                  "evalue": [np.nan] * 4,
                                  "type_elt": ["protein"] * 4,
                                  "model": ["NA"] * 4,
                                  "distance_2attC": [np.nan] * 4,
                                  "annotation": ["protein"] * 4},
                                 index=["ACBA.007.P01_13_11", "ACBA.007.P01_13_12",
                                        "ACBA.007.P01_13_13", "ACBA.007.P01_13_14"])
        proteins2 = proteins2[["pos_beg", "pos_end", "strand", "evalue", "type_elt",
                               "model", "distance_2attC", "annotation"]]
        proteins2 = proteins2.astype(dtype=self.prot_dtype)

        proteins3 = pd.DataFrame({"pos_beg": [3546, 4380],
                                  "pos_end": [4313, 4721],
                                  "strand": [1, 1],
                                  "evalue": [np.nan] * 2,
                                  "type_elt": ["protein"] * 2,
                                  "model": ["NA"] * 2,
                                  "distance_2attC": [np.nan] * 2,
                                  "annotation": ["protein"] * 2},
                                 index=["ACBA.007.P01_13_6", "ACBA.007.P01_13_7"])
        proteins3 = proteins3[["pos_beg", "pos_end", "strand", "evalue", "type_elt",
                               "model", "distance_2attC", "annotation"]]
        proteins3 = proteins3.astype(dtype=self.prot_dtype)

        proteins4 = pd.DataFrame({"pos_beg": [17375, 17886, 19090, 19721],
                                  "pos_end": [17722, 18665, 19749, 20254],
                                  "strand": [-1] * 4,
                                  "evalue": [np.nan] * 4,
                                  "type_elt": ["protein"] * 4,
                                  "model": ["NA"] * 4,
                                  "distance_2attC": [np.nan] * 4,
                                  "annotation": ["protein"] * 4},
                                 index=["ACBA.007.P01_13_20", "ACBA.007.P01_13_21",
                                        "ACBA.007.P01_13_22", "ACBA.007.P01_13_23"])
        proteins4 = proteins4[["pos_beg", "pos_end", "strand", "evalue", "type_elt",
                               "model", "distance_2attC", "annotation"]]
        proteins4 = proteins4.astype(dtype=self.prot_dtype)

        # Check proteins before annotation
        expected_proteins = [proteins1, proteins2, proteins3, proteins4]

        for inte, exp_prot in zip(integrons, expected_proteins):
            # we need to sort the dataframe
            # as protein file is parse using biopython and index
            # the order os sequences is not guarantee
            pdt.assert_frame_equal(inte.proteins.sort_index(), exp_prot.sort_index())

        # Annotate proteins with evalue threshold
        func_annot(integrons, self.replicon, self.prot_db, self.hmm_files, self.cfg, self.tmp_dir, evalue=1e-32)

        # Check that all files generated are as expected
        files_created = [f for f in glob.glob(os.path.join(self.tmp_dir, "*")) if os.path.isfile(f)]
        self.assertEqual(set(self.exp_files), set(files_created))

        # Check that annotated proteins are as expected
        proteins2.loc["ACBA.007.P01_13_13"] = [8650, 10125, -1, 2.4e-86, "protein",
                                               "RF0007", np.nan, "ABC_efflux"]
        proteins4.loc["ACBA.007.P01_13_21"] = [17886, 18665, -1, 7.4e-168, "protein",
                                               "RF0027", np.nan, "ANT3"]
        proteins4.loc["ACBA.007.P01_13_23"] = [19721, 20254, -1, 6.2e-110, "protein",
                                               "RF0003", np.nan, "AAC3-I"]
        for inte, prots in zip(integrons, expected_proteins):
            # we need to sort the dataframe
            # as protein file is parse using biopython and index
            # the order os sequences is not guarantee
            pdt.assert_frame_equal(inte.proteins.sort_index(), prots.sort_index())

        # Annotate proteins with default evalue (1 more annotation)
        with self.catch_io(out=True):
            func_annot(integrons, self.replicon, self.prot_db, self.hmm_files, self.cfg, self.tmp_dir)
        proteins4.loc["ACBA.007.P01_13_20"] = [17375, 17722, -1, 4.5e-31, "protein",
                                               "RF0066", np.nan, "emrE"]
        for inte, prots in zip(integrons, expected_proteins):
            pdt.assert_frame_equal(inte.proteins.sort_index(), prots.sort_index())

        # Annotate proteins with lower coverage threshold (1 more annotation)
        with self.catch_io(out=True):
            func_annot(integrons, self.replicon, self.prot_db, self.hmm_files, self.cfg, self.tmp_dir, coverage=0.4)

        proteins2.loc["ACBA.007.P01_13_12"] = [7710, 8594, -1, 1.6e-5, "protein",
                                               "RF0033", np.nan, "APH3"]
        for inte, prots in zip(integrons, expected_proteins):
            pdt.assert_frame_equal(inte.proteins.sort_index(), prots.sort_index())