Exemple #1
def main():
    limb = Limb('right')
    r = rospy.Rate(200)
    kin = sawyer_kinematics('right')

    Jt = kin.jacobian_transpose()
    F = np.array([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 10])
    tau = np.dot(Jt, F)
    # print(tau)
    # rospy.sleep(20)

    # limb.set_command_timeout(.1)
    # wrench = limb.endpoint_effort()
    # force = wrench['force']
    # print("force type: ", force)
    # print(wrench)
    while not rospy.is_shutdown():
        # joint_torques = np.array([[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]])
        Jt = kin.jacobian_transpose()
        mcart = kin.cart_inertia()
        f = np.array([0, 0, -9.8, 0, 0, 0])
        gravity = np.dot(np.dot(Jt, mcart), f)
        joint_torques = np.array([
            1.5474950095623006, -16.78679653980678, -2.8277487768926406,
            -0.1771867794616826, 0.1073210015442511, -0.5216893350253217,
        # cur = limb.joint_efforts()
        # print('set joints as:', joint_torques[0])
        # set_torques = joint_array_to_dict(joint_torques[0], limb)
        # print(set_torques)
        # print(set_torques.get('right_j1'))
        # torque = np.array([gravity.item(i) for i in range(7)])
        torque = joint_array_to_dict(joint_torques, limb)

        # cur['right_j1'] = 0
        # cur['right_j2'] = 0
        print('joint torques', torque)
def main():
    print("Getting robot state... ")
    self._rs = intera_interface.RobotEnable(CHECK_VERSION)
    self._init_state = self._rs.state().enabled
    print("Enabling robot... ")
    # rospy.sleep(10)
    # init node????
    # step 1 determine initial point
    # step 2 determine desired endpoint
    # in loop now
    # step 3 measure force and position
    # step 4 determine force we need to apply to push towards desired endpoint
    # step 5 convert force to joint torques with Jacobian
    # step 6 command joint torques
    # end of loop

    r = rospy.Rate(1000)
    limb = Limb()
    kin = sawyer_kinematics('right')
    #step 1

    pose = limb.endpoint_pose()
    point = pose.get('position')
    quaternion = pose.get('orientation')  # both are 3x

    #step 2
    path = np.array([.1, 0, 0])
    des_point = point + path
    des_quaternion = quaternion
    path_dir = normalize(path)

    #step 3
    cur_point = point
    error = np.linalg.norm(des_point - cur_point)
    tol = .01
    K = 1  #stiffness
    alpha = 1  #multiplier
    while not rospy.is_shutdown() and error > tol:
        #step 3
        force = get_end_force(limb)
        # print("force is:", force)
        f_mag = force_mag(force)
        f_dir = force_dir(force)
        #step 4
        f_right = proj(path, force) * path_dir
        f_wrong = force - f_right
        force_apply = f_right * alpha - f_wrong * K
        force_apply = np.hstack((force_apply, np.array([0, 0, 0])))
        # print('force_apply is:', force_apply)
        #step 5
        Jt = kin.jacobian_transpose()
        joint_torques = np.dot(Jt, force_apply)  #make sure right dims
        joint_torques = np.asarray(joint_torques)
        joint_torques = np.array([[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]])
        # print('set joints as:', joint_torques[0])
        set_torques = joint_array_to_dict(joint_torques[0], limb)
        #step 6

        cur_point = limb.endpoint_pose().get('position')
        error = np.linalg.norm(des_point - cur_point)