class Lights(object):
    Interface class for the lights on the Intera robots.
    def __init__(self):

        self._lights_io = IODeviceInterface("robot", "robot")

    def list_all_lights(self):
        Returns a list of strings describing all available lights

        @rtype: list [str]
        @return: a list of string representing light names
                 Each light name of the following format:
        return [
            name for name in self._lights_io.list_signal_names()
            if "light" in name

    def set_light_state(self, name, on=True):
        Sets the named light the desired state (on=True, off=False)

        @type name: str
        @param name: Light name of the following format:
        @type on: bool
        @param on: value to set the light (on=True, off=False)

        @rtype: bool
        @return: True if the light state is set, False otherwise
        return self._lights_io.set_signal_value(name, on)

    def get_light_state(self, name):
        Returns a boolean describing whether the requested light is 'ON'.
        (True: on, False: off)

        @type name: str
        @param name: Light name of the following format:
        @rtype: bool
        @return:  a variable representing light state: (True: on, False: off)
        return self._lights_io.get_signal_value(name)
class Gripper(object):
    Interface class for a gripper on the Intera Research Robot.
    MAX_POSITION = 0.041667
    MIN_POSITION = 0.0
    MAX_FORCE = 10.0
    MIN_FORCE = 0.0
    MAX_VELOCITY = 3.0
    MIN_VELOCITY = 0.15

    def __init__(self, side="right", calibrate=True):

        @type side: str
        @param side: robot gripper name
        @type calibrate: bool
        @param calibrate: Attempts to calibrate the gripper when initializing class (defaults True)
        self.devices = None = '_'.join([side, 'gripper'])
        self.ee_config_sub = rospy.Subscriber('/io/end_effector/config',
        # Wait for the gripper device status to be true
            lambda: not self.devices is None,
                "Failed to get gripper. No gripper attached on the robot."))

        self.gripper_io = IODeviceInterface("end_effector",
        if self.has_error():
            calibrate = True
        if calibrate and self.is_calibrated():

    def _config_callback(self, msg):
        config topic callback
        if msg.devices != []:
            if str(msg.devices[0].name) ==
                self.devices = msg

    def reboot(self):
        Power cycle the gripper, removing calibration information.

        Basic call to the gripper reboot command. Waits for gripper to return
        ready state but does not clear errors that could occur during boot.

        @rtype: bool
        @return: True if successfully Rebooted, False otherwise
        return self.gripper_io.set_signal_value("reboot", True)

    def stop(self):
        Set the gripper to stop executing command at the current
        position, apply holding force.

        @rtype: bool
        @return: True if successfully Stopped, False otherwise
        return self.gripper_io.set_signal_value("go", False)

    def start(self):
        Set the gripper to start executing command at the current
        position, apply holding force.

        @rtype: bool
        @return: True if successfully Started, False otherwise
        return self.gripper_io.set_signal_value("go", True)

    def open(self, position=MAX_POSITION):
        Set the gripper position to open by providing opening position.
        @type: float
        @param: the postion of gripper in meters

        @rtype: bool
        @return: True if successfully set Position, False otherwise
        return self.gripper_io.set_signal_value("position_m", position)

    def close(self, position=MIN_POSITION):
        Set the gripper position to close by providing closing position.
        @type: float
        @param: the postion of gripper in meters

        @rtype: bool
        @return: True if successfully set Position, False otherwise
        return self.gripper_io.set_signal_value("position_m", position)

    def has_error(self):
        Returns a bool describing whether the gripper is in an error state.
        (True: Error detected, False: No errors)

        @rtype: bool
        @return: True if in error state, False otherwise
        return self.gripper_io.get_signal_value("has_error")

    def is_ready(self):
        Returns bool describing if the gripper ready, i.e. is
        calibrated, not busy (as in resetting or rebooting), and
        not moving.

        @rtype: bool
        @return: True if in ready state, False otherwise
        return (self.is_calibrated() and not self.has_error()
                and not self.is_moving())

    def is_moving(self):
        Returns bool describing if the gripper is moving.

        @rtype: bool
        @return: True if in moving state, False otherwise
        return self.gripper_io.get_signal_value("is_moving")

    def is_gripping(self):
        Returns bool describing if the gripper is gripping.

        @rtype: bool
        @return: True if in gripping state, False otherwise
        return self.gripper_io.get_signal_value("is_gripping")

    def is_calibrated(self):
        Returns bool describing if the gripper is calibrated.

        @rtype: bool
        @return: True if successfully calibrated, False otherwise
        return self.gripper_io.get_signal_value("is_calibrated")

    def calibrate(self):
        Calibrate the gripper in order to set maximum and
        minimum travel distance.

        @rtype: bool
        @return: True if successfully calibrating, False otherwise
        return self.gripper_io.set_signal_value("calibrate", True)

    def get_position(self):
        Returns float describing the gripper position in meters.

        @rtype: float
        @return: Current Position value in Meters (m)
        return self.gripper_io.get_signal_value("position_response_m")

    def set_position(self, position):
        Set the position of gripper.
        @type: float
        @param: the postion of gripper in meters

        @rtype: bool
        @return: True if successfully set value, False otherwise
        return self.gripper_io.set_signal_value("position_m", position)

    def set_velocity(self, speed):
        Set the velocity at which the gripper position movement will execute.
        @type: float
        @param: the velocity of gripper in meters per second

        @rtype: float
        @return: Current Velocity value in Meters / second (m/s)
        return self.gripper_io.set_signal_value("speed_mps", speed)

    def get_force(self):
        Returns the force sensed by the gripper in estimated Newtons.

        @rtype: float
        @return: Current Force value in Newton-Meters (N-m)
        return self.gripper_io.get_signal_value("force_response_n")

    def set_holding_force(self, holding_force):
        Set holding force of successful gripper grasp.

        Set the force at which the gripper will continue applying after a
        position command has completed either from successfully achieving the
        commanded position, or by exceeding the moving force threshold.

        @type: float
        @param: the holding force of gripper in newton

        @rtype: bool
        @return: True if successfully set value, False otherwise
        return self.gripper_io.set_signal_value("holding_force_n",

    def set_object_weight(self, object_weight):
        Set the weight of the object in kilograms.
        @type: float
        @param: the object weight in newton

        @rtype: bool
        @return: True if successfully set value, False otherwise
        return self.gripper_io.set_signal_value("object_kg", object_weight)

    def set_dead_zone(self, dead_zone):
        Set the gripper dead zone describing the position error threshold
        where a move will be considered successful.

        @type: float
        @param: the dead zone of gripper in meters

        @rtype: bool
        @return: True if successfully set value, False otherwise
        return self.gripper_io.set_signal_value("dead_zone_m", dead_zone)
Exemple #3
class beerGrabber():

    def __init__(self):
        # let's create MoveIt! objects:
        self.scene = moveit_commander.PlanningSceneInterface()
        self.robot = moveit_commander.RobotCommander() = moveit_commander.MoveGroupCommander("right_arm")

        self.right_arm = ['right_j0', 'right_j1', 'right_j2', 'right_j3',
                     'right_j4', 'right_j5', 'right_j6']
        rospy.loginfo("Initializing beerGrabber")

        # ik service
        self.ik_service_name = DEFAULT_IK_SERVICE
        self.ik_serv = rospy.ServiceProxy(self.ik_service_name, SolvePositionIK)
        rospy.loginfo("Successful connection to '" + self.ik_service_name + "'.")

        # vision service
        self.vision_service_name = DEFAULT_VISION_SERVICE
        self.vision_serv = rospy.ServiceProxy(self.vision_service_name, target)
        rospy.loginfo("Successful connection to '" + self.ik_service_name + "'.")

        # check state service
        self.check_service_name = DEFAULT_CHECK_SERVICE
        self.check_serv = rospy.ServiceProxy(self.check_service_name, GetStateValidity)
        rospy.loginfo("Successful connection to '" + self.check_service_name + "'.")

        # initiate gripper
        grip_name = '_'.join([side, 'gripper'])
        self.gripper_io = IODeviceInterface("end_effector", grip_name)

        # add target position - might be useful when add bottle in the scene = PoseStamped()
        self.dict = collisionObjects()

    def getTargetEEF(self):
        Get the target position in Cartesian Space from vision node

        @return type: returns Pose() msg
        req = targetRequest() = 0
        resp =

        return resp.pose

    def convertToJointStates(self, target):
        Using IK solver to convert the target position to Joint Space from Cartesian Space

        @param target: Pose() msg to be converted
        @return type: returns a list of joint values
        ikreq = SolvePositionIKRequest()

        p = PoseStamped()
        p.header = Header(, frame_id='base')
        p.pose = target
        print "========= target 0 ========="
        print target
        # add target position - might be useful when add bottle in the scene = p
        # Add desired pose for inverse kinematics
        # Request inverse kinematics from base to "right_hand" link

        # The joint seed is where the IK position solver starts its optimization
        ikreq.seed_mode = ikreq.SEED_USER
        seed = JointState() = self.right_arm
        # use random numbers to get different solutions
        # TODO: how to define the limitation
        j1 = random.randint(50,340)/100.0
        j2 = random.randint(40,300)/100.0
        j3 = random.randint(-180,140)/100.0
        j4 = random.randint(-150,10)/100.0
        j5 = random.randint(-180,10)/100.0
        j6 = random.randint(-200,10)/100.0
        j7 = random.randint(-100,200)/100.0
        # j1 range 0.5 to 3.4
        seed.position = [j1, j2, j3, j4, j5, j6, j7]
        # seed.position = [j1, 0.4, -1.7, 1.4, -1.1, -1.6, -0.4]

        # get the response from IK solver Service
        resp =
        print "========= resp 0 ========="
        print resp

        # reassgin a random value to joint seed if fail to get the valid solution
        while resp.result_type[0] <= 0:
            print "error type: "
            print resp.result_type[0]
            j1 = random.randint(50,340)/100.0
            seed.position = [j1, 0.4, -1.7, 1.4, -1.1, -1.6, -0.4]
            resp =

        # message print out
        rospy.loginfo("SUCCESS - Valid Joint Solution Found")

        # rospy.logdebug("Response message: " + str(resp))

        target_js = [resp.joints[0].position[0],

        # rospy.logdebug("Target value: " + str(target_js))

        return target_js

    def addCollisionObjects(self,name=[""],p=PoseStamped(),p_size=size):
        # TODO: add color

        for n in name:
            # clear world
            # read pose() and size data
            if name in self.dict.obj_pose_dict:
                p = self.dict.obj_pose_dict[name]
            if name in self.dict.obj_size_dict:
                p_size = self.dict.obj_size_dict[name]
            # set header.frame_id
            p.header.frame_id = self.robot.get_planning_frame()
            # add to scene
            self.scene.add_box(name, p, p_size)

            rospy.loginfo("Add: " + str(name) + " !")


    def checkCollisions(self,target):
        Given a target position in JointState and check whether there is collision

        @param target: a list of joints value to be checked
        @return type: returns True when it is valid
        req = GetStateValidityRequest() =
        req.robot_state.joint_state.position = target
        resp = self.check_serv(req)
        print "Is target valid?", resp.valid
        return resp.valid

    def generateValidTargetJointState(self,pose):
        """Generate a valid target position in Joint Space and returns a list"""
        target = self.convertToJointStates(pose)
        while not self.checkCollisions(target):
            target = self.convertToJointStates(pose)
        return target

    def testPlan(self,target):
        print "test PLan:"
        # set target
        # generate plan
        plan =

        # execute plan
        print "Done!"

    def gripAct(self):
        ## Gripper
        self.gripper_io.set_signal_value("position_m", 0.041)
        # side="right"
        # grip_name = '_'.join([side, 'gripper'])
        # gripper_io = IODeviceInterface("end_effector", grip_name)

        if self.gripper_io.get_signal_value("is_calibrated") != True:
            self.gripper_io.set_signal_value("calibrate", True)

        ## grabbing bottle
        self.gripper_io.set_signal_value("speed_mps", 1)

        self.gripper_io.set_signal_value("position_m", 0.01)
        light_size = self.gripper_io.get_signal_value("position_response_m")
        print "realeasing size is: ", light_size

        ## if object is detected
        if self.gripper_io.get_signal_value("is_gripping") != True:
            print "Not stable!"
            light_force = self.gripper_io.get_signal_value("force_response_n")
            print "risky force is: ", light_force

            self.gripper_io.set_signal_value("position_m", 0.00)

        # get true force and obejct size responses
        force = self.gripper_io.get_signal_value("force_response_n")
        obj_size = self.gripper_io.get_signal_value("position_response_m")
        print "force is: ", force
        print "object size is: ", obj_size

    def gripRelease(self):
        touch_size = self.gripper_io.get_signal_value("position_response_m")
        if self.gripper_io.get_signal_value("is_gripping"):
            print touch_size
            print "Releasing bottle!"
            self.gripper_io.set_signal_value("position_m", 0.017)
Exemple #4
class Cuff(object):
    Interface class for cuff on the Intera robots.
    def __init__(self, limb="right"):

        @type limb: str
        @param limb: limb side to interface
        params = RobotParams()
        limb_names = params.get_limb_names()
        if limb not in limb_names:
            rospy.logerr("Cannot detect Cuff's limb {0} on this robot."
                         " Valid limbs are {1}. Exiting Cuff.init().".format(
                             limb, limb_names))
        self.limb = limb
        self.device = None = "cuff"
        self.cuff_config_sub = rospy.Subscriber('/io/robot/cuff/config',
        # Wait for the cuff status to be true
            lambda: not self.device is None,
            timeout_msg=("Failed find cuff on limb '{0}'.".format(limb)))
        self._cuff_io = IODeviceInterface("robot",

    def _config_callback(self, msg):
        config topic callback
        if msg.device != []:
            if str( ==
                self.device = msg.device

    def lower_button(self):
        Returns a boolean describing whether the lower button on cuff is pressed.

        @rtype: bool
        @return: a variable representing button state: (True: pressed, False: unpressed)
        return bool(
                [self.limb, "button_lower"])))

    def upper_button(self):
        Returns a boolean describing whether the upper button on cuff is pressed.
        (True: pressed, False: unpressed)
        @rtype: bool
        @return:  a variable representing button state: (True: pressed, False: unpressed)
        return bool(
                [self.limb, "button_upper"])))

    def cuff_button(self):
        Returns a boolean describing whether the cuff button on cuff is pressed.
        (True: pressed, False: unpressed)
        @rtype: bool
        @return:  a variable representing cuff button state: (True: pressed, False: unpressed)
        return bool(
            self._cuff_io.get_signal_value('_'.join([self.limb, "cuff"])))

    def register_callback(self, callback_function, signal_name, poll_rate=10):
        Registers a supplied callback to a change in state of supplied
        signal_name's value. Spawns a thread that will call the callback with
        the updated value.

        @type callback_function: function
        @param callback_function: function handle for callback function
        @type signal_name: str
        @param signal_name: the name of the signal to poll for value change
        @type poll_rate: int
        @param poll_rate: the rate at which to poll for a value change (in a separate

        @rtype: str
        @return: callback_id retuned if the callback was registered, and an
                 empty string if the requested signal_name does not exist in the
        return self._cuff_io.register_callback(

    def deregister_callback(self, callback_id):
        Deregisters a callback based on the supplied callback_id.

        @type callback_id: str
        @param callback_id: the callback_id string to deregister

        @rtype: bool
        @return: returns bool True if the callback was successfully
                 deregistered, and False otherwise.
        return self._cuff_io.deregister_callback(callback_id)
Exemple #5
class beerGrabber():

    def __init__(self):
        # let's create MoveIt! objects:
        self.scene = moveit_commander.PlanningSceneInterface()
        self.robot = moveit_commander.RobotCommander() = moveit_commander.MoveGroupCommander("right_arm")

        self.right_arm = ['right_j0', 'right_j1', 'right_j2', 'right_j3',
                     'right_j4', 'right_j5', 'right_j6']
        rospy.loginfo("Initializing beerGrabber")

        # ik service
        self.ik_service_name = DEFAULT_IK_SERVICE
        self.ik_serv = rospy.ServiceProxy(self.ik_service_name, SolvePositionIK)
        rospy.loginfo("Successful connection to '" + self.ik_service_name + "'.")

        # vision service
        self.vision_service_name = DEFAULT_VISION_SERVICE
        self.vision_serv = rospy.ServiceProxy(self.vision_service_name, target)
        rospy.loginfo("Successful connection to '" + self.vision_service_name + "'.")

        # check state service
        self.check_service_name = DEFAULT_CHECK_SERVICE
        # self.check_serv = rospy.ServiceProxy(self.check_service_name, GetStateValidity)
        self.check_serv = rospy.ServiceProxy(self.check_service_name, GetStateValidity)
        rospy.loginfo("Successful connection to '" + self.check_service_name + "'.")

        # initiate gripper
        grip_name = '_'.join([side, 'gripper'])
        self.gripper_io = IODeviceInterface("end_effector", grip_name)

        # add target position - might be useful when add bottle in the scene = PoseStamped()
        self.dict = collisionObjects()

    def getTargetEEF(self):
        Get the target position in Cartesian Space from vision node

        @return type: returns Pose() msg
        req = targetRequest() = 0
        resp =

        return resp.pose

    def convertToJointStates(self, target):
        Using IK solver to convert the target position to Joint Space from Cartesian Space

        @param target: Pose() msg to be converted
        @return type: returns a list of joint values
        ikreq = SolvePositionIKRequest()

        p = PoseStamped()
        p.header = Header(, frame_id='base')
        p.pose = target
        print "========= target 0 ========="
        print target = p.pose.position.x = p.pose.position.y = p.pose.position.z
        # Add desired pose for inverse kinematics
        # Request inverse kinematics from base to "right_hand" link

        # The joint seed is where the IK position solver starts its optimization
        ikreq.seed_mode = ikreq.SEED_USER
        seed = JointState() = self.right_arm
        # use random numbers to get different solutions
        # j1 = random.randint(50,340)/100.0
        # j2 = random.randint(40,300)/100.0
        # j3 = random.randint(-180,140)/100.0
        # j4 = random.randint(-150,10)/100.0
        # j5 = random.randint(-180,10)/100.0
        # j6 = random.randint(-200,10)/100.0
        # j7 = random.randint(-100,200)/100.0
        # seed.position = [j1, j2, j3, j4, j5, j6, j7]

        seed.position =

        # get the response from IK solver Service
        resp =

        # reassgin a random value to joint seed if fail to get the valid solution
        while resp.result_type[0] <= 0:
            rospy.loginfo("error type: " + str(resp.result_type[0]))
            seed.position =
            resp =

        # message print out
        rospy.loginfo("SUCCESS - Valid Joint Solution Found")
        rospy.loginfo("Solution is:\n%s", resp.joints[0].position)

        # rospy.logdebug("Response message: " + str(resp))

        target_js = [resp.joints[0].position[0],

        return target_js

    # def convertToJointStates(self, target):
    #     """Use ik solver of MoveIt"""
    #     rospy.loginfo("Attempting to solve IK")
    #     req = GetPositionIKRequest()
    #     req.ik_request.group_name = "right_arm"
    # =
    #     req.ik_request.robot_state.joint_state.position = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
    #     req.ik_request.avoid_collisions = True
    #     req.ik_request.timeout = rospy.Duration(3.0)
    #     req.ik_request.pose_stamped.header = Header(, frame_id='base')
    #     req.ik_request.pose_stamped.pose = target
    #     req.ik_request.attempts = 10
    #     resp = self.ik_serv(req)
    #     # print "Error = ", resp.error_code
    #     # print "Solution = ", resp.solution.joint_state.position,"\r"
    #     q = np.zeros(len(
    #     while not resp.error_code.val == moveit_msgs.msg.MoveItErrorCodes.SUCCESS:
    #         req.ik_request.robot_state.joint_state.position =
    #         resp = self.ik_serv(req)
    #     sol = {}
    #     for k,v in zip(, resp.solution.joint_state.position):
    #         sol[k] = v
    #     for i,n in enumerate(
    #         q[i] = sol[n]
    #     rospy.loginfo("Found IK solution! q = %s", str(q.tolist()))
    #     return q

    def addCollisionObjects(self):
        """Add collision objects in the world scene"""
        # TODO: add color

        # table scene
        p = PoseStamped()
        p.header.frame_id = self.robot.get_planning_frame()

        p.pose.position.x = -0.5
        p.pose.position.y = -1.0
        p.pose.position.z = -0.211
        self.scene.add_box("table1", p, (1.6,1.4,0.03))

        p.pose.position.x = 1.0
        p.pose.position.y = -0.5
        p.pose.position.z = -0.211
        self.scene.add_box("table2", p, (1.4,2.0,0.03))

        p.pose.position.x = 0.55 + 0.38/2
        p.pose.position.y = 0.7 + 0.78/2
        p.pose.position.z = 1.47/2 - (1.47 - 0.92)

        self.scene.add_box("shelf", p, (0.38, 0.78, 1.47))

        print "Add tables and shelf!"


    def checkCollisions(self,target):
        Given a target position in JointState and check whether there is collision

        @param target: a list of joints value to be checked
        @return type: returns True when it is valid
        req = GetStateValidityRequest() =
        req.robot_state.joint_state.position = target
        resp = self.check_serv(req)
        rospy.loginfo("Is target valid? --- " + str(resp.valid))
        print "===================================="
        return resp.valid

    def generateValidTargetJointState(self,pose):
        """Generate a valid target position in Joint Space and returns a list"""
        target = self.convertToJointStates(pose)
        while not self.checkCollisions(target):
            target = self.convertToJointStates(pose)
        return target

    def testPlan(self,target):
        """Set the target value, use MoveIt to generate the plan and execute it"""
        print "Test PLan!"
        # set target
        # generate plan
        plan =
        # execute plan
        print "Plan done!"

    def gripAct(self, pose_target):
        """ start to grab the bottle after moving into the target position """

        # make sure the gripper is calibrated
        if self.gripper_io.get_signal_value("is_calibrated") != True:
            self.gripper_io.set_signal_value("calibrate", True)

        # Make the gripper pully wide open, getting ready to grab
        self.gripper_io.set_signal_value("position_m", 0.041)

        # move gripper closer using a sequence of waypoints
        waypoints = []
        wpose = pose_target
        for i in range(0, 3):
            wpose.position.x += 0.05
        print waypoints

        (grip_plan, fraction) =
            waypoints,  ## waypoints to follow
            0.01,  ## eef_step
            0.0)  ## jump_threshold
        print fraction

        # grabbing bottle to a fairly tight position, and check how much force it's sensing right now
        self.gripper_io.set_signal_value("speed_mps", 1)
        self.gripper_io.set_signal_value("position_m", 0.00)
        light_size = self.gripper_io.get_signal_value("position_response_m")
        print "Loose size is: ", light_size

        # if the gripping is not tight enough, move the fingers closer to apply larger force
        if self.gripper_io.get_signal_value("is_gripping") != True:
            print "Not stable!"
            light_force = self.gripper_io.get_signal_value("force_response_n")
            print "Risky force is: ", light_force ## tell how much the force is that will be risky
            self.gripper_io.set_signal_value("position_m", -0.03) ## move fingers closer

        # get force and obejct size responses at the very tight status
        force = self.gripper_io.get_signal_value("force_response_n")
        obj_size = self.gripper_io.get_signal_value("position_response_m")
        print "force is: ", force
        print "object size is: ", obj_size

    def gripRelease(self):
        """ gripper releases the bottle after move into the final delivery location """

        # comparing the force difference between right after grapping,
        # and after moving into delivery location
        final_force = self.gripper_io.get_signal_value("force_response_n")
        print "final force is: ", final_force

        # if the bottle is successfully moved into delivery location,
        # then open the fingers to a position that has only a little grip,
        # thus eaiser for human user to take it
        if self.gripper_io.get_signal_value("is_gripping"):
            print "Releasing bottle!"
            self.gripper_io.set_signal_value("position_m", 0.012)

    def add_grippers(self, zoffset=0.065, yoffset=0.048):
        """Attach the gripper to the Sawyer model"""

        p = PoseStamped()
        p.header.frame_id = "right_gripper"
        p.pose.position.x = 0.0
        p.pose.position.y = -yoffset
        p.pose.position.z = zoffset
        self.scene.attach_box("right_gripper", "right_finger", pose=p, size=(0.01, 0.01, 0.1))

        p2 = PoseStamped()
        p2.header.frame_id = "right_gripper"
        p2.pose.position.x = 0.0
        p2.pose.position.y = yoffset
        p2.pose.position.z = zoffset
        self.scene.attach_box("right_gripper", "left_finger", pose=p2, size=(0.01, 0.01, 0.1))


    def add_bottle(self,target):
        """Add the bottle as collision object in the world scene"""
        # table scene
        p = PoseStamped()
        p.header.frame_id = self.robot.get_planning_frame()
        p.pose.position.x = target.position.x + 0.04
        p.pose.position.y = target.position.y
        p.pose.position.z = target.position.z + 0.12

        self.scene.add_box("coke", p, (0.05,0.05,0.2))

        print "Add coke!"
Exemple #6
class Navigator(object):
    Interface class for a Navigator on the Intera Research Robot.

        button_square_changed   - OFF/CLICK/LONG_PRESS/DOUBLE_CLICK
        wheel_changed           - Wheel value

    def __init__(self):

        self._navigator_io = IODeviceInterface("robot", "navigator")
        self._button_lookup = {
            0: 'OFF',
            1: 'CLICK',
            2: 'LONG_PRESS',
            3: 'DOUBLE_CLICK'

    def list_all_items(self):
        Returns a list of strings describing all available navigator items

        @rtype: list
        @return: a list of string representing navigator items
                 Each item name of the following format:
        return self._navigator_io.list_signal_names()

    def get_wheel_state(self, wheel_name):
        Current state of the wheel providing wheel name
        @type wheel_name: str
        @param wheel_name: the wheel name

        @rtype: uint
        @return: an integer representing how far the wheel has turned
        return self._get_item_state(wheel_name)

    def get_button_state(self, button_name):
        Current button state by providing button name
        @type button_name: str
        @param button_name: the button name

        @rtype: uint
        @return: an integer representing button values
                 Valid states:
                 {0:'OFF', 1:'CLICK', 2:'LONG_PRESS', 3:'DOUBLE_CLICK'}
        return self._get_item_state(button_name)

    def button_string_lookup(self, button_value):
        Returns strings corresponding to the button state.

        @type button_value: int
        @param button_value: the value to lookup

        @rtype: str
        @return: 'INVALID_VALUE' if out of range, or if valid:
                 {0:'OFF', 1:'CLICK', 2:'LONG_PRESS', 3:'DOUBLE_CLICK'}
        if button_value in self._button_lookup:
            return self._button_lookup[button_value]
            return 'INVALID_VALUE'

    def register_callback(self, callback_function, signal_name, poll_rate=10):
        Registers a supplied callback to a change in state of supplied
        signal_name's value. Spawns a thread that will call the callback with
        the updated value.

        @type callback_function: function
        @param callback_function: function handle for callback function
        @type signal_name: str
        @param signal_name: the name of the signal to poll for value change
        @type poll_rate: int
        @param poll_rate: the rate at which to poll for a value change (in a separate

        @rtype: str
        @return: callback_id retuned if the callback was registered, and an
                 empty string if the requested signal_name does not exist in the
        return self._navigator_io.register_callback(

    def deregister_callback(self, callback_id):
        Deregisters a callback based on the supplied callback_id.

        @type callback_id: str
        @param callback_id: the callback_id string to deregister

        @rtype: bool
        @return: returns bool True if the callback was successfully
                 deregistered, and False otherwise.
        return self._navigator_io.deregister_callback(callback_id)

    def _get_item_state(self, item_name):
        return self._navigator_io.get_signal_value(item_name)
Exemple #7
class Gripper(object):
    Interface class for a gripper on the Intera Research Robot.
    MAX_POSITION = 0.041667
    MIN_POSITION = 0.0
    MAX_VELOCITY = 3.0
    MIN_VELOCITY = 0.15

    def __init__(self, ee_name="right_gripper", calibrate=True):

        @type name: str
        @param name: robot gripper name (default: "right_gripper")
        @type calibrate: bool
        @param calibrate: Attempts to calibrate the gripper when initializing class (defaults True)
        self.devices = None = ee_name
        if ee_name == 'right' or ee_name == 'left':
                "Specifying gripper by 'side' is deprecated, please use full name"
                " (ex: 'right_gripper')."))
   = '_'.join([ee_name, 'gripper'])
        self.ee_config_sub = rospy.Subscriber('/io/end_effector/config',
        # Wait for the gripper device status to be true
            lambda: not self.devices is None,
                "Failed to get gripper. No gripper attached on the robot."))

        self.gripper_io = IODeviceInterface("end_effector",
        if self.has_error():
            calibrate = True
        if calibrate and not self.is_calibrated():

    def _config_callback(self, msg):
        config topic callback
        if msg.devices != []:
            if str(msg.devices[0].name) ==
                self.devices = msg

    def reboot(self):
        Power cycle the gripper, removing calibration information.
        self.gripper_io.set_signal_value("reboot", True)

    def stop(self):
        Set the gripper to stop executing command at the current
        position, apply holding force.
        self.gripper_io.set_signal_value("go", False)

    def start(self):
        Set the gripper to start executing command at the current
        position, apply holding force.
        self.gripper_io.set_signal_value("go", True)

    def open(self, position=MAX_POSITION):
        Set the gripper position to open by providing opening position.

        @type: float
        @param: the postion of gripper in meters
        self.gripper_io.set_signal_value("position_m", position)

    def close(self, position=MIN_POSITION):
        Set the gripper position to close by providing closing position.

        @type: float
        @param: the postion of gripper in meters
        self.gripper_io.set_signal_value("position_m", position)

    def has_error(self):
        Returns a bool describing whether the gripper is in an error state.
        (True: Error detected, False: No errors)

        @rtype: bool
        @return: True if in error state, False otherwise
        return self.gripper_io.get_signal_value("has_error")

    def is_ready(self):
        Returns bool describing if the gripper ready, i.e. is
        calibrated, not busy (as in resetting or rebooting), and
        not moving.

        @rtype: bool
        @return: True if in ready state, False otherwise
        return (self.is_calibrated() and not self.has_error()
                and not self.is_moving())

    def is_moving(self):
        Returns bool describing if the gripper is moving.

        @rtype: bool
        @return: True if in moving state, False otherwise
        return self.gripper_io.get_signal_value("is_moving")

    def is_gripping(self):
        Returns bool describing if the gripper is gripping.

        @rtype: bool
        @return: True if in gripping state, False otherwise
        return self.gripper_io.get_signal_value("is_gripping")

    def is_calibrated(self):
        Returns bool describing if the gripper is calibrated.

        @rtype: bool
        @return: True if successfully calibrated, False otherwise
        return self.gripper_io.get_signal_value("is_calibrated")

    def calibrate(self):
        Calibrate the gripper in order to set maximum and
        minimum travel distance.

        @rtype: bool
        @return: True if calibration was successful, False otherwise
        self.gripper_io.set_signal_value("calibrate", True)
        success = intera_dataflow.wait_for(lambda: self.is_calibrated(),
        if not success:
            rospy.logerr("({0}) calibration failed.".format(
        return success

    def get_position(self):
        Returns float describing the gripper position in meters.

        @rtype: float
        @return: Current Position value in Meters (m)
        return self.gripper_io.get_signal_value("position_response_m")

    def set_position(self, position):
        Set the position of gripper.

        @type: float
        @param: the postion of gripper in meters (m)
        self.gripper_io.set_signal_value("position_m", position)

    def set_velocity(self, speed):
        DEPRECATED: Use set_cmd_velocity(speed)

        Set the velocity at which the gripper position movement will execute.

        @type: float
        @param: the velocity of gripper in meters per second (m/s)
        rospy.logwarn("The set_velocity function is DEPRECATED. Please "
                      "update your code to use set_cmd_velocity() instead")

    def set_cmd_velocity(self, speed):
        Set the commanded velocity at which the gripper position
        movement will execute.

        @type: float
        @param: the velocity of gripper in meters per second (m/s)
        self.gripper_io.set_signal_value("speed_mps", speed)

    def get_cmd_velocity(self):
        Get the commanded velocity at which the gripper position
        movement executes.

        @rtype: float
        @return: the velocity of gripper in meters per second (m/s)
        return self.gripper_io.get_signal_value("speed_mps")

    def get_force(self):
        Returns the force sensed by the gripper in estimated Newtons.

        @rtype: float
        @return: Current Force value in Newton-Meters (N-m)
        return self.gripper_io.get_signal_value("force_response_n")

    def set_object_weight(self, object_weight):
        Set the weight of the object in kilograms.

        Object mass is set as a point mass at the location of the tool endpoint
        link in the URDF (e.g. 'right_gripper_tip'). The robot's URDF and
        internal robot model will be updated to compensate for the mass.

        @type: float
        @param: the object weight in kilograms (kg)
        self.gripper_io.set_signal_value( + "_tip_object_kg",

    def get_object_weight(self):
        Get the currently configured weight of the object in kilograms.

        Object mass is set as a point mass at the location of the tool endpoint
        link in the URDF (e.g. 'right_gripper_tip'). The robot's URDF and
        internal robot model will be updated to compensate for the mass.

        @rtype: float
        @return: the object weight in kilograms (kg)
        return self.gripper_io.get_signal_value( + "_tip_object_kg")

    def set_dead_zone(self, dead_zone):
        Set the gripper dead zone describing the position error threshold
        where a move will be considered successful.

        @type: float
        @param: the dead zone of gripper in meters
        self.gripper_io.set_signal_value("dead_zone_m", dead_zone)

    def get_dead_zone(self):
        Get the gripper dead zone describing the position error threshold
        where a move will be considered successful.

        @rtype: float
        @return: the dead zone of gripper in meters
        return self.gripper_io.get_signal_value("dead_zone_m")

    def set_holding_force(self, holding_force):
        @deprecated: Function deprecated. Holding force is now a fixed value.
            "Removed variable holding force to improve gripper performance.")
        return False