Exemple #1
    def test_add_comment(self):
        """The add_comment procedure adds a new comment for a user
        Test relies on list_comments_user working properly"""

        useremail = "*****@*****.**"
        page = "http://example.com/"
        firstcomment = "First Comment"
        secondcomment = "Second Comment"

        interface.add_comment(self.db, useremail, page, firstcomment)

        # now retrieve the info and verify
        comments = interface.list_comments_user(self.db, useremail)
        # our comment should be the first
        i, e, p, c = comments[0]
            (useremail, page, firstcomment), (e, p, c),
            "Stored comment not found first in comments list, got %s instead" %

        # do it again to check we don't lose the above
        interface.add_comment(self.db, useremail, page, secondcomment)
        # now retrieve the info and verify
        comments = interface.list_comments_user(self.db, useremail)
        # our comment should be the first
        i, e, p, c = comments[0]
        self.assertEquals((useremail, page, secondcomment), (
            e, p, c
        ), "Second stored comment not found first in comments list, got %s instead"
                          % str(comments[0]))
        i, e, p, c = comments[1]
        self.assertEquals((useremail, page, firstcomment), (
            e, p, c
        ), "First stored comment not found second in comments list, got %s instead"
                          % str(comments[0]))
def my_comments(environ, start_response):
    # Page to look at your own comments.
    username = interface.user_from_cookie(db, environ)
    user_details = interface.get_user_details(db, username)
    my_page_text = "<H1> Welcome back %s! </H1><BR><H2> Your recent comments </H2>" % (user_details[0])
    my_page_comments = comments(interface.list_comments_user(db, username))
    headers = [('content-type', 'text/html')]
    start_response('200 OK', headers)
    page = ["<HTML>", css, topnav(environ), my_page_text, my_page_comments, "</DIV></HTML>" ]
    return page
    def test_add_comment(self):
        """The add_comment procedure adds a new comment for a user
        Test relies on list_comments_user working properly"""

        useremail = "*****@*****.**"
        page = "http://example.com/"
        firstcomment = "First Comment"
        secondcomment = "Second Comment"

        interface.add_comment(self.db, useremail, page, firstcomment)

        # now retrieve the info and verify
        comments = interface.list_comments_user(self.db, useremail)
        # our comment should be the first
        i, e, p, c = comments[0]
            (useremail, page, firstcomment),
            (e, p, c),
            "Stored comment not found first in comments list, got %s instead" % str(comments[0]),

        # do it again to check we don't lose the above
        interface.add_comment(self.db, useremail, page, secondcomment)
        # now retrieve the info and verify
        comments = interface.list_comments_user(self.db, useremail)
        # our comment should be the first
        i, e, p, c = comments[0]
            (useremail, page, secondcomment),
            (e, p, c),
            "Second stored comment not found first in comments list, got %s instead" % str(comments[0]),
        i, e, p, c = comments[1]
            (useremail, page, firstcomment),
            (e, p, c),
            "First stored comment not found second in comments list, got %s instead" % str(comments[0]),
Exemple #4
def my_comments(environ, start_response):
    # Page to look at your own comments.
    username = interface.user_from_cookie(db, environ)
    user_details = interface.get_user_details(db, username)
    my_page_text = "<H1> Welcome back %s! </H1><BR><H2> Your recent comments </H2>" % (
    my_page_comments = comments(interface.list_comments_user(db, username))
    headers = [('content-type', 'text/html')]
    start_response('200 OK', headers)
    page = [
        "<HTML>", css,
        topnav(environ), my_page_text, my_page_comments, "</DIV></HTML>"
    return page
Exemple #5
    def test_list_comments_user(self):
        """The list_comments_user procedure should return a list of tuples
        one for each of the comment entries in the database entered by the
        given user, each tuple
        should contain e"""

        # grab a test user email address
        testuser = self.users[0][0]

        comments = interface.list_comments_user(self.db, testuser)

        # this time only those where the user is our test user
        refcomments = [u for u in self.comments if u[1] == testuser]

        # we should have the same units in self.units
            len(comments), len(refcomments),
            "Wrong number of comments returned from list_comments_user")

        # check that all comments in our list are present in the returned list
        for comment in refcomments:
                comment in comments,
                "Didn't find comment %s in list returned from list_comments_user %s"
                % (comment, comments))

        # comments should be in order so the largest id should be first
            refcomments[-1][0], comments[0][0],
            "Wrong comment id first in comment list, expected %d, got %d" %
            (refcomments[-1][0], comments[0][0]))

        # and the comment list should be ordered by id
        ids = [c[0] for c in comments]
            sorted(ids, reverse=True), ids,
            "List of comments returned is not in large-to-small order: %s" %
            (ids, ))
    def test_list_comments_user(self):
        """The list_comments_user procedure should return a list of tuples
        one for each of the comment entries in the database entered by the
        given user, each tuple
        should contain e"""

        # grab a test user email address
        testuser = self.users[0][0]

        comments = interface.list_comments_user(self.db, testuser)

        # this time only those where the user is our test user
        refcomments = [u for u in self.comments if u[1] == testuser]

        # we should have the same units in self.units
        self.assertEquals(len(comments), len(refcomments), "Wrong number of comments returned from list_comments_user")

        # check that all comments in our list are present in the returned list
        for comment in refcomments:
                comment in comments,
                "Didn't find comment %s in list returned from list_comments_user %s" % (comment, comments),

        # comments should be in order so the largest id should be first
            "Wrong comment id first in comment list, expected %d, got %d" % (refcomments[-1][0], comments[0][0]),

        # and the comment list should be ordered by id
        ids = [c[0] for c in comments]
            sorted(ids, reverse=True), ids, "List of comments returned is not in large-to-small order: %s" % (ids,)