Exemple #1
from simulation import Simulation
from numpy import pi

# Return immediately if this is being imported in another module.
if __name__ == "__main__":

    # Run in a different process.
    if os.fork():

    # Instantiate the main interface object.
    main = Interface()

    # Create the other components of the interface...
    display = Display(main)
    controls = Controls(main)
    simulation = Simulation(main)

    # ...and add a set of slider controls to it.
    electronMass= 9.10938188e-31 # Kg
    c = 299792458
    width = Parameter("Width of slits", 1e-50, 1e-12)
    distance = Parameter("Distance between slits", 1e-50, 10e-12)
    mass = Parameter("Particle mass", 0.01*electronMass, 10*electronMass, electronMass)
    velocity = Parameter("Particle velocity", 0, c, 0.9*c)
    flux = Parameter("B-flux through solenoid", -pi, pi, 0)

    controls.add(width, distance, mass, velocity, flux)

    # Hook up the interface components and begin the event loop.
    main.setup(display, controls, simulation)
Exemple #2
from parameters import PercentParameter, Parameter
from simulation import Simulation

# Return immediately if this is being imported in another module.
if __name__ == "__main__":

    # Run in a different process.
    if os.fork():

    # Instantiate the main interface object.
    main = Interface()

    # Create the other components of the interface...
    display = Display(main)
    controls = Controls(main)
    simulation = Simulation(main)

    # ...and add a set of slider controls to it.
    electronMass= 9.10938188e-31 # Kg
    c = 299792458
    width = Parameter("Width of slits", 1e-50, 1e-12)
    distance = Parameter("Distance between slits", 1e-50, 10e-12)
    mass = Parameter("Particle mass", 0.01*electronMass, 10*electronMass, electronMass)
    velocity = Parameter("Particle velocity", 0, c, 0.9*c)
    current = Parameter("Current in solenoid", -10, 10, 0)
    controls.add(width, distance, mass, velocity, current)

    # Hook up the interface components and begin the event loop.
    main.setup(display, controls, simulation)
Exemple #3
from parameters import PercentParameter, Parameter
from simulation import Simulation

# Return immediately if this is being imported in another module.
if __name__ == "__main__":

    # Run in a different process.
    if os.fork():

    # Instantiate the main interface object.
    main = Interface()

    # Create the other components of the interface...
    display = Display(main)
    controls = Controls(main)
    simulation = Simulation(main)

    # ...and add a set of slider controls to it.
    electronMass= 9.10938188e-31 # Kg
    c = 299792458
    width= Parameter("Width of Slits", 1e-8, 1)
    space= Parameter("Distance Between Slits", 1e-6, 1)
    momentum = Parameter("Momentum of Particle", 0.01*c*electronMass, c*1000*electronMass, 9*c*electronMass)	
    distanceSource = Parameter("Distance from Source to Aperture", 1, 1000, 200)
    distanceObs = Parameter("Distance from Aperture to Observation Screen", 1, 1000, 200)

    controls.add(width, space, momentum, distanceSource, distanceObs)

    # Hook up the interface components and begin the event loop.
    main.setup(display, controls, simulation)