def __init__(self, perm, **kwargs):
        perm : list or tuple
            The permutation of coefficients.

        A PermutationOperator instance.

        >>> import numpy as np
        >>> import linear_operators as lo
        >>> P = lo.PermutationOperator([3, 1, 0, 2])
        >>> P.todense()
        array([[ 0.,  0.,  0.,  1.],
               [ 0.,  1.,  0.,  0.],
               [ 1.,  0.,  0.,  0.],
               [ 0.,  0.,  1.,  0.]])


        shape = 2 * (len(perm),)
        self.perm = perm
        # reverse permutation
        self.perm_inv = np.argsort(perm)
        def matvec(x):
            return np.asarray([x[pi] for pi in self.perm])
        def rmatvec(x):
            return np.asarray([x[pi] for pi in self.perm_inv])
        LinearOperator.__init__(self, shape, matvec, rmatvec=rmatvec, **kwargs)
Exemple #2
    def __init__(self,

        sizein =
        sizeout =
        shape = (sizeout, sizein)

        ndmatvec = lambda x: matvec(x.reshape(shapein)).ravel()

        if rmatvec is not None:
            ndrmatvec = lambda x: rmatvec(x.reshape(shapeout)).ravel()
            ndrmatvec = None


        self.ndmatvec = matvec
        self.ndrmatvec = rmatvec
        self.shapein = shapein
        self.shapeout = shapeout
    def __init__(self, shape, rep_num, **kwargs):
        shape : length 2 tuple.
            The shape of the operator.

        rep_num : int
            The number of replications.

        A ReplicationOperator instance.

        >>> import numpy as np
        >>> import linear_operators as lo
        >>> R = lo.ReplicationOperator((4, 2), 2)
        >>> R.todense()
        array([[ 1.,  0.],
               [ 0.,  1.],
               [ 1.,  0.],
               [ 0.,  1.]])
        self.rep_num = rep_num
        # ensure coherent input
        if not shape[0] == shape[1] * rep_num:
            raise ValueError("Output vector should be n times the size of input vector.")
        def matvec(x):
            return np.tile(x, self.rep_num)
        def rmatvec(x):
            N = shape[1]
            return sum([x[i * N:(i + 1) * N] for i in xrange(self.rep_num)])
        LinearOperator.__init__(self, shape, matvec, rmatvec=rmatvec, **kwargs)
    def __init__(self, shape, slice, **kwargs):

        >>> S = lo.SliceOperator((2, 4), slice(None, None, 2))
        >>> S.todense()
        array([[ 1.,  0.,  0.,  0.],
               [ 0.,  0.,  1.,  0.]])

        >>> S.T.todense()
        array([[ 1.,  0.],
               [ 0.,  0.],
               [ 0.,  1.],
               [ 0.,  0.]])

        def matvec(x):
            return x[slice]

        def rmatvec(x):
            out = np.zeros(shape[1])
            out[slice] = x
            return out

        LinearOperator.__init__(self, shape, matvec, rmatvec=rmatvec, **kwargs)
 def __init__(self, shape, shift, **kwargs):
     if shape[0] != shape[1]:
         raise ValueError("Only square operator is implemented.")
     if np.round(shift) != shift:
         raise ValueError("The shift argument should be an integer value.")
     self.shift = shift
     ashift = np.abs(shift)
     # square case
     matvec = lambda x: np.concatenate((x[ashift:], np.zeros(ashift)))
     rmatvec = lambda x: np.concatenate((np.zeros(ashift), x[:-ashift]))
     if self.shift < 0:
         matvec, rmatvec = rmatvec, matvec
     LinearOperator.__init__(self, shape, matvec, rmatvec=rmatvec, **kwargs)
 def __init__(self, shape, shift, **kwargs):
     if shape[0] != shape[1]:
         raise ValueError("Only square operator is implemented.")
     if np.round(shift) != shift:
         raise ValueError("The shift argument should be an integer value.")
     self.shift = shift
     ashift = np.abs(shift)
     # square case
     matvec = lambda x: np.concatenate((x[ashift:], np.zeros(ashift)))
     rmatvec = lambda x: np.concatenate((np.zeros(ashift), x[:-ashift]))
     if self.shift < 0:
         matvec, rmatvec = rmatvec, matvec
     LinearOperator.__init__(self, shape, matvec, rmatvec=rmatvec, **kwargs)
    def __init__(self, shape, diag, subdiag, superdiag, **kwargs):
        shape : length 2 tuple.
            The shape of the operator.

        diag : ndarray of size shape[0]
            The diagonal of the matrix.

        subdiag : ndarray of size shape[0] - 1
            The subdiagonal of the matrix.

        superdiag : ndarray of size shape[0] - 1
            The superdiagonal of the matrix.

        A Tridiagonal matrix operator instance.

        >>> import numpy as np
        >>> import linear_operators as lo
        >>> T = lo.TridiagonalOperator((3, 3), [1, 2, 3], [4, 5], [6, 7])
        >>> T.todense()
        array([[1, 6, 0],
               [4, 2, 7],
               [0, 5, 3]])
        if shape[0] != shape[1]:
            raise ValueError("Only square operator is implemented.")
        self.diag = diag
        self.subdiag = subdiag
        self.superdiag = superdiag
        self.kwargs = kwargs

        def matvec(x):
            out = self.diag * x
            out[:-1] += self.superdiag * x[1:]
            out[1:] += self.subdiag * x[:-1]
            return out

        def rmatvec(x):
            out = self.diag * x
            out[:-1] += self.subdiag * x[1:]
            out[1:] += self.superdiag * x[:-1]
            return out

        LinearOperator.__init__(self, shape, matvec, rmatvec=rmatvec, **kwargs)
    def __init__(self, shape, diag, subdiag, superdiag, **kwargs):
        shape : length 2 tuple.
            The shape of the operator.

        diag : ndarray of size shape[0]
            The diagonal of the matrix.

        subdiag : ndarray of size shape[0] - 1
            The subdiagonal of the matrix.

        superdiag : ndarray of size shape[0] - 1
            The superdiagonal of the matrix.

        A Tridiagonal matrix operator instance.

        >>> import numpy as np
        >>> import linear_operators as lo
        >>> T = lo.TridiagonalOperator((3, 3), [1, 2, 3], [4, 5], [6, 7])
        >>> T.todense()
        array([[1, 6, 0],
               [4, 2, 7],
               [0, 5, 3]])
        if shape[0] != shape[1]:
            raise ValueError("Only square operator is implemented.")
        self.diag = diag
        self.subdiag = subdiag
        self.superdiag = superdiag
        self.kwargs = kwargs

        def matvec(x):
            out = self.diag * x
            out[:-1] += self.superdiag * x[1:]
            out[1:] += self.subdiag * x[:-1]
            return out

        def rmatvec(x):
            out = self.diag * x
            out[:-1] += self.subdiag * x[1:]
            out[1:] += self.superdiag * x[:-1]
            return out

        LinearOperator.__init__(self, shape, matvec, rmatvec=rmatvec, **kwargs)
    def __init__(self, shape, matvec, **kwargs):
        """Returns a SymmetricOperator of given shape and matvec


        shape : length 2 tuple
            The shape of the operator. Should be square.

        matvec : function
            The matrix-vector operation.

        A SymmetricOperator instance.
        if shape[0] != shape[1]:
            raise ValueError("Symmetric operators are square operators.")
        kwargs['rmatvec'] = matvec
        LinearOperator.__init__(self, shape, matvec, **kwargs)
Exemple #10
    def __init__(self, shape, matvec, **kwargs):
        """Returns a SymmetricOperator of given shape and matvec


        shape : length 2 tuple
            The shape of the operator. Should be square.

        matvec : function
            The matrix-vector operation.

        A SymmetricOperator instance.
        if shape[0] != shape[1]:
            raise ValueError("Symmetric operators are square operators.")
        kwargs['rmatvec'] = matvec
        LinearOperator.__init__(self, shape, matvec, **kwargs)
    def __init__(self, shapein, shapeout, matvec, rmatvec=None, matmat=None, rmatmat=None,
                 dtypein=None, dtypeout=None, dtype=np.float64):

        sizein =
        sizeout =
        shape = (sizeout, sizein)

        ndmatvec = lambda x: matvec(x.reshape(shapein)).ravel()

        if rmatvec is not None:
            ndrmatvec = lambda x: rmatvec(x.reshape(shapeout)).ravel()
            ndrmatvec = None

        LinearOperator.__init__(self, shape, ndmatvec, ndrmatvec, dtype=dtype,
                                dtypein=dtypein, dtypeout=dtypeout)

        # rename to keep same interface as LinearOperator
        self.ndmatvec = matvec
        self.ndrmatvec = rmatvec
        self.shapein = shapein
        self.shapeout = shapeout
Exemple #12
    def __init__(self, shape, rep_num, **kwargs):
        shape : length 2 tuple.
            The shape of the operator.

        rep_num : int
            The number of replications.

        A ReplicationOperator instance.

        >>> import numpy as np
        >>> import linear_operators as lo
        >>> R = lo.ReplicationOperator((4, 2), 2)
        >>> R.todense()
        array([[ 1.,  0.],
               [ 0.,  1.],
               [ 1.,  0.],
               [ 0.,  1.]])
        self.rep_num = rep_num
        # ensure coherent input
        if not shape[0] == shape[1] * rep_num:
            raise ValueError(
                "Output vector should be n times the size of input vector.")

        def matvec(x):
            return np.tile(x, self.rep_num)

        def rmatvec(x):
            N = shape[1]
            return sum([x[i * N:(i + 1) * N] for i in xrange(self.rep_num)])

        LinearOperator.__init__(self, shape, matvec, rmatvec=rmatvec, **kwargs)
Exemple #13
    def __init__(self, shape, ab, kl, ku, **kwargs):
        Generate a BandOperator instance

        shape : 2-tuple
           The shape of the operator
        ab : ndarray with ndim == 2
           Store the bands of the matrix using LAPACK storage scheme.
        kl : int
            Number of subdiagonals
        ku : int
            Number of superdiagonals
        if ab.shape[0] != kl + ku + 1 or ab.shape[1] != shape[1]:
            raise ValueError("Wrong ab shape.")

        self.ab = ab
        self.kl = kl
        self.ku = ku
        self.kwargs = kwargs

        def matvec(x):
            # diag
            out = self.ab[ku] * x
            # upper part
            for i in xrange(ku):
                j = ku - i
                out[:-j] += self.ab[i, j:] * x[j:]
            for i in xrange(ku, kl + ku):
            # lower part
                out[i:] += self.ab[i + 1, :-i] * x[:-i]
            return out

        def rmatvec(x):
            rab = self._rab
            rkl, rku = ku, kl
            # diag
            out = rab[ku] * x
            # upper part
            for i in xrange(rku):
                j = rku - i
                out[:-j] += rab[i, j:] * x[j:]
            for i in xrange(rku, rkl + rku):
            # lower part
                out[i:] += rab[i + 1, :-i] * x[:-i]
            return out

        return LinearOperator.__init__(self, shape, matvec, rmatvec,
Exemple #14
    def __init__(self, shape, ab, kl, ku, **kwargs):
        Generate a BandOperator instance

        shape : 2-tuple
           The shape of the operator
        ab : ndarray with ndim == 2
           Store the bands of the matrix using LAPACK storage scheme.
        kl : int
            Number of subdiagonals
        ku : int
            Number of superdiagonals
        if ab.shape[0] != kl + ku + 1 or ab.shape[1] != shape[1]:
            raise ValueError("Wrong ab shape.")

        self.ab = ab
        self.kl = kl
        self.ku = ku
        self.kwargs = kwargs

        def matvec(x):
            # diag
            out = self.ab[ku] * x
            # upper part
            for i in xrange(ku):
                j = ku - i
                out[:-j] += self.ab[i, j:] * x[j:]
            for i in xrange(ku, kl + ku):
                # lower part
                out[i:] += self.ab[i + 1, :-i] * x[:-i]
            return out

        def rmatvec(x):
            rab = self._rab
            rkl, rku = ku, kl
            # diag
            out = rab[ku] * x
            # upper part
            for i in xrange(rku):
                j = rku - i
                out[:-j] += rab[i, j:] * x[j:]
            for i in xrange(rku, rkl + rku):
                # lower part
                out[i:] += rab[i + 1, :-i] * x[:-i]
            return out

        return LinearOperator.__init__(self, shape, matvec, rmatvec, **kwargs)
Exemple #15
    def __init__(self, shape, slice, **kwargs):

        >>> S = lo.SliceOperator((2, 4), slice(None, None, 2))
        >>> S.todense()
        array([[ 1.,  0.,  0.,  0.],
               [ 0.,  0.,  1.,  0.]])

        >>> S.T.todense()
        array([[ 1.,  0.],
               [ 0.,  0.],
               [ 0.,  1.],
               [ 0.,  0.]])

        def matvec(x):
            return x[slice]
        def rmatvec(x):
            out = np.zeros(shape[1])
            out[slice] = x
            return out
        LinearOperator.__init__(self, shape, matvec, rmatvec=rmatvec, **kwargs)
Exemple #16
    def __init__(self, perm, **kwargs):
        perm : list or tuple
            The permutation of coefficients.

        A PermutationOperator instance.

        >>> import numpy as np
        >>> import linear_operators as lo
        >>> P = lo.PermutationOperator([3, 1, 0, 2])
        >>> P.todense()
        array([[ 0.,  0.,  0.,  1.],
               [ 0.,  1.,  0.,  0.],
               [ 1.,  0.,  0.,  0.],
               [ 0.,  0.,  1.,  0.]])


        shape = 2 * (len(perm), )
        self.perm = perm
        # reverse permutation
        self.perm_inv = np.argsort(perm)

        def matvec(x):
            return np.asarray([x[pi] for pi in self.perm])

        def rmatvec(x):
            return np.asarray([x[pi] for pi in self.perm_inv])

        LinearOperator.__init__(self, shape, matvec, rmatvec=rmatvec, **kwargs)
Exemple #17
 def __init__(self, shape, **kwargs):
     matvec = lambda x: np.fft.fft(x, n=shape[0]) / np.sqrt(shape[0])
     rmatvec = lambda x: np.fft.ifft(x, n=shape[1]) * np.sqrt(shape[0])
     LinearOperator.__init__(self, shape, matvec, rmatvec=rmatvec, **kwargs)
Exemple #18
 def __init__(self, shape, **kwargs):
     matvec = lambda x: np.fft.fft(x, n=shape[0]) / np.sqrt(shape[0])
     rmatvec = lambda x: np.fft.ifft(x, n=shape[1]) * np.sqrt(shape[0])
     LinearOperator.__init__(self, shape, matvec, rmatvec=rmatvec, **kwargs)