def caer_event_from_row(row): ''' Takes binary dvs data as input, returns unpacked event data or False if event type does not exist. ''' sys_ts, head, body = (v.tobytes() for v in row) if not sys_ts: # rows with 0 timestamp do not contain any data return 0, False d = unpack_header(head) d['dvs_data'] = body return int(sys_ts) * 1e-6, unpack_data(d)
def readPacket(self, number): """ Reads packet k in the dataset Parameters ---------- number: number of packet, in range(0,numPackets) Returns ------- packet of data, or False if packet is outside of range or cannot be extracted """ if number >= self.numPackets or number < 0: return False dat = self.davisData[number] headerDat = dat[1] # caer header if headerDat.shape[0] == 0: return False # empty packet, can happen at end of recording packet = {'dvs_header': dat[1]} # put it to the dict as header packet.update(caer.unpack_header( packet['dvs_header'])) # update the dict? # dat0 = dat[0] # timestamp of the packet? packet['dvs_data'] = dat[ 2] # put the data payload, dvs_data refers to DAVIS camera data, can be frames or IMU data too packet = caer.unpack_data( packet ) # use caer to unpack it, store it back to data, which gets timestamp and cooked data packet.timestamp = packet['timestamp'] packet.etype = packet['etype'] # # print some info # if data: # if could not unpack, is False # print('packet #' + str(k) # + ' timestamp: ' + str(data['timestamp']) # + ' etype: ' + str(data['etype']) # + ' esize: ' + str(data['esize']) # + ' enumber: ' + str(data['enumber']) # ) return packet
pbar = get_progress_bar() sys_ts, t_pre, t_offset, ev_count, pbar_next = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 count = 0 while m.has_data and sys_ts <= tstop * 1e-6 and count <= 10: try: sys_ts, d = m.get() except Empty: # wait for queue to fill up time.sleep(0.01) continue if not d: # skip unused data continue if d['etype'] == 'special_event': unpack_data(d) if any(d['data'] == 0): # this is a timestamp reset print('ts reset detected, setting offset', current_row['timestamp']) t_offset += current_row['timestamp'] #NOTE the timestamp of this special event is not meaningful continue if d['etype'] in export_data_vi: current_row[d['etype']] = d['data'] continue if t_pre == 0 and d['etype'] in ['frame_event', 'polarity_event']: print('resetting t_pre (first %s)' % d['etype']) t_pre = d['timestamp'] + t_offset if d['etype'] == 'frame_event' and args.export_aps: if fixed_dt: while t_pre + args.binsize < d['timestamp'] + t_offset:
def show(self, d, t=None): # handle keyboad input key_pressed = cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF # if key_pressed != -1: if key_pressed == ord('i'): # 'i' pressed if self.display_color == 0: self.display_color = 255 elif self.display_color == 255: self.display_color = 0 self.display_info = not self.display_info print('rotated car info display') elif key_pressed == ord('x'): # exit print('exiting from x key') raise SystemExit elif key_pressed == ord('f'): # f (faster) key pressed self.min_dt = self.min_dt*1.2 print('increased min_dt to ', self.min_dt, ' s') # self.playback_speed = min(self.playback_speed + 0.2, 5.0) # print('increased playback speed to ',self.playback_speed) elif key_pressed == ord('s'): # s (slower) key pressed self.min_dt = self.min_dt/1.2 print('decreased min_dt to ', self.min_dt, ' s') # self.playback_speed = max(self.playback_speed - 0.2, 0.2) # print('decreased playback speed to ',self.playback_speed) elif key_pressed == ord('b'): # brighter self.dvs_contrast = max(1, self.dvs_contrast-1) print('increased DVS contrast to ', self.dvs_contrast, ' full scale event count') elif key_pressed == ord('d'): # brighter self.dvs_contrast = self.dvs_contrast+1 print('decreased DVS contrast to ', self.dvs_contrast, ' full scale event count') elif key_pressed == ord(' '): # toggle paused self.paused = not self.paused print('decreased DVS contrast to ', self.dvs_contrast, ' full scale event count') if self.paused: while True: key_paused = cv2.waitKey(1) or 0xff if key_paused == ord(' '): self.paused = False break ''' receive and handle single event ''' if 'etype' not in d: d['etype'] = d['name'] etype = d['etype'] if not self.t_pre.get(etype): self.t_pre[etype] = -1 self.count[etype] = self.count.get(etype, 0) + 1 if etype == 'frame_event' and \ time.time() - self.t_pre[etype] > self.min_dt: if 'data' not in d: unpack_data(d) img = (d['data'] / 256).astype(np.uint8) if self.rotate180 is True: # grab the dimensions of the image and calculate the center # of the image (h, w) = img.shape[:2] center = (w // 2, h // 2) # rotate the image by 180 degrees M = cv2.getRotationMatrix2D(center, 180, 1.0) img = cv2.warpAffine(img, M, (w, h)) if self.display_info: self._plot_steering_wheel(img) self._print(img, (50, 220), 'accelerator_pedal_position', '%') self._print(img, (100, 220), 'brake_pedal_status', 'brake', True) self._print(img, (200, 220), 'vehicle_speed', 'km/h') self._print(img, (300, 220), 'engine_speed', 'rpm') if t is not None: self._plot_timeline(img) if self.zoom != 1: img = cv2.resize( img, None, fx=self.zoom, fy=self.zoom, interpolation=cv2.INTER_CUBIC) cv2.imshow('frame', img) # cv2.waitKey(1) self.t_pre[etype] = time.time() elif etype == 'polarity_event': if 'data' not in d: unpack_data(d) # makes DVS image, but only from latest message self.pol_img[d['data'][:, 2], d['data'][:, 1]] += \ (d['data'][:, 3]-.5)/self.dvs_contrast if time.time() - self.t_pre[etype] > self.min_dt: if self.zoom != 1: self.pol_img = cv2.resize( self.pol_img, None, fx=self.zoom, fy=self.zoom, interpolation=cv2.INTER_CUBIC) if self.rotate180 is True: # grab the dimensions of the image and # calculate the center # of the image (h, w) = self.pol_img.shape[:2] center = (w // 2, h // 2) # rotate the image by 180 degrees M = cv2.getRotationMatrix2D(center, 180, 1.0) self.pol_img = cv2.warpAffine(self.pol_img, M, (w, h)) if self.display_info: self._print_string(self.pol_img, (25, 25), "%.2fms"%(self.min_dt*1000)) cv2.imshow('polarity', self.pol_img) # cv2.waitKey(1) self.pol_img = 0.5 * np.ones(DVS_SHAPE) self.t_pre[etype] = time.time() elif etype in VIEW_DATA: if 'data' not in d: d['data'] = d['value'] self.cache[etype] = d['data'] self.t_pre[etype] = time.time() if t is not None: self._set_t(t)
def readEntire(self): """ Read entire file to memory. Returns ------- aps_ts: np.array, timestamps of aps frames. aps_frame: np.ndarray, [n, width, height] aps frames events: numpy record array. events, col names: ["ts", "y", "x", "polarity"], \ data types: ["<f8", "<i8", "<i8", "<i8"] """ sys_ts, t_offset, current = 0, 0, 0 timestamp = 0 frames, events = [], [] while self.m.has_data and sys_ts <= self.stop * 1e-6: try: sys_ts, d = self.m.get() except Queue.Empty: # wait for queue to fill up time.sleep(0.01) continue if not d or sys_ts < self.start * 1e-6: # skip unused data continue if d['etype'] == 'special_event': unpack_data(d) # this is a timestamp reset if any(d['data'] == 0): print('ts reset detected, setting offset', timestamp) t_offset += current # NOTE the timestamp of this special event is not meaningful continue if d['etype'] == 'frame_event': ts = d['timestamp'] + t_offset frame = filter_frame(unpack_data(d)) data = np.array([(ts, frame)], dtype=np.dtype([('ts', np.float64), ('frame', np.uint8, frame.shape)])) frames.append(data) current = ts continue if d['etype'] == 'polarity_event': unpack_data(d) data = d["data"] data = np.hstack((data[:, 0][:, None] * 1e-6 + t_offset, data[:, 1][:, None], data[:, 2][:, None], data[:, 3].astype([:, None] * 2 - 1)) events.append(data) continue frames = np.hstack(frames) events = np.vstack(events) frames["ts"] -= frames["ts"][0] events[:, 0] -= events[0][0] self.f_in.exit.set() self.m.exit.set() self.f_in.join() self.m.join() return frames, events