class DevtoolsBrowser(object): """Devtools Browser base""" CONNECT_TIME_LIMIT = 30 def __init__(self, options, job, use_devtools_video=True): self.options = options self.job = job self.devtools = None self.task = None self.event_name = None self.browser_version = None self.device_pixel_ratio = None self.use_devtools_video = use_devtools_video self.lighthouse_command = None self.support_path = os.path.join( os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)), 'support') self.script_dir = os.path.join( os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)), 'js') def connect(self, task): """Connect to the dev tools interface""" ret = False from internal.devtools import DevTools self.devtools = DevTools(self.options, self.job, task, self.use_devtools_video) if task['running_lighthouse']: ret = self.devtools.wait_for_available(self.CONNECT_TIME_LIMIT) else: if self.devtools.connect(self.CONNECT_TIME_LIMIT): logging.debug("Devtools connected") ret = True else: task['error'] = "Error connecting to dev tools interface" logging.critical(task['error']) self.devtools = None return ret def disconnect(self): """Disconnect from dev tools""" if self.devtools is not None: # Always navigate to about:blank after finishing in case the tab is # remembered across sessions if self.task is not None and self.task['error'] is None: self.devtools.send_command('Page.navigate', {'url': 'about:blank'}, wait=True) self.devtools.close() self.devtools = None def prepare_browser(self, task): """Prepare the running browser (mobile emulation, UA string, etc""" if self.devtools is not None: # Figure out the native viewport size if not size = self.devtools.execute_js( "[window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight]") if size is not None and len(size) == 2: task['actual_viewport'] = { "width": size[0], "height": size[1] } # Get the native device pixel ratio if self.device_pixel_ratio is None: self.device_pixel_ratio = 1.0 try: ratio = self.devtools.execute_js('window.devicePixelRatio') if ratio is not None: self.device_pixel_ratio = max(1.0, float(ratio)) except Exception: pass # Clear the caches if not task['cached']: self.devtools.send_command("Network.clearBrowserCache", {}, wait=True) self.devtools.send_command("Network.clearBrowserCookies", {}, wait=True) # Mobile Emulation if not and \ 'mobile' in self.job and self.job['mobile'] and \ 'width' in self.job and 'height' in self.job and \ 'dpr' in self.job: width = int('\d+', str(self.job['width'])).group()) height = int('\d+', str(self.job['height'])).group()) self.devtools.send_command( "Emulation.setDeviceMetricsOverride", { "width": width, "height": height, "screenWidth": width, "screenHeight": height, "scale": 1, "positionX": 0, "positionY": 0, "deviceScaleFactor": float(self.job['dpr']), "mobile": True, "fitWindow": False, "screenOrientation": { "angle": 0, "type": "portraitPrimary" } }, wait=True) self.devtools.send_command( "Emulation.setTouchEmulationEnabled", { "enabled": True, "configuration": "mobile" }, wait=True) if not self.options.throttle and 'throttle_cpu' in self.job: logging.debug('CPU Throttle target: %0.3fx', self.job['throttle_cpu']) if self.job['throttle_cpu'] > 1: self.devtools.send_command( "Emulation.setCPUThrottlingRate", {"rate": self.job['throttle_cpu']}, wait=True) # UA String ua_string = self.devtools.execute_js("navigator.userAgent") if ua_string is not None: match ='Chrome\/(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)', ua_string) if match: self.browser_version = if 'uastring' in self.job: ua_string = self.job['uastring'] if ua_string is not None and 'AppendUA' in task: ua_string += ' ' + task['AppendUA'] if ua_string is not None: self.job['user_agent_string'] = ua_string # Disable js if self.job['noscript']: self.devtools.send_command( "Emulation.setScriptExecutionDisabled", {"value": True}, wait=True) self.devtools.prepare_browser() def on_start_recording(self, task): """Start recording""" task['page_data'] = {'date': time.time()} task['page_result'] = None task['run_start_time'] = monotonic.monotonic() if self.browser_version is not None and 'browserVersion' not in task[ 'page_data']: task['page_data']['browserVersion'] = self.browser_version task['page_data']['browser_version'] = self.browser_version if not self.options.throttle and 'throttle_cpu' in self.job: task['page_data']['throttle_cpu_requested'] = self.job[ 'throttle_cpu_requested'] if self.job['throttle_cpu'] > 1: task['page_data']['throttle_cpu'] = self.job['throttle_cpu'] if self.devtools is not None: self.devtools.start_recording() def on_stop_recording(self, task): """Stop recording""" if self.devtools is not None: if self.job['pngScreenShot']: screen_shot = os.path.join(task['dir'], task['prefix'] + '_screen.png') self.devtools.grab_screenshot(screen_shot, png=True) else: screen_shot = os.path.join(task['dir'], task['prefix'] + '_screen.jpg') self.devtools.grab_screenshot(screen_shot, png=False, resize=600) # Collect end of test data from the browser self.collect_browser_metrics(task) # Stop recording dev tools (which also collects the trace) self.devtools.stop_recording() def run_task(self, task): """Run an individual test""" if self.devtools is not None: self.task = task logging.debug("Running test") end_time = monotonic.monotonic() + task['test_time_limit'] task['current_step'] = 1 recording = False while len(task['script']) and task['error'] is None and \ monotonic.monotonic() < end_time: self.prepare_task(task) command = task['script'].pop(0) if not recording and command['record']: recording = True self.on_start_recording(task) self.process_command(command) if command['record']: self.devtools.wait_for_page_load() if not task['combine_steps'] or not len(task['script']): self.on_stop_recording(task) recording = False self.on_start_processing(task) self.wait_for_processing(task) self.process_devtools_requests(task) self.step_complete(task) if task['log_data']: # Move on to the next step task['current_step'] += 1 self.event_name = None task['navigated'] = True self.task = None def on_start_processing(self, task): """Start any processing of the captured data""" if task['log_data']: # Start the processing that can run in a background thread optimization = OptimizationChecks(self.job, task, self.get_requests()) optimization.start() # Run the video post-processing if self.use_devtools_video and self.job['video']: self.process_video() self.wappalyzer_detect(task, self.devtools.main_request_headers) # wait for the background optimization checks optimization.join() def wait_for_processing(self, task): """Wait for the background processing (if any)""" pass def execute_js(self, script): """Run javascipt""" ret = None if self.devtools is not None: ret = self.devtools.execute_js(script) return ret def prepare_task(self, task): """Format the file prefixes for multi-step testing""" if task['current_step'] == 1: task['prefix'] = task['task_prefix'] task['video_subdirectory'] = task['task_video_prefix'] else: task['prefix'] = '{0}_{1:d}'.format(task['task_prefix'], task['current_step']) task['video_subdirectory'] = '{0}_{1:d}'.format( task['task_video_prefix'], task['current_step']) if task['video_subdirectory'] not in task['video_directories']: task['video_directories'].append(task['video_subdirectory']) if self.event_name is not None: task['step_name'] = self.event_name else: task['step_name'] = 'Step_{0:d}'.format(task['current_step']) def process_video(self): """Post process the video""" from internal.video_processing import VideoProcessing video = VideoProcessing(self.options, self.job, self.task) video.process() def process_devtools_requests(self, task): """Process the devtools log and pull out the requests information""" path_base = os.path.join(self.task['dir'], self.task['prefix']) devtools_file = path_base + '_devtools.json.gz' if os.path.isfile(devtools_file): from import DevToolsParser out_file = path_base + '_devtools_requests.json.gz' options = { 'devtools': devtools_file, 'cached': task['cached'], 'out': out_file } netlog = path_base + '_netlog_requests.json.gz' options['netlog'] = netlog if os.path.isfile(netlog) else None optimization = path_base + '_optimization.json.gz' options['optimization'] = optimization if os.path.isfile( optimization) else None user_timing = path_base + '_user_timing.json.gz' options['user'] = user_timing if os.path.isfile( user_timing) else None coverage = path_base + '_coverage.json.gz' options['coverage'] = coverage if os.path.isfile( coverage) else None cpu = path_base + '_timeline_cpu.json.gz' options['cpu'] = cpu if os.path.isfile(cpu) else None parser = DevToolsParser(options) parser.process() # Cleanup intermediate files that are not needed if 'debug' not in self.job or not self.job['debug']: if os.path.isfile(netlog): os.remove(netlog) if os.path.isfile(optimization): os.remove(optimization) if os.path.isfile(coverage): os.remove(coverage) if os.path.isfile(devtools_file): os.remove(devtools_file) if 'page_data' in parser.result and 'result' in parser.result[ 'page_data']: self.task['page_result'] = parser.result['page_data']['result'] def run_js_file(self, file_name): """Execute one of our js scripts""" ret = None script = None script_file_path = os.path.join(self.script_dir, file_name) if os.path.isfile(script_file_path): with open(script_file_path, 'rb') as script_file: script = if script is not None: ret = self.devtools.execute_js(script) return ret def collect_browser_metrics(self, task): """Collect all of the in-page browser metrics that we need""" user_timing = self.run_js_file('user_timing.js') if user_timing is not None: path = os.path.join(task['dir'], task['prefix'] + '_timed_events.json.gz') with, 'wb', 7) as outfile: outfile.write(json.dumps(user_timing)) page_data = self.run_js_file('page_data.js') if page_data is not None: task['page_data'].update(page_data) if 'customMetrics' in self.job: custom_metrics = {} for name in self.job['customMetrics']: script = 'var wptCustomMetric = function() {' +\ self.job['customMetrics'][name] +\ '};try{wptCustomMetric();}catch(e){};' custom_metrics[name] = self.devtools.execute_js(script) path = os.path.join(task['dir'], task['prefix'] + '_metrics.json.gz') with, 'wb', 7) as outfile: outfile.write(json.dumps(custom_metrics)) def process_command(self, command): """Process an individual script command""" logging.debug("Processing script command:") logging.debug(command) if command['command'] == 'navigate': self.task['page_data']['URL'] = command['target'] url = str(command['target']).replace('"', '\"') script = 'window.location="{0}";'.format(url) script = self.prepare_script_for_record(script) self.devtools.start_navigating() self.devtools.execute_js(script) elif command['command'] == 'logdata': self.task['combine_steps'] = False if int('\d+', str(command['target'])).group()): logging.debug("Data logging enabled") self.task['log_data'] = True else: logging.debug("Data logging disabled") self.task['log_data'] = False elif command['command'] == 'combinesteps': self.task['log_data'] = True self.task['combine_steps'] = True elif command['command'] == 'seteventname': self.event_name = command['target'] elif command['command'] == 'exec': script = command['target'] if command['record']: script = self.prepare_script_for_record(script) self.devtools.start_navigating() self.devtools.execute_js(script) elif command['command'] == 'sleep': delay = min( 60, max(0, int('\d+', str(command['target'])).group()))) if delay > 0: time.sleep(delay) elif command['command'] == 'setabm': self.task['stop_at_onload'] = bool('target' in command and \ int('\d+', str(command['target'])).group()) == 0) elif command['command'] == 'setactivitytimeout': if 'target' in command: milliseconds = int('\d+', str(command['target'])).group()) self.task['activity_time'] = max( 0, min(30, float(milliseconds) / 1000.0)) elif command['command'] == 'setuseragent': self.task['user_agent_string'] = command['target'] elif command['command'] == 'setcookie': if 'target' in command and 'value' in command: url = command['target'].strip() cookie = command['value'] pos = cookie.find(';') if pos > 0: cookie = cookie[:pos] pos = cookie.find('=') if pos > 0: name = cookie[:pos].strip() value = cookie[pos + 1:].strip() if len(name) and len(value) and len(url): self.devtools.send_command('Network.setCookie', { 'url': url, 'name': name, 'value': value }) elif command['command'] == 'addheader': self.devtools.set_header(command['target']) elif command['command'] == 'setheader': self.devtools.set_header(command['target']) elif command['command'] == 'resetheaders': self.devtools.reset_headers() elif command['command'] == 'clearcache': self.devtools.clear_cache() def navigate(self, url): """Navigate to the given URL""" if self.devtools is not None: self.devtools.send_command('Page.navigate', {'url': url}, wait=True) def get_requests(self): """Get the request details for running an optimization check""" requests = None if self.devtools is not None: requests = self.devtools.get_requests() return requests def lighthouse_thread(self): """Run lighthouse in a thread so we can kill it if it times out""" cmd = self.lighthouse_command self.task['lighthouse_log'] = cmd + "\n" logging.debug(cmd) proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) for line in iter(proc.stderr.readline, b''): logging.debug(line.rstrip()) self.task['lighthouse_log'] += line proc.communicate() def run_lighthouse_test(self, task): """Run a lighthouse test against the current browser session""" task['lighthouse_log'] = '' if 'url' in self.job and self.job['url'] is not None: self.job['shaper'].configure(self.job) output_path = os.path.join(task['dir'], 'lighthouse.json') json_file = os.path.join(task['dir'], '') json_gzip = os.path.join(task['dir'], 'lighthouse.json.gz') html_file = os.path.join(task['dir'], '') html_gzip = os.path.join(task['dir'], 'lighthouse.html.gz') time_limit = min(int(task['time_limit']), 80) command = [ 'lighthouse', '--disable-network-throttling', '--disable-cpu-throttling', '--enable-error-reporting', '--max-wait-for-load', str(int(time_limit * 1000)), '--port', str(task['port']), '--output', 'html', '--output', 'json', '--output-path', '"{0}"'.format(output_path) ] if self.job['keep_lighthouse_trace']: command.append('--save-assets') if or 'mobile' not in self.job or not self.job[ 'mobile']: command.append('--disable-device-emulation') command.append('"{0}"'.format(self.job['url'])) cmd = ' '.join(command) self.lighthouse_command = cmd # Give lighthouse up to 10 minutes to run all of the audits try: lh_thread = threading.Thread(target=self.lighthouse_thread) lh_thread.start() lh_thread.join(600) except Exception: pass from .os_util import kill_all kill_all('node', True) self.job['shaper'].reset() # Rename and compress the trace file, delete the other assets if self.job['keep_lighthouse_trace']: try: lh_trace_src = os.path.join(task['dir'], 'lighthouse-0.trace.json') if os.path.isfile(lh_trace_src): # read the JSON in and re-write it line by line to match the other traces with open(lh_trace_src, 'rb') as f_in: trace = json.load(f_in) if trace is not None and 'traceEvents' in trace: lighthouse_trace = os.path.join( task['dir'], 'lighthouse_trace.json.gz') with, 'wb', 7) as f_out: f_out.write('{"traceEvents":[{}') for trace_event in trace['traceEvents']: f_out.write(",\n") f_out.write(json.dumps(trace_event)) f_out.write("\n]}") except Exception: pass # Delete all the left-over lighthouse assets files = glob.glob(os.path.join(task['dir'], 'lighthouse-*')) for file_path in files: try: os.remove(file_path) except Exception: pass if os.path.isfile(json_file): # Remove the raw screenshots if they were stored with the file lh_report = None with open(json_file, 'rb') as f_in: lh_report = json.load(f_in) if lh_report is not None and 'audits' in lh_report and \ 'screenshots' in lh_report['audits']: del lh_report['audits']['screenshots'] with, 'wb', 7) as f_out: json.dump(lh_report, f_out) else: with open(json_file, 'rb') as f_in: with, 'wb', 7) as f_out: shutil.copyfileobj(f_in, f_out) try: os.remove(json_file) except Exception: pass # Extract the audit scores if lh_report is not None: audits = {} if 'aggregations' in lh_report: for entry in lh_report['aggregations']: if 'name' in entry and 'total' in entry and \ 'scored' in entry and entry['scored']: name = entry['name'].replace(' ', '') audits[name] = entry['total'] elif 'reportCategories' in lh_report: for category in lh_report['reportCategories']: if 'name' in category and 'score' in category: category_name = category['name'].replace( ' ', '') score = float(category['score']) / 100.0 audits[category_name] = score if category[ 'name'] == 'Performance' and 'audits' in category: for audit in category['audits']: if 'id' in audit and 'group' in audit and \ audit['group'] == 'perf-metric' and \ 'result' in audit and \ 'rawValue' in audit['result']: name = category_name + '.' + \ audit['id'].replace(' ', '') audits[name] = audit['result'][ 'rawValue'] audits_gzip = os.path.join(task['dir'], 'lighthouse_audits.json.gz') with, 'wb', 7) as f_out: json.dump(audits, f_out) if os.path.isfile(html_file): # Remove the raw screenshots if they were stored with the file with open(html_file, 'rb') as f_in: lh_report = start = lh_report.find('\n "screenshots') if start >= 0: end = lh_report.find('\n },', start) if end >= 0: lh_report = lh_report[:start] + lh_report[end + 7:] with, 'wb', 7) as f_out: f_out.write(lh_report) try: os.remove(html_file) except Exception: pass
class DevtoolsBrowser(object): """Devtools Browser base""" CONNECT_TIME_LIMIT = 120 def __init__(self, options, job, use_devtools_video=True): self.options = options self.job = job self.devtools = None self.task = None self.event_name = None self.browser_version = None self.device_pixel_ratio = None self.use_devtools_video = use_devtools_video self.lighthouse_command = None self.devtools_screenshot = True self.support_path = os.path.join( os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)), 'support') self.script_dir = os.path.join( os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)), 'js') def connect(self, task): """Connect to the dev tools interface""" ret = False from internal.devtools import DevTools self.devtools = DevTools(self.options, self.job, task, self.use_devtools_video) if task['running_lighthouse']: ret = self.devtools.wait_for_available(self.CONNECT_TIME_LIMIT) else: if self.devtools.connect(self.CONNECT_TIME_LIMIT): logging.debug("Devtools connected") ret = True else: task['error'] = "Error connecting to dev tools interface" logging.critical(task['error']) self.devtools = None return ret def disconnect(self): """Disconnect from dev tools""" if self.devtools is not None: # Always navigate to about:blank after finishing in case the tab is # remembered across sessions if self.task is not None and self.task['error'] is None: self.devtools.send_command('Page.navigate', {'url': 'about:blank'}, wait=True) self.devtools.close() self.devtools = None def prepare_browser(self, task): """Prepare the running browser (mobile emulation, UA string, etc""" if self.devtools is not None: # Figure out the native viewport size if not size = self.devtools.execute_js( "[window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight]") if size is not None and len(size) == 2: task['actual_viewport'] = { "width": size[0], "height": size[1] } # Get the native device pixel ratio if self.device_pixel_ratio is None: self.device_pixel_ratio = 1.0 try: ratio = self.devtools.execute_js('window.devicePixelRatio') if ratio is not None: self.device_pixel_ratio = max(1.0, float(ratio)) except Exception: pass # Clear the caches if not task['cached']: self.devtools.send_command("Network.clearBrowserCache", {}, wait=True) self.devtools.send_command("Network.clearBrowserCookies", {}, wait=True) # Mobile Emulation if not and \ 'mobile' in self.job and self.job['mobile'] and \ 'width' in self.job and 'height' in self.job and \ 'dpr' in self.job: width = int('\d+', str(self.job['width'])).group()) height = int('\d+', str(self.job['height'])).group()) self.devtools.send_command( "Emulation.setDeviceMetricsOverride", { "width": width, "height": height, "screenWidth": width, "screenHeight": height, "scale": 1, "positionX": 0, "positionY": 0, "deviceScaleFactor": float(self.job['dpr']), "mobile": True, "screenOrientation": { "angle": 0, "type": "portraitPrimary" } }, wait=True) self.devtools.send_command( "Emulation.setTouchEmulationEnabled", { "enabled": True, "configuration": "mobile" }, wait=True) self.devtools.send_command("Emulation.setScrollbarsHidden", {"hidden": True}, wait=True) if (task['running_lighthouse'] or not self.options.throttle ) and 'throttle_cpu' in self.job: logging.debug('CPU Throttle target: %0.3fx', self.job['throttle_cpu']) if self.job['throttle_cpu'] > 1: self.devtools.send_command( "Emulation.setCPUThrottlingRate", {"rate": self.job['throttle_cpu']}, wait=True) # Location if 'lat' in self.job and 'lng' in self.job: try: lat = float(str(self.job['lat'])) lng = float(str(self.job['lng'])) self.devtools.send_command( 'Emulation.setGeolocationOverride', { 'latitude': lat, 'longitude': lng, 'accuracy': 0 }) except Exception: logging.exception('Error overriding location') # UA String ua_string = self.devtools.execute_js("navigator.userAgent") if ua_string is not None: match ='Chrome\/(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)', ua_string) if match: self.browser_version = if 'uastring' in self.job: ua_string = self.job['uastring'] if ua_string is not None and 'AppendUA' in task: ua_string += ' ' + task['AppendUA'] if ua_string is not None: self.job['user_agent_string'] = ua_string # Disable js if self.job['noscript']: self.devtools.send_command( "Emulation.setScriptExecutionDisabled", {"value": True}, wait=True) self.devtools.prepare_browser() def on_start_recording(self, task): """Start recording""" task['page_data'] = {'date': time.time()} task['page_result'] = None task['run_start_time'] = monotonic() if self.browser_version is not None and 'browserVersion' not in task[ 'page_data']: task['page_data']['browserVersion'] = self.browser_version task['page_data']['browser_version'] = self.browser_version if not self.options.throttle and 'throttle_cpu' in self.job: task['page_data']['throttle_cpu_requested'] = self.job[ 'throttle_cpu_requested'] if self.job['throttle_cpu'] > 1: task['page_data']['throttle_cpu'] = self.job['throttle_cpu'] if self.devtools is not None: self.devtools.start_recording() def on_stop_capture(self, task): """Do any quick work to stop things that are capturing data""" if self.devtools is not None: self.devtools.stop_capture() def on_stop_recording(self, task): """Stop recording""" if self.devtools is not None: self.devtools.collect_trace() if self.devtools_screenshot: if self.job['pngScreenShot']: screen_shot = os.path.join(task['dir'], task['prefix'] + '_screen.png') self.devtools.grab_screenshot(screen_shot, png=True) else: screen_shot = os.path.join(task['dir'], task['prefix'] + '_screen.jpg') self.devtools.grab_screenshot(screen_shot, png=False, resize=600) # Collect end of test data from the browser self.collect_browser_metrics(task) # Stop recording dev tools (which also collects the trace) self.devtools.stop_recording() def run_task(self, task): """Run an individual test""" if self.devtools is not None: self.task = task logging.debug("Running test") end_time = monotonic() + task['test_time_limit'] task['current_step'] = 1 recording = False while len(task['script']) and task['error'] is None and \ monotonic() < end_time: self.prepare_task(task) command = task['script'].pop(0) if not recording and command['record']: recording = True self.on_start_recording(task) self.process_command(command) if command['record']: self.devtools.wait_for_page_load() if not task['combine_steps'] or not len(task['script']): self.on_stop_capture(task) self.on_stop_recording(task) recording = False self.on_start_processing(task) self.wait_for_processing(task) self.process_devtools_requests(task) self.step_complete(task) #pylint: disable=no-member if task['log_data']: # Move on to the next step task['current_step'] += 1 self.event_name = None task['navigated'] = True self.task = None def on_start_processing(self, task): """Start any processing of the captured data""" if task['log_data']: # Start the processing that can run in a background thread optimization = OptimizationChecks(self.job, task, self.get_requests()) optimization.start() # Run the video post-processing if self.use_devtools_video and self.job['video']: self.process_video() self.wappalyzer_detect(task, self.devtools.main_request_headers) # wait for the background optimization checks optimization.join() def wait_for_processing(self, task): """Wait for the background processing (if any)""" pass def execute_js(self, script): """Run javascipt""" ret = None if self.devtools is not None: ret = self.devtools.execute_js(script) return ret def prepare_task(self, task): """Format the file prefixes for multi-step testing""" if task['current_step'] == 1: task['prefix'] = task['task_prefix'] task['video_subdirectory'] = task['task_video_prefix'] else: task['prefix'] = '{0}_{1:d}'.format(task['task_prefix'], task['current_step']) task['video_subdirectory'] = '{0}_{1:d}'.format( task['task_video_prefix'], task['current_step']) if task['video_subdirectory'] not in task['video_directories']: task['video_directories'].append(task['video_subdirectory']) if self.event_name is not None: task['step_name'] = self.event_name else: task['step_name'] = 'Step_{0:d}'.format(task['current_step']) def process_video(self): """Post process the video""" from internal.video_processing import VideoProcessing video = VideoProcessing(self.options, self.job, self.task) video.process() def process_devtools_requests(self, task): """Process the devtools log and pull out the requests information""" path_base = os.path.join(self.task['dir'], self.task['prefix']) devtools_file = path_base + '_devtools.json.gz' if os.path.isfile(devtools_file): from import DevToolsParser out_file = path_base + '_devtools_requests.json.gz' options = { 'devtools': devtools_file, 'cached': task['cached'], 'out': out_file } netlog = path_base + '_netlog_requests.json.gz' options['netlog'] = netlog if os.path.isfile(netlog) else None optimization = path_base + '_optimization.json.gz' options['optimization'] = optimization if os.path.isfile( optimization) else None user_timing = path_base + '_user_timing.json.gz' options['user'] = user_timing if os.path.isfile( user_timing) else None coverage = path_base + '_coverage.json.gz' options['coverage'] = coverage if os.path.isfile( coverage) else None cpu = path_base + '_timeline_cpu.json.gz' options['cpu'] = cpu if os.path.isfile(cpu) else None v8stats = path_base + '_v8stats.json.gz' options['v8stats'] = v8stats if os.path.isfile(v8stats) else None parser = DevToolsParser(options) parser.process() # Cleanup intermediate files that are not needed if 'debug' not in self.job or not self.job['debug']: if os.path.isfile(netlog): os.remove(netlog) if os.path.isfile(optimization): os.remove(optimization) if os.path.isfile(coverage): os.remove(coverage) if os.path.isfile(devtools_file): os.remove(devtools_file) if 'page_data' in parser.result and 'result' in parser.result[ 'page_data']: self.task['page_result'] = parser.result['page_data']['result'] def run_js_file(self, file_name): """Execute one of our js scripts""" ret = None script = None script_file_path = os.path.join(self.script_dir, file_name) if os.path.isfile(script_file_path): with, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as script_file: script = if script is not None: ret = self.devtools.execute_js(script) return ret def collect_browser_metrics(self, task): """Collect all of the in-page browser metrics that we need""" user_timing = self.run_js_file('user_timing.js') if user_timing is not None: path = os.path.join(task['dir'], task['prefix'] + '_timed_events.json.gz') with, GZIP_TEXT, 7) as outfile: outfile.write(json.dumps(user_timing)) page_data = self.run_js_file('page_data.js') if page_data is not None: task['page_data'].update(page_data) if 'customMetrics' in self.job: custom_metrics = {} for name in self.job['customMetrics']: script = 'var wptCustomMetric = function() {' +\ self.job['customMetrics'][name] +\ '};try{wptCustomMetric();}catch(e){};' custom_metrics[name] = self.devtools.execute_js(script) path = os.path.join(task['dir'], task['prefix'] + '_metrics.json.gz') with, GZIP_TEXT, 7) as outfile: outfile.write(json.dumps(custom_metrics)) if 'heroElementTimes' in self.job and self.job['heroElementTimes']: hero_elements = None custom_hero_selectors = {} if 'heroElements' in self.job: custom_hero_selectors = self.job['heroElements'] with, 'hero_elements.js'), 'r', encoding='utf-8') as script_file: hero_elements_script = script = hero_elements_script + '(' + json.dumps( custom_hero_selectors) + ')' hero_elements = self.devtools.execute_js(script) if hero_elements is not None: logging.debug('Hero Elements: %s', json.dumps(hero_elements)) path = os.path.join(task['dir'], task['prefix'] + '_hero_elements.json.gz') with, GZIP_TEXT, 7) as outfile: outfile.write(json.dumps(hero_elements)) def process_command(self, command): """Process an individual script command""" logging.debug("Processing script command:") logging.debug(command) if command['command'] == 'navigate': self.task['page_data']['URL'] = command['target'] url = str(command['target']).replace('"', '\"') script = 'window.location="{0}";'.format(url) script = self.prepare_script_for_record(script) #pylint: disable=no-member self.devtools.start_navigating() self.devtools.execute_js(script) elif command['command'] == 'logdata': self.task['combine_steps'] = False if int('\d+', str(command['target'])).group()): logging.debug("Data logging enabled") self.task['log_data'] = True else: logging.debug("Data logging disabled") self.task['log_data'] = False elif command['command'] == 'combinesteps': self.task['log_data'] = True self.task['combine_steps'] = True elif command['command'] == 'seteventname': self.event_name = command['target'] elif command['command'] == 'exec': script = command['target'] if command['record']: script = self.prepare_script_for_record(script) #pylint: disable=no-member self.devtools.start_navigating() self.devtools.execute_js(script) elif command['command'] == 'sleep': delay = min( 60, max(0, int('\d+', str(command['target'])).group()))) if delay > 0: time.sleep(delay) elif command['command'] == 'setabm': self.task['stop_at_onload'] = bool('target' in command and int('\d+', str(command['target'])).group()) == 0) elif command['command'] == 'setactivitytimeout': if 'target' in command: milliseconds = int('\d+', str(command['target'])).group()) self.task['activity_time'] = max( 0, min(30, float(milliseconds) / 1000.0)) elif command['command'] == 'setuseragent': self.task['user_agent_string'] = command['target'] elif command['command'] == 'setcookie': if 'target' in command and 'value' in command: url = command['target'].strip() cookie = command['value'] pos = cookie.find(';') if pos > 0: cookie = cookie[:pos] pos = cookie.find('=') if pos > 0: name = cookie[:pos].strip() value = cookie[pos + 1:].strip() if len(name) and len(value) and len(url): self.devtools.send_command('Network.setCookie', { 'url': url, 'name': name, 'value': value }) elif command['command'] == 'setlocation': try: if 'target' in command and command['target'].find(',') > 0: accuracy = 0 if 'value' in command and re.match(r'\d+', command['value']): accuracy = int('\d+', str(command['value'])).group()) parts = command['target'].split(',') lat = float(parts[0]) lng = float(parts[1]) self.devtools.send_command( 'Emulation.setGeolocationOverride', { 'latitude': lat, 'longitude': lng, 'accuracy': accuracy }) except Exception: logging.exception('Error setting location') elif command['command'] == 'addheader': self.devtools.set_header(command['target']) elif command['command'] == 'setheader': self.devtools.set_header(command['target']) elif command['command'] == 'resetheaders': self.devtools.reset_headers() elif command['command'] == 'clearcache': self.devtools.clear_cache() elif command['command'] == 'disablecache': disable_cache = bool('target' in command and \ int('\d+', str(command['target'])).group()) == 1) self.devtools.disable_cache(disable_cache) def navigate(self, url): """Navigate to the given URL""" if self.devtools is not None: self.devtools.send_command('Page.navigate', {'url': url}, wait=True) def get_requests(self): """Get the request details for running an optimization check""" requests = None if self.devtools is not None: requests = self.devtools.get_requests() return requests def lighthouse_thread(self): """Run lighthouse in a thread so we can kill it if it times out""" cmd = self.lighthouse_command self.task['lighthouse_log'] = cmd + "\n" logging.debug(cmd) proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) for line in iter(proc.stderr.readline, b''): try: line = unicode(line) logging.debug(line.rstrip()) self.task['lighthouse_log'] += line except Exception: logging.exception('Error recording lighthouse log') proc.communicate() def run_lighthouse_test(self, task): """Run a lighthouse test against the current browser session""" task['lighthouse_log'] = '' if 'url' in self.job and self.job['url'] is not None: self.job['shaper'].configure(self.job, task) output_path = os.path.join(task['dir'], 'lighthouse.json') json_file = os.path.join(task['dir'], '') json_gzip = os.path.join(task['dir'], 'lighthouse.json.gz') html_file = os.path.join(task['dir'], '') html_gzip = os.path.join(task['dir'], 'lighthouse.html.gz') time_limit = min(int(task['time_limit']), 80) command = [ 'lighthouse', '"{0}"'.format(self.job['url']), '--channel', 'wpt', '--disable-network-throttling', '--disable-cpu-throttling', '--throttling-method', 'provided', '--enable-error-reporting', '--max-wait-for-load', str(int(time_limit * 1000)), '--port', str(task['port']), '--output', 'html', '--output', 'json', '--output-path', '"{0}"'.format(output_path) ] if self.job['keep_lighthouse_trace']: command.append('--save-assets') if not self.job['keep_lighthouse_screenshots']: command.extend(['--skip-audits', 'screenshot-thumbnails']) if or 'mobile' not in self.job or not self.job[ 'mobile']: command.extend(['--emulated-form-factor', 'none']) if 'user_agent_string' in self.job: sanitized_user_agent = re.sub( r'[^a-zA-Z0-9_\-.;:/()\[\] ]+', '', self.job['user_agent_string']) command.append( '--chrome-flags="--user-agent=\'{0}\'"'.format( sanitized_user_agent)) if len(task['block']): for pattern in task['block']: pattern = "'" + pattern.replace("'", "'\\''") + "'" command.extend(['--blocked-url-patterns', pattern]) if 'headers' in task: headers_file = os.path.join(task['dir'], 'lighthouse-headers.json') with, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f_out: json.dump(task['headers'], f_out) command.extend( ['--extra-headers', '"{0}"'.format(headers_file)]) cmd = ' '.join(command) self.lighthouse_command = cmd # Give lighthouse up to 10 minutes to run all of the audits try: lh_thread = threading.Thread(target=self.lighthouse_thread) lh_thread.start() lh_thread.join(600) except Exception: logging.exception('Error running lighthouse audits') from .os_util import kill_all kill_all('node', True) self.job['shaper'].reset() # Rename and compress the trace file, delete the other assets if self.job['keep_lighthouse_trace']: try: lh_trace_src = os.path.join(task['dir'], 'lighthouse-0.trace.json') if os.path.isfile(lh_trace_src): # read the JSON in and re-write it line by line to match the other traces with, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f_in: trace = json.load(f_in) if trace is not None and 'traceEvents' in trace: lighthouse_trace = os.path.join( task['dir'], 'lighthouse_trace.json.gz') with, GZIP_TEXT, 7) as f_out: f_out.write('{"traceEvents":[{}') for trace_event in trace['traceEvents']: f_out.write(",\n") f_out.write(json.dumps(trace_event)) f_out.write("\n]}") except Exception: logging.exception('Error processing lighthouse trace') # Delete all the left-over lighthouse assets files = glob.glob(os.path.join(task['dir'], 'lighthouse-*')) for file_path in files: try: os.remove(file_path) except Exception: pass if os.path.isfile(json_file): lh_report = None with, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f_in: lh_report = json.load(f_in) with open(json_file, 'rb') as f_in: with, 'wb', 7) as f_out: shutil.copyfileobj(f_in, f_out) try: os.remove(json_file) except Exception: pass # Extract the audit scores if lh_report is not None: audits = {} # v1.x if 'aggregations' in lh_report: for entry in lh_report['aggregations']: if 'name' in entry and 'total' in entry and \ 'scored' in entry and entry['scored']: name = entry['name'].replace(' ', '') audits[name] = entry['total'] # v2.x elif 'reportCategories' in lh_report: for category in lh_report['reportCategories']: if 'name' in category and 'score' in category: category_name = category['name'].replace( ' ', '') score = float(category['score']) / 100.0 audits[category_name] = score if category[ 'name'] == 'Performance' and 'audits' in category: for audit in category['audits']: if 'id' in audit and 'group' in audit and \ audit['group'] == 'perf-metric' and \ 'result' in audit and \ 'rawValue' in audit['result']: name = category_name + '.' + \ audit['id'].replace(' ', '') audits[name] = audit['result'][ 'rawValue'] # v3.x elif 'categories' in lh_report: for categoryId in lh_report['categories']: category = lh_report['categories'][categoryId] if 'title' not in category or 'score' not in category: continue category_title = category['title'].replace(' ', '') audits[category_title] = category['score'] if categoryId != 'performance' or 'auditRefs' not in category: continue for auditRef in category['auditRefs']: if auditRef['id'] not in lh_report['audits']: continue if 'group' not in auditRef or auditRef[ 'group'] != 'metrics': continue audit = lh_report['audits'][auditRef['id']] name = category_title + '.' + audit['id'] if 'rawValue' in audit: audits[name] = audit['rawValue'] elif 'numericValue' in audit: audits[name] = audit['numericValue'] audits_gzip = os.path.join(task['dir'], 'lighthouse_audits.json.gz') with, GZIP_TEXT, 7) as f_out: json.dump(audits, f_out) # Compress the HTML lighthouse report if os.path.isfile(html_file): try: with open(html_file, 'rb') as f_in: with, 'wb', 7) as f_out: shutil.copyfileobj(f_in, f_out) os.remove(html_file) except Exception: logging.exception('Error compressing lighthouse report') def wappalyzer_detect(self, task, request_headers): """Run the wappalyzer detection""" # Run the Wappalyzer detection (give it 30 seconds at most) completed = False if self.devtools is not None: try: logging.debug('wappalyzer_detect') detect_script = self.wappalyzer_script(request_headers) response = self.devtools.send_command("Runtime.evaluate", { 'expression': detect_script, 'awaitPromise': True, 'returnByValue': True, 'timeout': 30000 }, wait=True, timeout=30) if response is not None and 'result' in response and\ 'result' in response['result'] and\ 'value' in response['result']['result']: result = response['result']['result']['value'] if result: completed = True logging.debug(result) detected = json.loads(result) if 'categories' in detected: task['page_data']['detected'] = dict( detected['categories']) if 'apps' in detected: task['page_data']['detected_apps'] = dict( detected['apps']) except Exception as err: logging.exception("Exception running Wappalyzer: %s", err.__str__()) if not completed: task['page_data']['wappalyzer_failed'] = 1 def wappalyzer_script(self, response_headers): """Build the wappalyzer script to run in-browser""" script = None try: with open( os.path.join(self.support_path, 'Wappalyzer', 'script.js')) as f_in: script = if script is not None: wappalyzer = None with open( os.path.join(self.support_path, 'Wappalyzer', 'wappalyzer.js')) as f_in: wappalyzer = if wappalyzer is not None: json_data = None with open( os.path.join(self.support_path, 'Wappalyzer', 'apps.json')) as f_in: json_data = if json is not None: # Format the headers as a dictionary of lists headers = {} if response_headers is not None: if isinstance(response_headers, dict): for key in response_headers: values = [] entry = response_headers[key] if isinstance(entry, list): values = entry elif isinstance(entry, (str, unicode)): entries = entry.split('\n') for value in entries: values.append(value.strip()) if values: headers[key.lower()] = values elif isinstance(response_headers, list): for pair in response_headers: if isinstance(pair, (str, unicode)): parts = pair.split(':', 1) key = parts[0].strip(' :\n\t').lower() value = parts[1].strip(' :\n\t') if key not in headers: headers[key] = [] headers[key].append(value) script = script.replace('%WAPPALYZER%', wappalyzer) script = script.replace('%JSON%', json_data) script = script.replace('%RESPONSE_HEADERS%', json.dumps(headers)) except Exception: logging.exception('Error building wappalyzer script') return script