Exemple #1
    def __call__(self,suntanspath,depthmax=0.0,scalefac=-1.0, interpnodes=True):
        # Initialise the interpolation points
        print 'Loading suntans grid points...'
        self.grd = sunpy.Grid(self.suntanspath)

        if interpnodes:
            print 'Interpolating depths onto nodes and taking min...'
            self.xy = np.column_stack((self.grd.xp,self.grd.yp))

            print 'Interpolating depths straight to cell centres...'
            self.xy = np.column_stack((self.grd.xv,self.grd.yv))

        # Initialise the Interpolation class
        print 'Building interpolant class...'
        self.F = interpXYZ(self.indata.XY,self.xy,method=self.interpmethod,NNear=self.NNear,\

        # Interpolate the data
        print 'Interpolating data...'
        dv = self.F(self.indata.Zin)*scalefac

        if interpnodes:
            self.grd.dv = np.zeros_like(self.grd.xv)
            for nn in range(self.grd.Nc):
                self.grd.dv[nn] = np.max(dv[self.grd.cells[nn,0:self.grd.nfaces[nn] ] ])
                #self.grd.dv[nn] = np.mean(dv[self.grd.cells[nn,0:self.grd.nfaces[nn] ] ])
            self.grd.dv = dv
        # Smooth
        if self.smooth:
        # Cap the maximum depth
        ind = self.grd.dv<=depthmax
        # Write the depths to file
        print 'Writing depths.dat...'
        print 'Data saved to %s.'%suntanspath+'/depths.dat-voro'
        # Plot
        if self.plottype=='mpl':
        elif self.plottype=='vtk2':
        elif self.plottype=='vtk3':
        print 'Finished depth interpolation.'
Exemple #2
 def smoothDepths(self):
     Smooth the data by running an interpolant over the model grid points
     print 'Smoothing the data...'
     Fsmooth =interpXYZ(self.xy,self.xy,method=self.smoothmethod,NNear=self.smoothnear,vrange=self.vrange)
     self.grd.dv = Fsmooth(self.grd.dv)
Exemple #3
    def interp(self):
        interp the data to SUNTANS 16 wind stations

        xw = np.zeros_like(self.lat)
        yw = np.zeros_like(self.lon)

        if self.lon.ndim == 2:
            for i in range(self.lon.shape[0]):
                for j in range(self.lon.shape[1]):
                        j], yw[i,
                               j]) = utm.from_latlon(self.lat[i, j],
                                                     self.lon[i, j])[0:2]
            for i in range(self.lon.shape[0]):
                (xw[i], yw[i]) = utm.from_latlon(self.lat[i], self.lon[i])[0:2]

        xy_narr = np.vstack((xw.ravel(), yw.ravel())).T
        xy_sun = np.vstack((self.xsun.ravel(), self.ysun.ravel())).T

        F = interpXYZ(xy_narr, xy_sun, method='idw')

        Nt = len(self.t[:])
        self.air_u_new = np.zeros([Nt, self.xsun.shape[0]])
        self.air_v_new = np.zeros([Nt, self.xsun.shape[0]])
        self.tair_new = np.zeros([Nt, self.xsun.shape[0]])
        self.cloud_new = np.zeros([Nt, self.xsun.shape[0]])
        self.rh_new = np.zeros([Nt, self.xsun.shape[0]])
        self.pair_new = np.zeros([Nt, self.xsun.shape[0]])
        self.rain_new = np.zeros([Nt, self.xsun.shape[0]])

        for tstep in range(Nt):
            utem = F(self.air_u[tstep, :].ravel())
            vtem = F(self.air_v[tstep, :].ravel())
            tair_tem = F(self.tair[tstep, :].ravel())
            cloud_tem = F(self.cloud[tstep, :].ravel())
            rh_tem = F(self.rh[tstep, :].ravel())
            pair_tem = F(self.pair[tstep, :].ravel())
            rain_tem = F(self.rain[tstep, :].ravel())
            self.air_u_new[tstep, :] = utem
            self.air_v_new[tstep, :] = vtem
            self.tair_new[tstep, :] = tair_tem
            self.cloud_new[tstep, :] = cloud_tem
            self.rh_new[tstep, :] = rh_tem
            self.pair_new[tstep, :] = pair_tem
            self.rain_new[tstep, :] = rain_tem

        self.cloud_new[self.cloud_new > 1] = 1.0
Exemple #4
    def writeGNOME(self, outfile):
        Save the data to the file that GNOME can read

        ## Step One: intepolate wind to a regular grid
        Num = 20
        lon = np.linspace(self.bbox[0], self.bbox[1], Num)
        lat = np.linspace(self.bbox[2], self.bbox[3], Num)

        lon_new, lat_new = np.meshgrid(lon, lat)

        x = np.zeros_like(lat_new)
        y = np.zeros_like(lon_new)
        for i in range(Num):
            for j in range(Num):
                (x[i, j], y[i, j]) = utm.from_latlon(lat_new[i, j],
                                                     lon_new[i, j])[0:2]

        xncep = np.zeros_like(self.lat)
        yncep = np.zeros_like(self.lon)
        for i in range(len(self.lat)):
            (xncep[i], yncep[i]) = utm.from_latlon(self.lat[i],

        xy = np.vstack((x.ravel(), y.ravel())).T
        xy_ncep = np.vstack((xncep.ravel(), yncep.ravel())).T

        F = interpXYZ(xy_ncep, xy, method='idw')

        Nt = len(self.timei)
        air_u_new = np.zeros([Nt, Num, Num])
        air_v_new = np.zeros([Nt, Num, Num])

        for tstep in range(Nt):
            utem = F(self.air_u[tstep, :].ravel())
            vtem = F(self.air_v[tstep, :].ravel())
            air_u_new[tstep, :, :] = utem.reshape(Num, Num)
            air_v_new[tstep, :, :] = vtem.reshape(Num, Num)

        ## Step Two: write the data to GNOME file
        GNOME_wind(outfile, self.timei, lat_new, lon_new, air_u_new, air_v_new)
    def interp_h(self, new_lon, new_lat):
        funtion that interpolates the water depth onto the new rectilinear grid
        Input: lon, lat of the new grid
        Output: interpolated h
        new_SW=(new_lat.min(), new_lon.min())  ###(lat, lon)
        new_NE=(new_lat.max(), new_lon.max()) 
        xnew, ynew = self.convert_utm(new_lon, new_lat)
        xy_new = np.vstack((xnew.ravel(),ynew.ravel())).T  ## new grid

        lon_rho = self.data_roms['lon_rho'][1:-2,1:-2]
        lat_rho = self.data_roms['lat_rho'][1:-2,1:-2]
        mask_rho = self.data_roms['mask'][1:-2,1:-2]
        h = self.data_roms['h'][1:-2,1:-2]
        ind = self.findNearset(new_SW[1], new_SW[0], lon_rho, lat_rho)
        ind = self.findNearset(new_NE[1], new_NE[0], lon_rho, lat_rho)
        x_rho, y_rho = self.convert_utm(lon_rho, lat_rho)  #### convert to utm for interpolation
        y_rho_ss = y_rho[J0:J1,I0:I1]  ##subset x,y
        x_rho_ss = x_rho[J0:J1,I0:I1]
        mask_rho_ss = mask_rho[J0:J1,I0:I1]
        h_ss = h[J0:J1,I0:I1]
        xy_rho = np.vstack((x_rho_ss[mask_rho_ss==1],y_rho_ss[mask_rho_ss==1])).T        
        Fh = interpXYZ(xy_rho, xy_new)
        hout = np.zeros((xnew.shape[0], xnew.shape[1]))       
        print "interpolating ROMS depth h onto the new rectilinear grid!!! \n"
        #### Loop through time to do the interpolation ####
        htem = Fh(h_ss[:,:][mask_rho_ss==1].flatten()) 
        hout[:,:] = htem.reshape(xnew.shape[0], xnew.shape[1])
        return hout
Exemple #6
def extract_HC(modfile,lon,lat,z=None,conlist=None):
    Extract harmonic constituents from OTIS binary output and interpolate onto points in lon,lat
    set "z" to specifiy depth for transport to velocity conversion
    set "constituents" in conlist
        u_re, u_im, v_re, v_im, h_re, h_im, omega, conlist
    # Make sure the longitude is between 0 and 360
    lon = np.mod(lon,360.0)
    # Read the filenames from the model file
    pathfile = os.path.split(modfile)
    path = pathfile[0]
    f = open(modfile,'r')
    hfile = path+'/' + f.readline().strip()
    uvfile = path+'/' + f.readline().strip()
    grdfile = path+'/' + f.readline().strip()
    # Read the grid file 
    X,Y,depth, mask = read_OTPS_grd(grdfile)
    #X[X>180.0] = 180.0 - X[X>180.0]
    mask = mask == 1
    # Create an interpolation object
    sz = lon.shape
    lon = lon.ravel()
    lat = lat.ravel()
    nx = lon.size
    F= interpXYZ(np.vstack((X[mask],Y[mask])).T,np.vstack((lon,lat)).T,method='idw',NNear=3,p=1.0)
    # Interpolate the model depths onto the points if z is none
    if z == None:
        z = F(depth[mask])
        z = np.abs(z) # make sure they are positive
    # Check that the constituents are in the file
    conOTIS = get_OTPS_constits(hfile)
    if conlist == None:
        conlist = conOTIS
    for vv in conlist:
        if not vv in conOTIS:
            print 'Warning: constituent name: %s not present in OTIS file.'%vv
    # Now go through and read the data for each 
    # Initialse the arrays
    ncon = len(conlist)
    u_re = np.zeros((ncon,nx))
    u_im = np.zeros((ncon,nx))
    v_re = np.zeros((ncon,nx))
    v_im = np.zeros((ncon,nx))
    h_re = np.zeros((ncon,nx))
    h_im = np.zeros((ncon,nx))
    omega = np.zeros((ncon,))
    for ii, vv in enumerate(conlist):
        idx = otis_constits[vv]['index']
        omega[ii] = otis_constits[vv]['omega']
        print 'Interpolating consituent: %s...'%vv
        # Read and interpolate h
        X ,Y, tmp_h_re, tmp_h_im = read_OTPS_h(hfile,idx)
        h_re[ii,:] = F(tmp_h_re[mask])
        h_im[ii,:] = F(tmp_h_im[mask])
        # Read and interpolate u and v - Note the conversion from transport to velocity
        X ,Y, tmp_u_re, tmp_u_im, tmp_v_re, tmp_v_im = read_OTPS_UV(uvfile,idx)
        u_re[ii,:] = F(tmp_u_re[mask]) / z
        u_im[ii,:] = F(tmp_u_im[mask]) / z
        v_re[ii,:] = F(tmp_v_re[mask]) / z
        v_im[ii,:] = F(tmp_v_im[mask]) / z
    # Return the arrays in their original shape
    szout = (ncon,) + sz
    return u_re.reshape(szout), u_im.reshape(szout), v_re.reshape(szout), \
        v_im.reshape(szout), h_re.reshape(szout), h_im.reshape(szout), omega, conlist
    def avg_stress(self, tau_x, tau_y):
        funtion that does the average and interpolation of the stress
        vor_sun = vor_suntans(self.start, self.end) 
        xv = vor_sun.xv
        yv = vor_sun.yv  
        Nt = vor_sun.Nt
        lon = self.data_roms['lon_psi'] 
        lat = self.data_roms['lat_psi'] 
        mask = self.data_roms['mask_psi']
        #### Step 1) Prepare x, y coordinate to do the interpolation ####
        xroms = np.zeros_like(lon)
        yroms = np.zeros_like(lat)
        (y,x) = lon.shape
        for i in range(y):
            for j in range(x):
        #### Step 2) subset ROMS grid for interpolation ####
        SW=utm.to_latlon(xv.min(),yv.min(),15,'R')  ###(lat, lon)
        ind = self.findNearset(SW[1], SW[0], lon, lat)
        J0=ind[0][0] - 15
        I0=ind[0][1] + 5
        ind = self.findNearset(NE[1], NE[0], lon, lat)
        J1=ind[0][0] + 5
        I1=ind[0][1] - 6
        yss = yroms[J0:J1,I0:I1]  ##subset x,y
        xss = xroms[J0:J1,I0:I1]
        maskss = mask[J0:J1,I0:I1]
        #### Step 3) Prepare the grid variables for the interpolation class ####
        xy_sun = np.vstack((yv.ravel(),xv.ravel())).T   ## SUNTANS grid, xi: latitude, yi: longitude
        xy_new = np.vstack((xss[maskss==1],yss[maskss==1])).T   ## subset ROMS grid
        Fs = interpXYZ(xy_sun,xy_new, method='idw')        

        (Y, X) = xss.shape
        #### Initialize the output array @ subset roms grid ####
        tau_out_x = np.zeros((Nt, Y, X))
        tau_out_y = np.zeros((Nt, Y, X))
        #### Step 4) Loop througth time to do the interpolation ####            
        for tstep in range(Nt):
            tau_tem_x = Fs(tau_x[tstep,:])
            tau_tem_y = Fs(tau_y[tstep,:])
            tau_out_x[tstep, maskss==1] = tau_tem_x
            tau_out_y[tstep, maskss==1] = tau_tem_y
        #### Step 5) do the 2D spatial average for stress ####
        lonss = lon[J0:J1,I0:I1] ## subset lon, lat
        latss = lat[J0:J1,I0:I1]
        tau_avg_x, lon_avg, lat_avg = vor_sun.average(tau_out_x, lonss, latss, maskss)
        tau_avg_y, lon_avg, lat_avg = vor_sun.average(tau_out_y, lonss, latss, maskss)
        #### Step 6) interpolate the averaged value to the original roms grid ####
        x_avg, y_avg = self.convert_utm(lon_avg, lat_avg)
        xy_avg = np.vstack((x_avg.flatten(), y_avg.flatten())).T
        Favg = interpXYZ(xy_avg, xy_new,  method='idw')
        tau_avg_x2 = np.zeros((Nt, Y, X))
        tau_avg_y2 = np.zeros((Nt, Y, X))
        for tstep in range(Nt):
            tau_tem_x2 = Favg(tau_avg_x[tstep,:,:].flatten())
            tau_tem_y2 = Favg(tau_avg_y[tstep,:,:].flatten())
            tau_avg_x2[tstep,:,:][maskss==1] = tau_tem_x2
            tau_avg_y2[tstep,:,:][maskss==1] = tau_tem_y2
        maskss = vor_sun.obc_mask(lonss, latss, maskss)
        tau_avg_x2[:,maskss==0] = 0.
        tau_avg_y2[:,maskss==0] = 0.
        #### Step 7) interpolate the averaged value from ROMS grid to the new rectilinear grid ####
        new_lon, new_lat, dx, dy = self.rectilinear(self.nx,self.ny)
        new_SW=(new_lat.min(), new_lon.min())  ###(lat, lon)
        new_NE=(new_lat.max(), new_lon.max())        

        ind = self.findNearset(new_SW[1], new_SW[0], lonss, latss)
        ind = self.findNearset(new_NE[1], new_NE[0], lonss, latss)

        new_yss = yss[J0:J1,I0:I1]  ##subset x,y from the subsetted ROMS grid to new grid
        new_xss = xss[J0:J1,I0:I1]          
        new_maskss = maskss[J0:J1,I0:I1]
        tau_x_ss = tau_avg_x2[:,J0:J1,I0:I1]
        tau_y_ss = tau_avg_y2[:,J0:J1,I0:I1]
        xy_roms_ss = np.vstack((new_xss[new_maskss==1],new_yss[new_maskss==1])).T
        xnew, ynew = self.convert_utm(new_lon, new_lat)
        xy_new = np.vstack((xnew.ravel(),ynew.ravel())).T
        Fnew = interpXYZ(xy_roms_ss, xy_new)
        tau_x_new = np.zeros((Nt, xnew.shape[0], xnew.shape[1]))
        tau_y_new = np.zeros((Nt, xnew.shape[0], xnew.shape[1]))
        print "interpolating averaged stress onto the new rectilinear grid!!! \n"
        #### Loop through time to do the interpolation ####
        for tstep in range(Nt):
            tau_tem_x3 = Fnew(tau_x_ss[tstep,:,:][new_maskss==1].flatten()) 
            tau_tem_y3 = Fnew(tau_y_ss[tstep,:,:][new_maskss==1].flatten())
            tau_x_new[tstep,:,:] = tau_tem_x3.reshape(xnew.shape[0],xnew.shape[1])
            tau_y_new[tstep,:,:] = tau_tem_y3.reshape(xnew.shape[0],xnew.shape[1])
#        ######################################################################
#        #### These are just for testing if the interpolation is correct   ####
#        #### commented if not using                                       #### 
#        west=-95.42; east=-93.94
#        south=28.39;  north=29.90               
#        fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,8))
#        basemap = Basemap(projection='merc',llcrnrlat=south,urcrnrlat=north,\
#                    llcrnrlon=west,urcrnrlon=east, resolution='h')
#        basemap.drawcoastlines()
#        basemap.fillcontinents(color='coral',lake_color='aqua')
#        basemap.drawcountries()
#        basemap.drawstates()  
#        llons, llats=basemap(lonss,latss)   
#        con = basemap.pcolormesh(llons,llats,tau_avg_x2[-1,:,:])
#        #con.set_clim(vmin=-0.08, vmax=0.03)
#        cbar = plt.colorbar(con, orientation='vertical')
#        cbar.set_label("stress")
#        plt.show() 
#        ######################################################################

        hout = self.interp_h(new_lon, new_lat)

        return tau_x_new, tau_y_new, hout
    def vorticity_filtered(self, new_lon, new_lat):
        This function calls the vorticity class that calculates the filtered vorticity
        interpolate the filtered vorticity into the original ROMS grid
        interpolate the filtered vorticity into the new rectilinear grid
        Input: new grid
        Output: interpolated filtered vorticity
        #### Step 1) call vorticity class ####        
        vor = vor_filter(self.start, self.end)
        w_filter, lon_avg, lat_avg, mask_avg = vor.vorticity_filter()  ##Note: the mask_avg is not the same shape as other variables

        #### Step 2) interpolate the filtered vorticity into the original ROMS grid ####
        time = self.data_roms['time']
        ## Note the lon, lat and mask should be the subsetted variables
        vor_sun = vor_suntans(self.start, self.end) 
        w_sun, lonss, latss, maskss =  vor.vorticity_sun()
        #lon = self.data_roms['lon_rho'][1:-2,1:-2]
        #lat = self.data_roms['lat_rho'][1:-2,1:-2]
        #mask = self.data_roms['mask'][1:-2,1:-2]     
        xroms, yroms = self.convert_utm(lonss, latss)
        xy_roms = np.vstack((xroms[maskss==1], yroms[maskss==1])).T
        x_avg, y_avg = self.convert_utm(lon_avg, lat_avg)
        xy_avg = np.vstack((x_avg.flatten(), y_avg.flatten())).T
        Favg = interpXYZ(xy_avg, xy_roms,  method='idw')
        w_out = np.zeros((len(time), lonss.shape[0], lonss.shape[1]))        
        for tstep in range(len(time)):
            w_tem = Favg(w_filter[tstep,:,:].flatten())
            w_out[tstep,:,:][maskss==1] = w_tem  
        w_out[np.isnan(w_out)] = 0.   ## some nan value comes from interpolation
        #### mask the unuseful part of vorticity ####            
        maskss = vor_sun.obc_mask(lonss, latss, maskss)
        w_out[:,maskss==0] = 0.
        #### Step 3) interpolate the filtered vorticity into the new rectilinear grid ####
        SW=(new_lat.min(), new_lon.min())  ###(lat, lon)
        NE=(new_lat.max(), new_lon.max())
        ind = self.findNearset(SW[1], SW[0], lonss, latss)
        ind = self.findNearset(NE[1], NE[0], lonss, latss)
        yss = yroms[J0:J1,I0:I1]  ##subset x,y
        xss = xroms[J0:J1,I0:I1]
        maskss = maskss[J0:J1,I0:I1]
        wss = w_out[:,J0:J1,I0:I1]
        xy_roms = np.vstack((xss[maskss==1],yss[maskss==1])).T        
        xnew, ynew = self.convert_utm(new_lon, new_lat)
        xy_new = np.vstack((xnew.ravel(),ynew.ravel())).T
        Fw = interpXYZ(xy_roms, xy_new)
        X, Y = xnew.shape
        wnew = np.zeros((len(time), X, Y))
        print "interpolating filtered vorticity onto the new rectilinear grid!!! \n"
        #### Loop through time to do the interpolation ####
        for tstep in range(len(time)):
            wtem = Fw(wss[tstep,:,:][maskss==1].flatten()) 
            wnew[tstep,:,:] = wtem.reshape(X,Y)

        return wnew
    def interp_roms_uv(self, new_lon, new_lat):
        function that interpolate the ROMS velocity
        Input: new grid
        Output: interpolated velocity field
        #### subset ROMS grid for interpolation ####
        #### Step 1) Prepare x, y coordinate and velocity to do the interpolation ####
        time = self.data_roms['time']
        lon = self.data_roms['lon_rho'][1:-2,1:-2]
        lat = self.data_roms['lat_rho'][1:-2,1:-2]
        mask = self.data_roms['mask'][1:-2,1:-2]
        u = self.data_roms['u']
        v = self.data_roms['v']
        ang = self.data_roms['angle'][1:-2,1:-2]
        Nk = u.shape[1]

        # average u,v to central rho points           
        uroms = np.zeros((len(time), Nk, mask.shape[0], mask.shape[1]))
        vroms = np.zeros((len(time), Nk, mask.shape[0], mask.shape[1]))
        for t in range(len(time)):
            for k in range(Nk):
                uroms[t,k,:,:] = self.shrink(u[t,k,:,:], mask.shape)
                vroms[t,k,:,:] = self.shrink(v[t,k,:,:], mask.shape)
        #### adjust velocity direction ####        
        uroms, vroms = self.rot2d(uroms, vroms, ang)
        #### Step 2) subset ROMS grid for interpolation ####               
        SW=(new_lat.min(), new_lon.min())  ###(lat, lon)
        NE=(new_lat.max(), new_lon.max())
        ind = self.findNearset(SW[1], SW[0], lon, lat)
        ind = self.findNearset(NE[1], NE[0], lon, lat)
        xroms, yroms = self.convert_utm(lon, lat)  #### convert to utm for interpolation
        yss = yroms[J0:J1,I0:I1]  ##subset x,y
        xss = xroms[J0:J1,I0:I1]
        maskss = mask[J0:J1,I0:I1]
        u = uroms[:,:,J0:J1,I0:I1]
        v = vroms[:,:,J0:J1,I0:I1]
        #### Step 3) Prepare the grid variables for the interpolation class ####
        xy_roms = np.vstack((xss[maskss==1],yss[maskss==1])).T        

        xnew, ynew = self.convert_utm(new_lon, new_lat)
        xy_new = np.vstack((xnew.ravel(),ynew.ravel())).T
        Fuv = interpXYZ(xy_roms, xy_new)
        X, Y = xnew.shape
        uout = np.zeros((len(time),Nk, X, Y))
        vout = np.zeros((len(time),Nk, X, Y))
        print "interpolating ROMS U, V velocity onto the new rectilinear grid!!! \n"
        #### Loop through time to do the interpolation ####
        for tstep in range(len(time)):
            for k in range(Nk):
                utem = Fuv(u[tstep,k,:,:][maskss==1].flatten()) 
                vtem = Fuv(v[tstep,k,:,:][maskss==1].flatten())
                uout[tstep,k,:,:] = utem.reshape(X,Y)
                vout[tstep,k,:,:] = vtem.reshape(X,Y)
        return uout[:,:,:,:], vout[:,:,:,:]