Exemple #1
 def test_load_tag_code_from_name(self):
     """Tests function bibcatalog_utils.load_tag_code_from_name"""
     if 'record ID' in get_all_name_tag_mappings():
         self.assertEqual(load_tag_code_from_name("record ID"), "001")
     # Name "foo" should not exist and raise an exception
     self.assertRaises(BibCatalogTagNotFound, load_tag_code_from_name,
def generate_ticket(ticket, record):
    Generates a ticket to be created, filling subject, body and queue values
    of the passed BibCatalogTicket object. The enriched object is returned.

    @param ticket: a ticket object as created by BibCatalogTicket() containing
                   the subject, body and queue to create a ticket in.
    @type ticket: record object of BibCatalogTicket.

    @param record: a recstruct object as created by bibrecord.create_record()
    @type record: record object of BibRecord.

    @return: the modified ticket object to create.
    @rtype: BibCatalogTicket
    title_code = load_tag_code_from_name("title")
    abstract_code = load_tag_code_from_name("abstract")

        date_code = load_tag_code_from_name("date")
    except BibCatalogTagNotFound:
        date_code = load_tag_code_from_name("year")

    category_code = load_tag_code_from_name("subject")

        notes_code = load_tag_code_from_name("note")
    except BibCatalogTagNotFound:
        notes_code = load_tag_code_from_name("comment")

    first_author_code = load_tag_code_from_name("first author name")
    additional_author_code = load_tag_code_from_name("additional author name")

        external_id_code = load_tag_code_from_name("ext system ID")
    except BibCatalogTagNotFound:
        external_id_code = load_tag_code_from_name("primary report number")

    # List of extra info to print in the ticket.
    extra_info = []
    recid = record_id_from_record(record)

    arxiv_id = _get_minimal_arxiv_id(record, external_id_code)
    if arxiv_id:
        # We have an arxiv id - we can add special info:
        extra_info.append("ABSTRACT: http://arxiv.org/abs/%s" % (arxiv_id,))
        extra_info.append("PDF: http://arxiv.org/pdf/%s" % (arxiv_id,))

        categories = record_get_value_with_provenence(record=record,
        comments = record_get_value_with_provenence(record=record,
        external_ids = arxiv_id
        subject = "ARXIV:" + arxiv_id
        # Not an arxiv record - Lets get generic info
        categories = record_get_value_with_provenence(record=record,
        comments = record_get_field_values(rec=record,
        external_id_list = record_get_field_values(rec=record,
        external_ids = ", ".join(external_id_list)
        subject = "Record #%s %s" % (recid, external_ids)

    authors = record_get_field_values(record, **split_tag_code(first_author_code)) + \
              record_get_field_values(record, **split_tag_code(additional_author_code))

    text = """

External IDs: %(external_ids)s

Title: %(title)s

Authors: %(authors)s

Categories: %(categories)s

Comments: %(comments)s



Edit the record now: %(editurl)s

""" \
    % {
        'external_ids': external_ids,
        'submitdate': record_get_field_value(record, **split_tag_code(date_code)),
        'extra_info': "\n".join(extra_info),
        'title': record_get_field_value(record, **split_tag_code(title_code)),
        'comments': "; ".join(comments),
        'categories': " ".join(categories),
        'authors': " / ".join(authors[:10]),
        'abstract': record_get_field_value(record, **split_tag_code(abstract_code)),
        'editurl': "%s/record/edit/%s" % (CFG_SITE_URL, recid),
    # To avoid errors with string formatting later, we are escaping %'s
    ticket.subject = subject
    ticket.body = text.replace('%', '%%')
    ticket.queue = "Test"
    return ticket
 def test_load_tag_code_from_name(self):
     """Tests function bibcatalog_utils.load_tag_code_from_name"""
     if 'record ID' in get_all_name_tag_mappings():
         self.assertEqual(load_tag_code_from_name("record ID"), "001")
     # Name "foo" should not exist and raise an exception
     self.assertRaises(BibCatalogTagNotFound, load_tag_code_from_name, "foo")