def format_element(bfo, style, separator='; ', show_icons='no', focus_on_main_file='yes', show_subformat_icons='no'):
    This is the format for formatting fulltext links in the mini panel.
    @param separator: the separator between urls.
    @param style: CSS class of the link
    @param show_icons: if 'yes', print icons for fulltexts
    @param focus_on_main_file: if 'yes' and a doctype 'Main' is found,
    prominently display this doctype. In that case other doctypes are
    summarized with a link to the Files tab, named"Additional files".
    @param show_subformat_icons: shall we display subformats considered as icons?
    _ = gettext_set_language(bfo.lang)
    out = ''

    # Retrieve files
    (parsed_urls, old_versions, additionals) = \
                  get_files(bfo, distinguish_main_and_additional_files=focus_on_main_file.lower() == 'yes',
                            include_subformat_icons=show_subformat_icons == 'yes')

    main_urls = parsed_urls['main_urls']
    others_urls = parsed_urls['others_urls']
    if parsed_urls.has_key('cern_urls'):
        cern_urls = parsed_urls['cern_urls']

    # Prepare style
    if style != "":
        style = 'class="'+style+'"'

    # Build urls list.
    # Escape special chars for <a> tag value.

    additional_str = ''
    if additionals:
        additional_str = separator + '<small>(<a '+style+' href="'+CFG_BASE_URL+'/'+ CFG_SITE_RECORD +'/'+str(bfo.recID)+'/files/">%s</a>)</small>' % _("additional files")

    versions_str = ''
    #if old_versions:
        #versions_str = separator + '<small>(<a '+style+' href="'+CFG_SITE_URL+'/CFG_SITE_RECORD/'+str(bfo.recID)+'/files/">%s</a>)</small>' % _("older versions")

    if main_urls:
        # Put a big file icon if only one file
        if len(main_urls.keys()) == 1 and len(main_urls.items()[0][1]) == 1 and \
               (not CFG_CERN_SITE or len(cern_urls) == 0) and len(others_urls) == 0 and \
               show_icons.lower() == 'yes':
            file_icon = '<img style="border:none" src="%s/img/file-icon-text-34x48.gif" alt="%s" /><br />' % (CFG_BASE_URL, _("Download fulltext"))

        elif show_icons.lower() == 'yes':
            file_icon = '<img style="border:none" src="%s/img/file-icon-text-12x16.gif" alt="%s"/>' % (CFG_BASE_URL, _("Download fulltext"))
            file_icon = ''

        main_urls_keys = sort_alphanumerically(main_urls.keys())
        for descr in main_urls_keys:
            urls = main_urls[descr]
            out += '<div><small class="detailedRecordActions">%s:</small> ' % descr
            urls_dict = {}
            for url, name, url_format in urls:
                if name not in urls_dict:
                    urls_dict[name] = [(url, url_format)]
                    urls_dict[name].append((url, url_format))
            for name, urls_and_format in urls_dict.items():
                if len(urls_dict) > 1:
                    print_name = "<em>%s</em> - " % name
                    url_list = [print_name]
                    url_list = []
                for url, url_format in urls_and_format:
                    if CFG_CERN_SITE and url_format == 'ps.gz' and len(urls_and_format) > 1:
                        ## We skip old PS.GZ files
                    url_list.append('<a %(style)s href="%(url)s">%(file_icon)s%(url_format)s</a>' % {
                        'style': style,
                        'url': get_relative_url(escape(url, True)),
                        'file_icon': file_icon,
                        'url_format': escape(url_format.upper())
                out += separator + " ".join(url_list)
            out += additional_str + versions_str + separator + "</div>"

    if CFG_CERN_SITE and cern_urls:
        # Put a big file icon if only one file
        if len(main_urls.keys()) == 0 and \
               len(cern_urls) == 1 and len(others_urls) == 0 and \
               show_icons.lower() == 'yes':
            file_icon = '<img style="border:none" src="%s/img/file-icon-text-34x48.gif" alt="%s" /><br />' % (CFG_BASE_URL, _("Download fulltext"))

        elif show_icons.lower() == 'yes':
            file_icon = '<img style="border:none" src="%s/img/file-icon-text-12x16.gif" alt="%s"/>' % (CFG_BASE_URL, _("Download fulltext"))
            file_icon = ''

        link_word = len(cern_urls) == 1 and _('%(x_sitename)s link') or _('%(x_sitename)s links')
        out += '<small class="detailedRecordActions">%s:</small><br />' % (link_word % {'x_sitename': 'CERN'})
        url_list = []
        for url, descr in cern_urls:
            url_list.append('<a '+style+' href="'+escape(url)+'">'+file_icon+escape(str(descr))+'</a>')
        out += '<small>' + separator.join(url_list) + '</small>'
        out += "<br/>"

    if others_urls:
        # Put a big file icon if only one file
        if len(main_urls.keys()) == 0 and \
               (not CFG_CERN_SITE or len(cern_urls) == 0) and len(others_urls) == 1 and \
               show_icons.lower() == 'yes':
            file_icon = '<img style="border:none" src="%s/img/file-icon-text-34x48.gif" alt="%s" /><br />' % (CFG_BASE_URL, _("Download fulltext"))
        elif show_icons.lower() == 'yes':
            file_icon = '<img style="border:none" src="%s/img/file-icon-text-12x16.gif" alt="%s"/>' % (CFG_BASE_URL, _("Download fulltext"))
            file_icon = ''
        external_link = len(others_urls) == 1 and _('external link') or _('external links')
        out += '<small class="detailedRecordActions">%s:</small>%s' % (external_link.capitalize(), separator)
        url_list = []
        for url, descr in others_urls:
            # we don't need to show the plot links here, and all are pngs.
            if url.find('.png') > -1:
            url_list.append('<a '+style+' href="'+escape(url)+'">'+file_icon+escape(str(descr))+'</a>')
        out += '<small>' + separator.join(url_list) + '</small>'
    if out.endswith('<br />'):
        out = out[:-len('<br />')]

    return out
def format_element(bfo, style, separator="; ", show_icons="no", focus_on_main_file="yes"):
    This is the format for formatting fulltext links in the mini panel.
    @param separator: the separator between urls.
    @param style: CSS class of the link
    @param show_icons: if 'yes', print icons for fulltexts
    @param focus_on_main_file: if 'yes' and a doctype 'Main' is found,
    prominently display this doctype. In that case other doctypes are
    summarized with a link to the Files tab, named"Additional files".
    _ = gettext_set_language(bfo.lang)
    out = ""

    # Retrieve files
    (parsed_urls, old_versions, additionals) = get_files(
        bfo, distinguish_main_and_additional_files=focus_on_main_file.lower() == "yes"

    main_urls = parsed_urls["main_urls"]
    others_urls = parsed_urls["others_urls"]
    if parsed_urls.has_key("cern_urls"):
        cern_urls = parsed_urls["cern_urls"]

    # Prepare style
    if style != "":
        style = 'class="' + style + '"'

    # Build urls list.
    # Escape special chars for <a> tag value.

    additional_str = ""
    if additionals:
        additional_str = (
            + "<small>(<a "
            + style
            + ' href="'
            + CFG_SITE_URL
            + "/record/"
            + str(bfo.recID)
            + '/files/">%s</a>)</small>' % _("additional files")

    versions_str = ""
    # if old_versions:
    # versions_str = separator + '<small>(<a '+style+' href="'+CFG_SITE_URL+'/record/'+str(bfo.recID)+'/files/">%s</a>)</small>' % _("older versions")

    if main_urls:
        # Put a big file icon if only one file
        if (
            len(main_urls.keys()) == 1
            and len(main_urls.items()[0][1]) == 1
            and (not CFG_CERN_SITE or len(cern_urls) == 0)
            and len(others_urls) == 0
            and show_icons.lower() == "yes"
            file_icon = '<img style="border:none" src="%s/img/file-icon-text-34x48.gif" alt="%s" /><br />' % (
                _("Download fulltext"),

        elif show_icons.lower() == "yes":
            file_icon = '<img style="border:none" src="%s/img/file-icon-text-12x16.gif" alt="%s"/>' % (
                _("Download fulltext"),
            file_icon = ""

        last_name = ""
        main_urls_keys = sort_alphanumerically(main_urls.keys())
        for descr in main_urls_keys:
            urls = main_urls[descr]
            out += '<div><small class="detailedRecordActions">%s:</small> ' % descr
            url_list = []
            ## FIXME: This is so ugly!
            urls_dict = {}
            for url, name, format in urls:
                urls_dict[url] = (name, format)
            urls_dict_keys = sort_alphanumerically(urls_dict.keys())
            for url in urls_dict_keys:
                name, format = urls_dict[url]
                if not name == last_name and len(main_urls) > 1:
                    print_name = "<em>%s</em> - " % name
                    print_name = ""
                last_name = name
                    print_name + "<a " + style + ' href="' + escape(url) + '">' + file_icon + format.upper() + "</a>"
            out += separator + separator.join(url_list) + additional_str + versions_str + "</div>"

    if CFG_CERN_SITE and cern_urls:
        # Put a big file icon if only one file
        if len(main_urls.keys()) == 0 and len(cern_urls) == 1 and len(others_urls) == 0 and show_icons.lower() == "yes":
            file_icon = '<img style="border:none" src="%s/img/file-icon-text-34x48.gif" alt="%s" /><br />' % (
                _("Download fulltext"),

        elif show_icons.lower() == "yes":
            file_icon = '<img style="border:none" src="%s/img/file-icon-text-12x16.gif" alt="%s"/>' % (
                _("Download fulltext"),
            file_icon = ""

        link_word = len(cern_urls) == 1 and _("%(x_sitename)s link") or _("%(x_sitename)s links")
        out += '<small class="detailedRecordActions">%s:</small><br />' % (link_word % {"x_sitename": "CERN"})
        url_list = []
        for url, descr in cern_urls:
            url_list.append("<a " + style + ' href="' + escape(url) + '">' + file_icon + escape(str(descr)) + "</a>")
        out += "<small>" + separator.join(url_list) + "</small>"
        out += "<br/>"

    if others_urls:
        # Put a big file icon if only one file
        if (
            len(main_urls.keys()) == 0
            and (not CFG_CERN_SITE or len(cern_urls) == 0)
            and len(others_urls) == 1
            and show_icons.lower() == "yes"
            file_icon = '<img style="border:none" src="%s/img/file-icon-text-34x48.gif" alt="%s" /><br />' % (
                _("Download fulltext"),
        elif show_icons.lower() == "yes":
            file_icon = '<img style="border:none" src="%s/img/file-icon-text-12x16.gif" alt="%s"/>' % (
                _("Download fulltext"),
            file_icon = ""
        external_link = len(others_urls) == 1 and _("external link") or _("external links")
        out += '<small class="detailedRecordActions">%s:</small>%s' % (external_link, separator)
        url_list = []
        for url, descr in others_urls:
            # we don't need to show the plot links here, and all are pngs.
            if url.find(".png") > -1:
            url_list.append("<a " + style + ' href="' + escape(url) + '">' + file_icon + escape(str(descr)) + "</a>")
        out += "<small>" + separator.join(url_list) + "</small>"
    if out.endswith("<br />"):
        out = out[: -len("<br />")]

    return out
def format_element(bfo,
                   separator='; ',
    This is the format for formatting fulltext links in the mini panel.
    @param separator: the separator between urls.
    @param style: CSS class of the link
    @param show_icons: if 'yes', print icons for fulltexts
    @param focus_on_main_file: if 'yes' and a doctype 'Main' is found,
    prominently display this doctype. In that case other doctypes are
    summarized with a link to the Files tab, named"Additional files".
    @param show_subformat_icons: shall we display subformats considered as icons?
    _ = gettext_set_language(bfo.lang)
    out = ''

    # Retrieve files
    (parsed_urls, old_versions, additionals) = \
                  get_files(bfo, distinguish_main_and_additional_files=focus_on_main_file.lower() == 'yes',
                            include_subformat_icons=show_subformat_icons == 'yes')

    main_urls = parsed_urls['main_urls']
    others_urls = parsed_urls['others_urls']
    if parsed_urls.has_key('cern_urls'):
        cern_urls = parsed_urls['cern_urls']

    # Prepare style
    if style != "":
        style = 'class="' + style + '"'

    # Build urls list.
    # Escape special chars for <a> tag value.

    additional_str = ''
    if additionals:
        additional_str = separator + '<small>(<a ' + style + ' href="' + CFG_SITE_URL + '/record/' + str(
            bfo.recID) + '/files/">%s</a>)</small>' % _("additional files")

    versions_str = ''
    #if old_versions:
    #versions_str = separator + '<small>(<a '+style+' href="'+CFG_SITE_URL+'/record/'+str(bfo.recID)+'/files/">%s</a>)</small>' % _("older versions")

    if main_urls:
        # Put a big file icon if only one file
        if len(main_urls.keys()) == 1 and len(main_urls.items()[0][1]) == 1 and \
               (not CFG_CERN_SITE or len(cern_urls) == 0) and len(others_urls) == 0 and \
               show_icons.lower() == 'yes':
            file_icon = '<img style="border:none" src="%s/img/file-icon-text-34x48.gif" alt="%s" /><br />' % (
                CFG_SITE_URL, _("Download fulltext"))

        elif show_icons.lower() == 'yes':
            file_icon = '<img style="border:none" src="%s/img/file-icon-text-12x16.gif" alt="%s"/>' % (
                CFG_SITE_URL, _("Download fulltext"))
            file_icon = ''

        last_name = ""
        main_urls_keys = sort_alphanumerically(main_urls.keys())
        for descr in main_urls_keys:
            urls = main_urls[descr]
            out += '<div><small class="detailedRecordActions">%s:</small> ' % descr
            url_list = []
            ## FIXME: This is so ugly!
            urls_dict = {}
            for url, name, format in urls:
                urls_dict[url] = (name, format)
            urls_dict_keys = sort_alphanumerically(urls_dict.keys())
            for url in urls_dict_keys:
                name, format = urls_dict[url]
                if not name == last_name and len(main_urls) > 1:
                    print_name = "<em>%s</em> - " % name
                    print_name = ""
                last_name = name
                url_list.append(print_name + '<a ' + style + ' href="' +
                                escape(url) + '">' + file_icon +
                                format.upper() + '</a>')
            out += separator + separator.join(url_list) + \
                   additional_str + versions_str + '</div>'

    if CFG_CERN_SITE and cern_urls:
        # Put a big file icon if only one file
        if len(main_urls.keys()) == 0 and \
               len(cern_urls) == 1 and len(others_urls) == 0 and \
               show_icons.lower() == 'yes':
            file_icon = '<img style="border:none" src="%s/img/file-icon-text-34x48.gif" alt="%s" /><br />' % (
                CFG_SITE_URL, _("Download fulltext"))

        elif show_icons.lower() == 'yes':
            file_icon = '<img style="border:none" src="%s/img/file-icon-text-12x16.gif" alt="%s"/>' % (
                CFG_SITE_URL, _("Download fulltext"))
            file_icon = ''

        link_word = len(cern_urls) == 1 and _('%(x_sitename)s link') or _(
            '%(x_sitename)s links')
        out += '<small class="detailedRecordActions">%s:</small><br />' % (
            link_word % {
                'x_sitename': 'CERN'
        url_list = []
        for url, descr in cern_urls:
            url_list.append('<a ' + style + ' href="' + escape(url) + '">' +
                            file_icon + escape(str(descr)) + '</a>')
        out += '<small>' + separator.join(url_list) + '</small>'
        out += "<br/>"

    if others_urls:
        # Put a big file icon if only one file
        if len(main_urls.keys()) == 0 and \
               (not CFG_CERN_SITE or len(cern_urls) == 0) and len(others_urls) == 1 and \
               show_icons.lower() == 'yes':
            file_icon = '<img style="border:none" src="%s/img/file-icon-text-34x48.gif" alt="%s" /><br />' % (
                CFG_SITE_URL, _("Download fulltext"))
        elif show_icons.lower() == 'yes':
            file_icon = '<img style="border:none" src="%s/img/file-icon-text-12x16.gif" alt="%s"/>' % (
                CFG_SITE_URL, _("Download fulltext"))
            file_icon = ''
        external_link = len(others_urls) == 1 and _('external link') or _(
            'external links')
        out += '<small class="detailedRecordActions">%s:</small>%s' % (
            external_link.capitalize(), separator)
        url_list = []
        for url, descr in others_urls:
            # we don't need to show the plot links here, and all are pngs.
            if url.find('.png') > -1:
            url_list.append('<a ' + style + ' href="' + escape(url) + '">' +
                            file_icon + escape(str(descr)) + '</a>')
        out += '<small>' + separator.join(url_list) + '</small>'
    if out.endswith('<br />'):
        out = out[:-len('<br />')]

    return out
def format(bfo, style, separator='; ', show_icons='no'):
    This is the format for formatting fulltext links in the mini panel.
    @param separator: the separator between urls.
    @param style: CSS class of the link
    @param show_icons: if 'yes', print icons for fulltexts
    _ = gettext_set_language(bfo.lang)
    out = ''

    # Retrieve files
    (parsed_urls, old_versions, additionals) = get_files(bfo)

    main_urls = parsed_urls['main_urls']
    others_urls = parsed_urls['others_urls']
    if parsed_urls.has_key('cern_urls'):
        cern_urls = parsed_urls['cern_urls']

    # Prepare style
    if style != "":
        style = 'class="'+style+'"'

    # Build urls list.
    # Escape special chars for <a> tag value.

    additional_str = ''
    if additionals:
        additional_str = separator + '<small>(<a '+style+' href="'+CFG_SITE_URL+'/record/'+str(bfo.recID)+'/files/">%s</a>)</small>' % _("additional files")

    versions_str = ''
    #if old_versions:
        #versions_str = separator + '<small>(<a '+style+' href="'+CFG_SITE_URL+'/record/'+str(bfo.recID)+'/files/">%s</a>)</small>' % _("older versions")

    if main_urls:
        # Put a big file icon if only one file
        if len(main_urls.keys()) == 1 and len(main_urls.items()[0][1]) == 1 and \
               (not CFG_CERN_SITE or len(cern_urls) == 0) and len(others_urls) == 0 and \
               show_icons.lower() == 'yes':
            file_icon = '<img style="border:none" src="%s/img/file-icon-text-34x48.gif" alt="%s" /><br />' % (CFG_SITE_URL, _("Download fulltext"))

        elif show_icons.lower() == 'yes':
            file_icon = '<img style="border:none" src="%s/img/file-icon-text-12x16.gif" alt="%s"/>' % (CFG_SITE_URL, _("Download fulltext"))
            file_icon = ''

        last_name = ""
        main_urls_keys = sort_alphanumerically(main_urls.keys())
        for descr in main_urls_keys:
            urls = main_urls[descr]
            out += '<div><small class="detailedRecordActions">%s:</small> ' % descr
            url_list = []
            ## FIXME: This is so ugly!
            urls_dict = {}
            for url, name, format in urls:
                urls_dict[url] = (name, format)
            urls_dict_keys = sort_alphanumerically(urls_dict.keys())
            for url in urls_dict_keys:
                name, format = urls_dict[url]
                if not name == last_name and len(main_urls) > 1:
                    print_name = "<em>%s</em> - " % name
                    print_name = ""
                last_name = name
                url_list.append(print_name + '<a '+style+' href="'+escape(url)+'">'+file_icon+format.upper()+'</a>')
            out += separator + separator.join(url_list) + \
                   additional_str + versions_str + '</div>'

    if CFG_CERN_SITE and cern_urls:
        # Put a big file icon if only one file
        if len(main_urls.keys()) == 0 and \
               len(cern_urls) == 1 and len(others_urls) == 0 and \
               show_icons.lower() == 'yes':
            file_icon = '<img style="border:none" src="%s/img/file-icon-text-34x48.gif" alt="%s" /><br />' % (CFG_SITE_URL, _("Download fulltext"))

        elif show_icons.lower() == 'yes':
            file_icon = '<img style="border:none" src="%s/img/file-icon-text-12x16.gif" alt="%s"/>' % (CFG_SITE_URL, _("Download fulltext"))
            file_icon = ''

        link_word = len(cern_urls) == 1 and _('%(x_sitename)s link') or _('%(x_sitename)s links')
        out += '<small class="detailedRecordActions">%s:</small><br />' % (link_word % {'x_sitename': 'CERN'})
        url_list = []
        for url, descr in cern_urls:
            url_list.append('<a '+style+' href="'+escape(url)+'">'+file_icon+escape(str(descr))+'</a>')
        out += '<small>' + separator.join(url_list) + '</small>'
        out += "<br/>"

    if others_urls:
        # Put a big file icon if only one file
        if len(main_urls.keys()) == 0 and \
               (not CFG_CERN_SITE or len(cern_urls) == 0) and len(others_urls) == 1 and \
               show_icons.lower() == 'yes':
            file_icon = '<img style="border:none" src="%s/img/file-icon-text-34x48.gif" alt="%s" /><br />' % (CFG_SITE_URL, _("Download fulltext"))
        elif show_icons.lower() == 'yes':
            file_icon = '<img style="border:none" src="%s/img/file-icon-text-12x16.gif" alt="%s"/>' % (CFG_SITE_URL, _("Download fulltext"))
            file_icon = ''
        external_link = len(others_urls) == 1 and _('external link') or _('external links')
        out += '<small class="detailedRecordActions">%s:</small>%s' % (external_link, separator)
        url_list = []
        for url, descr in others_urls:
            url_list.append('<a '+style+' href="'+escape(url)+'">'+file_icon+escape(str(descr))+'</a>')
        out += '<small>' + separator.join(url_list) + '</small>'
    if out.endswith('<br />'):
        out = out[:-len('<br />')]

    return out
Exemple #5
def format_element(bfo,
    This is the format for formatting fulltext links in the mini panel.
    @param separator: the separator between urls.
    @param style: CSS class of the link
    @param show_icons: if 'yes', print icons for fulltexts
    @param focus_on_main_file: if 'yes' and a doctype 'Main' is found,
    prominently display this doctype. In that case other doctypes are
    summarized with a link to the Fulltext tab, named"Additional files".
    _ = gettext_set_language(bfo.lang)
    out = ''

    # get the journal title for extracting some of the links

    journal_title = bfo.field('773%%t')

    # Retrieve files
    (parsed_urls, old_versions, additionals) = \
                  get_files(bfo, distinguish_main_and_additional_files=focus_on_main_file.lower() == 'yes')

    main_urls = parsed_urls['main_urls']
    others_urls = parsed_urls['others_urls']
    if parsed_urls.has_key('cern_urls'):
        cern_urls = parsed_urls['cern_urls']

    # Prepare style
    if style != "":
        style = 'class="' + style + '"'

    # Build urls list.
    # Escape special chars for <a> tag value.

    additional_str = ''
    if additionals:
        additional_str = separator + '<small>(<a ' + style + ' href="' + CFG_SITE_URL + '/record/' + str(
            bfo.recID) + '/files/">%s</a>)</small>' % _("additional files")

    versions_str = ''
    #if old_versions:
    #versions_str = separator + '<small>(<a '+style+' href="'+CFG_SITE_URL+'/record/'+str(bfo.recID)+'/files/">%s</a>)</small>' % _("older versions")

    if main_urls:
        # Put a big file icon if only one file
        if len(main_urls.keys()) == 1 and len(main_urls.items()[0][1]) == 1 and \
               (not CFG_CERN_SITE or len(cern_urls) == 0) and len(others_urls) == 0 and \
               show_icons.lower() == 'yes':
            file_icon = '<img style="border:none" src="%s/img/file-icon-text-12x16.gif" alt="%s" /> ' % (
                CFG_SITE_URL, _("Download fulltext"))
            pdf_icon = '<img style="border:none; height:18px;" src="%s/img/attachment-pdf.png" align="absbottom" vspace="2" alt="%s"/> ' \
            % (CFG_SITE_URL, _("Download PDF"))
            web_icon = '<img style="border:none" src="%s/img/webpage.png" align="absbottom" vspace="2" height="15" weight="15" alt="%s" /> ' \
            % (CFG_SITE_URL, _("Download Web link"))

        elif show_icons.lower() == 'yes':
            file_icon = '<img style="border:none" src="%s/img/file-icon-text-12x16.gif" alt="%s"/> ' % (
                CFG_SITE_URL, _("Download fulltext"))
            pdf_icon = '<img style="border:none; height:18px;" src="%s/img/attachment-pdf.png" align="absbottom" vspace="2" alt="%s"/> ' \
            % (CFG_SITE_URL, _("Download PDF"))
            web_icon = '<img style="border:none" src="%s/img/webpage.png" align="absbottom" vspace="2" height="15" weight="15" alt="%s" /> ' \
            % (CFG_SITE_URL, _("Download Web link"))
            file_icon = ''
            pdf_icon = ''
            web_icon = ''

        last_name = ""
        main_urls_keys = sort_alphanumerically(main_urls.keys())
        for descr in main_urls_keys:
            urls = main_urls[descr]
            out += '<div><small class="detailedRecordActions">%s:</small> ' % descr
            url_list = []
            ## FIXME: This is so ugly!
            urls_dict = {}
            for url, name, format in urls:
                urls_dict[url] = (name, format)
            urls_dict_keys = sort_alphanumerically(urls_dict.keys())
            for url in urls_dict_keys:
                name, format = urls_dict[url]
                if not name == last_name and len(main_urls) > 1:
                    print_name = "<em>%s</em> - " % name
                    print_name = ""
                last_name = name
                url_list.append(print_name + '<a ' + style + ' href="' +
                                escape(url) + '">' + file_icon +
                                format.upper() + '</a>')
            out += separator + separator.join(url_list) + \
                   additional_str + versions_str + '</div>'

    if CFG_CERN_SITE and cern_urls:
        # Put a big file icon if only one file
        if len(main_urls.keys()) == 0 and \
               len(cern_urls) == 1 and len(others_urls) == 0 and \
               show_icons.lower() == 'yes':
            file_icon = '<img style="border:none" src="%s/img/file-icon-text-34x48.gif" alt="%s" /><br />' % (
                CFG_SITE_URL, _("Download fulltext"))
            pdf_icon = '<img style="border:none; height:18px;" src="%s/img/attachment-pdf.png" align="absbottom" vspace="2" alt="%s"/> ' \
            % (CFG_SITE_URL, _("Download PDF"))
            web_icon = '<img style="border:none" src="%s/img/webpage.png" align="absbottom" vspace="2" height="15" weight="15" alt="%s" /> ' \
            % (CFG_SITE_URL, _("Download Web link"))

        elif show_icons.lower() == 'yes':
            file_icon = '<img style="border:none" src="%s/img/file-icon-text-12x16.gif" alt="%s"/>' % (
                CFG_SITE_URL, _("Download fulltext"))
            pdf_icon = '<img style="border:none; height:18px;" src="%s/img/attachment-pdf.png" align="absbottom" vspace="2" alt="%s"/> ' \
            % (CFG_SITE_URL, _("Download PDF"))
            web_icon = '<img style="border:none" src="%s/img/webpage.png" align="absbottom" vspace="2" height="15" weight="15" alt="%s" /> ' \
            % (CFG_SITE_URL, _("Download Web link"))
            file_icon = ''
            pdf_icon = ''
            web_icon = ''

        link_word = len(cern_urls) == 1 and _('%(x_sitename)s link') or _(
            '%(x_sitename)s links')
        out += '<small class="detailedRecordActions">%s:</small><br />' % (
            link_word % {
                'x_sitename': 'CERN'
        url_list = []
        for url, descr in cern_urls:
            url_list.append('<a ' + style + ' href="' + escape(url) + '">' +
                            file_icon + escape(str(descr)) + '</a>')
        out += '<small>' + separator.join(url_list) + '</small>'
        out += "<br/>"

    if others_urls:
        # Put a big file icon if only one file
        if len(main_urls.keys()) == 0 and \
               (not CFG_CERN_SITE or len(cern_urls) == 0) and len(others_urls) == 1 and \
               show_icons.lower() == 'yes':
            file_icon = '<img style="border:none" src="%s/img/file-icon-text-12x16.gif" alt="%s" /> ' % (
                CFG_SITE_URL, _("Download fulltext"))
            pdf_icon = '<img style="border:none; height:18px;" src="%s/img/attachment-pdf.png" align="absbottom" vspace="2" alt="%s"/> ' \
            % (CFG_SITE_URL, _("Download PDF"))
            web_icon = '<img style="border:none" src="%s/img/webpage.png" align="absbottom" vspace="2" height="15" weight="15" alt="%s" /> ' \
            % (CFG_SITE_URL, _("Download Web link"))
        elif show_icons.lower() == 'yes':
            file_icon = '<img style="border:none" src="%s/img/file-icon-text-12x16.gif" alt="%s"/> ' % (
                CFG_SITE_URL, _("Download fulltext"))
            pdf_icon = '<img style="border:none; height:18px;" src="%s/img/attachment-pdf.png" align="absbottom" vspace="2" alt="%s"/> ' \
            % (CFG_SITE_URL, _("Download PDF"))
            web_icon = '<img style="border:none" src="%s/img/webpage.png" vspace="2" align="absbottom" height="15" weight="15" alt="%s" /> ' \
            %  (CFG_SITE_URL, _("Download Web link"))
            file_icon = ''
            pdf_icon = ''
            web_icon = ''
        url_list = []
        non_libdoc_pdf = ''
        libdoc_pdf = ''
        for url, descr in others_urls:
            if url.find('.pdf') > -1 and url.find('libdoc') < 1:
                non_libdoc_pdf = url
            elif url.find('.pdf') > -1 and url.find(
                    'libdoc') and url.find('public') > -1:
                libdoc_pdf = url
                url_list.append(escape('File-URL: ' + libdoc_pdf + ''))
                url_list.append('File-Format: Application/pdf')
            elif journal_title != '' and (descr.find('ccess') > -1
                                          or descr.find('assword') > -1):
        if len(libdoc_pdf) > 0:
            if len(non_libdoc_pdf) != 0:
        out += separator.join(url_list)
    if out.endswith('<br />'):
        out = out[:-len('<br />')]

    return out
def format_element(bfo,
                   separator='; ',
    This is the format for formatting fulltext links in the mini panel.
    @param separator: the separator between urls.
    @param style: CSS class of the link
    @param show_icons: if 'yes', print icons for fulltexts
    @param focus_on_main_file: if 'yes' and a doctype 'Main' is found,
    prominently display this doctype. In that case other doctypes are
    summarized with a link to the Files tab, named"Additional files".
    @param show_subformat_icons: shall we display subformats considered as icons?
    _ = gettext_set_language(bfo.lang)
    out = ''

    # Retrieve files
    (parsed_urls, old_versions, additionals) = \
                  get_files(bfo, distinguish_main_and_additional_files=focus_on_main_file.lower() == 'yes',
                            include_subformat_icons=show_subformat_icons == 'yes',

    main_urls = parsed_urls['main_urls']
    others_urls = parsed_urls['others_urls']
    if parsed_urls.has_key('cern_urls'):
        cern_urls = parsed_urls['cern_urls']

    # Prepare style
    if style != "":
        style = 'class="' + style + '"'

    # Build urls list.
    # Escape special chars for <a> tag value.

    additional_str = ''
    if additionals:
        additional_str = separator + '<small>(<a ' + style + ' href="' + CFG_BASE_URL + '/' + CFG_SITE_RECORD + '/' + str(
            bfo.recID) + '/files/">%s</a>)</small>' % _("additional files")

    versions_str = ''
    #if old_versions:
    #versions_str = separator + '<small>(<a '+style+' href="'+CFG_SITE_URL+'/CFG_SITE_RECORD/'+str(bfo.recID)+'/files/">%s</a>)</small>' % _("older versions")

    if main_urls:
        # Put a big file icon if only one file
        if len(main_urls.keys()) == 1 and len(main_urls.items()[0][1]) == 1 and \
               (not CFG_CERN_SITE or len(cern_urls) == 0) and len(others_urls) == 0 and \
               show_icons.lower() == 'yes':
            file_icon = '<img style="border:none" src="%s/img/file-icon-text-34x48.gif" alt="%s" /><br />' % (
                CFG_BASE_URL, _("Download fulltext"))

        elif show_icons.lower() == 'yes':
            file_icon = '<img style="border:none" src="%s/img/file-icon-text-12x16.gif" alt="%s"/>' % (
                CFG_BASE_URL, _("Download fulltext"))
            file_icon = ''

        main_urls_keys = sort_alphanumerically(main_urls.keys())
        for descr in main_urls_keys:
            urls = main_urls[descr]
            out += '<div><small class="detailedRecordActions">%s:</small> ' % descr
            urls_dict = {}
            for url, name, url_format in urls:
                if name not in urls_dict:
                    urls_dict[name] = [(url, url_format)]
                    urls_dict[name].append((url, url_format))
            for name, urls_and_format in urls_dict.items():
                if len(urls_dict) > 1:
                    print_name = "<em>%s</em> - " % name
                    url_list = [print_name]
                    url_list = []
                for url, url_format in urls_and_format:
                    if CFG_CERN_SITE and url_format == 'ps.gz' and len(
                            urls_and_format) > 1:
                        ## We skip old PS.GZ files
                        '<a %(style)s href="%(url)s">%(file_icon)s%(url_format)s</a>'
                        % {
                            'style': style,
                            'url': get_relative_url(escape(url, True)),
                            'file_icon': file_icon,
                            'url_format': escape(url_format.upper())
                out += separator + " ".join(url_list)
            out += additional_str + versions_str + separator + "</div>"

    if CFG_CERN_SITE and cern_urls:
        # Put a big file icon if only one file
        if len(main_urls.keys()) == 0 and \
               len(cern_urls) == 1 and len(others_urls) == 0 and \
               show_icons.lower() == 'yes':
            file_icon = '<img style="border:none" src="%s/img/file-icon-text-34x48.gif" alt="%s" /><br />' % (
                CFG_BASE_URL, _("Download fulltext"))

        elif show_icons.lower() == 'yes':
            file_icon = '<img style="border:none" src="%s/img/file-icon-text-12x16.gif" alt="%s"/>' % (
                CFG_BASE_URL, _("Download fulltext"))
            file_icon = ''

        link_word = len(cern_urls) == 1 and _('%(x_sitename)s link') or _(
            '%(x_sitename)s links')
        out += '<small class="detailedRecordActions">%s:</small><br />' % (
            link_word % {
                'x_sitename': 'CERN'
        url_list = []
        for url, descr in cern_urls:
            url_list.append('<a ' + style + ' href="' + escape(url) + '">' +
                            file_icon + escape(str(descr)) + '</a>')
        out += '<small>' + separator.join(url_list) + '</small>'
        out += "<br/>"

    if others_urls:
        # Put a big file icon if only one file
        if len(main_urls.keys()) == 0 and \
               (not CFG_CERN_SITE or len(cern_urls) == 0) and len(others_urls) == 1 and \
               show_icons.lower() == 'yes':
            file_icon = '<img style="border:none" src="%s/img/file-icon-text-34x48.gif" alt="%s" /><br />' % (
                CFG_BASE_URL, _("Download fulltext"))
        elif show_icons.lower() == 'yes':
            file_icon = '<img style="border:none" src="%s/img/file-icon-text-12x16.gif" alt="%s"/>' % (
                CFG_BASE_URL, _("Download fulltext"))
            file_icon = ''
        external_link = len(others_urls) == 1 and _('external link') or _(
            'external links')
        out += '<small class="detailedRecordActions">%s:</small>%s' % (
            external_link.capitalize(), separator)
        url_list = []
        for url, descr in others_urls:
            url_list.append('<a ' + style + ' href="' + escape(url) + '">' +
                            file_icon + escape(str(descr)) + '</a>')
        out += '<small>' + separator.join(url_list) + '</small>'
    if out.endswith('<br />'):
        out = out[:-len('<br />')]

    return out