Exemple #1
 def test_kb_for_bibedit(self):
     """bibknowledge - test a bibedit-style *very* dynamic kb"""
     from invenio.bibknowledge import get_kbd_values_for_bibedit
     myvalues = get_kbd_values_for_bibedit("100__a",
     self.assertEqual(1, len(myvalues))
 def test_kb_for_bibedit(self):
     """bibknowledge - test a dynamic db"""
     myvalues = get_kbd_values_for_bibedit("100__a", "", "Ellis")
     self.assertEqual(1, len(myvalues))
 def test_kb_for_bibedit(self):
     """bibknowledge - test a dynamic db"""
     myvalues = get_kbd_values_for_bibedit("100__a", "", "Ellis")
     self.assertEqual(1, len(myvalues))
 def test_kb_for_bibedit(self):
     """bibknowledge - test a bibedit-style *very* dynamic kb"""
     myvalues = get_kbd_values_for_bibedit("100__a", searchwith="Ellis", expression="100__a:*%*")
     self.assertEqual(1, len(myvalues))
def perform_request_autocomplete(request_type, recid, uid, data):
    Perfrom an AJAX request associated with the retrieval of autocomplete

        request_type: Type of the currently served request
        recid: the identifer of the record
        uid: The identifier of the user being currently logged in
        data: The request data containing possibly important additional
    response = {}
    # get the values based on which one needs to search
    searchby = data["value"]
    # we check if the data is properly defined
    fulltag = ""
    if data.has_key("maintag") and data.has_key("subtag1") and data.has_key("subtag2") and data.has_key("subfieldcode"):
        maintag = data["maintag"]
        subtag1 = data["subtag1"]
        subtag2 = data["subtag2"]
        u_subtag1 = subtag1
        u_subtag2 = subtag2
        if (not subtag1) or (subtag1 == " "):
            u_subtag1 = "_"
        if (not subtag2) or (subtag2 == " "):
            u_subtag2 = "_"
        subfieldcode = data["subfieldcode"]
        fulltag = maintag + u_subtag1 + u_subtag2 + subfieldcode
    if request_type == "autokeyword":
        # call the keyword-form-ontology function
        if fulltag and searchby:
            items = get_kbt_items_for_bibedit(CFG_BIBEDIT_KEYWORD_TAXONOMY, CFG_BIBEDIT_KEYWORD_RDFLABEL, searchby)
            response["autokeyword"] = items
    if request_type == "autosuggest":
        # call knowledge base function to put the suggestions in an array..
        if fulltag and searchby and len(searchby) > 3:
            suggest_values = get_kbd_values_for_bibedit(fulltag, "", searchby)
            # remove ..
            new_suggest_vals = []
            for sugg in suggest_values:
                if sugg.startswith(searchby):
            response["autosuggest"] = new_suggest_vals
    if request_type == "autocomplete":
        # call the values function with the correct kb_name
        if CFG_BIBEDIT_AUTOCOMPLETE_TAGS_KBS.has_key(fulltag):
            kbname = CFG_BIBEDIT_AUTOCOMPLETE_TAGS_KBS[fulltag]
            # check if the seachby field has semicolons. Take all
            # the semicolon-separated items..
            items = []
            vals = []
            if searchby:
                if searchby.rfind(";"):
                    items = searchby.split(";")
                    items = [searchby.strip()]
            for item in items:
                item = item.strip()
                kbrvals = get_kbr_values(kbname, item, "", "e")  # we want an exact match
                if kbrvals and kbrvals[0]:  # add the found val into vals
            # check that the values are not already contained in other
            # instances of this field
            record = get_cache_file_contents(recid, uid)[2]
            xml_rec = print_rec(record)
            record, status_code, dummy_errors = create_record(xml_rec)
            existing_values = []
            if status_code != 0:
                existing_values = record_get_field_values(record, maintag, subtag1, subtag2, subfieldcode)
            # get the new values.. i.e. vals not in existing
            new_vals = vals
            for val in new_vals:
                if val in existing_values:
            response["autocomplete"] = new_vals
    response["resultCode"] = CFG_BIBEDIT_AJAX_RESULT_CODES_REV["autosuggestion_scanned"]
    return response